父亲节的英语作文 (菁华3篇)

首页 / 英语作文 / | 2022-12-03 00:00:00 英语作文,父亲节


  Today I was at the shopping mall and I spent a lot of time reading the Father’s Day cards. They all had a special message that in some way or another reflected how I feel about you. Yet as I selected and read, and selected and read again, it occurred to me that not a single card said what I really want to say to you.

  You’ll soon be 84 years old, Dad, and you and I will have had 55 Father’s Days together. I haven’t always been with you on Father’s Day nor have I been with you for all of your birthdays. It wasn’t because I didn’t want to be with you. I’ve always been with you in my heart but sometimes life gets in the way.

  You know, Dad, there was a time when we were not only separated by the generation gap but completely polarized by it. You stood on one side of the Great Divide and I on the other, father and daughter split apart by age and experience, opinions, hairstyles, cosmetics, clothing, curfews, music, and boys.

  The Father-Daughter Duel of ’54 shifted into high gear when you taught me to drive the old Dodge and I decided I would drive the ‘54 Chevy whether you liked it or not. The police officer who escorted me home after you reported the Chevy stolen late one evening was too young to understand father-daughter politics and too old to have much tolerance for a snotty 16 year old. You were so decent about it, Dad, and I think that was probably what made it the worst night of my life.


  The first fathers day was in June, 5th, 1910, United Stated. In 1909, a lady called Bruce Dodd put forward that people should establish father’s day. At that time, people only celebrated the mothers day, but nobody celebrate fathers day yet. Lady Dodd had lost her mother when she was very young, her father raised her grew up. Lady Dodd was so thankful for what her father had done for her that she wrote a letter to the government. In the letter, she appeals to establish the fathers day. The government accepted her suggestion and decided that the third Sunday of June is the national father’s day. In 1972, the president Nixon had passed the law and agreed that the father’s day is on June the third Sunday. From this year, the world started to celebrate father’s day.

  On this special day, the children usually dedicate flowers to their fathers. The red roses to those who still alive, while the white ones to the fallings. Fathers always are considered being the central of the whole family. Without father in the family, home may feel insecure. The father always fights for the family and support the family. On this day, we can do something for our fathers. For instance, we can make a breakfast for them, or buy them a nice tie. We should spend more time with our father, show our love to them.

  The father’s day is coming, take this chance, and tell our fathers that we love him. Happy father’s day!



  The worlds first fathers day, was born in 1910 in USA, is advocated by Bruce in Spokane in America Washington, Mrs. Dodd, Mrs. Dodds mother gave birth to sixth children, died in childbirth.


  Mrs Dodds father Mr. William Smart participated in the civil war, he was after his wife died, alone on a rural farm in eastern Washington state, take on the responsibility of raising six children, education.


  Mrs. Dodd ranked second child at home, is also the only girl in the family. The female character carefully, let her be able to understand his fathers hard work, Mr Smarts hard work during the day, at home to take care of the household and the life of every child. After decades of hard work, the children finally grown up, when the children are looking forward to allow Mr Smart to enjoy the old age comes, Mr. Smart was due to years of overwork died in 1909.


  MR smart died 1909 years, when Mrs. Dodd attended the churchs mothers Day Thanksgiving week, she particularly miss father. Mrs Dodd knew, her father to pay in the parenting process for love and hardships, is not less than that of a mother. Mrs. Dodd will tell her to the Church of the rasmus, hoping that there will be a special day, to commemorate the world great father.


  This idea has been praised her pastor, and got the support of various church organizations. Mrs. Dodd immediately wrote a letter to the mayor and the state government to express their ideas, and proposed to her fathers birthday, June 5th of each year as the fathers day, the mayor and the governor of the state of Washington Spokane said publicly in favor of. The government accepted the proposal at the same time, the change in the third Sunday of June.


  In June 19, 1910 Mrs Dodd of Spokane Washington, held the worlds first fathers Day celebration, at the same time, people in other cities and towns across the United States began to celebrate fathers day".

父亲节的英语作文 (菁华3篇)扩展阅读

父亲节的英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展1)



  Dear Dad,

  Today I was at the shopping mall and I spent a lot of time reading the Father’s Day cards. They all had a special message that in some way or another reflected how I feel about you. Yet as I selected and read, and selected and read again, it occurred to me that not a single card said what I really want to say to you.

  You’ll soon be 84 years old, Dad, and you and I will have had 55 Father’s Days together. I haven’t always been with you on Father’s Day nor have I been with you for all of your birthdays. It wasn’t because I didn’t want to be with you. I’ve always been with you in my heart but sometimes life gets in the way.

  You know, Dad, there was a time when we were not only separated by the generation gap but completely polarized by it. You stood on one side of the Great Divide and I on the other, father and daughter split apart by age and experience, opinions, hairstyles, cosmetics, clothing, curfews, music, and boys.

  The Father-Daughter Duel of ’54 shifted into high gear when you taught me to drive the old Dodge and I decided I would drive the ‘54 Chevy whether you liked it or not. The police officer who escorted me home after you reported the Chevy stolen late one evening was too young to understand father-daughter politics and too old to have much tolerance for a snotty 16 year old. You were so decent about it, Dad, and I think that was probably what made it the worst night of my life.

  Our relationship improved immensely when I married a man you liked, and things really turned around when we begin making babies right and left. We didn’t have a television set, you know, and we had to entertain ourselves somehow. I didn’t know what to expect of you and Mom as grandparents but I didn’t have to wait long to find out. Those babies adored you then just as they adore you now. When I see you with all your grandchildren, I know you’ve given them the finest gift a grandparent can give. You’ve given them yourself.

  Somewhere along the line, the generation gap evaporated. Age separates us now and little else. We agree on most everything, perhaps because we’ve learned there isn’t much worth disagreeing about. However, I would like to mention that fly fishing isn’t all you’ve cracked it up to be, Dad. You can say what you want about wrist action and stance and blah, blah, blah...

  I’ve been happily drifting for a lot of years, Dad, and I didn’t see you getting older.

  I suppose I saw us and our relationship as aging together, rather like a fine wine. Numbers never seemed important. But the oddest thing happened last week. I was at a stop sign and I watched as you turned the corner in your car. It didn’t immediately occur to me that it was you because the man driving looked so elderly and fragile behind the wheel of that huge car. It was rather like a slap in the face delivered from out of nowhere. Perhaps I saw your age for the first time that day. Or maybe I saw my own.

  Fifty years ago this spring we planted kohlrabi together in a garden in Charles City, Iowa.

  I didn’t know then that I would remember that day for the rest of my life. This week, we’ll plant kohlrabi together again, perhaps for the last time but I hope not. I don’t understand why planting kohlrabi with you is so important to me but it is. And the funny thing about it is, well, I don’t know quite how to tell you this, Dad...I don’t even like kohlrabi...but I like planting it with you.

  I guess what I’m trying to say, Dad, is what every son and daughter wants to say to their Dad today. Honoring a Father on Father’s Day is about more than a Dad who brings home a paycheck, shares a dinner table, and attends school functions, graduations, and weddings. It isn’t even so much about kohlrabi, ’54 Chevrolets, and fly-fishing. It’s more about unconditionally loving children who are snotty and stubborn, who know everything and won’t listen to anyone. It’s about respect and sharing and acceptance and tolerance and giving and taking. It’s about loving someone more than words can say,and it’s wishing that it never had to end.

  I love you, Dad.



  Fathers day? Today. Everyone must ask me, how can I celebrate the festival without my father? Please keep looking down!


  Today is fathers day. My mother and I agreed early that we would go to my grandmas house for fathers day. So the first thing I wake up in the morning is to be busy with my homework so that I can have more time to play for a while. Because yesterday I wrote Chinese and math, today I just need to finish writing English.


  Soon, the homework was finished. We hurried to buy some fruit in the basement and went straight to grandmas house. Its really hot today. After a while, Ill be sweating.


  When I came to grandmas house, my little brother greeted me with a smile. "I miss you, I miss you!" we also gave us a warm hug. As soon as I turned around, when I saw my little brother, I launched an attack on the com*r with him. I didnt find a big miracle at all. I was totally immersed in the game.


  When I was eating, I suddenly found that there was no father at the table on fathers day. Besides the mother, we are the three future fathers. Aha! Todays fathers Day is really different. A father is not at home. Whats fathers day? We eat, drink and play, but the fathers who support the family are still busy for their livelihood.


  Later, I learned that my grandfather had gone far to talk about business; my father couldnt come back temporarily; my uncle and my uncle were busy with their work. Its said that fathers love is like a mountain. Fathers love is great. I really appreciate it today. Fathers are really hard! They are really great!


  At this moment, I think of the scene of playing games with my father; I think of the funny appearance of fighting with my father; I think of too many pictures with my father. However, today is Dads festival, but dad is not at home. Cant you say its another fathers day?


  Here, I sincerely wish all the fathers: happy holidays! Always smile!


  There are so many people talking about how much their mother love them, whereas seldom people realize how much love their father give them.

  In fact, fathers love is as strong as mothers, but normally, fathers are not very good of expressing their feelings. Fathers love is deep and silent, thats why most people think their father love them less.

  If you carefully go through your childhood memory, you will notice your father is always there when you need them, though they never said it out loud how much they love you, fathers like a shelter when the storm coming, fathers like a door when there is danger outside, father is someone no matter how you treat him, he will choose to bear all the pressure and let you free. So please cheer for the love of father!

父亲节的英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展2)

——父亲节英语祝福语 (菁华3篇)



  Dad,it's you who make me have a broader sky,and it's you who make me see higher and farther. Happy holidays!


  Dad,you are always the best in my heart. Happy holidays!


  Dad,you are the pillar of our house,your happiness is the happiness of the family. The father's day,in this important holiday,about a wisp of breeze for god to bless my father health,happiness,happiness forever!


  Out of the town,only to find that a father in the side is so warm;Tasted delicacies,but feel you cook the food the most fragrant;Father,you are in my heart is very important;Congratulations,I wish you a happy father's day!


  I will never forget,that kind of hands,how warm;I will never forget,that the tall figure,how strong,The joy of the time are you going to use for my easy,dad!Happy father's day!


  If a leaf represent happy I send you a forest;If a drop of water represents a blessing,I send you a in the east China sea;If a meteor represents a happiness,I send you a Milky Way,I wish happy father's day!


  Eagle,you should fight the sky,fish will swim to the sea,time passed rings,create their own heaven and earth,while the phase from meet,father's love in heart,father's day to send wish,wish you happy forever.


  Dad,this is our most precious tacit understanding and memory!


  Father's love is light,illuminating the way forward.

  10.爸爸,您是我心中的骄傲,我愿意生生世世做您的女儿,祝您父亲节快乐!Dad,you are the pride of my heart. I would like to be your daughter all my life. Happy Father's Day to you!

  11.您为了家庭和儿女付出太多,无论如何我也难以报答您的深恩。You have paid so much for your family and children that I can't repay you for your kindness in any case.


  Father's love is like the moon,lighting the way forward for us at night.


  Thank you,Dad,for your hard work in nurturing me.


  Pleasure is a blessing,le qi all the mind such as!Orz poetry hidden meaning,but hide feelings. On father's day,is an old saying goes:thank you father,I wish you happiness!


  When you see this message,my heart is praying for you and pray for your heart is full of happiness,prayer angel by your side,always pray for your future carefree,happy father's day.


  Your figure is not large,but you are my mountain,give me rely on;Your mind is not wide,but you are my wings,take me fly. Thank you,my dear father,happy father's day!


  Father love,such as day,keep out wind and rain to us;Father love,such as,to pour out our hope;The father loves the mountain,solid to rely on to us. Today is father's day,wish all the father healthy and happy forever!


  Discourse is not much,blessing not less;The greeting is not much,care often along;Dad asked few,now has children wish. Father's day,wish all the children don't forget to bless daddy.


  A mother's love deep as the sea,the father loves the mountain again.,my moth-er long hair pulling. Their parents three chunhui,according to warm my life. The road is the drinking water source,often missing. Father's day,but let dad koan.


  Otimista son filial piety parent. Dad,I will be filial piety you,festival happiness!


  Dad,I will give you find you like to listen to the song,I wish dad happy!


  You are an eagle,I am a bird;You are a big tree,I am the grass;You are my dad,I'm your the naughty children,today specially sent text messages to your holidays!I wish you a happy holiday!


  You are industrious hands seeder,reap the fruits of the life;Bright eyes is the camera,witness colorful colorful world;Father's day,wish all the father health peace,happiness!


  When your arm has lift I grown up in the body,when I was no longer the bounced around you little Eva,but you still is my willing to rely on the mountain,never collapsed,dad,I wish you a happy holiday!


  My blessing is like a mountain spring,wash your face to dust and ashes;My blessing,like palm leaf fan,fan to you profuse sweat;My blessing,like green bean soup,good summer to bring you cool and refreshing!I wish my father a happy holiday!


  Your footsteps,guide me direction;Strong,you give me the power of life;Your hope,I brave go before;To the father's day,call you know dad,you hard!I won't let you down.


  His father is a sacred title,he means responsibility;A father is a kind of serious emotional,he is shouldering the promise. Father's day is approaching,and everything has just become father or soon to be father's friend'.


  From your eyes see the encouragement and hope;Heard from your mouth teachings and counsel;Feel the help and support from your hands,feel the love and blessings from your heart. Dear dad,happy father's day!


  Have you in the home,be safe and comfortable;Mother with you,becomes happiness beautiful;The child within you so much good. Father,father's day is coming,send you my blessing,wish your festival happiness,health forever!


  To the father's day,wish father:don't too tired,the body is important;Don't sad,the mood is important,don't be sad,happy is important,only father health,is the children's blessing,I wish father,healthy body,happy every day.


  Dad,you are in my heart most great!


  Dad,you in my heart forever is the best.


  My dearest father,I love you,Happy Father's Day!


  Father's love is like summer rain,silk gives you and me cool.


  Enjoy the most beautiful sunshine. May father be healthy and healthy.


  Father's love is great and hard to repay.


  Father's Day,say love you,like you love me!


  Bones and flesh are joined,blood is thicker than water!Dad,I love you!


  It's you,give me a home,let me not fear the storm.


  Father begets me,mother bows me,caresses me,livestock me,grows me,raises me,cares for me,restores me.


  Dad,you in my heart forever is the best. A happy holiday!

  42.May all your wishes come true.



  Father's love is like the autumn sun,warm steadfast and not dazzling.


  Daughter of father's gratitude is beyond words,thank you,dad!


  For you the infinite gratitude and warmest wishes,happy father's day!


  Dear dad,happy father's day,wish you happiness,happy year after year.


  Dad,you let me have a broader the sky,you let me see higher and further.


  Is your guide me out of the first step,help me to find the way to future,thank you,dad!


  Maintain castle peak does not relax,father,if you,if you are brave,I dee* love you.


  Dad,is you let me have a broader the sky,is you let me see higher and further.


  Dad,would you please remember me. Take good care of yourself for me,I wish you a happy holiday!


  Your pay,your hope,only for our growth. Thank you,dad.


  Dad,in the heart forever is the most type,the best father,I wish you a happy father's day!


  Providence flow zina,heavy yat sen villa in the world. I wish dad festival happiness,good health forever!


  Father serious face and his sincere love it always with me,inspire me.


  Dad,you will always be in my heart the most type,the best father,I wish you a happy father's day!


  Dad,you let me have a wider air,not you let me see more and more close.


  Your pay,your hope,only for my growth. Thank you,dad,happy father's day!


  Work you rest yourself,let their children to the best of filial piety,fills back for you,I will let you!


  Although you don't show,but I know that you have been concerned about me. Thank you,dad!


  1、 words can't tell how much you mean to us.we wish you happiness on this special day.我们无法用言语描述您对我们是多么重要,在这特别的一天,我们祝您父亲节快乐!

  2、 Father's love is an umbrella, which is always supported in rainy days.父爱是一把大伞,总在有雨的天里撑着。

  3、I didn't realize that being a father would be so difficult. it makes me appreci ate you all the more.我不知道做一个父亲竟然会这样不容易。这使我更加感激您。

  4、 Father's love is like a book, plain on the surface, but full of knowledge.父亲的爱像一本书,表面*淡无奇,书里却充满知识。

  5、 It doesn't matter who my father was; it * who i remember he was.爸爸是什么样的人并不重要,重要的是我心目的爸爸是什么样的人。

  6、 Daughter's gratitude to father is beyond words. Thank you, Dad!女儿对父亲的感激是无法言语的,谢谢你,爸爸!

  7、 After four seasons, I will never forget my father's love. Happy Father's Day, Dad!走过四季,难忘父亲的爱。爸爸,父亲节快乐!

  8、 Over the years we have had our differences, but i always love you.这些年来,虽然我们常有意见不合的地方,但我一直敬爱着您。

  9、 On this special day, i want to say i'm proud of you,appreciate all you've done for me and i love you.在这特别的一天,我想说我为您感到骄傲,爸爸,谢谢您为我做的一切,我爱你。

  10、 Dad, you are always the best in my heart. Happy holidays!爸爸,你在我心中永远是最好的。节日快乐

  11、 Now that i am a father, i can see what a good job you did in raising us.现在我已身为人父。我才知道,您在养育我们时,做得多么好。

  12、 I didn't see what a good father you were to us before, but i do now.我以前不知道您是一个多么好的父亲,但是现在我知道了。

  13、 You are the "sun" in the sky, giving us the warmest hope in life.您是天空中的“太阳”,在生命中给我们最温暖的希望。

  14、 May Dad be healthy, happy and happy forever, and I love you forever!愿爸爸永远健康,永远开心,永远幸福,我永远爱您!

  15、 Father sweat body, hard heart, always say not tired.父亲汗水流身上,辛劳藏心里,总说不累。


  dad, you let me have a wider sky, let me see you higher and farther.


  father, there are always many ways i stay happy, the father is always most concerned about one of my father i love you! i wish his father happy!


  over the years we have had our differences, but i always love you. (非常现实的祝福)


  thanks for holding my hand when i needed it.


  i owe all of my skills of fatherhood to you dad. happy fathers day.


  i didnt realize that being a father would be so difficult. it makes me apprectiate you all the more.


  now that i am a father, i can see what a food job you did in raising us.


  i didnt see what a good father you were to us before, but i do now.


  your experience and guidance have always been appreciated.


  happy fathers day to an extraordinary father!i love you so much!


  youve been father, friend, adviser, all of these and more。


  your pay, your hope, only for our growth. thank you, dad.


  i made a present for you. i hope you like it。


  i hope you know how proud i am of you, father.happy fathers day! happiness always!


  words cant tell how much you mean to us.we wish you happiness on this special day。


  on this special day, i want to say im proud of you,appreciate all youve done for me and i love you。


  your eyes show sternness,but more kindness and care.thank you for making me feel important。


  dad, you will always be in my heart the most type, the best father, i wish you a happy fathers day! !


父亲节的英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展3)


  Father's Day Yesterday was Father's Day. I had planned to give my father a present. But I didn't remember it until in the morning.It was too late to post a card to him. So I decided to buy something. When I was in the department store. I found it was not easy for me to choose something right for him. Suddenly I got an idea. I ran home and opened my computer. I made a beautiful card and mailed him through the Internet. then I began to make supper. When father came home, he was very glad to find a big meal on the table. then I asked him to check his e-mail. He was amazed to find a beautiful card in his e-mail-box.

  What a wonderful surprise!


  When I was 7 years old, I came to this city with my father. It was cold in winter in this city! My father and I are tightly wrapped in old coats. There are few pedestrians in the street. We are like walking through a cold grave. Its very quiet.

  终于到了,农民工子弟学校。父亲是全国两亿多农民工的一名,而我和我的同学们就有了一个共同的名字——农民工子女。其实,我一点也不懂得 “农民工”这三个字的含义,我只知道在秋末收完稻谷后,我便跟随父亲来到大城市,家乡的小伙伴们得知这件事,好至羡慕!我也很得意,仿佛看到大城市一派繁华,生机勃勃的春天的景象。

  Finally arrived, migrant workers childrens school. My father is one of more than 200 million migrant workers in China, and my classmates and I have a common name - migrant workers children. In fact, I dont know the meaning of the three words "migrant workers". I only know that after the rice harvest at the end of autumn, I will follow my father to the big city. The little friends in my hometown are so envious to learn this! I am also very proud, as if to see a big city a prosperous, vibrant scene of spring.


  Because I couldnt afford a bicycle for a while, my father would walk for several kilometers to pick me up, and then take a bus home with me. Its the rush hour of work. Dad and I managed to get on the bus. Im very excited. This is my first time to take the bus in the city. A moment later, I found a strange phenomenon: people looked back at our father and son from time to time, and a fashionable lady next to me still tightly covered her purse with her hand. When we passed the crowd, they all avoided it as if they were afraid of the plague. Even though Im only seven years old, I get it all. I looked out of the car. The branches outside were all dry. There were only bare tree trunks left. The pedestrians all stepped up to go home early. However, at this time, I feel that the inside of the car is colder than the outside, which makes me shiver. I really want to find a crack to drill down. I dare not see my father, afraid to read the sad answer from his eyes.


  I dont understand. My father lives in a poor little house and eats the worst food. However, he has built a prosperous city. He uses his tears to build tall buildings. But why do I have to endure the scornful eyes of the city people? Their thundering eyes make me feel as if I am in the ice and snow. They accept the cold wind mercilessly in my face and draw a wound, leaving it bleeding.


  I want to go home. Although the winter at home is colder than this, I can have a snowball fight with my friends and make a snowman. My heart is warm and I dont feel cold at all. But here, I cant forget that fashionable ladys fear of being stolen eyes, I cant stand people calling my father "Stinky worker" contemptuously.


  But when I was going to tell my father about going home, things suddenly changed. The leaders in the city brought a lot of living utensils and stationery to visit us. There is such an uncle kindly holding my hand and saying: "children, we should study hard. There are many people in the society who care about you." In an instant, my heart flows through a warm current, which is the first time since this season.


  Looking at these gifts from caring people in the society, I suddenly feel that there are many good people caring for the poor.


  Remember a famous poet once said: when winter goes, can spring be far behind? With the help of so many kind-hearted people, I believe that the spring of this city will be warmer and more beautiful. I am more proud that my father is a migrant worker.

  Dear Dad,

  Today is father's day,for so many years I've been seekig a way to express my heartfelt thanks for all you have done for me. Here es it!

  Thank you for always being there sharing my life when I need you most. Whenever I encounter difficulties,I never feel alone and vulnerable,because you will keep me on the right path. I'm blessed to have you.

  Thank you for offering me education and teaching me how to be a man. You always inspire me not by words,but by what you have done! Your efforts in the work,your loyalty to your friends,your responsibility for the family and your persistence in the life have already set me good examples in my own life.

  Thank you for always appreciating my work,no matter how tiny it is! You have made me realize that it's capacity not scores that really counts.

  Dad,I love you and I will love you forever!

  Yours beloved,

  Li Ming

  Father's Day is on the third Sunday of June. Everyone will express their love to fathers. In Chinese tradition, the role of father is always described as a quiet man. Though he doesn't talk much, the way he shows his love can be seen all the time. Father deserves the applause as mother.

  Most people's impression about a father comes from a classic article they learned in primary school. The article described a traditional father sent his son to school at the station. When the boy saw his father's back, he felt so touched. The essay has been read by generations and they know a father's way to show love.

  Unlike the western countries, where people show love by kiss and hug, the children are educated to show their love openly, Chinese way to show love are much invisible. Many people feel hard to speak out the word love. For the young parents, they start to make some change. They express their emotion bravely. Love needs to be spoken out. We should let our parents to know we love them every day.

  There are so many people talking about how much their mother love them, whereas seldom people realize how much love their father give them.

  In fact, father's love is as strong as mother's, but normally, fathers are not very good of expressing their feelings. Father's love is deep and silent, that's why most people think their father love them less.

  If you carefully go through your childhood memory, you will notice your father is always there when you need them, though they never said it out loud how much they love you, father's like a shelter when the storm coming, father's like a door when there is danger outside, father is someone no matter how you treat him, he will choose to bear all the pressure and let you free. So please cheer for the love of father!

  My dear father,Today is Father Day,I want to say to you:"I love you!"Because you gave me life and love me.You have to in order to our home to workhard every day.I also want to say to you:"I'm sorry!"because I often make youfeel angry.I know I shouldn't do it.I promise I won't in the future.Do youremember you teach me play basketball?I want to play basketball with you.Who iswinner?I think you can and I compare.

  Finally,I hope you have a happy FatherDay.I love you forever.


  This years fathers day, I bought two bottles of dry red wine for my father. In fact, my love for my father, nothing to say, is all in the wine! Love is a silent language, I cant say it, and I dont want to say it. In fact, we all know that its the great love of our parents that makes us grow up happily!

  My dear father,Today is Father Day,I want to say to you:"I love you!"Because you gave me life and love me.You have to in order to our home to workhard every day.I also want to say to you:"I'm sorry!"because I often make youfeel angry.I know I shouldn't do it.I promise I won't in the future.Do youremember you teach me play basketball?I want to play basketball with you.Who iswinner?I think you can and I compare.Finally,I hope you have a happy FatherDay.I love you forever.


  My dear father,Today is Father Day,I want to say to you:"I love you !"Because you gave me life and love me.You have to in order to our home to work hard every day.I also want to say to you:"I'm sorry!"because I often make you feel angry.I know I shouldn't do it.I promise I won't in the future.Do you remember you teach me play basketball?I want to play basketball with you.Who is winner?I think you can and I compare.Finally,I hope you have a happy Father Day.I love you forever.

  Today is father’s day,for so many years I’ve been a way to express my heartfelt thanks for all you have done for me.

  Thank you for always being there sharing my life when I need you most. Whenever I encounter difficulties,I never feel alone and vulnerable,because you will keep me on the right path. I’m blessed to have you.

  Thank you for offering me education and teaching me how to be a man. You always inspire me not by words,but by what you have done!Your efforts in the work,your loyalty to your friends,your responsibility for the family and your persistence in the life have already set me good examples in my own life.

  Thank you for always appreciating my work,no matter how tiny it is!You have made me realize that it’s capacity not scores that really counts.

  Dad,I love you and I will love you forever!






  Yesterday was father"s day. i had planned to give my father a present. buti didn"t remember it until in the morning.it was too late to post a card to him.so i decided to buy something. when i was in the department store. i found itwas not easy for me to choose something right for him.

  suddenly i got an idea. i ran home and opened my computer. i made abeautiful card and mailed him through the internet. then i began to make supper.when father came home, he was very glad to find a big meal on the table. then iasked him to check his e-mail. he was amazed to find a beautiful card in hise-mail-box.

  what a wonderful surprise!




  Last Sunday, I went to an English-study report. A little girl and her father sat behind me. They were discussing the meaning of an English word shown on the screen. On hearing their conversation, I recalled my happy childhood with my father.

  As a small child, I was blessed with the dear father who is profound and patient. He often taught me some English words at the time, which made me become interested in English. Consequently when I went to primary school, English became my favorite subject. Moreover I still remember that everyday dad recorded a TV programme we both liked very much on video for me, and then we watched it together at lunchtime. It was an interesting programme, which told historical legend.Also in summer vacation, dad took me into the library of the university where we lived frequently, in which I've read almost all the ancient Chinese myths. And dad worked on extensive academic books at the same time. During term time, mother and I sometimes accompanied dad in his office till a late hour. From then on I understood that dad worked with great effort. There're still too many precious memories for me to list here, which I'll cherish in my heart.

  However, when I became a teenager, I got capricious. I feel regretful and apologetic about all the things I did that made dad felt unpleasant.

  Times flies and I'm twenty now. As I'm growing older, I realize that the most outstanding person is right by my side—my dad. And I become different myself. I'm now a grown-up who knows one should be independent. I have my own goal in life. Therefore I'll exert myself so as to become versatile. Dad is aging gradually. Unfortunately, he is suffering from heart attack every now and then and he toils away over his work. I hope that he may get support from me just like what I did from him before. In my belief, every period of one's life has its splendor, so does old age. Thus, as I have diverse opportunities after graduate, dad also has a colorful future. As far as I concerned, dad has a brilliant mind and will succeed in everything he wants to. What's more, he has such an excellent daughter—at least will be excellent in future—who will advocate him permanently.

  Therefore, dad, forget all about the illnesses and unhappiness, since there are so many nice things waiting for you to enjoy. And the first is the Father's Day.


  Fathers Day is coming again.


  Fathers day, what a memorable day! Since I came to the world, my father took my little hand, with the great and ordinary fathers love, took me through more than ten years, during which there was happiness, happiness, bitterness and tiredness. I will not forget how my father praised me when I faced success, and told me that "there are people outside, there are days outside." I will not forget how my father encouraged me and comforted me when I faced setbacks. For thousands of days and nights, my smile comforted him, my troubles worried him, my haste worried him, my business became his business, he always cared about me. I know that I will always be his child in the eyes of my father. He will always give me more care and love. He is like a guardian angel who will always protect me.


  Time flies, ten years old, ten years old. Although Im not very good, Im still obedient, which makes my father love me more and love his daughter.


  This years fathers day, in the face of a heartfelt greeting card, what will father do? I dont know, but I know that I can pray for my father and bless him. Although my father is no longer young and handsome, he is my pride! He used ordinary fathers love to support a blue sky of love for me!


  Standing in front of the window, a gentle wind swept my face, and I made a wish to it: I wish my father a safe life and the return of my children!

  You know, Dad, there was a time when we were not only separated by the generation gap but completely polarized by it. You stood on one side of the Great Divide and I on the other, father and daughter split apart by age and experience, opinions, hairstyles, cosmetics, clothing, curfews, music, and boys.

  The Father-Daughter Duel of ’54 shifted into high gear when you taught me to drive the old Dodge and I decided I would drive the ‘54 Chevy whether you liked it or not. The police officer who escorted me home after you reported the Chevy stolen late one evening was too young to understand father-daughter politics and too old to have much tolerance for a snotty 16 year old. You were so decent about it, Dad, and I think that was probably what made it the worst night of my life.

  Our relationship improved immensely when I married a man you liked, and things really turned around when we begin making babies right and left. We didn’t have a television set, you know, and we had to entertain ourselves somehow. I didn’t know what to expect of you and Mom as grandparents but I didn’t have to wait long to find out. Those babies adored you then just as they adore you now. When I see you with all your grandchildren, I know you’ve given them the finest gift a grandparent can give. You’ve given them yourself.




  Today is fathers day, thinking of what my father had always so hard, I decided to send a gift for dad, but I dont know what is good, all of a sudden, I think of mom and dad so good, there must be some good advice.

  So I went to talk to my mother about how to make my father happy. But my mother and I discussed it for a while, and we didnt figure it out. Then I came up with a good idea. I immediately said to mother: "fathers beard, and often grow. And he is busy, so I want to buy a razor to dad. Let him can shave beard. Whenever you have a mom, what do you say?" "Well, what a good thing you think of a child! I didnt hear how happy I was.

  So my mother and I went to a store. What a lot of things in that store! But I thought I was here to buy a razor. So I went straight to the counter where the razor was displayed. I picked it for a while and saw a silver-white razor that was both nice and practical and inexpensive. So I took out the money I had accumulated, and gave it to my boss, and took the silver-white razor and went away with my mother. Walking out of the shop, my mother said to me, "its not so good to send your father. "Well, I dont have enough money." "It doesnt matter. I have money here." So I went to blue house with my mother -- a shop that sells CARDS and presents. Entering the shop, I immediately started to pick. Ive chosen a lovely little card. My mother said I had a good eye.

  When I got home, I immediately wrote my greeting to my father on the card. Then I put it alongside the razor and waited patiently.

  When my father came home from work, I immediately welcomed the gifts and CARDS to my father. The father saw the special gift and looked at it eagerly. By the time he saw the gift, his mouth was open to "O".

  Then my father was very happy to pick me up, and my mother was very happy to see us. In the evening, my mother made a big dinner, and my family enjoyed their fathers day very much. It was an unforgettable fathers day.







Dear Dad,

  Today is fathers day, for so many years Ive been seekig a way to express my heartfelt thanks for all you have done for me. Here comes it!

  Thank you for always being there sharing my life when I need you most. Whenever I encounter difficulties, I never feel alone and vulnerable, because you will keep me on the right path. Im blessed to have you.

  Thank you for offering me education and teaching me how to be a man. You always inspire me not by words, but by what you have done! Your efforts in the work, your loyalty to your friends, your responsibility for the family and your persistence in the life have already set me good examples in my own life.

父亲节的英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展4)


  Everyone will think their parents is the world's best parents, every children also did all he can to return their parents. My father is not greater than other father, he is just a very ordinary father, but he is in this world I love the most respected people. Childhood life is bitter, that s maybe life is not bitter people rarely.

  When the parents are very young, but because the father is the firstborn, home life burden should be bear by him and his mother, mother-in-law was also is very severe.

  There are too many times in the memory of childhood see sorrow for the mother is grandma blame a lot of time, we these children only accompany mother cry, his father as a son, he could not do, also have no way to theory, and his mother a lot of times, as this way by us.

  Last Sunday, I went to an English-study report. A little girl and her father sat behind me. They were discussing the meaning of an English word shown on the screen. On hearing their conversation, I recalled my happy childhood with my father.

  As a small child, I was blessed with the dear father who is profound and patient. He often taught me some English words at the time, which made me become interested in English. Consequently when I went to primary school, English became my favorite subject. Moreover I still remember that everyday dad recorded a TV programme we both liked very much on video for me, and then we watched it together at lunchtime. It was an interesting programme, which told historical legend.Also in summer vacation, dad took me into the library of the university where we lived frequently, in which I’ve read almost all the ancient Chinese myths. And dad worked on extensive academic books at the same time. During term time, mother and I sometimes accompanied dad in his office till a late hour. From then on I understood that dad worked with great effort. There’re still too many precious memories for me to list here, which I’ll cherish in my heart.

  However, when I became a teenager, I got capricious. I feel regretful and apologetic about all the things I did that made dad felt unpleasant.

  Times flies and I’m twenty now. As I’m growing older, I realize that the most outstanding person is right by my side—my dad. And I become different myself. I‘m now a grown-up who knows one should be independent. I have my own goal in life. Therefore I’ll exert myself so as to become versatile. Dad is aging gradually. Unfortunately, he is suffering from heart attack every now and then and he toils away over his work. I hope that he may get support from me just like what I did from him before. In my belief, every period of one’s life has its splendor, so does old age. Thus, as I have diverse opportunities after graduate, dad also has a colorful future. As far as I concerned, dad has a brilliant mind and will succeed in everything he wants to. What’s more, he has such an excellent daughter—at least will be excellent in future—who will advocate him permanently.

  Therefore, dad, forget all about the illnesses and unhappiness, since there are so many nice things waiting for you to enjoy. And the first is the Father’s Day.

  I think my father is a kind man, he love help people, and always forget to do something for himself. He has a good sence of humor, yes, I like that. That always make us happy.

  I think he is a friend of mine. Because he always talk with me. I often feel I am not his daughter but his friend.

  I think that my father is a good father and also a good worker. He works very hard. So he can't play with me or my mum for long time. He think work will make him happy because work has many funny. So he always teaches me: don't think work is a hard thing.

  My father has many hobby. For example, he like reading, and he also like play computer game. He use his hobby to realx. He can feel very happy if he work, and also play.

  He is a good man, isn't he?

  My father is a nice man. He likes to play computer games. He is an owner of a factory which produces many things .He is good at designing. He works very hard. I love him very much because, sometimes, I can help him to do something in his factory .He is always on business trips because he has his business everywhere so it takes up too much of his time . Therefore, he doesn’t have any time to play with me but I don’t blame him for that. I often spend a lot of my time on the computer, so I have something to do. My mother is usually on the phone and tells my father to get home early but my father doesn’t listen to her. So my mother and I sometimes are upset and I don’t like my father in a sense that he always gets home late.

  I love my father but not his job!

  Today is father's day "! I wish dad: happy holidays!

  I give dad did a big head,weekend home,dad has just entered,I gave my father,my father was very happy! And kissed me: "thank you for your good son!"

  When I was a child,my father know I like cars,often with I take a bus,watch the street run all kinds of cars,tell me their names,which is the production. Also with her mother to take me to visit motor show. Let me grow a lot of car knowledge!

  Father help me in foreign language learning and TV,especially strict with me. Dad is not on a business trip,I e back every week,to review a few times a week of learning foreign language. Dad wanted me to read,listen to my pronunciation right,remember words is not solid,exercise at ordinary times I use a foreign language to talk with my father.

  Dad taught me to learn when the TV is always patiently to my topic methods and tips,give me the homework,and then corrects dad more seriously.

  Normally,I do the wrong things,mom and dad,give me a reason. I'm learning to get good grades,awards,father and mother encouraged me to continue to work hard!

  Father like collecting stamps and reading,but also often and I play chess,take me to visit the museum,let me open horizon.

  Dad and I are good friends! I love my dad!

父亲节的英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展5)


  People say that father’s love likes a mountain: heavy and silent. It’s heavy because he puts all his love to us and it’s silent because he does not know how to express. Faced his love, we accept it silently without saying a word to show our appreciation.

  Before I was going to senior school, my father had never said a word to show his love to me, so that I thought he did not love me very much and sometimes I was upset about it. However, when I left home for senior school, he called me frequently and just asked me some simple questions like: how’s your study and life? When do you come home? or something like that.

  Gradually, I realize that he misses me although he would never say it out. So this is father’s love, not so obvious but definitely deep.

  People always say that father’s love is so quiet but grand that it seems like a mountain. They always bury their love to children deep in the bottom of their hearts and never show it. Father seldom says I love you to their children or does something show it. Mother often tells us to eat more and put on more clothes, but father doesn’t. Father seldom asks your life in school or your relationship with your friends. When you are in trouble and ask suggestions from him, he would not tell you what you should do but help you to find solutions instead. However, father still plays the most important role in your life. He is always the supporter of your life. Whenever you need, he is always by your side. This is the way he shows his love.

  People say that father’s love likes a mountain: heavy and silent. It’s heavy because he puts all his love to us and it’s silent because he does not know how to express. Faced his love, we accept it silently without saying a word to show our appreciation.

  Before I was going to senior school, my father had never said a word to show his love to me, so that I thought he did not love me very much and sometimes I was upset about it. However, when I left home for senior school, he called me frequently and just asked me some simple questions like: how’s your study and life? When do you come home? or something like that. Gradually, I realize that he misses me although he would never say it out. So this is father’s love, not so obvious but




  Since I was sensible, my father has been growing up for my health and happiness, for my progress in learning and for my improvement in moral cultivation. Apart from his working hours, he has devoted almost all his time to me. In spring, summer, autumn and winter, its snowy and rainy. For more than ten years, he has been caring about me and cherishing me.


  Listen to Grandma: since the day I was born, the whole family has been working for me. They say that my mother is hard and its not easy to give birth to me. But my father has been running around the hospital day and night, carrying tea and water for my mother and changing my diapers. He hasnt had a rest for a moment. Even in the evening, we have to wait for our mother and daughter to go to sleep sweetly before he can have a rest I often have to cuddle at night. Dad hasnt slept well for three months.


  When I grew up, I was alone in front of the window with my childhood photos. When I was one to three years old, I grew up with the care of my parents every day. Looking at the picture, mom and Dad took me a happy bath, sleeping on the trolley alone, I knew that I must be very happy when I was a child.


  From the age of four to six, I began to enter my kindergarten. Every day, my father cooks breakfast for me. My father is responsible for sending me, picking me up, going to school and finishing school. Once, my father didnt come to pick me up at 4:30 because of something in the company. Seeing it was getting dark, I cried loudly. When my father came to pick me up, I didnt talk to my father all the way, because I was angry. Why did my father come to pick me up late. After going home, my mother always blamed my father, and my father kept apologizing to me. In the future, this kind of situation has never happened again


  There is a lot of love in the world. My father's love for me is something I will never forget. My father is a very loving person.


  I remember one summer evening, I was doing my homework, and suddenly there was a power failure. Writing homework by candlelight, sweat drips down my head, which is too hot to bear. Dad looked in his eyes and quickly found a fan. He used his rough hands to help me with the fan. The breeze blew all over my body, making me feel refreshed.


  Although my father's hand is black and thick, but it gives me a lot of warm, also full of father's love. Dad, I really want to say to you, "Dad, I love you.".
