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  生二胎的看法英语作文 1

  Full of "two children", and will lead to a surge in the population, environmental pollution aggravate, quarterly competitive? Experts say: not! It is not be super living of the guerrillas.

  Population experts, deputy director of the bureau of statistics survey center of fujian province Yao Meixiong think, open up "two children" will not result in a surge in the birth rate and population sharp rebound. , he argues, along with the advancement of industrialization, urbanization and modernization process, people's living environment, life style and attitudes are significant changes have taken place, life, employment, education, health care costs have greatly ascend, leads people to fertility intentions is reduced greatly.

  Demographers, ctrip founder James liang believes that due to accumulation effect, in full liberalisation of the first couple of years after the birth, births will rebound, but limited. According to the most liberal estimates, open up the births of the highest mountain in the rebound after birth are far below the level in the early 1990 s.

  生二胎的看法英语作文 2

  It is known to all that loosening on the family planning policy decision has been made on the next-phase reform approved by the Third Plenum of the CPC’s 18th central mittee which ended on 12,November.

  However, before the policy was claimed, Chinese leaders thought population emerges as an issue, which should be controlled and approved a law on contraception and abortion The population growing fast let the government included population control into the national economic development plan and requires government at all levels to increase family-planning work.

  As time goes by, we discover that one-child policy also has its disadvantage. A growing number of scholars have urged the government to reform the one-child policy ,introduced in the late 1970s to prevent population spiraling out of control, but now regarded by many experts as outdated and harmful to the economy In recent years ,China ‘s fertility rate maintained at the level of 14 percent to 15 percent, which much lower than other developing countries. China’s low fertility level will not only leads to a shortage of the aging of the population and the labor force ,but also will reduce the potential growth rate of the economy.

  生二胎的看法英语作文 3

  As we all know,China's mainland population grew to 1.339 billion by 2010,according to census figures released on Thursday,so the government take many action to reduce population.In the most families only have one children,for example me,in my home,my parents only have one children.In fact,I really want to have a brother or sister,because if I have a brother or sister,I will not feel lonely.And if I have some problems,he or she can help me.We can play together and grow up together,when I saw other children play with his brother pr sister in my childhood,I’m admired him very much.Until now,I also want to have a brother,if I have something can’t tell others,I can tell him,and he will protect me.

  So in the future,when I have my own family,I will be a parent,I hope I will have two children,one is a boy,the other is a girl.They can accompany with each other,and the brother can protect sister if she have some problems in the outside,and they can study how to cooperate.When they grow up,we will be old,he and she also have many babies,and we will live together very happy.

  生二胎的看法英语作文 4

  Emerging from the cartoon is an eye-catching scene that the parents are willing to have a second child, while their only child do not agree because of his worry that he doesnt want to have another child, even his own sibling, share toys with him. Simple as it is, the symbolic meaning revealed is profound and thought-provoking.

  We are supposed to place our attention on, instead of its funny appearance, the implied meaning of the cartoon: as the overall second-child policy expands throughout China, some only children are so selfish that they cannot accept the second child in their family. What can account for this undesirable situation? For one thing, they, as the only child at home all the time, have no awareness of sharing what they like with others due to the fact that all the family members give their love to the only child. As a result, when faced with the problem of whether they are willing to have a sibling, their first response is to refuse it. For another reason, some couples are eager to have a second child as soon as possible, which makes them neglect to communicate with their only child to let them realize the advantage of having a sibling companion in their childhood.

  From what has been discussed above, its safe for me to conclude that it is urgent to take some immediate and effective measures. What I recommend is that parents should let child know the importance of sharing with others, which is beneficial for them in future life. In addition, its better for parents to have more communication with their only child once they want to have a second child.

  Although Chinese people have gradually become wealthy more or less due to the reform and opening-up policy,they have oftentimes been troubled by a lack of friends that they can take into their confidence. This observation manifests itself most vividly in a line cited from the movie.If You Are the One,that is,“I do not lack money but friends”.Ironically,in the cell phone contact list of an average person,the number of cell phone numbers may reach a couple of hundreds.One can not help wondering if modern people become lonelier than before.Personally,I hold the opinion that modern people do become lonelier than before.

  Firstly,due to the urbanizing process at an unprecedented speed,the society became more mobile,for more and more people migrate from one city to another to seek fortune.Nowadays people in cities are consisted of migrate workers from rural areas,college graduates in pursuit of their dreams, businessmen across the country and the local. Given the fact that people from different regions have different subcultures,people tend to reject people with different backgrounds.Besides,as people are more interested in making money, they are more likely to conflict in interest.No wonder that circle of confidants has shrunk dramatically and the number of people with whom to discuss important *** has spirally increased.

  Secondly,while people are able to benefit from the advancement of new technologies, they are likely to depend more upon technologies instead of friends. Communication technologies such as the Internet and phones let people stay in contact with other people who are from remote areas, and spend time on the phone and the Internet communications instead of dealing with people face to face. Network games have gained their popularity to such an extent that many spend most of their spare time in playing network games and hence they become apathetic to have a good time with friends face to face. That face time seems more likely to develop friendships.

  As a result,the reduced face time would translate into a loose network between friends.In sum,urbanization has reduced the intimacy between human beings and makes them less likely to make friends than in the past and the advancement of modern technology also makes people more apathetic by reducing face-to-face contact with friends.I hope people can regain the intimacy between friends as before.

  Facing the two options, I will choose to take a job in a company. There are mainly two reasons for my choice.

  On one hand, I am eager to ap*** what Ive learned to practice since I have got so many years schooling. Moreover, I am somewhat tired of the “ivory tower” life and ready for the “real world” life, for I assume that I can learn more from getting in touch with society. On the other hand, my family needs my financial support, because my parents are getting older and older and making less and less. Though it doesnt take much to pursue my further study, I cannot support my parents financially if I choose to go to a graduate school.

  To sum up, to take a job in a company meets my desire of learning from practice and support my parents financially, which is a better choice for me.

  生二胎的看法英语作文 5

  During the New Year's day, mom and dad and his colleagues together soon begin to discuss the problems you want to have two children. And a discussion is endless. Sometimes these children joined us and asked if we want a brother or sister. What do you want to let my mother give me give birth to a baby brother or sister, I also really a little make up our minds. If my mother gave birth to two children, perhaps I will be very happy. Because she can accompany me to play together, make me no longer lonely. As she grew up together we can also help my mother do the housework. What's so good fun can share. The two of us no matter who meet with difficulties, he is always help, such as mom and dad grow old, we can also take care of mom and dad together. Well, this kind of feeling really good. But I again on second thought, if my mother gave birth to two children, I'm sure there is no original so spoilt. Mom and dad will certainly see if her eye, and neglect my feeling. No matter what, no matter she is right or wrong, she also small mom and dad would justify defended him. I'm sure I will be a lot of injustice, because no matter isn't my wrong, as long as she knock the touch, mom and dad will depend on in my head. If my mother gave birth to two children, perhaps I will be very helpless, because when I write my homework, she will be in

  过年期间,爸爸妈妈和同事们一到一起就马上开始讨论要不要生二胎的问题。而且一讨论起来就没完没了。有时候还会把我们这些孩子掺和进来,问我们是不是想要个弟弟或者妹妹。 到底要不要让妈妈给我生个小弟弟或者小妹妹呢,我还真有点拿不定主意。 假如妈妈生了二胎,也许我会很高兴。因为她可以陪我一起玩,使我不再孤单。等她长大了我们还可以一起帮妈妈做家务。有什么好吃的好玩的可以共同分享。我们俩不管谁遇到困难都有人帮助,等爸爸妈妈老了,我们还可以一起照顾爸爸妈妈。嗯,这种感觉还真不错。 可是转念我又一想,如果妈妈生了二胎,我肯定就没有原来那么受宠了。爸爸妈妈肯定会把她视若掌上明珠,而忽视了我的感受。不管有什么事情,不管她是对还是错,爸爸妈妈肯定会以她还小为理由袒护他。我肯定会受很多委屈,因为不管是不是我的错,只要她磕了碰了,爸爸妈妈就会赖在我的头上。假如妈妈生了二胎,也许我会很无奈,因为在我写作业的时候,她会在



——恭喜生二胎女儿的祝福 40句菁华











































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  妈妈生二胎作文 5









  Li Hua spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others. As a good friend of his, I must do something to help him.

  Firstly, I think it’s very important for him to learn lessons well. He should spend most of his time on his study instead of computer games. Secondly, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games. And then I'll ask him to concentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to help him with all his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying. At the same time, I'll ask both his parents and our teachers to help him, too. If I try these, I'm sure he will make great progress soon.



  Recently,Internet is more and more popular among people; meanwhile people areincreasingly cheated by the information on it. So, can we trust the informationthat possibly is not very real? There is no denying that we must be carefulabout the Internet.


  First,we must carefully distinguish the information between right and wrong. Althoughit’s difficult, we also have to make it. We can search specific informationfrom database of the government. Secondly, once connected to money, we must becautious about it. Thirdly, when we look for jobs from Internet, if they ask usfor money, we can’t listen to them or give them money. It is a trick to a greatextent. But some information is real and we can believe it.


  Asfar as I’m concerned, information on the Internet is a double-edged sword. Wemust remain skeptical of the Internet information.


  Inernet has been an important part in our life.With the help of Inernet we can develop the effective of our study or job.For example ,we can learn more knowledge about the world from the Inernet.

  And as the youngs in 21st centery,the skill of using the Internet has been the most necessary point for us.But there are risks in it.A lot of youngners lost themselves in the data world and can not catch up with others in study.

  They'd like to be the best in the games instead of in hard-working.In my own point,I think Internet has more advantages than disadvantages.People should make the most use of it so that it can been useful not harmful。

  Online education is no longer something new or fresh in our life with the development of technology and New media. We can get access to multiple online learning resources through Internet. The mode of recourse sharing contributes a lot to the people worldwide.

  Following globally famous universities like Yale and Harvard, some universities in China have also started to offer online courses. Those courses have attracted people from all classes with different occupations. Not only can they provide different learners with more flexible and versatile ways of learning, but also can offer people with the newest thinking all over the world.

  Personally, I appreciate this new form of education. It's indeed a helpful complement to the traditional educational means. We can stick to our jobs and at the same time study and absorb the latest knowledge. But we should also remember to have our own thinking and not be brainwashed by improper ideas.

  Good morning, class !

  Today , I’ll talk about getting online.

  We know that there are too many net-bars(网吧) around us .The Internet can make our lives interesting and enjoyable. Many of us like getting online very much because we can learn how to use the computer and get more information from the Internet. We can learn English . We can read some good newspapers and magazniess. It can make us clever in playing computer games. I can send e-mail to our friends quickly. We can chat(聊天)online with our friends. It can help us get in touch with(取得联系) people from all over the world. But some students spend too much time in playing computer games and some stay in the net bars all day and all night. As a result, they do worse and worse in their lessons and they don’t study well any more. I think we mustn’t go online when it is time for us to study. We can do it in summer or winter holidays.

  Online course, as a new teaching method based on puter and Internet,allows teachers to give classes from a distance away.It is being more than popular in colleges and universities,and acts as an effective plement to traditional teaching.

  However, opinions on it differ from teachers to students.Generally, teachers support it for two reasons: Firstly, online course can be conducted at home or office and this offers great convenience to teachers.Secondly, online course releases teachers from repeating the same contents since the video or audio material can be played time and again.

  However, many students have opposite standpoints: In the first place, with online course, they lack face-to-face munications with teachers and their confusion cannot be solved instantly.In addition, the puter system cannot be guaranteed to work stably all the time.What’s more, they do not have 100 percent confidence in their self-discipline without teachers being around to supervise.

  Personally, with the college students growing up, if the traditional teaching method and the modern ones like on-line course can be bined together, more fruitful education is sure to be realized.

  With the arrival of the knowledge economy age, Internet, as a new media, has e into our life. Nowadays, getting on line and surfing the Internet for information has bee popular in China, especially among college students and teachers. Why is Internet getting so popular in such a short time?

  The popularity of Internet results from its great convenience and easy accessibility to information. Thanks to the Internet, a world of information is just a click away. E-mail is another contributing factor to its popularity. It can transmit your letter quickly, safely and accurately. Besides, Internet has some other uses. Doctors may use it to diagnose and treat their patients by discussing or exchanging experiences with doctors in other parts of the world. Students may obtain new knowledge from a national long-distance educational system via Internet. Finally, businessman can conduct E-merce or E-business on the net.

  With so many uses and advantages, there is no doubt more and more people will be wired to the Internet-the information expressway. In short, with its high speed and efficiency, Internet will be more popular in China in the near future.

  In light of recent celebrity photo leaks from their cloud accounts, one major topic at this year's China Internet Security Conference is cloud security. People have all heard the term "cloud" so many times, but what exactly is it?

  The cloud refers to software and services that run on the Internet instead of your puter. Apple’s iCloud, for example, is a popular cloud service, as well as Dropbox and Google Drive.

  The advantages of using the cloud? First, you can access your documents, photos and videos from anywhere. Your home, the office, on the train, as long as you’re connected to the Internet. You can also access your files from multiple devices like an iPhone, an iPad or a puter. And to make things even better, you don’t have to worry about backups, because most cloud services automatically saves your data for you.

  The only problem is, when you a file from one device, make sure it’s d from the cloud too. Otherwise, a copy of it will be left in the cloud.

  The Chinese economy will continue its steady development in the tuture

  this optimistic prediction was based on continuity and stability of macro-economic policy, coming benefits of World TradeOrganization entry, strengthening of tertiary industry, and expected profits from growth markets including housing, travel andculture.

  other factors driving steady growth of the economy in the long run include globalization of the economy, urbanization, the combination of industrialization with development of the information industry, and the growing

  Li Hua spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others. As a good friend of his, I must do something to help him.

  Firstly, I think it’s very important for him to learn lessons well. He should spend most of his time on his study instead of computer games. Secondly, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games. And then I'll ask him to concentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to help him with all his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying. At the same time, I'll ask both his parents and our teachers to help him, too. If I try these, I'm sure he will make great progress soon.

































  Wele to Hangzhou. I am Li Yue, president of the Student Union in my school. I'd like to briefly introduce the Hangzhou Public Bicycle Service to you. Our city insists to protect the environment, so we began to use the Public Bicycle Service to reduce the traffic stress in 20xx. There were 65 thousand bicycles for people to use in daily life. In general, more than 8 million people have to use them every year.

  Some people think they are very useful and believe they will make our society more beautiful. Others think they are not convenient enough. As far as I can see, reading a bicycle is so interesting. We can take exercise with it. Meanwhile, Our environment get protected.

  Let's go into action!

  Now more and more bike sharing brands have emerged, such as ofo, Mobai, Wukong bicycle, Xiaoming bicycle and so on, which are convenient for our travel. As long as we download a software, we can pay some money to rent a car. However, since I saw some phenomena, I have asked myself, "is bike sharing convenient or harmful?"

  Bike sharing is very popular recently. Ofo software or other sharing software can be found in almost all mobile phones of "mobile phone family". However, once my mother came home full of anger, scared me to speak. I shuddered and asked, "Mom, what makes you so angry?" She put the bag in her hand on the table and made a loud "pa -". "Your sister helped me install an ofo software in my mobile phone. I wanted to make it easy to ride back with good medicine, but today I rented a" broken car "!" I was puzzled: "ofo still has a broken car "That is, otherwise, how could my feet be bruised?" She moved her foot to me, and a black wheel mark was still visible. "When I was riding, the chain was loose. If it wasnt for my fast braking speed, I would have fallen off!" Since then, Ive been less fond of bike sharing.

  Once I went to a make-up class, I saw two workers sitting on a Mobi bicycle, shaking and laughing. Dad was very indignant and said: "this kind of person really does not speak of public morality! Make fun of the public car I know that they wont do this with their cars. My heart is like bleeding. Why, they want to "bully" bike sharing.

  Once I went out to play. The weather was very good and I was in a good mood. I look up to the side, really do not see do not know, a look scared. A man secretly removed the wheel of an ofo and replaced it with a bad one on his own. After that, he rode off on the ofo wheel. Only the ofo little yellow car was lying alone, and the wheels were not installed properly. It is like a injured little girl, whose legs have been taken away, like vanca, can not endure the sunshine of life. At that time, my tears began to drop. Is bike sharing "shared" or "exclusive"?

  There have been news reports that a boy under 12 years old riding a shared bicycle was run over by a car and killed. At that time, the boys mother shared the companys money to compensate for her sons death. Its clearly her sons fault. He didnt ride a bike before he was 12 years old. I didnt say he deserved it. But the fact is better than eloquence. The death of her son is not the responsibility of the sharing company, but his own fault!

  I once saw a young man riding ofo without scanning the code. A middle-aged man pushed ofo into his home. Have you ever seen someone use Mobi without decoding as fitness equipment? The sound of chain jingling is like a demon with a chain in his hand crawling out of hell. Thats selfish!

  Someone took an image that put the broken ofo and Moby together to fill a small parking lot. After riding shared bicycles, people park them on the side of the road at will. As long as a passer-by gently knocks down a car, it will fall down like a domino.

  Have you ever thought that sharing resources is closely related to each of us, but all the harm they bring is due to selfishness. Bike sharing is just one example. Ive seen shared bookstores where people leave books on their desks after reading, so that they cant go home. "Convenience to others, convenience to oneself." As long as we are convenient for others, we will also benefit ourselves.

  During the SXSW trade show, which ran from March13 to 15, ofo reportedly received a lot of interestfrom potential collaborators among the USexhibitors, users or even governmental agencies.

  The company plans to adopt localization measures inaccordance with regional laws and regulations, as wellas the preferences of local users.

  A low price of 50 cents for half-hour and the convenience of being able to "pick up and parkbikes wherever you want", have given the company the edge on its American compe***s, suchas BCycle and Spin.

  The founder of Mobike, another Chinese bike-sharing leading company, also attended a sharingsession at the SXSW Trade Show to introduce the enterprise to overseas audiences.

  Unlike ofo’s ambitious overseas plan, Mobike is being more cautious, expressing no intentionof entering the US market for the time being.

  As for the bigger picture, the company expects to steadily and gradually operate in Singapore,beginning with a "soft-landing" first, said Mobike founder Hu Weiwei in an interview with ThePaper.

  With the vigorous development of the "Internet plus", to solve the traffic congestion innovations have also emerged bike sharing. But the bad behavior is striking, with deep hatred and resentment, attracted condemning.

  When the car starts, it needs to be supported. We are pleased with the development of good things, so we have to take practical action to protect it, and we can't turn away after being scolded.

  The emergence of a shared bike is associated with the previous "parachute" action. The "little red umbrella" was suspended by the little red umbrella only by the absence of return. And now share a single car has a great danger of "Xiao Hong umbrella".

  Why is it so hard to do a good thing in our country?

  It is attributed to the low moral level of the Chinese. I think such a simple and arbitrary conclusion is irresponsible. In the period of the rapid development of China's reform, it is inevitable that the phenomenon of "the body is in front, the soul falls behind". Besides, there are few public welfare actions in our country. It is unavoidable that there will be the occurrence of competing things.

  Only effectively alleviate the people's mood and anxiety, sharing a single car can go long, and this is a springboard to improve the moral level of the citizens of our country.

  Nietzsche said, "there must be a reason for all." In the process of the flourishing development of the shared bicycle, there are some unreasonable measures that lead to the emergence of bad behavior. Some businesses in order to seize a city to share the share of a single car as soon as possible, wantonly to launch a single car without good planning. This brings management problems to the cities that have not much space, and needs the careful planning of the merchants and the patient management of the city managers.

  Nietzsche said, "when we look at the abyss, the abyss is staring at us." Someone put the bike sharing as a mirror, it reflects the shortcomings of our society, management and lack of humanity. But we have to do now is to focus on the eyes, and begin to arm, do not let the bike sharing, in condemning and criticism had receded. How to handle the sharing of the bicycle, the test of our wisdom, and the test of our determination.

  When the car starts, it needs to be supported. Don't let the "red umbrella" tragedy again, our whole society must act, a tenacious vitality of the things even if sharing bike is "Internet plus", we also cannot let down, because good policies also need to seriously implement.

  When the car starts, you need to help! When the car starts, you need to help!

  Bike rental and advantages and disadvantages, the advantage of leasing is to bring convenience to go to place, and convenient and quick, survey know, people think that advantages of bicycle is convenient to the masses, no bicycle bring convenient, but also save the money to buy a bike, and some cycling enthusiasts can also be use to ride a bicycle, but I think, the government and the company establish a bike rental, I think, this is not just to let you convenient, more promoted the people understanding of life in the low carbon and environmental protection, encourage people to use bicycles and public transport equipment, less drive a car, beautify the environment.

  All the advantages and disadvantages, and the bike again brought convenience for all at the same time, and to bring us the disadvantages, because the bike is free rental, although I am a real people in chengdu, but I don't think we are the city's civilization degree how good, how high. Since it's free, the damage is certain. Through my photos you can find, whether it's on the rear wheel cover, or on the pedals, has a different degree of damage, chengdu people have a kind of is not what I, as long as you don't pursue to me, I will damage him, it possess oneself of, I would do without self-interest is a double-edged sword -- is prefer to destroy, also want to heal. Have more winners: not only that, but also in dujiangyan, there are people in order not to let others borrow his car and on the wheel up and lock secretly, don't let other people to borrow in order to achieve the purpose of. Damage is very serious, for bike three holy land of bike rental station bike has a different degree of damage, and there will be lightly basked in junk and clutter. Some bike rental stations have one or three bikes to stop.

  We put forward the opinion of the proposal, mostly that handle card if not collective, is more troublesome, some people is only a temporary residence permit, can't handle the bike rental card, most of people think that it will be not handle card convenient many, I think pay the deposit, for example, when a property, or a more straightforward method is better.

  About how to solve the problem of bicycle damaged, most of people believe that free rental is impossible to control the bicycle damaged problem, some argue that the need to improve the quality of the citizens, to improve the quality of the rent a bicycle, want to rent a bicycle consciously abide by the rules, love bicycle, he brought convenience to you, you should cherish it, but I think that this approach is not feasible, the consciousness of people is not high, so this method basic is not workable.

  Others think in ZuLinZhan, should set up a management, strengthen management, to change fundamentally the bicycle damaged problems, and this method is good, but there are so many chengdu bike rental site takes human, material and financial resources and this method is not workable. There is also the idea that it is impossible to make a bicycle so that the people there will be able to repair the bicycle, and it will never be possible to do it.

  In it and most people think that to be on the bike rental penalty method, make compensation for bicycle damaged upkeep or rent other things, like first hand in the deposit, according to the extent of damage to take the deposit of money, or lease all kinds of information into the lease of card, after the car damaged or not to return the parties can be found to deal with, this kind of method is better than all of the above method, are much more feasible, can achieve quick results, although see the effect, but still lost the original intention of this method, lost the bike rental is to let everybody understand the nature of low carbon, environmental protection.

  To sum up, the bicycle rental is not just for the convenience of the people, but for education, our earth is in crisis, and under the eyes are the best way is to low carbon life, drive cars less, less air conditioning, reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and methane, protect the earth.

  All in all, bicycle leasing must be a pros and cons, and it's up to everyone to protect the bikes. Improve the quality of the citizens and build the beautiful city!!!















  在此我想多说说我太太,她比较瘦小,但是坚强,大部分亲戚都认为她不可能顺产,但是她硬是坚持把孩子顺产出来。我一直在陪产的,陪产过程我百般滋味,担心多过开心,现在回想起来都后怕,当然现在也更怕她了。 在座的还有我的同事们,感谢我的同事们,我的弟弟妹妹,*时你们已经很忙碌,今天还要来给我帮忙,感谢!哥我心不够细,*时没有照顾好的地方不要往心里去。























































