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  发展性英文自我评价 1

  We can practice through practice, exposure and professional related practical work, the integrated use of the theoretical knowledge, basic skills and professional knowledge, the theory and practice of unity, with the theory to guide practice, improve their practical work in education,Not just limited to the book of knowledge, theoretical thinking. This one and a half months of internship, I learned a lot of school knowledge, comprehensive quality has been greatly improved, experience as a teacher of glory and responsibility, and understand to become a good teacher to pay Hard and tired.

  In this short time, as a practice director and music teacher, not only accumulated the initial class management and music teaching experience, but also a profound understanding of the strong class cohesion and quality education in the specific implementation process of the difficulty.

  Education is everywhere, in the podium to be a teacher, set an example; in the podium to pay attention to maintaining a good image of teachers. I insist on early reading, evening classes to work ten minutes in advance to reach the class, the desk chair to gracefully placed, so that students can get into the classroom to sit a good chair and let the whole class to maintain good discipline. In teaching and daily management of strict demands on themselves, but also requires students to learn rigorous scholarship and life, the real performance of the duties of an internship teacher.

  Under the support of the School Leadership and the Academic Affairs Office and the Student Affairs Office, the internship has been a great success under the support and assistance of the internship school. The internship, interns with their own hard sweat tasted the professional teachers of this bitter experience, understand the responsibility for the division, the accumulation of valuable lessons for the future d1x-0.html" target="_blank" >embarked on education, dedicated to the cause of education laid a solid foundation.

  发展性英文自我评价 2

  Four years of college life is coming to an end, looking back in the past, feeling a lot. There is laughter there is sadness, there are failures. Everything is a valuable asset. As a student, and strive to learn at the same time, always to improve their overall quality as the goal, to self-all-round development as the direction of efforts to establish a correct outlook on life, values and world view, accumulation of knowledge and skills. As a worker, fade students of Sentimental, assume the responsibility of a post, not the slightest careless, dedicated is a worker should have the attitude. In this transition from student to worker, I had four years of preparation for thinking, studying, working and living.

  In the ideological and moral, freshman began to actively join the party, to move closer to the party, a candidate for party members; love the motherland, love the people, watching the central news station, always pay attention to national and world news, when to see food safety issues I feel very small, but only continuous efforts to learn and enhance self-ability in order to achieve self-worth, change everything, to help more people in need. "The Chinese people, the world's largest gold medal, Junior also participated in the Guangzhou Asian Paralympic opening ceremony for the world and the Asian people show the Chinese style, very

  Hao and pride, but also a lifetime of unforgettable experience, laughed too hard, but worth it.

  In the professional learning, learning is the accounting, is the study of financial activities and cost information collection, classification, synthesis, ***ysis and interpretation based on the formation of decision-making information systems to effectively manage the economy of an applied discipline, But also an important management disciplines. China's senior financial officers are scarce and international financial personnel are also scarce. Therefore, it is my goal to study how to improve business management and decision-making through ***ysis of financial statements and business operations. In practice, verify the theoretical knowledge, experience profound truth. University through the National English forty-six examination, the National Computer Examination II, freshman sophomore took the scholarship, and worked hard. Now has been struggling to constantly improve themselves. In the internship work, serious and responsible, practical work hard, do not understand the local humbly to the competent colleagues to ask, good at thinking, good notes, daily study notes, writing weekly experience, insist on recording the work bit, sum up experience. The use of knowledge learned to the specific work, the quality and quantity to complete the task, careful patience is a qualified financial personnel with the quality, I will always insist, although usually Datailielie, but work together, facing the data can not be the slightest Sloppy, nor the slightest eagerness, the Chinese Tai Chi Road in the financial staff who can be the ultimate reflection. In the group to help each other, have a good team spirit and communication skills, and co-director of harmony.

  In your life, you can go shopping with friends in your spare time, take a break when you're alone, or go for a jog in the park, take a walk and relax, sometimes enjoy a book and a cup of tea. Or look at fashion magazines, science and technology news. Simple and not ordinary life.

  Precious university four years is about to pass,

  Cherish the past, grasp now, full of spirit and enterprising, to achieve their ideals and make unremitting efforts!

  发展性英文自我评价 3

  We can practice through practice, exposure and professional related practical work, the integrated use of the theoretical knowledge, basic skills and professional knowledge, the theory and practice of unity, with the theory to guide practice, improve their practical work in education,Not just limited to the book of knowledge, theoretical thinking. This one and a half months of internship, I learned a lot of school knowledge, comprehensive quality has been greatly improved, experience as a teacher of glory and responsibility, and understand to become a good teacher to pay Hard and tired.

  In this short time, as a practice director and music teacher, not only accumulated the initial class management and music teaching experience, but also a profound understanding of the strong class cohesion and quality education in the specific implementation process of the difficulty.

  Education is everywhere, in the podium to be a teacher, set an example; in the podium to pay attention to maintaining a good image of teachers. I insist on early reading, evening classes to work ten minutes in advance to reach the class, the desk chair to gracefully placed, so that students can get into the classroom to sit a good chair and let the whole class to maintain good discipline. In teaching and daily management of strict demands on themselves, but also requires students to learn rigorous scholarship and life, the real performance of the duties of an internship teacher.

  Under the support of the School Leadership and the Academic Affairs Office and the Student Affairs Office, the internship has been a great success under the support and assistance of the internship school. The internship, interns with their own hard sweat tasted the professional teachers of this bitter experience, understand the responsibility for the division, the accumulation of valuable lessons for the future embarked on education, dedicated to the cause of education laid a solid foundation.

  发展性英文自我评价 4

  The 20th century is the harvest period of the study of Western Renaissance. There are three types of scholars play a major role, they are historians, philosophers and literary critics. And Leonardo da Vinci is one of the more successful people, he has more, a wider field of fantasy. He is profound in his thought and learned. He explored all the mysteries of nature and life with an unending spirit of exploration. He took art and science, reason and emotion, form and spirit together, inherited and carried forward the humanism and realism of the predecessors Techniques, to advance to an unprecedented level of art, for the development of natural science has made tremendous contributions.

  His most famous works are: "Mona Lisa" "Last Supper" "The Virgin among the Rocks" "Santa Ana and the Virgin and Child" and so on.

  "Mona Lisa" before and after the drawing of four years. It is said that the model is the Florentine people, just baby, to relieve her pain and reveal a natural smile, Leonardo asked people to play music for her. Her smile is the people talked about the topic, sometimes it seems very serious and sometimes very gentle; sometimes slightly sad and sometimes Lisa's right hand is more known as the "history of the most beautiful hand." The "Last Supper" is drawn on the walls of the Gracie ardo da Vinci changed his predecessor to draw the "Last Supper" around the table layout, so that all the characters seat in a row outward, and Jesus Christ in the middle.

  Leonardo da Vinci's works of art not only reflect things like a mirror, but also to guide the creation of thinking, observation and selection from the nature of the United States to be part of the performance. The "Last Supper", "The Virgin of the Rocks" and the portrait "Mona Lisa" are the three masterpieces of his life. These works are Leonardo da Vinci treasures for the treasures of the treasures left in the world, is the art of European vault stone. It was said that during his youth, he helped a teacher draw a little angel in a painting called "John Baptism for Christ." The result was that it exceeded all the other characters the teacher had painted. The teacher has been some well-known ashamed, then no longer studied painting, only to engage in sculpture.

  He was also the father of a helicopter, a Renaissance genius that could have preceded the Wright brothers to create a history of human flight.

  He is a master of science, is a master of art, or the spirit of the Renaissance representative. Leonardo da Vinci is a well-deserved "Renaissance of the most perfect representative."

  发展性英文自我评价 5

  I am good at thinking, diligent hands, curiosity strong, with a strong team spirit, even if sometimes irritability can also be timely small to large, for learning, I hold a persistent attitude. High school, I study hard, comprehensive development, has repeatedly ranked the top three classes. I not only actively assist teachers to work, is the teacher's right-hand man, friends in the students encounter problems, I will be a sincere heart to help them. Of course, in the face of difficulties, I have thought about giving up. High school, I have several times results are not satisfactory, but parents, teachers and friends encouragement, I once again beat myself. At the same time, I actively participate in social welfare activities, social practice again and again so I know that team spirit and to take effective and effective plan is very important. In addition, I like a wide range, especially in music and sports. I not only can solo the piano, has a good vocal basis, but also very sports-loving, such as basketball, swimming and so on. And made a greater contribution in the basketball league.

  I like to sing, and I often get intoxicated singing in the class, singing makes my life more colorful. From small to large, for learning, I have a persistent attitude is full of confidence. Friends of the students I will always use a warm and kind heart to treat them. I am the teacher's right-hand man, well-behaved parents in the eyes of the daughter. Difficulties, I have thought about giving up, but every time I have insisted down. On life, I will always maintain an optimistic attitude, I believe that as long as their confidence, adhere to the belief will achieve their ideals.

  I took part in many disciplinary competitions this semester, and achieved excellent results. At the same time, as a senior high school student to visit the delegation, I am honored to represent the national high school students to visit Japan, personal contact with the Japanese society and the Japanese people. I have also exchanged Chinese culture and art with the Japanese people. I have the honor to participate in the Fengtai District *** party school, learned a lot about the party's knowledge, so I joined the trapped Communist Party even more desire. I am all-round development, publicity personality, outstanding performance.


  In college, I always to improve their overall quality as the goal, to self-all-round development as the direction of efforts to establish a correct outlook on life, values and world view. In order to meet the needs of social development, I earnestly study all kinds of professional knowledge and give full play to my specialty. We will tap their own potentials and combine with the opportunity of summer social practice every year to gradually improve their learning ability and ability to ***yze and deal with problems. Coordination of organizational and managerial competencies.

  Thought, I am most proud of is the result of continuous efforts to learn and improve themselves, I am a glorious to become a party member, feels like in his own life added a sacred, transformed into an invisible force in the Encourage me, urging me, at all times to check me, so I think in terms of behavior can be good style, sincere people, can better handle interpersonal relationships, calm and prudent, can reasonably arrange the affairs of life.

  In college life, I insist on self-reflection and strive to improve their own personality. Now I understand the reason, willing to help others not only to cast a noble character, but also get a lot of their own interests to help others but also to help themselves. Looking back over the past few years, I have been very happy to have helped the students when I was in trouble. Similarly, my classmates also gave me a helping hand when I was in trouble. For the teacher, I have always been very respected, because they are in a loss when I guide to help me. Without the help of a teacher, I might not know where to go.

  I now realize that character is not so much a personal character conduct, as it is the responsibility of the individual community as a whole. A person living in this world, we must bear some responsibility to the community obligations, with a noble character, you can correctly understand their responsibilities, in the contribution to achieve their own value.

  In learning, I did not let myself down, the results have been among the best. Every year, scholarships are awarded, and the Special English Test is the first in the class, so it is the first one to receive the National English Four Certificate. As a result of the computer science, so very practical ability, in addition to theoretical study, my practical ability has also been greatly improved. And I am very happy to help people who need help, and greatly improve their ability to self-learning. Then there is learned to use the learning method at the same time pay attention to independent thinking. To learn hard only hard to learn is not enough, to learn "methods" to do things. I have come here to learn the purpose of "fishing", but it is easier said than done, I changed a good many ways to do what is diligent in thinking, the case of the old man, There do not know where to diligent to ask. In learning, to "independent thinking" as their motto, always remember not to alert. With the progress of learning, I not only learned the basic knowledge of the public and a lot of professional knowledge, my mind has also been a qualitative leap, to a more rapid grasp of a new technical knowledge, I think this is very important for the future.



——发展性教学工作总结 (菁华3篇)




  1 学*“宁波地区新课程课前培训资料

  2 学*“浙江省普通高中新课程数学学科实施意见”

  3 研讨07、08海南、广东高考题解读

  4 研讨朱跃跃的“课堂观察方法漫谈”

  5 研讨高一数学下必修2和5教学中出现的困惑与对策

  6 研讨高二数学下教学中出现的困惑与对策

  7 认真学*高三数学最后阶段强化训练的教学安排及资料

  8 认真听评二位新教师的汇报课


  ① 确定每一次的研训的主题、主讲人,教研组确定专题的培训的材料、试题,并提前一周发给教研组每一位教师,教师做好培训的预*准备工作;

  ② 教研组培训时,由主讲人进行主题报告,全体教师集体研讨,然后由主讲人答疑解惑,最后教研组长进行培训总结;

  ③ 结合本次培训要求在本周内教师要自己结合教学进行培训后的反思。



































































  个性发展的英文自我评价 1








  个性发展的英文自我评价 2

  I am a love life, work seriously people. In high school life, I not only learned a lot of knowledge, but also in all aspects of

  To perfect. In the face of difficulties, I never retreat, always brains, trying to solve the problem, to overcome the difficulties. And each solves a problem, Serving a difficulty, have made my confidence has been improved. I believe that, as long as there is sufficient self-confidence, coupled with increased efforts to be able to overcome all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, leading to the success of the other side.

  I remember the beginning of a school, we met in the classroom ladder, the other classes who always make me laugh, the teacher at the meeting, I hold back, but after the classroom just out of the ladder I laughed together . When I first entered the class teacher called me out, took me alone to a house, I had a criticism of education. But now I have corrected my problems, has been able to do in the corridor to keep quiet.

  Just started school, I think I did not strict demands on themselves. After the first monthly test, my results are not ideal. I think my attitude is not correct enough. I learned a lesson from this month's test, and clearly defined my weaknesses. The biology of the mid-term exam was five points higher than I expected. At present, I want to continue to maintain my attitude towards learning. Features and Achievements

  Actively participate in collective activities, learning hard, the pursuit of science, ideological health up. To work together with others, to restrain one's own behavior, to respect the thoughts of everyone around you,

  I learned a lot of books can not learn the knowledge, thinking than before has been greatly improved in the hope that the future can do an ideal, aspiring, cultural people no matter what, as long as the end of the holidays, their memories Up that there is no white too, flies full, meaningful to their own on the line. I can leave some memories, more than anything else, to enrich my life experience. My vacation study program is this: in this semester to fill the lack of news classes and then learn the new curriculum in advance. Of course, I also dee*** aware of their own deficiencies, the word is not very good to write, and sometimes things will be only three minutes of enthusiasm, I believe that as long as overcome these problems, I can do better.

  个性发展的英文自我评价 3





  个性发展的英文自我评价 4






  个性发展的英文自我评价 5

  I am a graduating high school student, in the " middle school" this excellent school high school life, I learned a wealth of knowledge, at the same time, through the teachers' enthusiastic help, but also in all aspects of my Has been improved and developed. Here I learned to be independent, in the face of difficulties do not retreat, encounter problems when using their brains to find ways to solve the problem, to overcome the difficulties. And each solve a problem, overcome a difficulty, all my confidence has been improved. Because I believe that as long as there is sufficient self-confidence, coupled with a hundredfold effort, we will be able to overcome all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, leading to the success of the other side.

  Three years of study life, let me gradually establish a correct outlook on life and values, thinking, reading and social practice so that I continue to mature. So I am full of desire for knowledge, the realization of the ideal with the goal of the pursuit of living on campus life, so that my interpersonal relationships have been expanded, new ways of thinking changes, creating my maturing ideas, and cultivate my pragmaticEnterprising, serious and responsible style of work and a good team spirit.

  Because of this, in the high school stage of the learning process, I can take more seriously each course, carefully preview, active untered problems, to ask the students, and constantly improve their learning methods, develop learning plans, reasonable time. I regard learning as acquiring knowledge, enriching my own pleasure, and being interested in it. My specialty is that I like to read literary journals, and it is this hobby that I use to make my modern text reading a good foundation, but also achieved fruitful results.

  In life, I can respect the teachers, good communication with the students, with them to establish a good relationship, make the greatest efforts to help others. And actively participate in school and organization activities to enrich their own after-school life. Actively participate in physical exercise, in the movement to experience happiness, harvest health. In the family, I can respect their parents, respect the elders, have timely communication problems, learn to honor.

  As a new generation of us, I am about to end high school life, bid farewell to high school, will enter the university to find another piece of the broader sky. I want to work harder to study, admitted to the ideal university, for the past few years to secondary school life draw a satisfactory conclusion, but also to write the chapter of life the most glorious page for the early pillars of the country.




  Strong perception & intellect; with widen and swift thinking; able to be quickly adapted to different environmenet.

  Diligent; with sureness; responsible; everytime fulfil my duties to my own work.

  Conscientiously, absorbedly work in a planned and order way; pursue the perfection.

  Good image; temperate, calm and steady personality; strong affinity; good at getting along with people.

  Patient; have holding capacity to pressure and setback.

  suddenly look back, only to find themselves have been transformed from a pure innocent young into a familiar sedate man, this is all thanks to four years of university life, it is unforgettable experience in my life. here are my four years of university life as a self evaluation:

  in school, study hard all kinds of knowledge and skills, also self-study and good command of com*r software. and take an active part in and organize the class and grade school students groups, and extracurricular activities, to broaden the vision, edify the sentiment.

  on the ideological quality, i bear hardships and stand hard work, proactive, able to work independently, independent thinking, diligence and honesty, has the team cooperation spirit, healthy body, energetic, can adapt the high strength work.

  on ability training and take an active part in all kinds of campus off-campus training, widen the horizon at the same time, accumulated a lot of social practice experience, to obtain the comprehensive development of morality, intelligence and physique. during the internship, hold the initiative of learning attitude, i actively learn from teaching teachers, takes "life trust with health department" belief, tirelessly absorption medicine knowledge, for future study and work to lay a solid foundation.

  everything there is a process from scratch, is about to step into society, compared with people with rich work experience, i did behind some starting points, so i know we need to learn fast. no matter what i will go to the company belongs to industry, i have to own faith to grow, to run!

  University life is fleeting, instant, as information dissemination and planning professional I will soon bid farewell to college life, bid farewell to my dear students and beloved teacher, bid farewell to my alma mater - XX University.The good times are always too short and too hasty. Now standing on the threshold of Pro graduation, looking back at the x x x University information dissemination and planning professional learning and life bit by bit, feeling a lot, have looked forward to, there have been confused, there have been laughter, there have been sad. Under the instruction of information dissemination and planning professional teachers, with the help of information dissemination and planning classmates, through continuous learning of information dissemination and planning professional theoretical knowledge and participation in information dissemination and planning professional related practice activities,

  My information dissemination and planning professional quality

  And personal ability has been improved, in full compliance with xx University of information dissemination and planning students graduation requirements.

  In the ideological and moral aspects: in the xxx University of information dissemination and planning professional study period consciously abide by the "xxx University of information dissemination and planning professional code of conduct", respect teachers, unity, concern for the collective. Through the university ideological and political course, I learned to use the correct theoretical thinking armed with their own minds, and establish a correct outlook on life, world outlook, values, to become ideologically strong information dissemination and planning professional qualified graduates.

  In information dissemination and planning professional learning: I earnestly study the information dissemination and planning of each subject, and actively participate in information dissemination and planning related professional practice and information dissemination and planning professional graduation practice, and passed the examination. Usually, I am concerned about the current information dissemination and planning professional development, timely information dissemination and planning of the latest scientific research professionals, so that their own information dissemination and planning quality of advancing with the times. In addition, I also participate in the information dissemination and planning related qualification examination xxxx (list of their own access to information dissemination and planning professional certificate). From freshman to information dissemination and planning professional ignorance to the information dissemination and planning industry development, I already have the information dissemination and planning professional graduation due conditions.

  In the work organization: I served as information dissemination and planning professional 01 classes x x x class cadres (or information dissemination and planning class hostel, information dissemination and planning professional internship leader, etc.). I actively participate in information dissemination and planning class management, information dissemination and planning on behalf of the professional classes to participate in college activities. In the information dissemination and planning of professional classes and information dissemination and planning classes in the dormitory management, I consciously coordinate the relationship between the students, do a good job in the classroom work for our information dissemination and planning professional 01.

  Class students to create a good learning atmosphere. In the information dissemination and planning of the joint efforts of students, our class was xxx (enumeration of information dissemination and planning classes and personal honor).

  I believe I will be useful. As a graduate of information dissemination and planning to graduate students, xxx University of the four years of edification, so I have a strong information dissemination and planning expertise, I will be strong belief, vigorous enthusiasm, a high degree of self-responsibility to meet the life New stage.

  Time flies, blink of an eye my college career will say goodbye to, once upon a time, I was a see other people want to shout "uncle" child, now, I became a by others also called "uncle" man, good , I really want to do some men to do, I want to be responsible for my life, I want my family, career, woman responsible! From December 28, 20xx I took the school the moment, I seem to have grown up some!

  In college, I always to improve their overall quality as the goal, to self-all-round development as the direction of efforts to establish a correct outlook on life, values and world view. In order to realize the social development needs, I earnestly studied all kinds of professional knowledge, exert oneself specialty, excavate own latent capacity, and unremitting efforts, thus gradually improve their ability of learning and ***yze and deal with problems. And management capabilities.

  "Learning is not enough" is my motivation to learn and work from beginning to end, to deal with compulsory courses, I also taught myself

  Offic, linux, photoshop, cad ... ... and other skills. I do not forget to participate in a variety of interest groups and social activities, in the ideological and behavioral aspects, I am fine style, treat people sincerely, can better deal with interpersonal relationships, calm and calm, reasonable arrangements for life affairs, and actively like the party organization Move closer!

  As xxx College 06 mechanical engineering and automation graduates, I have not only the young and knowledge, but also has a soldier steel general will and wolf general morale. My heart of fire was always ready to contribute to the cause of communism. I believe that with their ability and knowledge in the work of graduation Red and life to overcome various difficulties, and constantly realize the value of life and the pursuit of the goal!

  Has been in the pursuit of personality sublimation, pay attention to their own conduct. I worship people who have great charisma, and have always wanted to be able to do it myself. In college life, I insist on self-reflection and strive to improve their own personality. Four years, I read a number of famous books and a few books to improve their personality, help themselves, more and more aware of the conduct of a person is so important, whether it can form a correct outlook on life.So no matter what the circumstances, I have to demand their own moral first. Whenever and wherever I follow the dogmatic creed, I do it in earnest. Usually fraternity students, respect for teachers, and helpful.Previously just feel that helping others feel very happy, is a traditional virtue. Now I understand the reason, willing to help others not only to cast a noble character, but also get a lot of their own interests to help others but also to help themselves. Looking back over four years, I was very happy to have helped the students when they were in trouble. On the other hand, my classmates also gave me a helping hand when I was in trouble. For the teacher, I have always been very respected, because they are in a loss when I guide to help me. Without the help of a teacher, I might not know where to go. I now realize that character is not so much a personal character conduct, as it is the responsibility of the individual community as a whole. A person living in this world, we must bear some responsibility to the community obligations, with a noble character, you can correctly understand their responsibilities, in the contribution to achieve their own value.

  Social practice ability has been greatly improved. Four years in college, I participated in a lot of school activities and did some social practice. Participate in the activities of the school can recognize more students, also increased with other students to exchange and learn from their opportunities to exercise their own communication skills, learn the strengths of others, recognize their own weaknesses. In addition, the class has been doing their own is both pressure and motivation.

  Through four years of college life, learned a lot of knowledge, more importantly, have a quick grasp of a new thing. Thought has become a lot of mature, more determined character. Met a lot of classmates and teachers, to establish friendship and exchanges with them to enhance their own quality, recognize their own weaknesses and try to correct.Social practice ability is also greatly improved for the future to lay the foundation for society.

  I would like to summarize my job characteristics. The first is a strong sense of teamwork, good communication with people and communication; the second is the outstanding ability and learning ability; third is to do things steady, serious attitude, a certain degree of organization and coordination capacity; fourth is to consider the issue fully, carefully, things have their own clear ideas and plans.

  I want to go to work after the post position, I can adapt as fast as the work environment, and constantly tap their ability to improve themselves and create benefits for enterprises. I want to join XX company because I like my profession, I am also very optimistic about the future development of XX company, where I can ap* their knowledge, which gives me a great sense of achievement and happiness.

  I also appreciate the XX company's corporate culture, like XX company's work environment. I would like to become one, the development of enterprises contribute to a force. My career goal is to be a thinker and technology, but also understands the complex talent business.

  Master the basic theoretical knowledge of refrigeration and air conditioning, familiar with the design of household products and testing standards; familiar with iso9000 quality system and quality management knowledge; master home range hood design and production process; familiar with word, excel, cad and proe software Operation. With the designers, technicians and quality control of the basic quality and ability to solve practical problems.

  Familiar with the design and production of luxury decorative fan and quality control, familiar with the sample confirmation, to be able to independently complete the product shipment inspection and issue English reports; able to supervise the work of the company; And help suppliers improve the quality management system, improve and improve product quality.

  I am diligent, hardworking, pragmatic, motivated, sincere, with a strong sense of responsibility and initiative, the courage to exercise in practice, enthusiastic about social work, work proactive, advocating professionalism, strong sense of time, to promote the team team spirit. Solid foundation, self-learning ability and practical ability.

  i am from xxx a communist party official community members, i

  call xxxx. on december 12th xxxx to join the chinese communist party, and in xxxx on dec. 15 in july, xxxxwill achieve becomes smooth finish school joins xxxx district branch organization of this glorious. during the period of school i studied the financial

  accounting major, and the students' management organization, in their constant efforts become an excellent student body president. in his work, the first learned to work, a good leader should have excellent work unceasingly, will have good interpersonal relationship. learn financial, enlightened life. xxx, let me understand the professional study, to be one step a footprint, the collapse of tashi. now that i'm graduating from college, but walked into the classroom society, i knew i have many insufficient place, so after learning, i will like to sit in the senior leaders, learn a lot. in order to progress to the community, in order to reflect the progress, the streets of

  advanced nature of the communist party of china, let us work together!

  In the ideological and political, I love the party, love the socialist motherland, concerned about national affairs, watch every day to watch the news network. I participated in the party constitution study group, he joined the party constitution study groups to Ruijin, Jiangxi revolutionary base areas to visit and study, inspired me to study scientific and cultural knowledge in the future to join the construction of the "four modernizations" thinking old revolutionary base areas, construction. As a squad leader, I can play the lead role in classroom activities, serious and responsible work, full ownership, teachers assistant can do. I seriously com* with school discipline, love the class collective, actively participate in school or organization of collective activities segment year, such as athletic meets, basketball, won many honors for the class. My enthusiasm for labor is strong, not afraid of dirty, not afraid of hardship, had an outstanding performance in health town labor.

  Learning, I have a strong self-learning ability, diligent study, Kensi test, reasonable arrangements for study time, understanding ability, quick thinking, the problem has a unique perspective. Learning worked out a line with their own learning methods, down to earth, step by step, excellence, high learning efficiency.

  I love sports, seriously best athletic class and actively participate in body forging, outstanding sports achievements. I joined the school basketball team, he has represented the school won the third prize in the city womens basketball game. I love all sports activities, broad interests, often use their spare time to paint, read all kinds of books progress.

  Tempered by the high school three years of life. In physical and moral terms, I made considerable progress. And gradually grow into academic achievers "four" new, but I have clearly aware of their shortcomings, although the body forging standards, but we still need more exercise, to improve performance in the future from an ignorant middle school students study, I will continue to sum up experience and the future, to better serve the motherland.


——个性发展自我评价 (菁华5篇)







  我们可以为每个孩子建立的成长记录袋,里面收集所有能够反应学生学*过程和学*结果的资料,包括学生的自我评价、最佳作品(成绩记录及各种作品),社会实践和社会公益活动记录,体育比赛与文艺活动记录,教师、同学的观察和评价,来自家长的信息,考试和测验的信息等等,全面记录学生成长历程的资料。我们可以设计一些独具特色的东西,比如我们为每一个孩子的成长记录袋中设计 “我的个性风采”图片展示、文字记录、表格说明、一份记录就是孩子迈向成功的一个脚印,串串脚印相连绘成孩子美好的未来。




















  对于学*我一直认为坚持与努力是最重要的,这也是我在高三生活中体会到的经验。高中的知识多又需要理解的去记忆,所以在学*新知识的时候我会想到努力的重要,我常常会废寝忘食地把一个问题弄的十分清楚,为的是踏踏实实地打好学*的基础。在回顾以前的知识和错题或者是漏洞时 我会想到坚持的重要,积少成多的道理大家都懂 ,把不会的事情每天拿出来复*复*,用不了几次自然而然就会了。







  1756 年,沃尔夫冈·莫扎特(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)出生于萨尔兹堡,自幼他便展现出那无与伦比的音乐天赋:3岁开始弹琴,6岁开始作曲,8 岁写下了第一部交响乐,11岁便完成了他的第一部歌剧,14岁是指挥乐队演出了该歌剧。可以这么说,莫扎特是为音乐而生的,从他出生的那一刻开始,他就和音乐熔为一体了。

  16岁时的莫扎特被任命为萨尔兹堡宫廷的管风琴师。虽然在这段时间,莫扎特创作了大量的优秀作品,但他无法忍受萨尔兹堡大主教的颐指气使,任意欺凌。在那里,莫扎特只是一个会弹琴的佣人,他曾向他的父亲这样 描述他在宫廷晚餐上的同伴:两名男仆,管家,点心师父,两名厨师,男仆坐在上座,莫扎特位列厨师之上。终于在1781年,莫扎特脱离了对大主教的依附,成为了历史上第一位自由作曲家,并来到了维也纳发展。在维也纳,莫扎特靠教私人学生,举行音乐会演出和出版作品为生。在这段时间,莫扎特接触到了巴赫、亨得尔的作品,并结识了海顿,从而丰富了他的音乐理念。

  在维也纳,莫扎特的音乐成就是令人惊叹的,他曾这样来描述他的音乐创作:“无论多长的作品都在我的脑中完成。我从记忆中取出早已储存好的东西。因此,写到纸上的速度就相当快了,因为一切都已完备,它在纸上的模样跟我想象的几乎毫无二致。所以在工作中我不怕被打扰,无论发生什么,我甚至可以边写边说话。”可怜就是这样一位天才,在他正当壮年的时候却因为感染风寒而去世了,死时年仅35岁。在他生命的最后一天(1971年12月9 日),他仍在创作,可惜天嫉英才,莫扎特留下了他那未完成的《安魂曲》,而撒手人间,成为了音乐史上最大的遗憾之一。



——个性与发展自我评价 (菁华5篇)



  对于学*我一直认为坚持与努力是最重要的,这也是我在高三生活中体会到的经验。高中的知识多又需要理解的去记忆,所以在学*新知识的时候我会想到努力的重要,我常常会废寝忘食地把一个问题弄的十分清楚,为的是踏踏实实地打好学*的基础。在回顾以前的知识和错题或者是漏洞时 我会想到坚持的重要,积少成多的道理大家都懂,把不会的事情每天拿出来复*复*,用不了几次自然而然就会了。







  1756年,沃尔夫冈·莫扎特(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)出生于萨尔兹堡,自幼他便展现出那无与伦比的音乐天赋:3岁开始弹琴,6岁开始作曲,8岁写下了第一部交响乐,11岁便完成了他的第一部歌剧,14岁是指挥乐队演出了该歌剧。可以这么说,莫扎特是为音乐而生的,从他出生的那一刻开始,他就和音乐熔为一体了。


























  Although the days of military training bitter, but like the coffee can taste the same deep taste. I thought it would not work, it tested me and told me to adhere to in the end, the victory will eventually belong to people with faith.Daily military posture standing, I feel the time is no longer a time, even if the legs sour but in exchange for a straight.

  Each adhere to in the end will let me go beyond their own feelings. There was overcast rain drizzle shower without wet my red heart, there have been direct summer heat, but not as tanning the same skin, basking in my dedication. If there is no such training, I will not only rest for a moment will become a charity, compared with the usual leisure time, it is called the real "luxury."

  Junzi show is the military style, but also show the indignation of calm beauty, firm heart, hard bone proud sky, wind and frost of the wind, you will feel a sense of integrity and equity. If the youth is fine, then the military posture is beautiful.

  But also military training so I realized the feelings of the soldiers, when the side sounded "tell the truth", my eyes filled with tears, I would like to soldiers how many days and nights to hear the song will be sadly off Tears it. They gave up the warmth of their families, their loved ones.

  This can not be said to be a great performance, they are and the motherland's stars together, shining above the clouds above us. I have no reason to complain about the boring life and boring. To flatter every day meaningful, beneficial to others, beneficial to themselves. Because there is such a group shoulder a million times heavier than my responsibility.Because a kind of life than I am a hundred thousand times hard. I should also show the attitude of the soldiers in front of the poet.

  Military training is just a little bit of my youth, but gradually mature I am more eager to maintain a lasting military training experience. Military training hone my will, to push some of our lives to the limit, is my spirit followed a new look.It will be extended to my life every spring and summer and autumn and winter. Military uniform the most beautiful, the most loud and clear military songs, doing the most proud of the military, and military training days like storms.

  Away from the hustle and bustle of the city,leaving the hotbed of comfort,we have more than 800 high a freshman came to the xx military training base,Wearing a symbol of life and hope of the green,we carried out seven days of tension,strict,hard military training.

  Seven days,in the long life is just a hurry of the moment.But spent seven days in military training,is absolutely extraordinary seven days.

  Seven days of military training,contains our ups and downs.Station Junzi,starting to go,running,is to go,squat.We repeat the boring action over and over again;singing shouting password,we use the strength of the body roar,but can not let instructors satisfaction.Backache,but also straight;shouting dumb voice,throat still reluctantly screaming.Whether it is torrential rain,or hot sun,our training remains the same;whether sweat or tears,our pace can not stop.Iron-like discipline bound us all the time.In the strict requirements,there is our tired body stand,with our hands and feet repeated ache action.Serious instructors,hard life......all in all,we must be strong to face.Because we are wearing uniforms,because we are in this green barracks.

  Seven days,we suffered from the pain.But there are also many military training in the sweet.Instructor beautiful loud and clear singing portrayal of the real barracks life,sing the soldiers of the tenacious will and relatives of the miss,touched every one of us;basketball game exciting intense tug of war tug of war,ears still echoed Enjoy the fresh air to the body and mind to bring the fresh pleasure,refreshing;there is a beautiful show with the arts and craftsmen as well as the beauty of the beautiful scenery of the sunrise,Melodic,moving dance and beat the cells.More teachers,students in every possible way of caring and thoughtful,instructors understanding and sense of humor.Hard we dee*** appreciate the warmth of the collective,the taste is particularly sweet.

  Seven days,is suffering and tired of the seven days,is to pay more is the harvest of seven days.Our backs were straight,our faces were resolute,and we were full of energy.Between standing and squat,the military gave us the military temperament: upright,straight.Hard training,we learned to endure pain,learn to adhere to,and then persist.Military training has given us a strong quality,tenacious style.We have less arrogance,more copies of the hard work in the end the spirit and struggle,forever forward to the will.Through thick and thin,to see the students do not give up around,how can I easily bow;help each other,we grew up from arrogant to independent life.Military training taught us - unity is strength: this force is iron,steel,iron than steel is also stronger than steel,as long as the people as one mind,there is no victory over the enemy can not overcome the difficulties.Military training to us - discipline,obey orders is bounden duty,the order to keep in mind that the line is prohibited,consciously condensed into a collective battle.Peoples armed forces with iron discipline,will have infinite combat effectiveness.We also more profound understanding of the militarys content.It is synonymous with seriousness,prestige,discipline.Soldiers and soldiers are always the most lovable people.Each of us in the military standards of strict demands on themselves.Although the seven days of the military training is short,we have learned a great many other things that can not be obtained elsewhere - knowledge, quality, spirit, and precious wealth.

  Seven days of military training,one after another test.We only experience it,to be able to sharpen their own,make themselves more resilient.We only overcome difficulties,bear the wind and rain,in order to more calmly face the future life.Military training is necessary for our growth;it is the only way to success.The taste of military training as flavors mixed together,we taste;but it can not just a moment of taste.We have to retain the essence of the military camp to learn the excellent quality with us in order to meet the militarys attitude to the upcoming high school life,so that the whole life.

  We took a look forward to the heart of the University; we took a curious heart into the campus; we took a red heart to participate in military training. Military training has begun a few days, and we understand that it is not our pleasure; it is not our playful situation; it is not our sexual activities. Military training, it is the opportunity to show our courage; it is a platform to show our grace; it is an attempt to exercise our determination.

  During the military training, I also dee*** understand that the military training process is the need we have perseverance, patience, determination process. Although this period, I have fault, my heart had been tense, had to give up, but think about this bitter can not eat, how to learn the courage and perseverance?

  Eventually I did not give up. To see even the sisters with their sweaty hair, they also try to grit your teeth with training, and some even almost dizzy, but still stick to the end, the sisters gave me the courage and determination, we in the scorching sun A red hot heart, we are not afraid of sweat our clothes, not afraid of sweat. Determination and the war in the end. I am proud and I am honored. Pride, honor and sisters all over the country war in the end.

  I am very excited, since we come, we also get this exercise, we should know how to learn to cherish. In the next training, we will redouble our efforts to live up to the expectations of teachers and instructors.

  Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, leaving the hotbed of comfort, we have more than 800 high a freshman came to the xx military training base, Wearing a symbol of life and hope of the green, we carried out seven days of tension, strict, hard military training.

  Seven days, in the long life is just a hurry of the moment. But spent seven days in military training, is absolutely extraordinary seven days.

  Seven days of military training, contains our ups and downs. Station Junzi, starting to go, running, is to go, squat. We repeat the boring action over and over again; singing shouting password, we use the strength of the body roar, but can not let instructors satisfaction. Backache, but also straight; shouting dumb voice, throat still reluctantly screaming. Whether it is torrential rain, or hot sun, our training remains the same; whether sweat or tears, our pace can not stop. Iron-like discipline bound us all the time. In the strict requirements, there is our tired body stand, with our hands and feet repeated ache action.Serious instructors, hard life ... ... all in all, we must be strong to face.Because we are wearing uniforms, because we are in this green barracks.

  Seven days, we suffered from the pain. But there are also many military training in the sweet. Instructor beautiful loud and clear singing portrayal of the real barracks life, sing the soldiers of the tenacious will and relatives of the miss, touched every one of us; basketball game exciting intense tug of war tug of war, ears still echoed Enjoy the fresh air to the body and mind to bring the fresh pleasure, refreshing; there is a beautiful show with the arts and craftsmen as well as the beauty of the beautiful scenery of the sunrise,Melodic, moving dance and beat the cells. More teachers, students in every possible way of caring and thoughtful, instructors understanding and sense of humor. Hard we dee*** appreciate the warmth of the collective, the taste is particularly sweet.

  Seven days, is suffering and tired of the seven days, is to pay more is the harvest of seven days. Our backs were straight, our faces were resolute, and we were full of energy. Between standing and squat, the military gave us the military temperament: upright, straight. Hard training, we learned to endure pain, learn to adhere to, and then persist. Military training has given us a strong quality, tenacious style. We have less arrogance, more copies of the hard work in the end the spirit and struggle, forever forward to the will.Through thick and thin, to see the students do not give up around, how can I easily bow; help each other, we grew up from arrogant to independent life.Military training taught us - unity is strength: this force is iron, steel, iron than steel is also stronger than steel, as long as the people as one mind, there is no victory over the enemy can not overcome the difficulties. Military training to us - discipline, obey orders is bounden duty, the order to keep in mind that the line is prohibited, consciously condensed into a collective battle.Peoples armed forces with iron discipline, will have infinite combat effectiveness. We also more profound understanding of the militarys content.It is synonymous with seriousness, prestige, discipline. Soldiers and soldiers are always the most lovable people. Each of us in the military standards of strict demands on themselves. Although the seven days of the military training is short, we have learned a great many other things that can not be obtained elsewhere - knowledge, quality, spirit, and precious wealth.

  Seven days of military training, one after another test. We only experience it, to be able to sharpen their own, make themselves more resilient. We only overcome difficulties, bear the wind and rain, in order to more calmly face the future life. Military training is necessary for our growth; it is the only way to success. The taste of military training as flavors mixed together, we taste; but it can not just a moment of taste. We have to retain the essence of the military camp to learn the excellent quality with us in order to meet the militarys attitude to the upcoming high school life, so that the whole life.

  Which lasted 10 days of military training,today has been successfully concluded.Just now,we held a grand military parade,sub-type and military classes reported performance.Through the reporting performance,we can see,the students after ten days of intense training,and achieved fruitful results,to achieve the desired purpose.This is the crystallization of all the training instructors hard sweat,but also all the students,the leadership of the hospital,organs and departments of the armed forces and the joint efforts of all staff.

  To this end,I on behalf of the school party committee,school leaders,to participate in the military training of all students to express my sincere greetings to bear the military training task of the Xinjiang Military Region Political Department of the school training and all defense students instructors to express my heartfelt thanks!

  The training of more than 5,000 new students,training instructors more than 200 people.Shihezi University in the military and the School of Arranging the Office of the Organization Department of the serious organization,the leadership of the College,the teachers active cooperation,the training was carried out in an orderly,sound and color.All instructors adhere to the strict requirements,strict training,in strict accordance with the rules of action approach,both to ensure the seriousness of military training students,while focusing on scientific teaching,starting from the students work discipline,take strict training and student practice,science Management,highlighting the fundamental goal of educating people,so that students with full enthusiasm into the military training.

  In the training ground,all participating students to carry forward the blood and sweat do not shed tears,lose the skin out of the flesh,the spirit of practice in the hot sun practice to practice until the master of every action essentials.Some students still adhere to the training of students twisting the foot;some students adhere to the training field for the instructor and the students end tea water.Some instructors are hoarse voice,and some instructors sick,but they still insist on the front line.

  From the instructors who,the students learned the fine tradition of hard-working soldiers,perseverance and selfless dedication of the noble work style.Since the training,the College of military training to give a high degree of attention,Medical College of Huang Peng,deputy secretary of the College of Li Gang,deputy secretary of the competition,Guo Feng,deputy head of the School of Economics,Chaifu Cheng,deputy secretary of Political Science and Law Zheng Deputy secretary of the College of Literature and Art,Chen Yu,deputy secretary of the Normal College,College of Animal Science and Technology,deputy secretary of the Haopeng,Electrical and Mechanical College of Bin often to the training field to visit the military training students,Teachers College published military briefing.

  In the course of military training,the director of the school and the counselor of grade,adhere to the training site every day to understand the training situation and help the instructors to solve various practical problems.In particular,the Teachers College and the College of Literature and Art also specially organized the military training report performance of the college,the attention and participation of colleges and departments,and played a positive role in safeguarding the smooth implementation of the military training.

  Students,more than 10 days of military training,in peoples life is short,but to participate in such a special event,for students,it is very memorable and precious.Students and instructors live together,training together,learning the military,learning politics,cultivating style,physical exercise,in many ways have made significant progress.

  Students from the instructors of the words and deeds,every move,learned the military dedication and excellent quality,sublimation of his life value and ideological quality.Students,we want to maintain and carry forward the military training in the military training spirit: obey orders,discipline;unity and cooperation,love the collective;heroic tenacious,hard-working;proactive,and strive to advanced.Do worthy of the motherland,worthy of the times,worthy of the people of qualified students.

  I hope the students in the future study and life,continue to go beyond the self,and constantly train themselves,consolidate the military training results,from the military instructors who learned a good idea,good style,good tradition,continue to flourish and promote style of study and school.At the same time,we must conscientiously study the professional knowledge,master the excellent science and technology and skills,to train themselves into a thick foundation,wide professional,strong ability,high-quality adaptive talents.
