杭州景点介绍英文作文 (菁华3篇)

首页 / 作文 / | 2022-12-02 00:00:00 作文,英文,景点介绍


  Hangzhou is located on the eastern shore of China East Sea and on the riverside of Qiantang River. Marco Polo,a famous Italian traveller visited the city in the middle of Yuan Dynasty. Hangzhou has been one of the ancient capitals in Chinese history.It functioned as the political,economic and cultural center in some dynasties. Hangzhou raise the fame with many famous temples and ancient pagodas. The beautiful West Lake is surrounded by hills from three sides.And parkes are situated everywhere alone the lakeside,which attract thousands of tourists home and abroad.


  Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang province and its political, economic and cultural center. With its famous natural beauty and cultural heritages, Hangzhou is one of China's most important tourist venues.

  The City, the southern terminus of the Grand C***, is located on the lower reaches of the Qiantang River in southeast China, a superior position in the Yangtze Delta and only 180 kilometers from Shanghai. Hangzhou has a subtropical monsoon type climate with four quite distinct seasons. However, it is neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter making it a year round destination.

  The West Lake is undoubtedly the most renowned feature of Hangzhou, noted for the scenic beauty that blends naturally with many famous historical and cultural sites. In this scenic area, Solitary Hill, the Mausoleum of General Yue Fei, the Six Harmonies Pagoda and the Ling Yin Temple are probably the most frequently visited attractions. The "Ten West Lake Prospects" have been specially selected to give the visitor outstanding views of the lake, mountains and monuments.

  A number of national museums can be found in Hangzhou and are representative of Chinese culture. Fine examples are the National Silk Museum and Tea Museum. Along with the other museums in Hangzhou, they provide a fascinating insight into the history of Chinese traditional products.



  Another National Day is coming. It's the 70th birthday of our motherland's mother. This day, my parents took me to Hangzhou West Lake, a pearl in the paradise on earth.


  Walking along the Sudi, the big green trees decorate the Sudi with extraordinary beauty. The squirrels on the trees bring a new life to the Sudi. The people on the upper reaches of the dyke were like knitting, and their faces were full of joy. Looking into the distance, we can only see the continuous ups and downs of the mountains, the lake sparkling in the sunshine, like a beautiful landscape painting. We arrived at Huxinting by electric boat. The Pavilion in the center of the lake is the first island built on the three islands of the West Lake, and it is also the largest pavilion in the lake. The pavilion was first built in 1552. In front of the pavilion, there was a handwriting written by Emperor Qianlong. "Then we came to Ruan Gongdun. Ruan Gongdun seems to be a green fairyland, where you can see a large number of green trees and a variety of ancient trees. Walking on the road, you can also occasionally smell the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus, accompanied by the sound of birds, let alone how pleasant it is!


  Finally, we came to Xiao Yingzhou. Xiao Yingzhou is the largest island of West Lake. It was built in 1679 and has the reputation of "islands in lakes and lakes in islands". The three two-meter-high stone pagodas in the southern end of Xiaoying Zhou Lake were built in 1621 after the original three pagodas built in Dongpo, Jiangsu Province. There are five holes in each tower. The moon lights are placed in the middle of the tower at night, and the real moon in the water reflects each other. Together, there are thirty-three moons. Thirty moons are the reflection of lights and lights, two moons are the reflection of the real moon and its reflection, and one moonlight is in their hearts. This is the famous "Three Pools Yinyue" at home and abroad.


  At night, we came to Wulin Square. Wulin Square is a splendid place. Countless pots of chrysanthemum and chrysanthemum make up a big five-star red flag. In the light of the lamp, the red is very bright and the yellow is brilliant and striking. Looking at it, I'm intoxicated.


  Hangzhou in October is so beautiful! Everywhere is filled with the joy of National Day and the fragrance of late autumn. How can we not be intoxicated?

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杭州景点介绍英文作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展2)

——景点介绍作文350字 (菁华3篇)



  春天,树木抽出新的枝条,长出嫩绿的叶子。每到了三月,粉红的桃花就像一个害羞的小妹妹慢慢的把头探出来了。绿油油的草坪上开满了五颜六色的鲜花,有一串红、玉兰、长寿花、紫荆花···· ··真像是一个美丽的大花园。



  冬天,雪花像仙女下凡一样慢悠悠的从天而降。远看,中心广场一片银白,草地盖上了过冬的棉被。房屋和树木也披上了一层薄纱,就像童话中的仙境。广场里的松树还是那么高大挺拔,穿着雪姑娘送 来的白色盔甲,显的比往常更加威风了,真是体现了“大雪压青松,青松挺且直”的傲骨。




  春天,树木抽出新的枝条,长出嫩绿的叶子。地上的积雪融化了,小草探出头来。迎春花吹起了金色的小喇叭。看!人们都来散步了。杏树、桃树、梨树、苹果树,争先恐后地开放出了五颜六色的花。 麻雀、喜鹊,叽叽喳喳,真像一个大乐队。小朋友这儿一组那儿一组,玩得可高兴了。

  夏天,树木长得葱葱茏茏,密密层层的枝叶把广场封得严严实实的,挡住了人们的视线,遮住了蓝蓝的天空。清晨,雾从树林里升起来,整个广场浸在淡白色的薄雾里。太阳出来了,千万缕像利剑一样 的金光,穿过树梢,照射在长满野花的草地上。草地上的野花有红的、白的、紫的,五光十色,真像个美丽的大花坛。









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——杭州旅游景点导游词 (菁华3篇)




























  我们面前的这根大柱子可是顶梁柱,直径达13米,除了承托观音像的重量外,还能抗12级以上台风和7级地震,其外围为了美观用紫铜做成壁画,为了防腐又加上3CM厚的玻璃罩。紫铜的东南西三面雕塑的是观音十方世界说法图,北面雕塑的是普陀山首任全山方丈妙善大和尚,*被选为首任方丈后,用十年时间(当时wenge刚结束)恢复普陀山的建筑,并在海内外尤其是东南亚享有盛誉实在不容易。南海观音是他倡建的 [因当时全国佛教协会会长赵朴初(生前与妙老是好朋友)曾有个愿望:在祖国的东西南北中,用五个露天佛像来保佑*风调雨顺、国泰民安!这五尊露天佛像分别是:(东)普陀山南海观音,(南)海南南山观音,(西)四川乐山大佛,(北)辽宁千山大佛,(中)无锡灵山大佛。]除此之外他还有三大功德,分别是:杨枝庵——给山上年老的师父养老用;佛学院——全国佛教精品寺院隐秀庵;普济医院——本着救死扶伤的精神,为岛上百姓及香游客提供医疗服务。免挂号费门诊费,药品按成本价供应,检查费用是国家标准定价的一半。这四个功德都被雕在妙老铜像的周围,妙老于2002年2月26日圆寂,92岁高龄,他把自己一生所有的积蓄全部捐给了普陀山佛教协会,有2亿多人民币。














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  水是生态之基,亦有文化传承。行走在渭河生态水利风景区,每一位黄河儿女都能在这里寻到源根,看到奋进、找到自信: “渭水情”雕塑中侧卧的母亲饱含爱意地凝视着自己的孩子;依托渭河横桥遗址修建的汉台,台上战鼓威武,台下树阵磅礴;灞渭大桥-恢宏,汉阙、廊亭在折柳之地诉说千年、启迪今人。




















杭州景点介绍英文作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展5)


  Emei Mountain is one of the four famous mountains of Chinese Buddhism. Our family is not very trustworthy Buddha, here, is completely running the "Emei world show" reputation and that breathtaking four wonders - sunrise, sea of clouds, Buddha, the lights away.

  To the Emei Mountain, the sunrise and the sea of vision is a noisy team caught a trace of no trace. What "Emei world show" also will disappear. whispering sound! "Show" A mountain is all selling small business hawkers, all the way to pull you to someone elses hotel to stay in the staff.

  Suddenly remembered Mr. Yu Qiuyu in the "Cultural Journey," a book wrote: Qingchengshan no longer quiet. Last year I have been to Qingcheng Mountain, the mountain aside aside, the mountains and the top is also very quiet, especially the top of the mountain, quiet even have their own breathing sounds also heard. Perhaps Mr. Yu is just disappointed at the foot of the mountain and the strike, but perhaps he did not expect, a group of bustling mountain "insects", even sitting on the hill is not willing to. Do not know if Mr. Yu had been Emei, if he saw Emei this scene, probably more disappointed than the Qingcheng Hill it.

  Before long, we were a pedestrian was a man coaxed to a hotel stay. On the four wonders of all kinds of fantasy, suddenly was a pot of cold water to head out - live footers, destined with the four wonders missed. No way: both to come, then the security of the.

  The next day, boarded the Golden Summit, did not see the sunrise and sea of clouds, expected. Can be more than three. thousand meters of the peak, actually as cold as winter, but I did not expect it. I do not understand the Buddha, so stand above the top of the gold, nothing more than just blowing some cool breeze, but also almost get a cold.

  Emei, the eldest son of the Buddha; Emei who, the pride of the mountains; now Emei, secular by the troubled, then there are thousands of style, more with whom said?

  Today, I and my father, my mother, aunt, sister to go with Ssangyong Gorge. At the station met Sibo, we set off on the ride.

  We sat in a small train into the Shuanglong Gorge, the side of the train is a cliff, one side is the mountain. There is a dragon in the mountains of black and green tail dragonfly, can be a good look.

  When climbing the shoes will always stick on the point of mud.

  Small stones on the edge of the stone is very slippery, very high, very dangerous circumstances we do not go to the water, in a very short, very smooth case to go, the water flow is very slow I went to wash their hands. We caught a little tadpole in the brook. Then we all said it put it, and then we put it back into the pond.

  Hainan is in the south of China. It is Chinas largest special economic zone and youngest province. Since it was established ten years ago, the economic zone has experienced rapid development in many aspects. The comfortable residential quarters have been built up, highways have been constructed, and modem ports and airports have been built. Hainan, as a famous "natural greenhouse", also enjoys a lot of advantages in tropical agriculture. Litchi, for example, is ripe one month earlier there than in Guangdong Province. Hainan is also a scenic spot and it has quickly become a resort for holiday makers. The Hainan Special Economic Zone has a bright future.

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杭州景点介绍英文作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展7)

——介绍景点的英语作文 (菁华5篇)

  Shenzhen is one of Chinas top tourist destinations, attracting millions of visitors each year. Its pleasant seashore and well-preserved forests have made up for its lack of stately mountains and rivers, and earned it the title of "International Garden City."

  Another magnet comes from its theme parks, with a great variety of features ranging from folk culture to a retired aircraft carrier. Distinctive sceneries, fabulous shows and stunning experiences: the parks charms never seem to fade.

  And dont forget this is a modern metropolitan, where high-rise buildings and green space intermingle perfectly. It is a financial center, a transportation hub, and home to many first-rate hotels and restaurants. Here you will never fail to find a cuisine that arouses your appetite and curiosity,

  For tourists, this is a city of convenience, leisure and endless fun.

  Theme Parks in the Overseas Chinese Town A magnet for tour groups, the Overseas Chinese Town (Hua Qiao Cheng) in Nanshan District features four distinctive theme parks sitting side by side. A monorail commutes around the parks in the area.

  Chinese Folk Culture Villages

  Right next to Splendid China, the folk culture park dazzles with the histories and mysteries of the countrys ethnic groups. Scattering around the 180,000-sqm park are 24 villages built in 1:1 ratio, inhabited by real ethnic people who present their traditional arts, customs, languages and cuisines. Traditional culture performances are held there every day. Like Splendid China, the park is also heavily forested.

  Very beautiful one Qing Dao City city , its scenery are graceful , the environment is comfortable , person , we is proud by self city as Qingdao. The Qingdao traffic is crowded comparatively, but goes to the lavatory very much, the public transit automobile reaches island city everywhere directly. There is a lot of places of historic interest , tourist attraction , Bi Ru in Qingdao: Zhong Shan City park , May 4th public square , landing stage, ... The Qingdao fine food is also very famous , snack having a lot of delicious food, beer and seafood are most famous. This be my hometown , my Heaven! I love her , Qingdao!

  The Great Wall of China is a Chinese fortification built from the 5th century BC until the beginning of the 17th century,in order to protect the various dynasties from raids by Hunnic,Mongol,Turkic,and other nomadic tribes coming from areas in modern-day Mongolia and Manchuria.

  Several walls,also referred to as the Great Wall of China,were built since the 5th century BC,the most famous being the one built between 220 BC and 200 BC by the first Emperor of China,Qin Shi Huang; this wall was located much further north than the current wall built during the Ming Dynasty,and little of it remains.The Great Wall of China was originally a project of the Chairman Mao during the Cultural revolution designed to keep out the nomadic Xiongnu invaders from the north.Some of the wall was built during the Qin,but most of it that we see today was constructed during the Ming dynasty.The Great Wall is the worlds largest man-made structure,stretching over a formidable 6,352 km (3,948 miles),from Shanhai Pass on the Bohai Sea in the east,at the limit between "China proper" and Manchuria (Northeast China),to Lop Nur in the southeastern portion of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region .

  Along most of its arc,it roughly delineates the border between North China and Inner Mongolia.See List of largest buildings in the world l love great wall.how wonderful!

  i have a big bedroom. it is bright and clean. there’s a big bed in it. behind the bed, there’s a large photo of me on the wall. in front of the bed, there’s a large bookcase and a tv. next to the bookcase, there are two desks, one is big, the other is small.

  there is an air conditioner opposite the desks. below the air conditioner, there is a big round mirror. and there are two bedside tables near my bed. one is on the left and the other on the right.

  there is a wardrobe in my bedroom, many clothes are in it. there are also dolls and stationery in my bedroom. and there will be a com*r in my bedroom next year. i like my bedroom very much!

杭州景点介绍英文作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展8)

——旅游景点导游解说词英文 (菁华3篇)

  Ladies and Gentlemen,

  Welcome to Beijing.Beijing is the capital of China as well as one of the four ancient capitals in china.Many foreign friends known Beijing because of the the success of the Olympic Games. Please sit back and relax. Iam your local guide for your Beijing tour ,you can call me Amry.This is our driver Mr. Zhang.We will make every effort to provide the best quality service.Like me, Beijingers are always ready to welcome friends from all over the world with their most hospitality.During you Beijing tour we will visit the Forbidden City、Great Wall、Summer Palace and other attractions.I hope that the old as well as fashion Beijing willleave you a good memory.

  The first attraction of our tour in Beijing is the Forbidden City.The first thing people would think of when talking about the

  Forbidden City is it the place where Chinese emperors used to live and hold their courts. .But the value of the Forbidden City is not limited to this.It is a microcosm of Chinese history, Chinese culture and Chinese architecture.The Forbidden City is located in center oBeijing. It was imperial palace of both Ming and Qing dynasties.With a history of over 600 years, it is the largest and most complete palace complex that still exists in the world. 24 emperors had rule the empir from here for more than 500 years. Forbidden City is also called Purple Forbidden City .In the feudal['fju:dl]封建时代的` society ,emperors had supreme至高的 power , so this residence was certainly a forbidden place . Purple was the symbolic[sim'b?lik] 象征color of the North Star which was believed to be the center of the cosmos宇宙 .So it got the name of Purple Forbidden City.

  The building arrangement within the Forbidden City is symmetrical对称的.And it is divided into two parts :the outer court and the inner court .The former is the place where emperors handled courts事物 and held different ceremonies仪式.It consists of Taihe ,Zhonghe and Baohe Halls.Taihe hall is the largest hall within the Forbidden City.It was the location where Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty Emperors hosted theirenthronement and wedding ceremonies .The inner court consists of Qianqing, Jiaotai and Kunming Halls where the emperor lived and handled day-to-day work.The lmperial Garden lies on north of the Kunming Hall. It looks like a natural picture.This is the place where the emperor and his family play.

  Since the founding of new China, the Forbidden City has been well maintained.It was made part of the world cultural heritage list in 1987.Tody as the largest museum of cultural relics in China, it collected and displayed one million precious relics .

  Now I want to ask you a question.How many houses are there in the Forbidden City? It was said that there were 10000 rooms in the complex of the Heaven Palace .As the son of the heaven , emperor had to build only 9999.5 rooms .Actually ,there are only 8707 rooms in the Forbidden City.

  As The saying goes, seeing is believing.With curiosity, let's walk into the Forbidden City.Let's appreciate Chinese culture and feel the history of the rise and fall of the Chinese emperors.

  Fellow friends:

  Hello! Toured the Dali old city, initially has feltthis humanities landscape profoundness; Now we watch the CangshanErhai, understands the Dali's America of scenery.

  First, we ride the yacht to go to the Erhai park. The Erhai park othername group mountain park, is l ocated the Hsiakuan city northeast 2kilometers place groups mountains. North it near ocean waves Wan QingErhai, west and Cangshan SouthEnd setting sun peak relative. WhenNanzhao country, here is king's deer park. In 1976 here newly wardedoff for the park, Occupiesdi 1,600 Chinese acres. On the mountain has thezoo and the plant nursery flower-bed, broadly plants the Dali areaeach kind of precious flower different plant, is very good rests placeof the tour.

  Now the pleasure boat to the Erhai park near the sea causeway, we cameashore to the ship, this is under the group foot of a hill Binhai tourarea along 270 multistage stone steps AscendsLevel on, we arrive the summit.Everybody looked that, this Curls upwardsAngle upturned eave pavilion is looks thesea building, the eave hangs from above the plaque, submits a writtenstatement: Jade Er silver dark green ", the black bottom goldcharacter, vigorous is classically elegant, it is the Chinese inadmiration of somebody's fame painter Wu Zuoren's writing skill. Looksthe sea building is understands "the jade Er silver dark green"happiest extent, leans against a railing looks out into the distance:East side Erhai vast, boundless, west Cangshan is continuous,luxuriant is gray.

  Fellow friends, let us go on board once more, roams through to Erhaiin. But I first must to everybody introduction be actually amCangshan. Formerly, we in the Dali city, under on the dark green footof a hill road, have not been able to look at carefully the Cangshangrand appearance well. Just like the ancient said "does not know thetruth about the matter, only reason body in this mountain"; Looks thesea building in the Erhai park, the angle of view Inclines, also onlycan see the Cangshan terminal. Now, unceasingly leads the way alongwith the pleasure boat, in our eye Cangshan is not clearer? Somepeople said that, a Hengduan pulse condition great arm, the Tibetplateau extended west Yunnan from "the roof of the world" to thesouth, Cangshan was in this world famous sierra a cloud range branch.

  Cangshan, also names the Diancang, is green because of its mountaincolor, the mountain apex acquires fame in vain. Cangshan altogetherhas 19 peaks. This 19 peaks from the north to the south order are: Thecloud makes, green, five, the lotus flower, the white clouds, thecrane cloud, three positive, the blue peak, the snowman, should behappy, the Goddess of Mercy, center and, Longquan, the jade bureau,Malone, the saint should, Buddha go against, Ma Er, the setting sun.In 19 peaks, the Malone peak is highest, elevation 4,122 meters. TheCangshan 19 peaks, two peaks clamp a brook, altogether 18 brooks; Eastthe mountain stream flows, pours into Erhai, 18 brooks from north tosouth, the base arrangement is: South the rosy cloud moves, Wan Hua,the positive brook, the awn wells up, the brocade brook, the spiritspring, the white stone, the double mandarin duck, hides the immortal,Mei Xi, the peach brook, center the brook, the emerald, Longxi, clearblue, remnant, Pavilion mouth, is not positive.

  The Cangshan scenery by the snow, the cloud, SpringStone is famous. I firstintroduce Cangshan to everybody the snow. After the summer needlessCangshan snow, is Dali "the love affair" four given names scenery. Thesnow white Cangshan snow, all previous dynasties article literatiapproves the refined language quite a lot, the folklore also many. Thethe Ming Dynasty writer Li Yuanyang once praised: "Date Li Cangshansnow, Precioustai 19 peaks".

  Cangshan's cloud is the famous biography is far and wide. The cloudgathers the cloud to disperse, sometimes the pale like light smoke,sometimes is thick like splashes ink. In fluctuates varied 云景center, what is most mysterious is "looks the husband cloud" and "thejade belt cloud". So-called "looks the husband cloud" is referswhenever the winter spring the season, the Cangshan jade bureau peakregular meeting appears a lonely cloud, suddenly remembers suddenlyfalls, about flutters, if hoped if attends to. Unusual occupying to anits appearance, the Diancang then suddenly gets up the storm, blows toErhai. So-called "jade belt cloud", is refers whenever at the end ofthe summer FallInitially, After rainFirst clear, between the Cangshan 19 peakshalfways up the mountainside often can appear white clouds, the cloudsGathersCollects, slowly pulls open, if the pure white jade belt horizontallyties the green mountainside. Is continuous dozens of miles,unexpectedly the date does not dissipate. Marvelous is, "the jade beltcloud" meets the omen agriculture abundant harvest: It appears thenumber of times to be many, same year on good crop weather. Local Painationality has the farmer's proverb: "Cangshan is the jade belt, thehungry dog eats the rice".

  Cangshan's spring very is also famous. In 19 peaks the elevation hasmany mountains moraine lake in 3,800 meter above peak, this is thequaternary period glacier stays behind. Also has that 18 brooks themountain stream, flies the waterfall to fold the spring, the fourseasons rushes down, in under clear sweet water seepage nourishing,Cangshan fills the vitality. The moraine lakeside, the densely coveredvirgin forest and many precious forests, the strange flowers andplants, specially should tell everybody are, Cangshan's flowers andplants already fine reputation far broadcasts, moreover it also causesCangshan to be famous far and wide. American Professor Luo Lancasteronce said that, "Has 1000000 in US to know the Chinese Yunnan the DaliCangshan, because they all plant have many beautiful Dali Cangshan theIndian azalea."

  Cangshan's stone, renowned at home and abroad. Guo Moruo has "ChantsMarble" the poem: "Three towers 矜 are high ancient, along thinksLoyalView year. The Cangshan rhyme love affair, the wonderful stone spitsthe mist. Outside the heart, coolly lives ElbowArmpit. The day meritmanpower generation, the overseas compete the treasure biography."

  Cangshan has bred the marble, the marble is Cangshan's soul. This kindof magnificent wonderful stone, world many places all have, the aloneDali's most wonderful America, also opens the people early, therefore,world every this wonderful stone is called "the marble", "Dali" alsoraises the world because of Shi Erming.

  Fellow friends, our pleasure boat vanguard, now should introduce thisocean waves Wan Qing to everybody Erhai itself.

  Erhai, ancient name Kunming pond, Er river, Ye Yu Ze and so on;Because it resembles the person ear, therefore Erhai. Its north andsouth long 42 kilometers, the thing extends 3-9 kilometer, the lakewaterfront long 117 kilometers, the area more than 250 squarekilometers; The hydraulic mean depth 10.5 meters, the deepest 21.5meters, the water-holding capacity 2.88 billion cubic meters, the areaand the water-holding capacity arrange in order the Yunnan lakesecond, occupies seventh in the national fresh water lake.

  South Erhai has makes up 苴 the river and so on to pour into, WestNatriumthe Cangshan 18 mountain streams, east collect the Polo river, dig thecolor river, the south side west Er river are the only estuaries,after Ripples濞 red circles into Lanchan River. Erhai is the tectoniclake, the lake shore thing are many CliffWall, north southwest three arethe sandbars.

  Everybody looked, Erhai water depth limpid, if the non- flaw beautifuljade, is beautiful incomparably, it is welcome each position by thebroad mind to come from the distant place guest. Erhai is the Chinafamous high land moor, as early as it has carried the annals in theHan Dynasty.

  "Er SeaMonth" is Dali one of four given names scenery. If goesboatingErhai in the lunar calendar ten in May bright nights, its monthespecially bright, especially circle, its scenery elated: In thewater, the month circle like wheel, floats the light to swing thegold; The sky, the jade mirror high hangs, the clear splendor isshining, the bath leaves from Erhai. Looks that, looks, the water andsky shines, you unexpectedly cannot distinguish clearly are the daymonth fall the sea, or SeaMonth ascends to heaven. Is Er SeaMonth so whybright? The scientific conclusion is: First, Erhai water qualityspecially pure, the transparency is quite high, its reflection greatlystrengthened; Second, Erhai sea level dust less, air fresh, causes thewater and sky to serve as contrast, the moonlight is brighter. Inaddition, Er SeaMonth is famous, but also lies in the pure white non-flaw the Cangshan snow to produce an inverted image in Erhai, SeaMonthenhances one another's beauty with as pure as driven snow Er, aconstitution silver dark green jade Er's big marvelous sight.

  With the Cangshan snow, the Er SeaMonth connected Dali four given namesscenery also have Guan Hua, the Hsiakuan wind. Between Erhai andCangshan's dam, is a long shape silting alluviation plain. WhenNanzhao country, nearby two respectively builds a xiaocheng in thisstrip north and south, holds the important location, defends the kingsall safety. North name Long Shouguan, also called closes; Southernregion name Dragon's Tail pass, at once Hsiakuan. On so-called closesthe flower, is refers closes "ten mile fragrant wonderful tree", thisflower originally shapings the street and Shan Sinei in on pass, itsflowered big like lotus, the year opens several hundred, the fragranceoverflows the four directions, the flower opens the season, the viewlike cloud. Also therefore the tree ties the husk to be firm, may dofaces the bead, therefore the flower called "faces the pearl headornament". Afterwards, this flower vanished. The first years, somepeople had it is said found it in the Cangshan forest. West theHsiakuan wind refers to the Er river valley to inject Hsiakuan thewind, continues all year long, You takedong as is spring abundant, youas soon as enter Hsiakuan to be allowed to feel the Hsiakuan wind theexistence. It roars nearly every day, sweeps the street to put on thelane, holds up the bottom of garment uncovers the hat, caused Hsiakuanobtained "the wind city" the nickname.

  Dali's love affair four given names scenery, has poem its string inthe same place, is advantageous for remembered, also quite has theappeal: The Hsiakuan wind, on closes the flower, the Hsiakuan windblows closes the flower; Cangshan snow, Er SeaMonth, Er SeaMonth accordingto Cangshan snow. Speaks of here, asks each position to look our Painationality girls embroider flowered Baotou. You might not despise it,it have manifested the Dali four given names scenery. Please lookedthat, The breeze blows, nearby the ear snow white 缨Ear with the windfloatingly sprinkled, has appeared Hsiakuan's wind; In Baotou gorgeousflowers, has represented the flower which on closes; The peak this iswhite SilkHead, looked by far likes Cangshan the snow; The entireBaotou's shape same bright is moving on like Erhai's in crescent moon。

  Butian Boulder which is located at the edge of the sky pond, the outfall of Chengcha River seems like a huge ivory inset the sky pond. This boulder condensates after the volcanic eruption, is smelted by fire. There retains many bubbles and scratches above. With the highest point about 10 meters, the width more than 50 meters, is a pocket peninsula inset to the sky pond, and also a tourist attraction full of cultural connotation.

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  In today's guizhou anshun, inhabited by a different group of han Chinese - tun pu people, their speech, dress, local-style dwelling houses building and entertainment with the surrounding villages vastly different, this unique han culture phenomenon is known as "tun pu culture. Residents here because are the descendants of ancient tun army door so people call them "tun pu". More than 600 years ago, Ming hong wu emperor of zhu yuanzhang for reinforced company rule in xinjiang area. In jiangsu and zhejiang recruits soldiers, let XieQi tape them in guizhou, who live in Settings, when war, settlement when idle. Who was spreading across the province, to the tens of thousands of people.

  Passage, and now most of those who sites scattered in the historical space and time, but in the "throat of the belly, of qian dian" anshun, still holds a site by the who and the legacy of people's life, yunshan is acting on his behalf. Tun pu people clothing, mainly in women, their costumes are usually off your big sleeve, big garment is long and knee. Neckline, cuffs, the front edges are embroidered with flow pattern, the waist with both ends at your knees the tapestry of bow of ribbon tie. Long hair done in a bun pulling in net, put on the bun with h. silver chains such as jewelry.

  The difference between women's marital status is that unmarried girl comb DuBian long; Married people are in addition to holding bun, has yet to be shaven forehead threading. In dress, women tend to have the pendants, bracelets, rings, hand cage, long skirts and with embroidery, patch, ornamental, inlay, rolling method such as high for single hook made of crested cloth shoes. If visitors come in due course, you can enjoy the many unique and festival culture with a boundless lasting appeal; 9th in the jade emperor, the 16 day face Wang Gong, people will land in June, June 24 worship Raytheon... The festival to meet Wang Gong lastly, the most characteristic.

  Hunan province is located in the south of the Yangtze river middle reaches, the majority of areas in the south of dongting lake, the name of hunan. Within the territory of the xiangjiang river runs through north and south, and hunan for short. Allegedly, the xiangjiang river basin in the past more than planting lotus, the tang dynasty poet Tan Yongzhi have "autumn wind wan li furong country" of words, so it is called the "lotus" of hunan. Sichuan hunan jiangxi province in the east, west, south which the guangdong, hubei province in the north.

  The dongting lake plain is located in the north of hubei province. East range Mimi, yueyang, west to LinLi, changde, taoyuan, yiyang, Joe, XiangYin mouth, south to the north to the south of jingjiang reach of hubei province. Covers an area of 12690 square kilometers (hunan province). At an altitude of 30-50 meters. Long-term deposition of dongting lake, lake of exposed the fluvial alluvial plain. The dongting lake plain and south-central es on the plain of jianghan plain, hubei province, is one of the three great plains is an important part of the Yangtze river plain.

  River in hunan province, do so more than 5 km river in 5341, the total length of 90000 km, the basin area in more than 5000 square kilometers of the river article 17. Except a few of the pearl river water system and the gan river in the province, mainly in hunan, endowment, yuan and li four water and its tributaries, along the terrain into dongting lake from the south to the north, the city ling angeles into the Yangtze river and dongting lake water system formed a relatively complete. The largest rivers in the xiangjiang river in hunan province, is also one of the seven major Yangtze river tributaries. Dongting lake's largest lakes in the province. The lake across hunan and hubei provinces. In 1644-1825 in dongting lake area of 6270 square kilometers. In 1937, covering 1937 square kilometers. 1983 measurements, dongting lake water is only 2691 square kilometers, less than half in 1825. Due to the increasing lake sediment loads, 28 years, from 1949 to 1977 in dongting lake shrink 85500 mu per year on average.

  Hunan is a minority more provinces, are back, tujia, miao, zhuang, manchu, dong, yao, Mongolian, uygur, yi, Tibetan, Korean, etc. 26 ethnic minorities.

  Changsha in hunan province is located in the eastern north of hunan province, the xiangjiang river downstream, jing railway line, the east and jiangxi tonggu, over load, yichun, pingxiang border, south to xiangtan and zhuzhou city, west and loudi and yiyang region adjacent, north borders on yueyang area. Changsha is the province's political, economic, cultural and transportation center, one is one of the famous historical and cultural city by the state council. About seven thousand years ago, changsha has the original ancestors reproduced here. The name of changsha began in the western zhou dynasty. Dynasty period to the southern town of chu, qingyang, the qin dynasty unified the rear changsha county, the early western han dynasty set up changsha kingdom, han, jin and southern dynasties, changsha as the slag in the county, sui xingsha, tang for tam states, the five dynasties and ten states for capital, and chu yuan to tam state road, and another day in the road, the Ming and qing dynasties for changsha office, set up in 1933 in changsha city. Since the qing dynasty, changsha calendar for hunan. On August 4, 1949, changsha peaceful liberation.

  After the founding of new China, this economic development soon, has now formed by mechanical, textile, light industry, chemical industry, building materials, food and other industrial comprehensive industrial system, the main products are cotton, cigarettes, industrial pump, blower, coal, steel, cement, etc., traditional industrial products, changsha, hunan embroidery, liuyang grass cloth, firecrackers, chrysanthemum stone, copper officer, pottery, etc. Agricultural and sideline products is given priority to with rice, pig, fish, tea, citrus, tea oil, rapeseed and other also.

  Hunan province rich in mineral resources, is the national important mineral base, known as "the hometown of nonferrous metals," said, nearly is known as "the hometown of non-metallic" again.

  A lot of places of interest in hunan, yueyang tower, dongting lake, yuelu academy, writing, as pavilion, orange chau, shaoshan endowment, yuan and li, Xiao, Lei, Mi, dancing (left le right), such as unitary water of the basin area over 10000 square kilometers. The province's total runoff is 162.3 billion cubic meters, add water, a total of 208.28 billion cubic meters. Hunan the waters not only large water flow, and abundant water, good water quality, sediment concentration, less not freeze in winter. The province's 5341 rivers of water reserves of 15.325 million kilowatts, annual output of 134.24 billion degrees. Total installed capacity of the whole province may develop can be accounted for 70% of total water reserves and about 3***% of the electricity.

  The biological resources of hunan province is very rich. Is one of biodiversity more provinces in our country. About 5000 species of higher plants, accounting for 1/6 of the total number of national, the woody plant species make up about a quarter of the country; Have a state protection of rare plants 66 species, level of protection in the three kinds of plants, namely, silver fir, metasequoia, at king (left to right). The provincial forestry land 182.449 million mu, 57.4% of the total area of the province's land; Forest coverage rate of 51.4%, 37.2% higher than the national average, the volume of 251 million cubic meters of forest, in the forefront of the country. Chinese fir, pine, bamboo and other economic forest and timber forest, and woody oil is at the center of the region name is known all over the country. Among them, Chinese fir forest, nanzhu painting about a third of the country, differential area of the country's 40%, tung is one of the four key provinces throughout the country. 23 province forest reserves has been established, zhangjiajie forest park is a national forest park. Pasture resources in hunan province is very rich also, can use existing 84.99 million mu of meadows, grazing capacity can reach 7.04 million cattle units. Abundant plant resources for the growth of animal breeding provides the advantageous conditions, hunan animal variety, therefore, has a wide distribution.

  A total of 66 species of wild mammals, 500 kinds of birds, 71 species of reptiles, amphibians, 40 species, more than 1000 kinds of insects, and more than 200 kinds of aquatic animals. Including the south China tiger, the clouded leopard, golden cat, crane, baiji and other 18 kinds of national level to protect animals. Hunan is the national famous freshwater region, a total of more than 160 kinds of natural fish. Hunan products especially agricultural products is very rich, is the famous "land of fish and rice". At present, the province's grain production accounts for about 6% of the country's total output of grain, 1/10 of the total output of rice, rice and ramie, tea oil production in the country first; Pigs, tea, orange in the second place; Cotton, tobacco, sugar cane, the yield of oil and water, and the product was ranked among the top nationwide.

  There are many different kinds of mineral resources in hunan province, is the national famous "hometown of non-ferrous metals" and "the hometown of non-metallic mineral. Hunan mineral variety not only, and grade, paragenetic and associated minerals. Have now discovered 134 kinds of minerals, has proven reserves of 91 kinds, is one of the country there are kinds of mineral provinces. Including antimony, tungsten storage place of the highest in the world, bismuth, rubidium, stone coal, realgar, fluorite, sepiolite, barite, monazite, such as the first in the nation, manganese, vanadium, rhenium, glauber's salt, kaolin and 2nd reserves of manganese ore industry; Zinc, lead, tantalum, graphite, diamond, cement ingredients such as reserves, the third in the nation.

  Hunan tourism resources. There are ten big tourist area and more than 100 tourist attractions. "The east one line", mount hengshan ancient city of changsha, shaoshan holy land revolution and yueyang tower, emperor yandi mausoleum, etc. "The west", has been protected by the United Nations as a world natural heritage wulingyuan scenic spots and Freud, sandwiched yamadera, fierce hole river scenic area, is the national famous tourist resort.

  Ziyun's hole convex river scenic spot is located in the southwest guizhou province, 161 kilometers away from guiyang, anshun city, 76 kilometers, the total area of 56.8 square kilometers. The word "convex" for hmong, free translation as a "holy land". Scenic areas include large hole scenic area, the river scenic area, small hole, demon rock scenic spot, and several independent spots. On December 31, 2005 was approved as the sixth batch of national key scenic spot.

  Various karst physiognomy types in this area are relatively complete, australis type, high grade, good combination, landscape characteristic, the cultural connotation is rich, excellent ecological environment. Deep canyons, complicated and mysterious water-eroded cave scenery, mysterious and vast underground river system, unique karst forest landscape. Sweeping the peak cluster, also, high mountain peaks, steep rock waterfall, bamboo mask, clear water flow, canoe fisherman's song, with idyllic scenery environment.

  Whether the world's second miao hall magnificent, is the only one of the most preserved remains the highest ancient channel blind valley deep; Whether domestic deepest shaft hole borne magic, is the world's highest cave large piercing the spectacular; Whether it is in the "human finally cave tribes," said the holes in the mystery of the miao is surrounded by dense forest river miao pure and fresh and refined; Still have to crack the hanging coffins of the secret of star ferry hole, foot pole village; Whether it is in the morning, flying in the twilight of tens of thousands of convex eagle yan, or a variety of beautiful exotic plants and animals, all give a person with such as drunk like a dream, magic and pure and fresh and pleasant feeling of beauty.

  These set of karst landscape, mountain, water, hole, stone, Lin combination essence, male, strange, show, risks, deep and remote, kuang, Mr For a suit, constitute a perfect pair of scenery pictures. Delighted to convex, you will also see the hole in the miao's folk customs, miao, under "on wheels" stunt, beautiful song and dance performances, "convex" spiderman "amazing free-climbing stunt... Beautiful, rich ethnic customs and unique natural landscape perfect harmony for an organic whole. Arguably, convex is the world's rare karst natural and ethnic culture park.

  Everybody is good! Welcome to our lotus buddhist -- -- -- -- -- - the jiuhua mountain tourism! First I introduce below an overview of our jiuhua.. We jiuhua mountain is located in chizhou anhui province, is a lake in anhui province "two mountains us" golden tourist area of the main scenic spots. There beautiful scenery, ancient forest, and mount emei of sichuan province, Shanxi Province, wutai mountain, zhejiang mount putuo is referred to as the four major buddhist mountains in China.

  Our jiuhua mountain was not actually call the jiuhua mountain. In tang dynasty is called nine mountain, because beautiful jiuhua mountain, the clouds above the mountain there are nine, so called nine mountain. Tianbao years, by Li Baiceng twice visited here, has written "miao have two gas, lingshan jiu hua", tianhe hangs green water, showing nine lotus "and other historic lovers, so the name of the jiuhua mountain and and still use today.

  The jiuhua mountain has a long history of religious activity, Taoism in jiuhua mountain development first, Buddhism more flourish. In the tang dynasty kaiyuan years, ghost kingdom prince Jin Qiao sailing east, visited famous mountains, finally chosen in our jiuhua practice. Night camped out of the cave in the mountains. Thirsty drink mountain spring hill, hungry eat the mountain of wild plants, huang jing. Finally he died at the age of 99. The Buddhism thought his asceticism, passed away with records in the sutras like ksitigarbha bodhisattva, as should like ksitigarbha bodhisattva, because of his surname gold without becoming a monk, so everyone called heart of gold. Jiuhua mountain is since then all kept like ksitigarbha bodhisattva dojo. After the tang dynasty, jiuhua Buddhism statement, past dynasties after repair, to the whole of the qing dynasty temple has more than 150. Only round temple, east cliff temple, hundred years old palace, ganlu temple four big jungle, incense of guilin. After reform and opening up, the ancient foshan want hui. More than 600 existing temple more than 90, monks. Is a distinctive and have important influence on buddhist shrine.

  We enter below is scenic jiu hua street, first saw a cross lane is carved marble, 9 meters high, is the imitation of buildings has been gloriously enrolled. Banners on the engraved royal emperor kangxi book "nine degrees have" four characters. Below the door in the north and south two column carved stone lions. Door lane dignified elegance. The door fang? You see below is to meet the fairy bridge, the bridge was built in the qianlong years, is a single-arch stone bridge, in here everyone with me on this ancient bridge we together into the wonderland!

  Everyone to see, across the bridge is positive gion temple hall. Gion temple is a key national temple, the scale is one of the largest the jiuhua mountain four big jungle. And only a jungle temple, by the gate, the great hall, Ursa major, the guest room, lecture hall and the scripture-stored tower and so on more than 10 monomer building, is a typical modular architecture. It's the gate off the central axis of the hall, you know why? Because it cant buy the gate is quite exquisite, it is to ward off bad luck, and secondly is the door to the city of toward the mountain temple temple. Ursa coloured glaze tile, cornices, newborn status is very outstanding. On the front wall of the temple there is a stone carving "taishan shigandang" five characters very eye-catching, everyone to guess what is this?

  Ha ha, now that you couldn't guess that I will publish the answer, this is our unique to gion temple, is used to ward off bad luck town demon, you remember? Ok, now we're visiting the next scenic spot.

  Ladies and gentlemen:

  First of all, let me, on behalf of XXX travel agency, for everyone to mount tai tourism, sightseeing, a warm welcome!

  During our stay in taishan, I hope you can have fun, eat, live at ease, at the same time I hope you in taishan tour will be able to get a big harvest, leave a good memory.

  Mount tai, called temple, it is located in eastern shandong province, the eastern side of the great plains of north China, covers an area of 426 square kilometers, the elevation 1545 meters, bearing for 6 minutes east longitude 117 degrees, 36 degrees north latitude 16 points. Majestic mount tai, has a long history and numerous cultural relics, in order to "first five" the reputation of the island at all. Wei tai standing as a national monument in the earth, has attracted worldwide attention.

  In 1982, mount tai was listed as the first batch of national key scenic area, under the state council in 1987, UNESCO world natural and cultural heritage, in 1992 named the national tourist resort 40 +. Taishan protection so far better buildings there are 22, a total construction area of more than 140000 square meters. Between the ancient architectural complexes, and 12 Shi Fang 7, 6 stone bridge, stone pavilion, one copper pavilion and 1 steel tower. Taishan sharpening has more than 2200, is known as "China's cliff burring museum", here is China's earliest stone system burring tai shan qin burring; There are precious, HengFang memorial tablet and jin han dynasty of lady tablet; There is known as "big word" and "zong" of BangShu beiqi the stone valley burring; Have all the plethora of tang dynasty < < JiTaiShan inscription > > and double beam tablet in the tang dynasty, etc. Mount tai is fomous trees is various, is known as "the living world natural heritage". Taishan fomous trees more than one hundred, more than one hundred strains, opzoon 6 strains, of which 2100 years ago, 1300 years ago Tang Huai, 500 years ago at people, 5 doctors, come loose and a 600 years ago has been hailed as a national treasure in the bonsai pines "small six dynasties". Mount tai are famous for their grandeur, present a male, strange, risks, show, deep and remote, Mr, kuang, and many other beautiful image, 12 taishan scenic spot with famous mountains, cliff ridge, 78, 18, cave stone 58, valleys of article 12, 56, tam pool waterfall mountain spring 64, is the famous ying tan, the fan cliff, TianZhuFeng, peach blossom valley landscape such as 10 nature; The sunrise, sunset afterglow, Huang Hejin belt, sea of clouds tracts of ten natural wonders.

  Taishan sunrise, it is an imaginary world, magical world, is the beauty of pen and ink indescribable sunrise scene. Since the ancient times, numerous poets of taishan sunrise spectacular landscape has a vivid description. Song dynasty ci MeiShengYu "morning RiGuanFeng, yellow sea melting. Bath the wheel light, follow day." Rhyme is especially people's love, in the morning before dawn, stood RiGuanFeng, lifted up his eyes, and the east, and the morning star fadeout, faint show, a sea of clouds rolling between heaven and earth, slightly hectares, a gleam of dawn through clouds illuminated the east, then by the grey sky become yellow, then orange, purple, red and magnificent sunrise, like waves of the clouds, the sun, composed of series design of colorful, beautiful and colorful, the sun in the sun tingting nana rose from the clouds, the sun, due to the influence of the waves rolling revealing and flickering, disc gently and influenced by peaks and troughs propulsion when jumping up and down, gradually into a round shape, majestic, golden light, qunfeng do dye, the earth is bright.

  At sunset the clouds cloud floating in the sky, the afterglow of the setting sun, like a coin golden light through the clouds with the mountain. The sun is like a huge tracts, change from white to yellow, more and more big, the sky like satin brocade, until the sunset sink to the bottom of the cloud, diffused into a piece of red, the sky clouds, mountains like in combustion, day is red, the mountain is red, the cloud is red, the earth also is red. A ribbon, lifted up his eyes, and looked, Huang Hexiang wound its way from the sky, in the backdrop of the sunset, white ribbon of the Yellow River, on the smooth roll, give a person with illusion. "A including stopped here, worn out in the world through the Milky Way". The sun slowly on to the Yellow River, ribbons the Huang Hexiang is tied on the sun, like dancing in the sky to the garnet. A cloud of mount tai is changeable. Attendance after the rain, a lot of actual evapotranspiration, combined with the summer monsoon from the sea to the warm air, cloud fog. Sometimes large cloud to form a long strap on a mountainside, like robes jade belt, and the mountain mountain are fine; Sometimes the dark clouds rolling, a worldshaking streak; Also sometimes baiyun tile, such as the earth spread flocculant, valley pile of snow, and clouds of white clouds, like thousands of tracts, diffuse light over chung, arrangement, like calm as the mighty ocean, and this is the famous "yun tracts.

  Brigitte chardonnay baoguang is another wonders of mount tai. "Bao guang" commonly known as "Buddha", and more appear in the azure clouds temple east, west, south gate, god azure clouds temple is located in the jade emperor peak before the bosom, the terrain is relatively dips, cloud and mist is relatively thicker and more stable, in the air behind, according to figures appear in the fog, ultraviolet in formation around the red color ring, shall unripe brightness, color ring appears red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, violet seven color, sometimes there will be double loop, more beautiful and moving. Visitors standing in front of the tent of fog gestures, aura of shadow dance, also arises spontaneously is immortal fluttered about the feeling of people.

  Mount tai in the winter, the temperature in - 20 degrees Celsius, the temperature warmed up, after that the weather is fine continental air down slightly, the southern warm air masses of fog mountain, breeze blowing, floating cloud droplets hit a tree, rock, roof, condense into ice crystals, the layer cascade folds, formed "thousand branch Joan jade", "Wan Shuhua" the rime of wonders. Mount tai and became a world as white as silver, like the dragon palace abode of fairies and immortals, don't have some kind of emotional appeal.

  Mount tai in the winter, also very cool rain, down to the ground, an object, rapid forming a hard, smooth and transparent ice, that is "sleet. Whenever the sleet, mountains down trees like ice, the ground spreads rock like mirror, mount tai is turned into ice sculpture YuZhuo "coloured glaze in the world". Sunny after the rain, red sun reflected the climb, the blue sky line xiashan, sparkling, golden light path, full mountain conifers white snow, snow mountains everywhere, good pack Edward Chen north scenery.

  Taishan district unique natural environment and long history culture breeding has produced various li shan xiushui and cultural attractions, vividly recorded the historical development of our Chinese nation civilization chapter. Modern archaeological scientific research has revealed in the paleolithic period of 50000 years ago, around mount tai have traces of human activity. A large amount of historical data were recorded taishan area in early stage of matriarchal society has revealed the dawn of civilization. In the 5000 years ago the neolithic age, at the northern foot of mount tai foothill of dawenkou culture, longshan culture, not only affect the shandong, and affects large areas of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. The spring and autumn period and the warring states period of "the state of qilu" is highly developed in the history of Chinese politics, economy, culture, Confucius, mencius is one of the historical and cultural celebrities. History tells us that tai shan area as early as in ancient times has become the important birthplace of Oriental culture, and taishan in the pre-qin period has become China's first famous mountains, as five mountains.

  Taishan actual altitude is not too high, is inferior to mount heng, huashan in the mountains, only accounted for a third. Compared with the national many mountains are not nearly as well. But why does it become a renowned in the ancient and modern "yue long", "with its unique and exclusive reputation? This is from the geographical environment and the primitive religion of mount tai.

  Taishan rise in the east of north China plain, over plains of qilu, wide sea in the east, the west has a long history of the Yellow River, the south has graduated, see, the water of huai, plains, hills and relative elevation 1300 meters, form sharp contrast, thus stands tall on the vision; Making sense and see the mountains small high kuang momentum; Mountains spanning more than 100 kilometers, 426 square kilometers, its basic AnWenGan wide, form large and concentrated massiness, are produced by a "town of d but not shake," the dignity. The so-called "firmly" ", "as heavy as mount tai", it is its natural characteristics in a reflection of people's physiological and psychological.

  Throughout history, people always put mount tai as a tall, beautiful, noble, determination of image, passion to sing. The second century BC, sima qian in his < < the ren shaoqing book > > in wrote: "death, or heavier than mount tai or lighter than a feather". Chairman MAO had cited the words of sima qian teach people, "to die for the people is weightier than mount tai". This spirit of the mount tai is closely linked to the meaning of life, the outlook on life, plays a big role in the education of the people's.

  Six dynasties as the < < above different record > >, qin and han dynasties, the folk legend of pangu's (ancient beginning, all things of god) death come to dongyue, left arm of nanyue, right arm as beiyue, sufficient for the west. Pangu corpse head east and dongyue, mount tai is, of course, the five mountains. Apparently according to < < five line > >, < < five DE > > theory creation myth, reflects the historical background of taishan exclusive mountains.

  The east is the place where the sun were to rise up, the ancients that happens is all things change, the beginning of spring. Therefore, the east is the source of life, hope and auspicious symbol. And ancient ancestors and majestic peculiar dongyue often regarded as gods, the gods as object to worship, pray for the good so, mount tai is located in the east - the borne to pull a behemoth has become "by" everything is "auspicious mountain", "home of the gods". Emperor by destiny "son of heaven" more see taishan as national unity and the symbol of power. Thanks to sent the "man", by the grace of also will come to mount tai worship god. Chow, shang Kings east soil at the foot of mount tai, the base to build taishan to qilu; Legend in the qin and han dynasties ago, 72 to the Kings of the taishan god, after emperor qin, qin ii, the emperor, han GuangWuDi its chapter, han emperor, han, sui wendi, the emperor, wu zetian, tang dynasty, tang emperor song zhenzong, the qing emperor kangxi and qianlong heels the ancient emperors to taishan I send offerings, sharpening JiGong. Every emperor with the aid of taishan compared to consolidate his rule, make mount tai an unbounded was lifted to a divine status.

  With every emperor I sacrifice, mount tai became the important place of various religious sects activity. As early as the warring states period had Huang Boyang monastery in the mountain, after all previous dynasties famous Taoist celebrities have been preaching on mount tai, built temple built concept. Buddhism since the eastern jin lang lang and create a good buddhist temple began, also growing in mount tai.

  Taishan attracted numerous cultural celebrities, generations of poets and painters, dachaoshan usually go there on special trip for them, writing, left a rich cultural products. Confucius, guanzhong, sima qian, zhang heng, zhuge liang, liu yuxi's, li bai, du fu, and su dongpo, ouyang xiu, fan zhongyan, wang shizhen, yao nai, guo moruo scrawled JiShu, left a vast adai's poems, the visitors from the mountain god worship to sightseeing, the new direction of aesthetic knowledge. By foot ascend the stairs, to the top of mount tai, there are thousands of cliff stone carvings alone, from qin dynasty to qing dynasty, dynasties have extravaganza. The color, style meaning every generation is different, its scale, work, time of continuity, genre and style, exquisite art, construct the clever are world famous mountains of unparalleled scene. Carved ancient high charm contained in deep feeling and wei the majestic mount tai fuses in together, fully embodies the unyielding noble spirit of the Chinese nation.

  In taishan in thousands of years of civilization, the working people have created a series of brilliant cultural landscape and the combination of tall, magnificent natural landscape, formed the image of a noble mount tai, mount tai constitute the unique scenery landscape. Humanities landscape layout and creation, is based on the natural landscape, especially the topographic characteristics and the needs of the I, sightseeing, ornamental activity design. The most representative is the route I emperor, and the people dachaoshan pilgrimages. Its main body is to pull tongtian natural landscape, the theme is sealing day zen thought content, the layout form is focused on the artemisia in the land of the mountain, the emperor's yi dai to seal day the jade emperor peak form as long as more than 10 kilometers of hell - a triple space axis - heaven on earth. Southwest in city nai river crossing to mountain in artemisia (at taian station of anji) as the "land of the dead"; Taian city for the world; Since north temple lane, along the 6666 level "ladder" to DaiDing "tianfu".

  TaiAnCheng is due to the ancient emperors I sacrifice, and the people dachaoshan pilgrimages and sightseeing development. 's dai temple are undoubtedly visitors' choice of Thai city on the central axis of the main body, the central axis from south of the city gate, extends to the temple, and then into the mountain bends and leads to the "heaven", make not only mountains and cities, on the function and form in architectural space sequence. The sequence according to the mountain worship of another program, runs through a from "people" to "wonderland". Look from the terrain, is by the gentle slope, slope until a steep slope, people from low to high, rising step by step, finally boarded the tianfu like; Look from the scale of construction, it reaches to the sky by human imperial palaces, gradually into the wonderland; Look from the color, red walls Huang Wa always with pines seem to form contrast. Through three mile a flagpole, five miles a memorial arch, a door, two doors (zhongtian gate), three doors (worse), triple rhythm, constituted a day, step by step the spectacular sequence.

  Mount tai is the most prominent feature of ancient buildings is the use of geographical environment, it skillfully by natural trend, and with the artificial force to strengthen and beautify the environment. For I ritual activities, the choice of sequence space position, make full use of the tai shan south by gradual steep slope, causes the artistic conception of "ladder". All the streams, people in the valley of the bank of China, is a "closed" natural landscape, the segment is tightly contraction, until DaiDing to open. Prelude to long, contrast is very strong, for "worship" activity, produce environmental induction psychological state, if heaven, breathless. Step into the worse suddenly open, like fairy. Therefore, the geographical environment is the masterpiece of I sacrifice space sequence. Second, the location choice of single or group under construction and the creation of structures, have built across the way portal construction, have a climbing turn with the guidance of building, facing the creek and reward JingJianZhu, mid-levels suspension religious buildings, there are towering mountain of buildings, etc. Thirdly, from the construction of the structure, materials, decoration and garden space as the basic unit of group composition, are able to meet the requirements of terrain environment variable, this pavilion pavilion of building construction, set the cabinet of a cabinet; Need to open fully in the modelling and lighter, need to shrink in space real thick, fully embody the set by scene, due to the condition of construction thought.

  Taishan main preserved ancient architecture is the style of the Ming and qing dynasties, it is not only the value of building the painting, sculpture, rocks, trees, become the example of ancient Chinese culture, preserve a huge I sacrifice sequence and a three-dimensional painting recorded history, but also left for us to keep up with the architecture model of natural by its unique artistic image to coordinate and strengthen the natural beauty, to performance and deepen the natural environment. Because of them, to make the natural landscape and human landscape set each other off of the mount tai is unripe brightness, make strict excessively day to taishan go deep into the heart of hundreds of millions of Chinese people, and famous in the world, become a whole a kind of precious heritage.

  Mount tai, 3 road since ancient times. It was destroyed in the original east road, the original road naturally became now east road, visitors at taian station after the train, can swim first dai temple, and then from dai temple back door to the temple, walking through zhongtian gate to the worse, or walking to transfer to the cable car to the worse after zhongtian gate, along the Yin again by the azure clouds temple on mount tai is the utmost. If walk road (the original west road), from taian station to get off, can take tour bus along the mountains roads by ying tan, zhulin temple direct zhongtian gate, then to tianmen take the cable car or walk to the worse, until the Yin DaiDing again. If from the road up the hill, from taian station take tour bus to claimed yesterday (taian and jinan border) to the north, along the new monarch round hill road, in the flowers, spring ding-dong of maolin travel to shangri-la in the sunlit cableway station passenger ropeway from here until the northern tip of Yin, really is magic!

  My dear friends, my introduction here. As the saying goes: seeing is believing, everybody wants to have a deep knowledge of mount tai, also need according to their own interest, personal into the arms of mount tai, footsteps slowly along the history and culture to visit, to watch carefully.
