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  冬天滑雪的作文 1







  冬天滑雪的作文 2







  冬天滑雪的作文 3





  玩够了雪圈,我又去玩滑雪板。穿上重重的滑雪鞋子,把脚放到滑雪板的中间位置,只听“咔啦”一声,我的脚就固定在了滑雪板上了。我先自己试着在*地上滑行,试了几下,感觉挺容易的,可是就在这时,我一不小心 “扑通”一声,重重地摔倒了。爸爸赶紧扶着我,慢慢地教我滑。可惜,我还没学会,就到集合的时间了。


  冬天滑雪的作文 4






  冬天滑雪的作文 5












  一路上我既高兴又担心,高兴的.是我又可以体验滑雪了,担心的是我就滑过两次雪,能行吗?会跌跟头吗?但是一到了滑雪场,所有的担心都换成了迫不及待的心情。就要进去了,我们按照工作人员的指示:穿上滑雪服,换上滑雪鞋,选好滑雪杖,领好滑雪板。我尝试着在*地上走一小步,可真有些寸步难行,但回想起来电视里的滑雪场面,我还是恨不得马上进入场内。 进入滑雪场后,有个小坡,由于对滑雪的经验不够丰富,一开始就摔了下去,并且一旦摔倒,长长的滑雪板就成了你站起来的最大障碍。我跳到了转送带上,经过了很长时间的传送,终于到达了半山腰,忽然脚下一滑,一场惊心动魄的滑雪旅途就此开始了:我飞快地疾驰着,像一只小鸟在天空翱翔,飞过了千山万水。耳边呼呼的冒着风声,那感觉是多么的惬意,可不知道我的腿正在瑟瑟发抖。风声渐弱,坡也逐渐*缓,我也渐渐找到了感觉,一个大拐弯,又回到了传送带上面……

  就这样重复着,也不知玩了多少次,寒风像刀片一样肆虐的刮到了我的脸上,脸上如刀绞一般。但对滑雪的热爱远远的胜于疼痛。到了中午,我们恋恋不舍得摘掉了滑雪板,进到了屋里吃完午餐后,我们又玩了一个下午……欢笑声依然荡漾在滑雪场内…… 在落日的余晖中,我们痛快淋漓的结束了这场滑雪活动。滑雪给我们带来了欢笑,又使我们强身健体,真是精神运动双丰收哇!














  冬天滑雪的感受作文 1





  冬天滑雪的感受作文 2







  冬天滑雪的感受作文 3










  冬天滑雪的感受作文 4







  冬天滑雪的感受作文 5





  冬天滑雪的感受作文 6











  冬天滑雪的感受作文 7





  冬天滑雪的感受作文 8






  冬天滑雪的感受作文 9







  冬天滑雪的感受作文 10









  The skiing originated the much colder snow district at the earliest stage.In order to adapt the environment and beg to living to avoid the insurance,the residents invented snow up the pileup ― ― skiing plank,sledge and the skiing shoe etc.s." Ski" a the phrase idea begins from the language skith in ancient Norway,is an idea of" snow shoes",point the form,such as the skiing plank of the narrow wood boat,.13 centuries,the skiing becomes the country skill of Norway;14-16 centuries,various country in North Europe Finland,Norway,Sweden and Russiases all once make use of the skiing battle;In 1780,Norway the nu er ha wood made use of the soft to make into two curved skiing planks inside the sides,formation the modern tournament skiing the knothole embryo,drew back the tournament skiing prologue.In 1877,established in the Oslo in the world the first skiing department.The e lun spring person,wise man of He of the our country northeast,the person of Kazakhstan of the northwest all excels the skiing,with skiing technique hunt,conveyance.Keep go to the beginning of this 30's in century,modern skiing sport just at our country launch.

  Finally look forward to the summer vacation, today brother took me to the roller skating.

  After a while, we came to the phoenix mountain park. At this time of the park, people mountain people sea. Neon colours. Brother on the skateboard sliding forward to rapidly. I also can't wait to put on roller skates, holding a tree stumbling stood up, can not stand, had a fall. I stood up again, carefully moving forward, afraid of accidentally will fall. Despite this carefully, feet or not to work, with shaking legs. I'm standing instability and fell to the ground. Thought: how I this seemingly simple skating so difficult

  Sitting on a bench in the park, I depressed sum up the experience of several falls. If he is, as far as possible let the body bow forward, feet apart with eight, hand to swing naturally, as far as possible make the roller skates and ground contact, center of gravity concentration on my feet... Thought of here I stand up again, according to summarize the experience of began to cross it. Curiously, the speed was much faster than the original. When I can draw up well when I take fast, glad heart than eating the honey still sweet. When I get carried away pounce, but fell down his face, it's sorrow! After a few wrestling, I finally mastered the essentials of roller skating.

  Now my roller skating technology, has reached the sliding fast nor the degree of wrestling. I not only learned how to roller skating, to better understand the "everything comes to him who waits" the words of truth.





  Yesterday, the weather was good, cloudless. My father and I went to the military are playing Ski Resort. We wear gloves, hats, armed to e to the ski slopes. Ski resort built on a hillside, looking ahead, the white snow everywhere. Built on the hillside like a long white carpet. I help my father in the next, put on ski boots, foot on skis, I looked at the sloping slopes, she did not hesitate to slip down. I seem to fly up, ears only hear the sound of the wind. Soon he went to the lower slope. Time always flies in the joy of particularly fast. Seeing red is gone, we reluctantly left this lovely world of ice.

  The skiing,or traveling over snow on skis,the has a history of almost five millennia.Although modern skiing has evolved from beginnings in Scandinavia,it may have been practised as early as 600 BC in Daxing'anling,in what is now China.

  Originally purely the utilitarian,starting in the mid-1800s skiing became a popular recreational activity and sport,being practised around the world,and providing crucial economic support to purpose-built ski resorts and communities

  The oldest and most accurately documented evidence of skiing origins is found in modern day Norway and Sweden.The earliest primitive carvings circa 5000 B.C.depict a skier with one pole,located in Rdy in the Nordland region of Norway.The first primitive ski was found in a peat bog in Hoting,Sweden which dates back to 4500 or 2500 B.C.

  Skiing is a recreational activity and competitive sport in which the participant attaches long runners or skis to boots or shoes on the feet and uses them to travel on top of snow.Aside from recreation and competition,skiing has been used for military purposes and even travelling in areas that experience heavy snowfall.Many types of competitive skiing events are recognized by the International Olympic Committee,and the International Ski Federation.

  Listen to mom and dad said to go skiing, my mind appeared in such a picture: a ski master stood on the cliff and jumped up, turned two somersaults, "whiz", firmly on the ground, and draw a long scar in the snow the snow, like the endless snow in the world of the Milky Way...... WOW! Skiing must be very cool! My heart seems to have come to this world of ice and snow...

  Ski finally came to the long-awaited, I can not wait to put on the ski, excitedly started to slip, OH, MYGOD shoes! Good heavy Oh! I found my feet don't listen to them, took tremendous effort also can't do anything.

  While I was out on a limb when the distance from the world "a young female coach, wow! Her good light! Later, I'll ask her skiing.

  We came to the top of the hillside by the escalator, and looked down from up and down. At this time, there was a man going straight down, very fast. I think he must be a "high hand". He smirked back to us, at this time, a small slope on the ground, he was thrown into the air, and fell down, really dizzy with success!

  I began to be afraid. Skiing wasn't easy. The coach seemed to see my mind and said to me, "don't be afraid. I'll grab your ski and you go down slowly." The coach told me some of the action Essentials: squat, knee to buckle...... I suddenly feel that this action is very like a frog jumping movement. The frog is the original ski master! Was thinking when snickered, the coach began to pull my skis down. I hastened to keep the frog movement, and the coach said, "you are so rigid! Relax, relax!" my "dead frog" finally lived.

  I found a sense of skiing. When I was happy, the coach released it secretly. I began to worry again, and my heart jumped and jumped up. A small slope appeared in front of me. Would I fall down? The coach encouraged me: "come on, come on! You must do it!" I plucked up the courage to brush across the slope and laughed happily. Then I slipped through a small slope, and my speed was getting faster and faster. There was a feeling of floating. The feeling of skiing was really cool.

  I was glad to see a fallen man in front of me blocking my way. I fear, how to do? Yes, in need of emergency brake! But couldn't think brake method of coaching, it was going to hit the brakes, suddenly remembered the essentials: feet slowly turn in splayed out sideways, brake! Just a bit, I stopped the brake!!! It was Joseph, a red "tomato flesh" rushed down, heavily knocked me, my ass hurts oh!

  The skiing was finished unwittingly, and I really looked forward to the next skiing!

  My Virgin Skiing Experience !I went skiing with my friends on Sunday.It was my very first time to try this super interesting sport.I really enjoyed skiing A LOT,and I think that I have potential!For the entire afternoon,I only fell down twice before our coach actually came and taught us the correct postures.After some basic and advanced practices,I did try to ski down the hill,and it was AWESOME !I think I'll try to go skiing as often as possible.P.S.However,wearing all the equipment to walk with is GOD DAMN exhausted!

  Listen to mom and dad said to go skiing, my mind appeared in such a picture: a ski master stood on the cliff and jumped up, turned two somersaults, "whiz", firmly on the ground, and draw a long scar in the snow the snow, like the endless snow in the world of the Milky Way...... WOW! Skiing must be very cool! My heart seems to have come to this world of ice and snow...

  Ski finally came to the long-awaited, I can not wait to put on the ski, excitedly started to slip, OH, MYGOD shoes! Good heavy Oh! I found my feet don't listen to them, took tremendous effort also can't do anything.

  While I was out on a limb when the distance from the world "a young female coach, wow! Her good light! Later, I'll ask her skiing.

  We came to the top of the hillside by the escalator, and looked down from up and down. At this time, there was a man going straight down, very fast. I think he must be a "high hand". He smirked back to us, at this time, a small slope on the ground, he was thrown into the air, and fell down, really dizzy with success!

  I began to be afraid. Skiing wasn't easy. The coach seemed to see my mind and said to me, "don't be afraid. I'll grab your ski and you go down slowly." The coach told me some of the action Essentials: squat, knee to buckle...... I suddenly feel that this action is very like a frog jumping movement. The frog is the original ski master! Was thinking when snickered, the coach began to pull my skis down. I hastened to keep the frog movement, and the coach said, "you are so rigid! Relax, relax!" my "dead frog" finally lived.

  I found a sense of skiing. When I was happy, the coach released it secretly. I began to worry again, and my heart jumped and jumped up. A small slope appeared in front of me. Would I fall down? The coach encouraged me: "come on, come on! You must do it!" I plucked up the courage to brush across the slope and laughed happily. Then I slipped through a small slope, and my speed was getting faster and faster. There was a feeling of floating. The feeling of skiing was really cool.

  I was glad to see a fallen man in front of me blocking my way. I fear, how to do? Yes, in need of emergency brake! But couldn't think brake method of coaching, it was going to hit the brakes, suddenly remembered the essentials: feet slowly turn in splayed out sideways, brake! Just a bit, I stopped the brake!!! It was Joseph, a red "tomato flesh" rushed down, heavily knocked me, my ass hurts oh!

  The skiing was finished unwittingly, and I really looked forward to the next skiing!

  Yesterday, the weather was good, cloudless. My father and I went to the military areplaying Ski Resort. We wear gloves, hats, armed to come to the ski slopes. Ski resort built on a hillside, looking ahead, the white snow everywhere. Built on the hillsidelike a long white carpet. I help my father in the next, put on ski boots, foot on skis, I looked at the sloping slopes, she did not hesitate to slip down. I seem to fly up, ears only hear the sound of the wind. Soon he went to the lower slope. Time always flies in the joy of particularly fast. Seeing red is gone, we reluctantly left this lovely world of ice.

  Skiing is a desirable activity fro’ young people. It provides the excitement that theyouth is commonly seeking. The skiers can enjoy the thrill of gliding at tremendous speed down a gleaming,white mountain slope. Often, with split second tinting, they must dodge trees, stumps, and rocks——or find themselves suddenly sprawling in the snow. If they have more than average skill, they can sall through the air in breathtaking leaps and jumps that bring excitement to the onlookers as well. True, there is danger in this excitement,but that is a risk the youth enjoys. Furthermore, skiing is healthful. It provides exercise, often very strenuous as the skiers trudge up a mountain path or work their way on skis up a slope of deep snow. The best of skiers know that they need strong muscles to successfully control their skis, so they exercise to keep themselves physically fit. Another desirable feature is thecompanionship that usually develops wherever skiers gather. Friendships grow quickly on the slopes and in the usual nearby

  shelter where the skiers find food, warmth, and rest. Their experiences of the day and their youthfulness easily draw these people together in happy fellowship.

  Skiing,or traveling over snow on skis,has a history of almost five millennia.Although modern skiing has evolved from beginnings in Scandinavia,it may have been practised as early as 600 BC in Daxing'anling,in what is now China.

  Originally purely utilitarian,starting in the mid-1800s skiing became a popular recreational activity and sport,being practised around the world,and providing crucial economic support to purpose-built ski resorts and munities

  The oldest and most accurately documented evidence of skiing origins is found in modern day Norway and Sweden.The earliest primitive carvings circa 5000 B.C.depict a skier with one pole,located in Rdy in the Nordland region of Norway.The first primitive ski was found in a peat bog in Hoting,Sweden which dates back to 4500 or 2500 B.C.

  Skiing is a recreational activity and petitive sport in which the participant attaches long runners or skis to boots or shoes on the feet and uses them to travel on top of snow.Aside from recreation and petition,skiing has been used for military purposes and even travelling in areas that experience heavy snowfall.Many types of petitive skiing events are recognized by the International Olympic Committee,and the International Ski Federation.



  This winter vacation, my father pulled out a hundred hours, promised to take me to Urumqi skiing. I clapped my hands happily.

  I went on this interesting journey with my mom and Dad, and the car went through the crisscross road in Urumqi. Not long after, we came to Shireshan, moving fast in the rugged mountain road. Outside the window, a tall mountain covered with snow, and one or two stone stand in the white snow, quickly flashed in front of us.

  To ski area, Dad parked the car at the foot of the mountain, I saw many children in the best of spirits sit skis, tires, sled down, and then run the summit, "sting slip away" a sound and slide down. Although the weather is cold, it can not see that they feel cold, and the hot fire of play!

  Watching them look cheerfully, I also set up snow suits, gloves, skiing, running to the top of the mountain, sitting on skiing boards, holding on to the rails, and afraid of falling down. Looking at the steep hillside, I closed my eyes, and in the time of indecsion, I didn't know which big hands pushed me down. Listening to the whistle of the wind, the naughty snowflakes fell into my sleeve and face from time to time, and I opened my eyes hard. I feel like doing it at speed, go by like the wind. Gradually I was not afraid, and I was afraid to bump into soeone else, so I swung around, controlled the direction, and played the pattern. In a few moments, I came to the foot of the mountain.

  I climbed up to the half of the montain and stepped on a piece of ice. "Flop" fell and my butt opened the flower, but I didn't feel a pain at all. I climbed up the top of the hill with others and slipped down. It was more dangerous this time. I accidentally deviated from the skiing Road, turned it around, flew up, and landed again... The more I became addicted to it, the more I shouted, "it's too cool!" I also call my mom and dad slipping together! Although it was cold, I forgot the cold when I played and played. I didn't know how long it was. I said, "all right, it's all hours. We should eat the afternoon." I was unable to part with their left ski.

  The first ski makes me so happy, I want to come and play around it every day!

  There are many for the first time in my life, and through these I have learned a lot of things for the first time, also let me understand a lot of sense. My most memorable is learned to ski.

  Remember in November last year I came to my father and mother scenic mountain ski resort. We came to ski resorts, wow! What a big piece of snow! Looking at the ski resort, I was both excited and nervous. Mother took me to the locker room to change clothes, shoes, take the sled, rod with snow. I slowly walk from the locker room to ski thats ready to ski. Then father seriously said to me: "you slide the legs and waist will bend, knee bend forward, the body into a 45 degree Angle with the ground. Snow lever to under his arm and also slightly and the foot together."

  I began to ski in accordance with the method of father taught me. A: wow! Good fast ah! I slipped up immediately, just as I play of happy, 1 of "pa", I had a fall, like a "turtle" on the ground. Snow flying rod. Nearby skiing are looking at me at this moment, I thought to myself: "hurry up, shame on!" I tried to try to stand up, "ouch!" my knee is good ache! I fell down again, I try again, once, twice, three times... I was falling every time. I angrily one buttock sits directly on the snow, thinking: "I couldn't stand up every time, then I don't just sit on the ground." When dad's here, dad said: "don't you remember I told you just now?" I bowed his head in shame. Dad put me up, let me continue to slide. I touched the fell painful knee and ass, whispered: "my leg pain, I don't want to slip." At that time, mother kindly said to me: "children, difficulty gave up? We should summon up courage, stick to it. How can I see the rainbow without experiencing a rainy day?"

  I listen to mom and dad, and then slide up the snow. This time I completely in accordance with the method of dad teach me to go skiing. Little by little... I no longer fell down. An uncle kua I can learn to ski in such a short time, that's really something! Listen to my uncle I want to eat the honey as sweet in my heart.

  Through this learning skiing I understand a truth: no matter what things must stick to it, can't fall by the wayside. Meet with difficulties, never give up, to be successful.






  Finally snow, snow durian underground a morning. There was a vast expanse of white and a thick layer of snow on the ground. I was very happy, finish the homework to carry on a lively and vigorous flourishes in calligraphy, pieces of wood, took a stick to go skiing.

  I found two skiing sites in a row, but they all gave up because the slope was too small to slip. Suddenly, I thought of the big slope on the east side of the district. It should be slippery and I hurried to go. There was a big snow slope. There were several wheel marks in the middle. A bar was connected to the white doorway. There were two or three children playing. I put the wood on the ground, sit on the right hand and the left hand control direction, horsepower, lying down and slide down, who knows, the board is caught, I flew out, fell into the snow, finished out not to come, in the vicinity of a few small friends help. I was pulled out.

  I thanked them, accidentally, and once again. But as the plant down, ass hit the tree and hit is not light, make me dizzy. I'm not convinced, once again. When I was down, suddenly a Volkswagen Santana coming from below, I xianshibumiao quickly braked, due to momentum is too big, and I flew out from the car next to fly past, did not return to God, and fell on the ground, took a few meters, wood and flying, buckle in my face...... Old age!

  Again, I can't believe I don't slip into, I piled some snow again: "conquer the snow road......"

  All the way hope, all the way look forward to, finally arrived at the destination - ski resort. A wolf with a wave of excitement is difficult to calm. In the excitement, there was fear and restlessness, and the fear of falling. Oh! This complex mood is difficult to describe.

  Looking at the Snow gleams white. slide, even the primary slide makes me be startled at the slope. In this mood I have mixed feelings, to the primary slide, please don't coach by self-study. At the bottom of the following practice, learning can only rely on yourself, hold the ski pole, the snow, the body want to lean forward, arms swinging the skiing rod, slide forward.

  With the impetus of courage and confidence, I had the idea of slipping down. However, difficult to overcome acrophobia, look at a slide and fall from the above figure, my heart began to tangle. Finally, courage defeated fear, and I decided to make a fight.

  Take the elevator up, I was standing at the top of a hill, a heroic spirit. When I chose a place where people were less, a route was drawn up. I made a push of skiing and rushed forward. The snow at the end of the face, the heart is also happy to fly. It is queer, but there is a stumbling block, I won't brake, two will not turn to collision up, this time, I can taste the taste of the snow covered.

  Live and learn. A mistake aroused my desire for knowledge. I immediately asked for advice and learned the way of braking (eight skiing on both sides of the ski) and the direction of transformation (a ski pole into the snow and two skis moved along). Mastering these two tricks, I was confident that I began to ski second times and third times in a hundred times.

  The cold ice and snow in the ski resort is like a pot of fire, which has trained my courage and perseverance.

  The skiing originated the much colder snow district at the earliest stage.In order to adapt the environment and beg to living to avoid the insurance,the residents invented snow up the pileup skiing plank,sledge and the skiing shoe etc.s.

  " Ski" a the phrase idea begins from the language skith in ancient Norway,is an idea of" snow shoes",point the form,such as the skiing plank of the narrow wood boat,.13 centuries,the skiing becomes the country skill of Norway;14-16 centuries,various country in North Europe Finland,Norway,Sweden and Russiases all once make use of the skiing battle;In 1780,Norway the nu er ha wood made use of the soft to make into two curved skiing planks inside the sides,formation the modern tournament skiing the knothole embryo,drew back the tournament skiing prologue.In 1877,established in the Oslo in the world the first skiing department.

  The e lun spring person,wise man of He of the our country northeast,the person of Kazakhstan of the northwest all excels the skiing,with skiing technique hunt,conveyance.Keep go to the beginning of this 30's in century,modern skiing sport just at our country launch.

  My Virgin Skiing Experience !

  I went skiing with my friends on Sunday.It was my very first time to try this super interesting sport.I really enjoyed skiing A LOT,and I think that I have potential!For the entire afternoon,I only fell down twice before our coach actually came and taught us the correct postures.After some basic and advanced practices,I did try to ski down the hill,and it was AWESOME !I think I'll try to go skiing as often as possible.P.S.However,wearing all the equipment to walk with is GOD DAMN exhausted!

  Skiing is a desirable activity fro’ young people. It provides the excitement that the youth is commonly seeking. The skiers can enjoy the thrill of gliding at tremendous speed down a gleaming,white mountain slope. Often, with split second tinting, they must dodge trees, stumps, and rocks——or find themselves suddenly sprawling in the snow. If they have more than average skill, they can sall through the air in breathtaking leaps and jumps that bring excitement to the onlookers as well. True, there is danger in this excitement,but that is a risk the youth enjoys. Furthermore, skiing is healthful.

  It provides exercise, often very strenuous as the skiers trudge up a mountain path or work their way on skis up a slope of deep snow. The best of skiers know that they need strong muscles to successfully control their skis, so they exercise to keep themselves physically fit. Another desirable feature is the companionship that usually develops wherever skiers gather. Friendships grow quickly on the slopes and in the usual nearby shelter where the skiers find food, warmth, and rest. Their experiences of the day and their youthfulness easily draw these people together in happy fellowship.





  Today, mom and Dad took me and my sister to skiing in the Xinli Lake skiing field. It was the first time I skied, and I was both excited and nervous. At the ski resort, we went straight to the skiing hall. There were a lot of people gathered here, waiting for the ski shoes and skis to get their own size. We put on a ski shoes, then we take the shoes according to the proper size of skis, ski thin, long, there is a small point upwards. We followed the people to the skiing field.

  I go to the hill slide again, going to the highest mountain slide, because I feel like skating skiing with similar, but I went up to the mounain can be more difficult, a long row of teams caught on the cable stick, after a while and fell down, because I also play small temper, Dad see tell how to catch the cable stick, this trick can be it, soon.

  At the top of the mountain, I went down to the mountain with my sister and dad. At first I thought I would skate on the dry ice. It must be easy. But it was so slippery that the mountain was very steep and not so far away. I felt that some of the skateoards were twisted in the East, and I was afraid. Although I slipped out well, I finally fell down. Becase the skis quilt in the feet, I can not stand up. My sister came to help me, and then I slipped back for a few times, and I was happy!

  How time flies, we should leave the ski, people looked at the ski resort of song and laughter, my first time skiing experience also in the end. I have expeienced the joy and pride of success in the process of falling over and over again.

  Between my first and second ski lessons, I was practicing on the beginner's slope at Mammoth Mountain in Californi a. I began to pick up speed, and suddenly I realized I had forgotten how to stop. That same moment, I saw a young couple standing motionless directly in my path.″Look out! Get out of myway!″ I yelled. They did not heed my warning, and a moment later the three of us were up to our ears in snow. As we were untangling poles and recovering skis, I apologized, explaining that I did not know how to stop.″That's okay, madam,″ said the young man.″We didn't know how tomove.″


  我刚开始上滑雪课时,在加利福尼亚猛犸山的初学者坡道上练*。我逐渐开始加速,但我突然意识到我忘了该怎么停下来。就在这时,我看到一对年轻夫妇一动不动地站在我的滑道上。 当心!让开! 我喊道。


  没关系,女士, 那名男子说 我们不知道怎样才能滑动。

  The skiing originated the much colder snow district at the earliest stage.In order to adapt the environment and beg to living to avoid the insurance,the residents invented snow up the pileup ― ― skiing plank,sledge and the skiing shoe etc.s." Ski" a the phrase idea begins from the language skith in ancient Norway,is an idea of" snow shoes",point the form,such as the skiing plank of the narrow wood boat,.13 centuries,the skiing bees the country skill of Norway;14-16 centuries,various country in North Europe Finland,Norway,Sweden and Russiases all once make use of the skiing battle;In 1780,Norway the nu er ha wood made use of the soft to make into two curved skiing planks inside the sides,formation the modern tournament skiing the knothole embryo,drew back the tournament skiing prologue.In 1877,established in the Oslo in the world the first skiing department.The e lun spring person,wise man of He of the our country northeast,the person of Kazakhstan of the northwest all excels the skiing,with skiing technique hunt,conveyance.Keep go to the beginning of this 30's in century,modern skiing sport just at our country launch.

































