  1. See the world, see Xiaguang miles; dark day, life lost.
  2. Guanghuang: guanghi: the uniform and roof of the official order, used as an official representative; Look at each other: see each other. An endless stream of government envoys or officials.
  3. The use of guanxi is a widespread method for conducting business , but is it a wise one ? The method is now being challenged by more and more people .利用关系是做生意的普遍做法,但这种做法明智吗?现在,越来越多的人对这种方法提出了质疑。
  4. 经令官岚(jin lin guan lan):象声词,形容做出很大动静发出的声音,比“截粒够咯”响很多。例如形容翻箱倒柜发出的声音。
  5. The most hate is you, because you are my learning to compete the "enemy"; Favorite is you, because you are my friends is a guide in growth. Today a don't like guanzhong BaoShu a lost tooth, the vast tianya, call me where to find my favorite "friend".
  6. On the road of life, you should walk up the hill with your head held high. You should be cautious and cautious when you go down. You should look ahead to the yangguan road and look down at the foot of the sheep's gut.
  7. 练*绕口令,练*发准易混淆的字音“关(guan)”,“夸(kua)”,“瓜(gua)”,感知绕口令的韵味。
  8. 练*绕口令,练*发准易混淆的字音“关(guan)”,“夸(kua)”,“瓜(gua)”,感知绕口令的韵味。