• 春天的英语手抄报素材 (菁华3篇)

  • 英语手抄报,春天
  •   Spring is a delightful season.The temperatures are moderate,and the blooming trees and flowers make the city bright with colors.This is the time when we can begin to wear lighter and more brightly colored clothes and go outdoors more often.Smaller children like to bring their kites out to the spacious square.Also I enjoy going back to the village on this holiday after being in the city for the winter months.

      A School-report

      The father was reading the school-report which had just been handed to him by his hopeful son. His brow was wrathful as he read: "English, poor, French, weak, mathematics, mathematics, Fair," and he gave a glance of disgust at the quaking lad. "Wall, Dad." Said the son, "it is not as good as it might be, but have you seen that?" And he pointed to the next line, which read: "Health excellent."

      Today is National day, but I don’t feel any happy at all, just no reason. Last night I download the English Paper till 3AM, sometime I want to give up. But in order to accomplish my dream. I can handle it.

      This afternoon I go to shoji to visit a respectful teacher. On the way to shoji, the street don’t crowd .I think it would be full of crowd of people in Festival. Perhaps personal travel is encouraged at present.


2022-12-01 00:00:00
  • 新年的英语手抄报内容 (菁华3篇)

  • 英语手抄报,新年
  •   农历正月初一是春节,又叫阴历(农历)年,俗称“过年”。 这是*民间历史最悠久、最隆重、最热闹的一个古老传统节日,也是汉族和满、蒙古,瑶、壮 白、高山、赫哲、哈尼、达斡尔、侗、黎等十几个少数民族的共同节日。汉族过春节,时间较长,一般从农历腊月初八开始,到正月十五元宵节为止。 春节大约有三四千年的历史。原为农历的元旦,即人们通常说的过年。它起源于殷商时期年头岁尾的祭神祭祖活动。

      The 1th day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar is the Spring Festival, also called the lunar calendar (lunar calendar) year, commonly known as the "Chinese New Year". This is an ancient traditional festival folk Chinese's oldest and most ceremonious and lively, but also the Han and Manchu, Mongolia, Yao, Zhuang, common Festival White Mountains, Hezhen, Hani, Daur, Dong, Li dozen ethnic minorities. In the Spring Festival, a long time, generally from the beginning of the 8th day of the twelfth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, to the fifteen Lantern Festival. The Spring Festival has a history of about three thousand or four thousand years. It is the new year's day, originally a lunar new year, which is usually said to be a new year. It originated in the Shang period of the first activities of the ritual worship.

      有关年的传说也很多。古代的春节 叫“元日”、“新年”、“正旦”、“岁首”、“三元”、等。1911年辛亥革命后,南京临时*为了顺应农时和便于统计,规定在民间使用夏历,在*机关、厂矿、学校和团体中实行公历,以公历的元月一日为“元旦”,农历的正月初一称“春节”。据考证,春节成为正式冠名就是在辛亥革命以后。1911年10月武昌起义,12月31日革命党人的湖北军*在发布的《内务部关于*改用阳历的通谕》中,明确的将(农历的)年节称为“春节”。 1949年9月27日,新*正式成立,*人民政治协商会议第一届全体会议上,通过了使用世界上通用的公历纪元,把公历的元月一日定为元旦,俗称阳历年;农历正月初一通常都在立春前后,因而把农历正月初一定为“春节”,俗称阴历年,进一步明确了农历正月初一称为“春节”,“春节”之名正式列入*节日法典,真正被广为流行至今。 漫长的历史岁月使年俗活动内容变得异常丰富多彩。其中,那些敬天祭神的迷信内容,已逐渐被淘汰,而那些富有生活情趣的内容,像贴春联、贴年画、贴“福”字、剪窗花、蒸年糕、包饺子等则流传了下来。

      There are also many legends about the year. The ancient spring festival called "new year", "new year", "it is", "at", "three yuan", etc.. After the revolution of 1911, the Nanjing provisional government in order to com* with the farming and facilitate the statistics, Xiali used in the private sector, the implementation of the Gregorian calendar in government agencies, factories, schools and organizations, the Gregorian calendar January 1 as the "new year" is the beginning of a 、lunar month, called "spring festival". According to the textual research, the official name of the Spring Festival is after the 1911 Revolution. In October 1911 December 31st the Wuchang uprising, the Revolutionary Party of Hubei military government in the Ministry of internal affairs issued "on the Republic of China to the Gregorian calendar encyclical", clear (Lunar New Year) will be called "spring festival". In September 27, 1949, the new Chinese was formally established, the first plenary session of Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference, through the use of the world's common era calendar, the Gregorian calendar January 1 as new year's day, commonly known as the solar year; usually before the year the 1th day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar, the lunar month is so early to "Spring Festival", commonly known as the lunar new year the 1th day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar, to further clarify the called "Spring Festival", "the official festival" in Chinese Festival code, really be popular today. The long historical years have made the content of the annual vulgar activities more and more colorful. Among them, those who respect the gods superstitious, has been eliminated, and those full of life, like the Spring Festival couplets, stickers, stickers New Year paintings "Fu", cut window, steamed rice cake, dumplings are handed down.



2022-12-01 00:00:00
2022-11-07 00:00:00
  • 四季的英语手抄报材料素材 (菁华3篇)

  • 英语手抄报
  •   Summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words. Summer is the glorious time of the year when most of us can put on our shorts and short-sleeved shirts and actually feel the air and sunlight on our skin; when we don't have to turn up the heat in the morning when we get up; but also when we lay hot and sweaty in bed, unable to sleep at times (those of us who don't have air conditioning, anyway); when we get the sunburn and the heatstroke and all those wonderful things.

      All green and fair the summer lies, just budded from the bud of spring, with tender blue of wistful skies, and winds that softly sing. How beautiful the summer night is, which is not night, but a sunless, yet unclouded day,descending upon earth with dews and shadows and refreshing coolness! How beautiful the long mild twilight,which, like a silver clasp, unites today with yesterday!

      Summer is a sailor in a rowboat and ice-cream on your dress when you're four years old. Summer is a man with his coat off, wet sand between your toes, the smell of a garden an hour before moonrise. Summer is silk itself, a giant geranium and music from a flute far away!

      No matter how we see it, summer has a magic that we can't deny - all four seasons do



2022-11-07 00:00:00
  • 北京长城英语手抄报 (菁华3篇)

  • 英语手抄报
  •   As you all know, the Great Wall from shanhai pass to jiayu pass, the Great Wall is the ancient people worked so hard to build up, the Great Wall for more than 5000 km, the Great Wall from the 5th to 7th century, northern wei dynasty, beiqi, their successively built the Great Wall. 650, 1000, and 1500 km, in the 12th century jin also b*l region outside today in eastern Inner Mongolia autonomous region to build the Great Wall. The Great Wall is about 4000 kilometers. To prevent the yuan dynasty Ming dynasty remnants from intrusion, and continuously for more than 200 years to build the Great Wall project, built in the early years of the east to the Great Wall, the yalu river west of qilian, more than 7300 km, middle period after repair of shanhai pass to jiayu pass a line of the Great Wall is in good condition, will be through the Great Wall is the starting point and end point.

      One of the Great Wall is the most complete built in China in the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) years, the Ming Great Wall is a bastion of complex structure, and he is one of the world's greatest miracle.

      The turn of the Great Wall about weight is 15 kg, 36, 5-38.5 cm long, 18-18, 5 cm wide. 9-9, 5 centimeters thick, several of the Great Wall brick, don't know yet.

      The Great Wall is a great a miracle in China.



2022-11-04 00:00:00
2022-10-19 00:00:00
2022-10-18 00:00:00
2022-10-18 00:00:00
  • 国庆英语手抄报资料内容 (菁选2篇)

  • 英语手抄报
  •   In the autu of october, in the joy of the harvest season, in thistwenty-first century tenth fall, once again we ushered in a grand festival --62anniversary of the founding of the national day celebration, china, china godchau as cheerful as a lark.

      Looking back 62years, froscratch, froweak to strong, the growth of therepublic as the new saplings, although suffer the baptisof wind and rain, isstill standing; even after suffering, but see re brilliant.

      In the past 62years, china produced the change we turn the world upsidedown with advanced agriculture, developed industry, we have the worldscutting-edge science and technology, in the world of sport can enjoy chineseathletes won the gold and silver bright and brave, the "sick n of east asia"stig has gone for ever, replace sb. is" the world sports power " of thena.

      Mother, we have de great achievents and proud, for in your ar andproud, we love you that square kiloters wide, love you the nextthousand years of long, love you love you the wonders of the world the greatwall, the roof of the world, pearl lang, love you running infortion of theyellow river of the yangtse river, love you through civilization "silk road",love you towering erect high untains, love you beautiful beautiful landscape.china is our ho, we love china!

      Today, stand under the flag, as the blood red color, passion of our blood,the gnificent singing andirritate our passion. since we can not use languageto express your love, that will allow us to use action to show it, we will usewisdohands to depict the country in twenty-first century of the grandblueprint for the therland torrow, to create brilliant!


2022-09-24 00:00:00