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  寒假英语日记分享 1

  My mother has organized a New Year concert for our class. The day is finally coming! Today, the New Year's concert in our class is officially held in the hall of the first floor of the peony pavilion.

  In the first stage, hao yuxin, hou day, xie ruying, and zhang haoting four chorus -- "little red riding hood", hao yuxin also gave us a riddle. Laughing and laughing also performed the show, singing two songs - "happy New Year" and "little brother, early". I played "bagpipe" on the piano and performed a cross talk with his sister, "we are good." Dirren Ye Ruxue and Yang Yajie each one the dance, sing a song - "I am small prairie rider", hou said a joke, every day is called "impressive", there are many children the performance, even our tan teacher sang a song -- "you are my eyes". Du also bought eight books for the students, and drew a prize! Pity I didn't win!

  The concert program is so colorful! The crosstalk, singing the love song, the jokes, the grand prize, the gift, is very happy! And I'm one of the little presenters! The other three young hosts were feng zi Ming, ke sixuan and zhao zihan.

  And so, a happy concert was over.

  寒假英语日记分享 2

  Today is the New Year's eve, it's the New Year's eve.

  When my family and I were busy making dumplings, we only listened to "bang, bang," and we didn't know whose child was so anxious that it was less than 24 o 'clock. We set off firecrackers.

  Boom, crack!

  On New Year's eve, it's the best day for Chinese people. Whenever this time, the children will put on beautiful new clothes, took a lot of all kinds of firecrackers, eating delicious snacks, happily make, play, and occasionally make some relatives on New Year's money!

  Finally, I was looking forward to the 8 o 'clock. I sat with my family and watched the Spring Festival gala. The song was so beautiful that it made everyone laugh. Meanwhile, host mentioned was greatly affected by the snow disaster in southern people, because of the storm, the electricity cannot be sent out, and blocked all traffic routes, to enter into not to go, not to come up with, let the people who rush home to reunite with relatives and friends can only be there helplessly dry tears. We are much happier than they are.

  At last the twelve o 'clock was my hope.

  Courtyard immediately boiling up, large and small fireworks have been washed up on the sky, the sky suddenly was dyed seven color, smoke, by their beautiful dress, the yard is as well good bright light.

  Ah! Beautiful New Year's eve!

  寒假英语日记分享 3

  In winter vacation, there are many interesting things. One of the things I remember most is what happened during the Spring Festival when I visited the sails.

  On that day, I was dressed in my new clothes, happy to be with my father and mother, and a new jeans and jeans. The sail took out the bubbles and the two of us blew bubbles on the balcony.

  Bubbles are small and colorful. Some are like balloons; Some are like a bunch of sugar gourds; And the brothers and sisters who held together like brothers...

  The sail and I talked and laughed and blew bubbles. When I blew a bubble of three little bubbles, I bent over and covered my stomach and laughed. Then he reached for the bubble again and jumped up without catching it. I could not help laughing when I saw his look.

  I blew a big, round bubble, it is like a big fat nutrition surplus, I want to tease tease the bubbles, blow it up and saw the of a big fat man, seems to be not careful will break! He seemed to say, "oh, don't blow any more, my stomach is going to explode!" The big bubble burst, the bubble water dripping into my face, I thought: "this bubble can only insist on such a small meeting! I have no stamina!

  Looking at it, I seem to be one of those little bubbles, and other bubbles taking off to the blue sky, over the mountains, across the sea... "Yangyang, yangyang sister." The sail saw me staring at the bubble, hard to pull me back from the dream!

  Blow bubble game is too fun, play over, I still won't let go!

  寒假英语日记分享 4

  A lot of interesting things happened just a few days after this year's winter break. I'm going to talk about that. Just a few days ago. A few days ago, I saw a "blow-ball experiment" in a book, and I found it very interesting to do it. I took a wooden frame, and there was a wire on the wooden frame, and there were two ping-pong balls hanging on the wire, about three or four centimetres between the two balls. I continued reading, and the book said, "what happens when you blow between two balls?" I thought: the question is too easy. It's easy. "That's not to be said." My mother spoke. "Why? "I asked, puzzled. "When you're done with this experiment, you'll see." "Good!" Just do it, and then who's going to be right, you know.

  The experiment began, and I mustered two gills, and with a hard blow, the two balls banged together. She laughed, and I said, "you laugh, but I made it too small, so I'll try it again." This time, I took a deep breath, bowed my head, my buttocks pout, and I blew hard, and the two balls were still together. I said to myself, "that's strange. Why don't you get two balls apart and Y together?" I think to my mother: "you like to read most of the time, so please tell me the truth!" The reason is very simple, because the flow of air pressure is small, around the air pressure is big, so, when we went to blow air between two balls, air flow pressure is reduced, on both sides of the air pressure is big, so he pushed two goals to the touch.

  Hey! There's a lot of science in a little experiment, right?

  寒假英语日记分享 5

  Today is the thirtieth year. I got up early in the morning. Because yesterday mom said I could not learn today, give me the day off, so I am very excited, get up and help grandpa hang lanterns, paste couplets, busy, soon became a sea of red at home?

  Changing into new clothes, I asked my mother happily, "can I have a New Year? I can be so happy every day, I don't need to do my homework. My mother touched my head and smiled.

  After lunch, I was so noisy that grandpa took me to the dongyue temple to play. When I left, I also brought a small notebook, because my mother asked me to come back and write a composition.

  The temple fair many people, grandpa led me, afraid I lost, actually if lost I also know the way home. I'm already a big kid! I was one year older after the Spring Festival.

  At the dongyue temple, there was a blessing tree, I may wish the New Year: "I hope my grandparents are healthy! Mom and dad work well! Niuniu makes her own progress! The whole family is safe!" I hung my wish on the wish wall.

  When I finished the temple fair, my father was out of work, and my uncle, aunt, uncle and cousin all arrived. Every year, every year, the family would have dinner together, and grandma always prepared a large table. After the meal, the adults will give us the lucky money, and I have more than 2,000 lucky money.

  Uncle said to set off firecrackers in the evening, my brother and I jumped up happily. My uncle asked us who knew why we set off firecrackers? I grabbed the answer, because the teacher told the story of the year.





















  上午9:30左右,我们来到了武夷山。我们请了一个导游。导游阿姨说:“我们家种茶,有手工的岩茶、红茶、绿茶。”我们随着她走了十几分钟,来到了她家。刚进门,我们就看见了一台台机器,导游阿姨给我们一一解释:这是发酵机、这是压制机……我们知道了以后,阿姨带我们上了二楼,原来,二楼是一个茶室,我们各自找了位子,坐了下来。阿姨从两个袋子里各拿出一些茶叶,说:“这些绿茶一个是淡香,一个是水仙。”“那先给我们泡一下吧。”伯伯说。只见阿姨熟练地将水壶灌好放在电热板上水烧,又用小镊子夹了一小镊淡香的茶叶,放在一个杯子里。几分钟后,水开了,阿姨拿起水壶,从高处冲下去,一边说:“这种茶要高冲。”不一会,茶泡好了。我拿了一杯喝,清香沁人心脾,清香中似乎还带着一股甘甜,我细细品尝这杯茶,但一会就喝完了。这时,阿姨又泡了另一壶茶,我又喝了一杯。阿姨又拿出一些红茶,说:“这些一个是金骏眉,一个是大红袍。金俊梅是红茶,大红袍是岩茶。这全是我们家自己做的,特别干,你可以闻闻,很香的!”我 闻了闻,果然不假,一阵浓浓的清香钻入了我的鼻子,可一不小心,一片叶子被我弄碎了,我说:“这也太脆了吧。”阿姨又泡了一杯金骏眉,还说:“你喝下去它有回甘的。”我又细细品尝这金骏眉,又香又甘又有点微苦。之后,我们又喝了大红袍,爸爸买了一些金骏眉伯伯也买了些茶叶,我们便心满意足地去阅览武夷山风光了。




  寒假的日记分享 1




  寒假的日记分享 2






  寒假的日记分享 3




  寒假的日记分享 4



  寒假的日记分享 5


























  过了一会儿,时间到了,我们检了票来到了房间里面。电影还没开始,但电影房间里早已人山人海,我们来到了一个座位,“哗:的一下我们被吓了一跳,原来是电影开始了,我们带上眼镜,津津有味地看了起来,眼看一个东西向 我飞来。切!原来是假的,但是还是吓的我屁股尿流,看这场电影我惊心动魄,一会来这个,一会儿来那个,看一场电影心情都不知说什么好了。又紧张又激动,又开心又兴奋,这场电影的主人公好厉害,跟一个是第一军团的长官PK一个拿着蓝色激光剑,另一个拿着红色激光剑,我一想:邪不胜正,移动是正义的一方胜利。结果,我的猜测是正确的,果然是正义的一方胜利了。这次的生日是我一生中最幸福的一天,10次生日中还是这一次让我终身难忘。












  在去年夏天,我参加了校运动会。刚跑完了800米比赛的我又想跑1500米比赛。可是在一旁观战的姥姥一直不让我去跑。我对姥姥说:“给爸爸打个电话,看他让不让我跑。”于是姥姥拨通了爸爸的电话,在电话里爸爸对我说:“你为什么非要跑1500米呢?”我说:“我要锻炼一下我自己,你是不是也不想让我成为懦夫哇!”听了我的话,爸爸终于同意了,最后又嘱咐我说:“别累坏喽,跑不动了就下来。”我放下电话,信心百倍地走向赛道。发令 枪一响,我像离弦的箭一样冲了出去。跑着跑着我觉得很累,双臂甩得发痛,脸涨得通红,像一个熟透的大番茄一样。可是我在心中默默地给自己加油:坚持,坚持就是胜利。我使出全身的劲,奋力冲向终点。让我意想不到的是我竟然得了第四名。我心里有说不出的喜悦!



——办年货日记分享 (菁华3篇)


















——开学第二周周记分享 (菁华3篇)















  Today I went to the countryside with my mother, I walked on the path in the field. Walking along, a small animal slowly crawling into my eye.

  Look carefully, the original is a little snail. I had a whim. I wanted to take a walk with this little snail. So I walked slowly, for fear that the little snail could not keep up. When I took a few steps, I looked back and saw that the little snail was so far away from me.

  I pushed it behind it, but it still crawled slowly. When I urged it, I blushed it, and I scolded it, and the snail looked at me apologetically, as if to say, "I have done my best!"

  The snail did not crawl, but it was still crawling. To be able to get to where you want to go is to be able to accomplish the goals you set for yourself.

  What are our goals? How do we accomplish these goals? Snail it relies on its own efforts, never give up the spirit, accomplish its own goal. We must learn the spirit of the snail to achieve our goal!

  Life is always enlightening, but life doesn't take the initiative to send it to the door. Life is carried out according to its own appearance and rules, and everyone has the right to learn from it. It gives everyone a chance, and the question is whether we can find "inspiration" from it. The diligent person, in a sense, is the man who is diligently looking for revelation. Think about life itself, and think about the phenomena in your life that you will be given a gift of life.

  I also have my own plan during the holiday, because I also have new goals in the new term. I must follow my plan next week. Like a snail, accomplish your goals.

  I had a good time in this winter holiday, but today I was not happy at all, and my parents beat me up.

  It was from me that I was a little picky eater, and I didn't know how much I had been beaten, but I didn't think I was in the sixth grade. Mom and dad hit me for that.

  I have too many snacks for the Spring Festival, so I don't want to eat at dinner, but my father stipulates that I must eat a bowl and eat vegetables. Anger I don't eat, mom and dad also ignored me, they only eat their own, I think this will hide too, didn't think dad finish, see I didn't move, I was so angry just give me a chopsticks, I injustice of tears. The mother added, adding to the fire: "you must eat a bowl of rice, and you see that you are better than you in the same year. They are taller than you and are better than you. You're so picky."

  So I picked up the bowl and put a meal into my mouth. When they saw me eating, they were very happy and praised and loved. But they don't know how bad I feel. I had no taste in my mouth, but I just didn't throw up.

  I can't understand what mom and dad think. They were like me when they were kids? But!!! I should still try to eat more, so my body will be fine!

  This week was the first week of the holiday, and I picked up my dad's new "big brain" series, "the empty door". I flipped it, and a bold headline came into my eye. I read it eagerly.

  The story is about the genius of the information age, the Microsoft computer tycoon, Bill Gates, the richest man in the United States, who was introduced to the school library in fourth grade to help sort out the books. He was smart and studious, but he worked very hard, even though he was small. He came very early every day, and went to great lengths to get through the labyrinth of bookshelves, and to sort out the places where people had misplaced them, like a little detective, and put them back where it should have been. Later, his family moved to another residential area nearby, and he was transferred out of the library. But he kept saying, "who am I going to do with the wrong team?" When he wanted to go, he asked his mother to turn him back to his old school. He told the librarian, "now dad will drive me to school, and if my dad doesn't take me, I'll walk."

  After reading this story, I was moved by bill's earnest spirit. There is nothing in the world that cannot be done for a teenager who is so serious and determined. I think that in many great or outstanding figures there are always places that are superior or different to others, and that these things will manifest themselves in their lives, late or early. Before they became famous, they could have been overlooked, and it was only after they became famous that they began to think of their original greatness. But the record, whether in advance or in hindsight, is undoubtedly a good thing for mankind.

  On Sunday I went to the forest park with my sister and my aunt and uncle for a wild game.

  As soon as I got to the forest park, my sister and I, like a runaway horse, ran to the field of war, and we immediately put on our camouflage uniforms and took large laser guns. We were like a little soldier.

  One person has ten lives, "death" down the hill to the registration department for life, my sister and I are the blues, who plays on the head with red ribbon, the lead, I rushed to the peak of a bunker, there are four or five comrades, not once, my shoulder a shock, we are surrounded by the red army, constantly attack on us, we had two or three life loss in a row, I walk to go out, the reds have not found me, when I come back, I have been in the trenches of the enemy "killed", so I went down the mountain to fill our lives.

  Fill life over I saw a bunker, there is an enemy, I took the gun to his head up, he also to my head, I put his gun opens, he took my gun and pull open, beside the pictures of the responsible for our uncle outside said a humorous sentence: "you this is in the melee!" We rushed to our things. I turned around and saw a trench, not familiar. It was my "glorious sacrifice", and I thought it would be better to go this way and catch a few "enemies". I walked carefully down the ditch and found a bunker with gunshots coming out of it, because the bunker was blocking my view and I was afraid to get close enough to make a detour. Finally found an enemy, because he did not find me, so I stay focused, continuous shooting, he even shot a few lives, this guy thought it was a enemy ahead, keep shooting, but have no sound, I at his side trenches and laughed. It took a long time for the slow guy to find me. He just wanted to fight back, but it was a gameover and had to go down the hill to "make up his life". After killing this enemy, I was more confident and brave enough to go elsewhere...

  An hour later, uncle aunt told us to go home, we had to be reluctant to leave "the battlefield", relax the highly stressed, but my heart can't be calm once in a long time...

  It's about to start school. I can see the teachers and students again. The thought of familiar faces and voices in the thought of familiar faces and classrooms created a sense of excitement.

  During the last part of the winter vacation, I focused on the textbooks for the new semester. Through the study of the winter vacation, I know how to read the textbook. I looked at the catalogue first. There are 12 units in this semester, two fewer units than last semester. There are almost as many new words in the book as in the textbook. However, after careful ***ysis, I found many words touched before. Take the new words of unit 15, kind, workplace, even, make, anything, laugh and other words are no longer alien to me. Among the 11 remaining units, there are many words I can already spell, but I don't know the meaning or use of these words. To understand the specific usage of words in different contexts, and to make sentences based on their usage, the word can be used freely. The word "kind", for example, is a noun in unit 15, and the word "kind" in unit 16 means to be kind; Friendly, an adjective. In English, the phenomenon of polysemy and multiple parts is very common. I should pay more attention to summarizing and summarizing in the future study.

  In terms of grammar, this textbook needs to learn a lot. Include adjectives, adverbs of comparison, the use of articles, the types of verbs, can, may, must, shall, and the use of modal verbs. In addition, there are sentence elements and sentence types that I am not familiar with. Grammar has always been a big problem in my English study. In the new term, I strive to make more efforts in this field.

  In the preview, I found that there was less dialogue in this textbook than in the previous books, and there were few specific oral programs, mainly including invitations, directions and directions, and medical services. The text is noticeably longer and more difficult than the previous one. There are even two articles in some units. It seems that from this semester, the textbook focuses on increasing the proportion of reading, which aims to cultivate our reading ability. In the future, in reciting and repeating the text, I shall be prepared to fight the difficulties.

  The winter holiday is coming to an end, and I will go into a tight, busy campus life. The ancients cloud: the business is diligent in the shortage of the hippy, the line is ruined by the ruin. Looking back over a month of winter vacation and enjoying the holiday, I have not forgotten my study, especially English study. I didn't want to show off how much English I learned in the holidays, but I got into a good habit of learning English every day, and exercised my self-learning ability. In this respect, my winter holiday has been enriched and meaningful.



  June 20th, 201*, Tuesday,Sunny

  Today, I saw a roadside beggar. He is a middle-aged man, only two arms, and no legs. His arms come the hard ground prowling, also holding the hand of a begging bowl. Really pathetic, I can not help giving him 10 yuan. If we sacrificed our love, the world will be brighter.


  Today, I went out with my best friend. when we arrived at the park, it rained. we had to run in the rain because we couldnt find a place to hide. But we still feel happy because we could comfort each other. The rain stopped later and I accompanied her go home. we played in her home for a while and she invited me for dinner. I refused because I feel it will bring trouble to his family. I am happy today because the new term is coming. I really want to see my classmates again.

  Ah ha,when I get up,it was time for lunch.But I really have a lot of work to do,I must write words and English dairy,then learned"Li yang"English, and then.

  Oh,my god,if I do it in the afternoon,I will ready to dead.So I wrote words, and now I'm writing my English dairy.wish I could finish these works today. Bye!

  There is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world. without it, life will be empty and meaningless. If you wish to know how to get happiness, you must pay attention to the following two points.

  First, health is the secret of happiness (the key to happiness). Only a strong man can enjoy the pleasure of life.

  Secondly, happiness consists in contentment. A man who is dissatisfied with his present condition is always in distress.




  It was a sunny day today,when i got up in the morning,i decided to see my grandparents.so i took the bus and got there at noon,they were happy to see me,and i was very happy,too.

  In the afternoon,my farther asked me to help him water the plant,and i was happy to see the flowers smiling in the wind.

  In a word,today is a unforgetive day.because i saw my relatives and helped people.


























