小学初中英语写作词汇归纳 (菁华5篇)

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  enjoyable 令人愉快的

  pleasurable 愉快的

  thoughtful 体贴的

  considerate 体贴的;考虑周到的

  courteous 礼貌的

  lovely 可爱的,美丽的,美味的,亲切和善的

  likeable 可爱的,讨人喜欢的

  pleasing 令人愉快的

  gracious 亲切的,仁慈的

  congenial 令人愉快的

  cordial 热情友好的

  admirable 令人敬佩的


  cheerful 高兴的

  delighted 快乐的

  pleased 高兴的

  glad 高兴的,乐意的

  joyful 快乐的

  ecstatic 狂喜的

  content 满意的

  jovial 快乐的;友好的

  amused 愉快的;被逗笑的

  merry 欢乐的;微醉的

  thrilled 非常兴奋的.

  elated 兴高采烈的


  depressed 沮丧的,抑郁的

  gloomy 令人悲伤的,沮丧的

  miserable 痛苦的,悲惨的

  cheerless 阴郁的,不快乐的

  unhappy 不高兴的,不幸的

  forlorn 绝望的,孤苦伶仃的;荒凉的

  sorrowful 悲伤的;可悲的

  upset 苦恼的,生气的

  downcast 垂头丧气的

  fearful 可怕的,担忧的

  somber 沮丧的,昏暗的


  afraid 害怕的,担心的

  frightened 受惊的

  spooked 受惊吓的

  horrified 充满恐惧的,震惊的

  startled 吃惊的,受惊的

  fearful 可怕的,担忧的

  petrified 吓呆的,惊呆的

  anxious 令人焦虑的;渴望的

  aghast 吓呆的

  alarmed 担忧的,惊慌的

  terrible 可怕的,严重的,糟糕的

  shaken 恐惧的


  strolled 溜达

  sauntered 闲逛

  tiptoed 蹑手蹑脚地走

  trotted 小跑

  marched 进军;*

  glided 滑行

  strutted 趾高气扬地走

  shuffled 拖着脚步走

  crept 爬行;蹑手蹑脚地走

  treaded 行走

  hiked 徒步旅行

  paraded *

小学初中英语写作词汇归纳 (菁华5篇)扩展阅读

小学初中英语写作词汇归纳 (菁华5篇)(扩展1)


  小学初中英语写作词汇归纳 1

  giggle 咯咯地笑

  chuckle 轻声地笑

  roar 放声大笑

  whoop 欢呼

  snicker 窃笑

  guffaw 哈哈大笑

  grin 咧嘴一笑

  cackle 咯咯笑

  chortle 哈哈大笑

  小学初中英语写作词汇归纳 2

  small 小的

  tiny 极小的,微小的

  petite 娇小的

  miniature 小型的

  teeny 极小的

  mini 袖珍的,微型的

  minuscule 非常小的

  minute 微小的,微不足道的

  microscopic 微小的

  skimpy 不足的(数量或大小),(衣服)小而暴露的

  wee 极小的

  小学初中英语写作词汇归纳 3

  bolted 逃跑

  sped 急行

  hurried 匆忙

  sprinted 冲刺

  jogged 慢跑

  rushed 冲向

  galloped 飞奔

  hustled 赶紧

  skipped 逃离;跳过

  raced 赛跑

  dashed 猛冲

  fled 逃走

  小学初中英语写作词汇归纳 4

  enjoyable 令人愉快的

  pleasurable 愉快的

  thoughtful 体贴的

  considerate 体贴的;考虑周到的

  courteous 礼貌的

  lovely 可爱的,美丽的,美味的,亲切和善的

  likeable 可爱的,讨人喜欢的

  pleasing 令人愉快的

  gracious 亲切的,仁慈的

  congenial 令人愉快的

  cordial 热情友好的

  admirable 令人敬佩的

  小学初中英语写作词汇归纳 5

  excellent 极好的

  amazing 令人惊奇的

  wonderful 精彩的

  pleasant 愉快的,舒适的

  marvelous 极好的

  exceptional 例外的;杰出的

  fantastic 非常棒的

  super 极好的;超级的

  outstanding 出众的

  terrific 很棒的

  splendid 极好的,华丽的

  stupendous 好得惊人的

小学初中英语写作词汇归纳 (菁华5篇)(扩展2)


  英语写作词汇 1

  tsunami 海啸

  natural disaster 自然灾害

  tidal waves 潮汐波,浪潮

  epicenter 震中

  temblor 地震

  aftershock 余震

  magnitude 震级

  tragedy 灾难

  wreckage 残骸

  death toll 死亡人数

  survivors 幸存者

  victims 受灾者

  tsunami warning system 海啸预警系统

  earthquake monitoring 地震监控

  international contributions 国际援助

  evacuation team 撤运小组

  smaller tremors 小震动,小地震

  英语写作词汇 2

  early - ad. at or near the beginning, especially the beginning of the day; opposite late

  earn - v. to be paid in return for work done

  earth - n. the planet we all live on; the ground or soil

  earthquake - n. a sudden, violent shaking of the earths surface

  ease - v. to reduce; to make less difficult

  east - n. the direction from which the sun rises

  easy - ad. not difficu< not hard to do

  eat - v. to take food into the body through the mouth

  ecology - n. the scientific study of the environment and links among living and material things

  economy - n. the system by which money, industry and trade are organized

  edge - n. the line where something ends or begins

  education - n. the act of teaching

  effect - n. the result or change caused by something

  effort - n. an attempt; the work necessary to do something

  egg - n. the rounded object containing unborn young produced by female birds, fish or reptiles; a single cell in a female person or animal that can develop into a baby

  英语写作词汇 3

  hostile adjective 敌对的

  impatience noun 急躁

  polite adjective 有礼貌的,有教养的.

  abroad adjective, adverb 往国外/海外

  announce verb 宣布,通告

  battery noun 电池

  acquaintance noun 熟人

  available adjective 可获得的,/可探访的

  career noun 事业,生涯,职业

  confidential adjective 机密的,秘密的

  detail noun 细节,详情

  domestic adjective 国内的

  exchange verb 交换,兑换

  disabled adjective 伤残的

  economy noun 经济实惠/节约措施

  line noun (产品的)类型,种别

  order book noun 订货簿

  outperform verb 做得比…好/胜过

  plant noun 设备,工厂

  output noun 产量,输出量

  quotation noun 报价(单)

  range noun 种类

  rationalize verb 合理化

  redundant adjective 多余的

  shape noun 外型,体型

  share noun 股份

  shipping noun 运送

  short-range adjective 短期的/短程的

  suppliers plural noun 供应商

  specifications plural noun 规格

  stock noun 库存

  substantial adjective 大量的/可观的

  英语写作词汇 4

  act 做,行动

  acid 酸的,尖酸的

  ag 移动,做,办理

  agri 田地,农田

  ali 别的,其他的

  ann 年

  aud 听

  auto 自动的,自己,本身

  bio 生命,生物

  ced 让步,行,走

  cide,cise 杀,切断

  claim 喊叫,宣布

  clar 清楚,明白

  clud 关闭

  cog 认识,知道

  corp 身体,实体,机构

  crea 创造

  cred 相信,信任

  cruc 十字

  cycl 环形的,圆圈,轮子

  dem 人民

  dic 说,言语

  duc 引导,诱使

  fac,fact 做,作

  fer 带,拿来

  fin 结果,终

  flect 弯曲

  geo 地

  grad 步,走,级

  graph 写,画,记录器

  grat 使人高兴的'

  grav 重的

  elio 太阳

  hemo 血

  hibit 持有,拿

  hum 土,人类

  hydr 水

  hypn 睡眠,催眠

  idio 特殊的,专有的

  ject 投掷,躺下

  lect 选,收

  leg 法律

  liber 文字,字面

  loc 地方

  log 言语,词

  magn 很大

  minu 手

  mar 海,水

  medi 中间

  mem 记忆,纪念

  mini 小

  migra 迁徙,流动

  nov 新

  number,numer 数

  oper 工作,操作

  pel 推逐,驱

  pend 悬挂,垂,待决

  phil 爱

  phon 声,音

  photo 光

  pict 画

  popul 人,人民

  port 运,带,拿

  pos 放置,地点

  press 压,按

  pur 清,纯净

  rect 正直

  rupt 破

  sal 盐

  sat 足够

  sci 知

  scope 观察,看见

  scrib,scrip 写

  sect 切割

  sens 感觉

  spect 看

  sphere 球,球体

  spir 呼吸

  stereo 固体的,立体的

  tend 伸展,扩,绷紧

  ten 使结合在一起,保持住,容纳,注意

  tract 拖住,抽

  uni 一,唯一的,统一的

  vers 转向

  vest 穿衣,衣服

  vict,vinc 征服

  vis,vid 看

  viv 活的,生活

  voc 声音,呼唤

  英语写作词汇 5

  招生 recruitment

  文化交流 cultural exchanges

  录取 enrollment

  促进文化发展 promote cultural development

  高考 College Entrance Examination

  与时俱进 keep pace with times

  就业市场 job market

  文化传统 cultural traditions

  应试教育 exam-oriented education

  文化差异 cultural differences

  素质教育 education for all-round development

  人类文明 human civilization

  学*氛围 academic atmosphere

  虚拟生活 virtual life

  开阔眼界 broaden one’s horizon

  团购 goup buying/purchase

  专业 major 大学生 university students

  数码产品 digital products

小学初中英语写作词汇归纳 (菁华5篇)(扩展3)





  利用实物,图片创设情景,通过语调、动作及表情等来揭示词义。如:教Cold, hot, wet, dry这些词时,尽量利用实物教学。可以准备两个杯子,一个装冷水,一个装热水。教师拿起冷水的杯子,叫几个学生来摸一下,然后这样说:“Is it hot or cold? It’s cold、 Is that so?”帮助学生回答:“Yes, it’s cold、”然后将Cold写在黑板上。再用同样的方法教hot。教师拿出两张纸,将一张放进杯里浸湿后拿出,然后说:“This piece of paper is wet and dry、”接着拿起湿的那张纸问:“Is it wet?(or Is it dry?)”帮助学生回答:“Yes, it is、(No, it isn’t)”将wet, dry写在黑板上。学生从直观上就明白了wet与dry的意思。这种运用情景教词汇使学生比较感兴趣,较容易地掌握所学的词汇。






  例如:good, fine, nice都有好的意思,用法有所不同。good常用于问候或指质量好,品质好等;fine常指天气或人的气色等;nice则是给人感受方面的好。


  例如:right-wrong, light-heavy, early-late, big-small等。

  一个词可能不只有一个反义词,如:rich是概括poor的反义最广的词,但是与poor health相对的并不是rich health而是good health,与the poor old couple相对的可能是the rich old couple,也可能是the lucky old couple,这说明反义关系并不一定都适用于一切上下文中,因此,采用这种方法,要有所分析,以免导致学生不正确的归纳。


  英语中只有一个意义的词是少数的,多数词都有一个以上的意义,有的甚至多到几十个甚至多到几十个意义。例如paper作不可数名词是纸,作可数名词是报纸、论文、论文、书面作业、考卷,但可数名词复数时可作为“证件”。而在“paper the windows”中又是动词,作“用纸糊”解。再看下面几个例子:

  open V、 Open the window, please、请打开窗。

  adj、 The window is open、窗是开着的。

  light n、 Turn on the light, please、请开灯。

  adj、 The empty box is light,这空箱子很轻、

  watch V、 My father is watching TV now、我父亲现在在看电视。

  n、 My watch is broken、我的手表坏了。


  动词与不同的介词、副词搭配构成意义不同的词组,以look为例:look after(照顾),look like(看起来像),look for(寻找),look up(查询),同一个词组合不同,意义也不同,又如:这些词组中,take的意思都不相同,take the medicine(服药),take a bus(乘公共汽车),take care of(关心,照料),take a place(发生),take a rest(休息)。反过来,在汉语中说“开门”“开车”“开灯。”“开玩笑”,“开胃”“开战”都用“开”,英语却说“open the door”,“drive a car”,“turn on the light” “joke”,“whet the appetite”,“make war”,都使用不同的动词。在教学过程中让学生了解这两种语言在结构、*惯及表达上的差异,从而避免在使用中出差错。



  (1)学*用品类:pen pencil, eraser, paper等;

  (2)人体部位:head, arm, leg, foot, eye, ear, mouth, nose等;

  (3)动物类:cat, dog, cow, monkey等;

  (4)水果类:apple, pear, banana, orange等;

  (5)球类:football, volleyball, basketball等等。




  1、转化:是英语中派生最强的构词手段之一。其独特的方式丰富了英语的词汇,增强英语的表现力。Mother(n、母亲)——mother one’s children(v、抚养孩子);try(v、试)——have a try(n、试一试);better(adj、更好的)——better the condition(v、改善条件)。转化可以在许多词类之间发生,已经被越来越广泛地应用来产生新的词义。

  2、合成:合两个词而成为一个新词。很多英语合成词的意思可以组成部分推想出来,即*时所说的“猜测”。如class+room——classroom, birth+day——birthday, foot+ball——football, every+thing——everything, pencil+box——pencilbox等。

  词汇是语言的基本要素,是语言大厦的基石,是英语学*的前提、基础与关键。 “没有语法,能表达的内容很少;没有词汇则什么都表达不了。 ”一语指出了词汇在英语学*中的重要性,可以说学生词汇量的多少直接关系到英语水*的高低。初中阶段正处于学生学*英语的黄金期,初中英语教学大纲对词汇的学*提出了明确的要求:“(1) 了解英语词汇包括单词、短语、*惯用语和固定搭配等形式;(2)理解和领悟词汇的基本含义以及在特定的语境中的意义;(3) 运用词汇描述事物、 行为和特征,说明概念等;(4)学会使用 1500-1600 个单词和 200-300 个*惯用语或固定搭配。 ”在初中的英语教学中我们要重视词汇教学,帮助学生积累更多的词汇量。这在大力提倡听说技能训练的新课改形势下词汇教学的基础地位依旧不可动摇。词汇教学既是初中英语教学的重点,也是难点。如何实现愉悦的教学氛围,让学生主动而富有成效地学*词汇这是广大英语教师所共同关注的内容。现代信息技术手段的运用, 给我们的教学带来了改革的重要契机,将其运用于词汇教学中同样具有巨大的教学优势,可以激起学生浓厚的学*兴趣,加强学生的理解与记忆,提高词汇教学有效性。 笔者现结合具体的教学实践对多媒体在初中英语词汇教学中的具体运用浅谈如下几点体会。


  在以往的单词教学中,往往采用教师领读学生跟读的教学模式, 教学枯燥无味,学生参与积极性不高,兴趣不浓,只是在机械地配合着教师的教学行为。 我们都知道兴趣在学生学*中的重要性,没有兴趣的学*只会扼杀学生追求真理的欲望,只能让学生感受到学*的枯燥与繁重,而降低学生的学*热情与教学参与度,整个教学中处于消极状态,而不利于教学效果的提高。 兴趣是教学成功的先决条件。 要想让学生更好地学*单词,就要努力改变这种枯燥的教学,要让单词教学富有生机与活力,激起学生内心浓厚的学*兴趣与强烈的学*动机,使学生对词汇的学*始终保持着高涨的学*热情与亢奋的学*状态,这样教学才能取得事半功倍的效果。 多媒体集图文声像于一体,这与传统的黑板加粉笔的教学模式相比,本身就具有极大的趣味性与吸引力,可以激起学生内心强烈的学*热情,调动学生参与学*的主动性与积极性,使学生以饱满的学*热情全身心地投入到教学中来,这样的教学实现了学生的主体参与与主动思考,让学生成为学*的主人,既体现了新课改所倡导的以学生为中心的教学理念,同时又实现了学生的快乐学*,让学生在愉悦的状态下主动而快乐地进行单词的学*。


  学好英语的关键在于要让学生学会用英语思维,单词的学*同样如此。在以往的教学中往往采用翻译式教学, 学生在学*与记忆单词时也只是机械地进行拼读式记忆, 而造成单词的音形义脱节, 学生往往会读会写而不会用, 其根本原因就在于以母语为中介来进行翻译式学*, 这一直是我国学生学*英语的最主要的问题。采用多媒体辅助教学,可以为学生营造一个全英的良好学*环境,不再是枯燥的记忆, 而是将这些单词寓于直观而形象的事物中, 这样大大增强了教学的形象性与直观性, 符合初中生的思维特点与认知规律, 更为重要的是可以帮助学生避开母语的干扰,让学生置身于全英的学*环境中,这样便可以让学生学会用英语来进行, 将单词的音形义结合起来, 这样更利于达到学生对单词的真正理解与记忆。 如在学*各种球类名称时, 我利用多媒体的图文声像效果来展现相关的图片与场景, 通过直观的画面与真实的场景来激起学生的形象思维, 这样学生不再只是机械地拼读单词与记忆含义,而是将这些单词与具体的实物联系起来, 看着图片来学*相关的单词, 如 basketball,ten-nis,ping-pong ball,baseball 等等 。 如此形象直观的画面避开了母语的干扰, 而是让学生在实物与单词的音形义之间建立直接联系,这样学生对这些单词的掌握不再是机械地记忆音、形、义,而是能够将英语单词与具体的实物与场景结合起来, 从而能够达到学生的真正理解与掌握。 在此基础上再将这些图片打乱,让学生在同桌间展开积极的对话,这样的学*更能取得事半功倍的效果。


  英语是一门语言, 语言的真正掌握是需要建立在大量听说训练的基础之上, 单词的学*也是如此。 要想让学生熟练地掌握与运用这些单词,就要避免枯燥地学,而是要为学生创设真实的交际情景, 增强教学的交际性与实践性, 让学生在实际运用中达到对知识真正的理解与熟练地运用, 这样才能帮助学生积累丰富的词汇量, 促进学生听说读写能力的整体提高。 以多媒体为代表的现代信息技术具有强大的模拟现实功能, 可以将传统教学手段所不能展现的情景真实地再现于课堂,让学生置身于真实的交际情景中,激起学生说的激情, 让学生积极而主动地参与到对话训练中来,让学生将学与用结合起来,让学生在学*中运用,在运用中学*,在运用中加深理解。这样可以有效增强学生的语感,锻炼学生的英语思维能力, 对于学生词汇的丰富与积累、英语水*的全面提升具有重要作用。

  如在学*身体各部位的单词时,arm,hand,head,nose 等,我利用多媒体来向学生形象而直观地展现患者就医的场景, 并配以精彩的对话。 如 What is wrong? ———I have a stom-achache.精彩的对话再加上真实的画面,可以唤起学生的相关生活体验, 这样学生便可以认识到所要学*的内容。 在此基础上再出示相关的单词图片,让学生两两一组,一个扮演医生、一个扮演患者,在医生与病人之间展开积极的对话。 从而使学生置身于真实的交流情景之中,激活学生的交际欲望,使得学生展开积极的对话交流,在交流中掌握单词、巩固语法、增强语感,提高能力。

  总之,词汇是英语教学的重要组成部分,是学*英语的关键。 多媒体在词汇教学中具有重要的教学优势,增强教学的趣味性、形象性与交际性,使得原本枯燥无味、机械记忆的词汇学*更加富有活力, 学生参与的积极性更高,教学氛围更活跃。但是同时也要客观地认识到多媒体依旧存在一定的局限性, 我们不能只看到其优势而忽视其不足, 而是全面认识、科*用,要实现多媒体教学手段与其他教学手段的有机结合, 这样才能发挥各种教学手段的优势, 使之更好地为词汇教学服务。 让学生对词汇学*保持高涨的学*热情与最佳的思维状态,让学生主动参与、积极思维,让学生在愉悦的氛围中快乐学*,在真实的.交际情景中灵活运用, 掌握词汇学*的方法,积累丰富的词汇量,为学生听说读写能力的全面发展奠定坚实的基础。

  词汇是语言的基本要素,是语言大厦的基石,是英语学*的前提、基础与关键。 “没有语法,能表达的内容很少;没有词汇则什么都表达不了。 ”一语指出了词汇在英语学*中的重要性,可以说学生词汇量的多少直接关系到英语水*的高低。初中阶段正处于学生学*英语的黄金期,初中英语教学大纲对词汇的学*提出了明确的要求:“(1) 了解英语词汇包括单词、短语、*惯用语和固定搭配等形式;(2)理解和领悟词汇的基本含义以及在特定的语境中的意义;(3) 运用词汇描述事物、 行为和特征,说明概念等;(4)学会使用 1500-1600 个单词和 200-300 个*惯用语或固定搭配。 ”在初中的英语教学中我们要重视词汇教学,帮助学生积累更多的词汇量。这在大力提倡听说技能训练的新课改形势下词汇教学的基础地位依旧不可动摇。词汇教学既是初中英语教学的重点,也是难点。如何实现愉悦的教学氛围,让学生主动而富有成效地学*词汇这是广大英语教师所共同关注的内容。现代信息技术手段的`运用, 给我们的教学带来了改革的重要契机,将其运用于词汇教学中同样具有巨大的教学优势,可以激起学生浓厚的学*兴趣,加强学生的理解与记忆,提高词汇教学有效性。 笔者现结合具体的教学实践对多媒体在初中英语词汇教学中的具体运用浅谈如下几点体会。


  在以往的单词教学中,往往采用教师领读学生跟读的教学模式, 教学枯燥无味,学生参与积极性不高,兴趣不浓,只是在机械地配合着教师的教学行为。 我们都知道兴趣在学生学*中的重要性,没有兴趣的学*只会扼杀学生追求真理的欲望,只能让学生感受到学*的枯燥与繁重,而降低学生的学*热情与教学参与度,整个教学中处于消极状态,而不利于教学效果的提高。 兴趣是教学成功的先决条件。 要想让学生更好地学*单词,就要努力改变这种枯燥的教学,要让单词教学富有生机与活力,激起学生内心浓厚的学*兴趣与强烈的学*动机,使学生对词汇的学*始终保持着高涨的学*热情与亢奋的学*状态,这样教学才能取得事半功倍的效果。 多媒体集图文声像于一体,这与传统的黑板加粉笔的教学模式相比,本身就具有极大的趣味性与吸引力,可以激起学生内心强烈的学*热情,调动学生参与学*的主动性与积极性,使学生以饱满的学*热情全身心地投入到教学中来,这样的教学实现了学生的主体参与与主动思考,让学生成为学*的主人,既体现了新课改所倡导的以学生为中心的教学理念,同时又实现了学生的快乐学*,让学生在愉悦的状态下主动而快乐地进行单词的学*。


  学好英语的关键在于要让学生学会用英语思维,单词的学*同样如此。在以往的教学中往往采用翻译式教学, 学生在学*与记忆单词时也只是机械地进行拼读式记忆, 而造成单词的音形义脱节, 学生往往会读会写而不会用, 其根本原因就在于以母语为中介来进行翻译式学*, 这一直是我国学生学*英语的最主要的问题。采用多媒体辅助教学,可以为学生营造一个全英的良好学*环境,不再是枯燥的记忆, 而是将这些单词寓于直观而形象的事物中, 这样大大增强了教学的形象性与直观性, 符合初中生的思维特点与认知规律, 更为重要的是可以帮助学生避开母语的干扰,让学生置身于全英的学*环境中,这样便可以让学生学会用英语来进行, 将单词的音形义结合起来, 这样更利于达到学生对单词的真正理解与记忆。 如在学*各种球类名称时, 我利用多媒体的图文声像效果来展现相关的图片与场景, 通过直观的画面与真实的场景来激起学生的形象思维, 这样学生不再只是机械地拼读单词与记忆含义,而是将这些单词与具体的实物联系起来, 看着图片来学*相关的单词, 如 basketball,ten-nis,ping-pong ball,baseball 等等 。 如此形象直观的画面避开了母语的干扰, 而是让学生在实物与单词的音形义之间建立直接联系,这样学生对这些单词的掌握不再是机械地记忆音、形、义,而是能够将英语单词与具体的实物与场景结合起来, 从而能够达到学生的真正理解与掌握。 在此基础上再将这些图片打乱,让学生在同桌间展开积极的对话,这样的学*更能取得事半功倍的效果。


  英语是一门语言, 语言的真正掌握是需要建立在大量听说训练的基础之上, 单词的学*也是如此。 要想让学生熟练地掌握与运用这些单词,就要避免枯燥地学,而是要为学生创设真实的交际情景, 增强教学的交际性与实践性, 让学生在实际运用中达到对知识真正的理解与熟练地运用, 这样才能帮助学生积累丰富的词汇量, 促进学生听说读写能力的整体提高。 以多媒体为代表的现代信息技术具有强大的模拟现实功能, 可以将传统教学手段所不能展现的情景真实地再现于课堂,让学生置身于真实的交际情景中,激起学生说的激情, 让学生积极而主动地参与到对话训练中来,让学生将学与用结合起来,让学生在学*中运用,在运用中学*,在运用中加深理解。这样可以有效增强学生的语感,锻炼学生的英语思维能力, 对于学生词汇的丰富与积累、英语水*的全面提升具有重要作用。

  如在学*身体各部位的单词时,arm,hand,head,nose 等,我利用多媒体来向学生形象而直观地展现患者就医的场景, 并配以精彩的对话。 如 What is wrong? ———I have a stom-achache.精彩的对话再加上真实的画面,可以唤起学生的相关生活体验, 这样学生便可以认识到所要学*的内容。 在此基础上再出示相关的单词图片,让学生两两一组,一个扮演医生、一个扮演患者,在医生与病人之间展开积极的对话。 从而使学生置身于真实的交流情景之中,激活学生的交际欲望,使得学生展开积极的对话交流,在交流中掌握单词、巩固语法、增强语感,提高能力。

  总之,词汇是英语教学的重要组成部分,是学*英语的关键。 多媒体在词汇教学中具有重要的教学优势,增强教学的趣味性、形象性与交际性,使得原本枯燥无味、机械记忆的词汇学*更加富有活力, 学生参与的积极性更高,教学氛围更活跃。但是同时也要客观地认识到多媒体依旧存在一定的局限性, 我们不能只看到其优势而忽视其不足, 而是全面认识、科*用,要实现多媒体教学手段与其他教学手段的有机结合, 这样才能发挥各种教学手段的优势, 使之更好地为词汇教学服务。 让学生对词汇学*保持高涨的学*热情与最佳的思维状态,让学生主动参与、积极思维,让学生在愉悦的氛围中快乐学*,在真实的交际情景中灵活运用, 掌握词汇学*的方法,积累丰富的词汇量,为学生听说读写能力的全面发展奠定坚实的基础。

小学初中英语写作词汇归纳 (菁华5篇)(扩展4)



  When we send a letter or a postcard, we have to put stamps on the envelope or on the card. When did people first begin to use stamps? Who was the first to think of this idea? Here is some information about it.

  In the early nineteenth century, people did mot use stamps. They had to pay for the letters or postcards they received. People didn’ t like it. First, it was not convenient. Second, sometimes they had to pay for the letters they didn’t want to receive at all, such as advertisements. Third, the postage was high at that time. And it was difficult for postmen to collect the postage.

  Then one person thought out an idea to solve this problem. He was Rolland Hill, a schoolmaster in England. He was the first to put forward a proposal to use stamps in 1850s. He thought it would be much more convenient for people. They could go to a nearby post office to buy stamps and put them on the envelopes before they sent letters. The post office could sim* put seals on the stamps to prevent them from being used again. That was a good idea and it was accepted by tile government finally.

  Ms jerry is a foreign teacher. she oomes from new zealand. she is thirty-one years old. she has fair hair, white skin and gray eyes. she is tall and slim. she looks very kind. and in fact, she is kind indeed.

  Ms jerry is a good teacher. although she only comes to our school twice a week, yet she is very responsible to her work and strict with her students. once. she was ill, but she went on giving us lessons. when we learned this, we all listened to her even more attentively than usual.

  Ms jerry teaches us english with great enthusiasm:" eaoh lesson she will bring us new pictures, new stories, new games and new songs. her class is always full of happy laughter and merry songs.

  Ms jerry is such a good teacher that all of us love and respect her.

  Holle everybody! Glade to meet you.Today I want to tell you about my family.I have a happy family .There are four people in my family.There are my father , my mother, my grandmother and me.A dog in my family too,it name is Robinson Liu.My father is a worker,He is a kind man ,he always teach me some news about world.He makes me understand a lot of bisnies.My mother is a beauiful woman that she never so angry to me.She is a housewife.She always obey to this family .My grandmother is having a bad ill.So,she can not move.But,she is very funny .I like her very much.And I think me is an active girl.I very pround of that I have a happy family.Do you have a happy family?If you have,please tell me.Thank you!

  As September is coming soon, it means my summer vacation is over. Looking back at my long vacation, I have the good memories. I had gone back to my hometown and spent some time with my grandparents. I loved the lifestyle there, it was so quiet and the air was so fresh. I was so close to the nature. During the part time, I read some novel books, I loved the magical world and I could finish them quickly. I was so satisfied with the books I read, I broadened my vision and learned a lot, it could help with my writing. I had the great time during my summer vacation.


Dear pen pal,

  I'm very glad to know you will learn Chinese.Chinese is a very interesting language,if you want to learn it.I'm very glad to teach you.

  First,you need to listen to Chinese CDs and you need often speak Chinese in your free time.Then,you had better learn how to write theam.Third,you can speak in Chinese to Chinese people.Fourth,you may often read Chinese stories.Fifth,you'd better write Chinese sentences often.

  In a word,I believe practice makes perfect.So I really hope you will make your dream come ture.

  I am a shy girl, when my teachers ask me the questions, I will always low down my head and answer them with small voice. Because of my character, I miss the chances to make myself stand out and I also don’t have many friends. I really want to change my situation, I don’t want to be a stand by anymore, I want to be part of the group. So I force myself to join the class activities, I find I enjoy them and I talk to my classmate a lot. I become active and start to try more things, I take part in the debate competition and show my ability, I find my stage.

小学初中英语写作词汇归纳 (菁华5篇)(扩展5)


  I am a shy girl, when my teachers ask me the questions, I will always low down my head and answer them with small voice. Because of my character, I miss the chances to make myself stand out and I also don’t have many friends. I really want to change my situation, I don’t want to be a stand by anymore, I want to be part of the group. So I force myself to join the class activities, I find I enjoy them and I talk to my classmate a lot. I become active and start to try more things, I take part in the debate competition and show my ability, I find my stage.

  I traveled to Beijing with my parents during the May Day holiday. We went there by train. It was wonderful. We visited many places of interest, the Great Wall, Tian’anmen Square , the Palace Museum and so on. I took many photos and I bought some presents for my friends. (The people there were very friendly and the food was delicious.) We stayed/were in Beijing for a week. We had a good time there. (I want to go there one day again.)

  My Plans for the Summer Holidays

  The summer holidays are coming. I can do many things during the holidays. Here are my plans for it. First, I want to study math, because my math is poor. Second, I plan to help my mother do some housework. I can do some washing and cooking. Third, I hope to travel to Beijing. I want to visit the Great Wall and the Summer Palace. I think I can have a good time.

  Holle everybody! Glade to meet you.Today I want to tell you about my family.I have a happy family .There are four people in my family.There are my father , my mother, my grandmother and me.A dog in my family too,it name is Robinson Liu.My father is a worker,He is a kind man ,he always teach me some news about world.He makes me understand a lot of bisnies.My mother is a beauiful woman that she never so angry to me.She is a housewife.She always obey to this family .My grandmother is having a bad ill.So,she can not move.But,she is very funny .I like her very much.And I think me is an active girl.I very pround of that I have a happy family.Do you have a happy family?If you have,please tell me.Thank you!

  My Family

  And My FlatI live in a flat in a building. The building is very modern. There are about ten floors and I live on the top floor. I think my flat is very wonderful. The dining room is next to the kitchen. We always have dinner there, and my mother often cooks some delicious food for us. I can t cook, but I often help Mum wash the dishes. Sometimes my friends come to my flat and they teach me how to cook. So now, I can cook something for my family. I like the sofa in my sitting room. It is very comfortable and it is purple. What a nice colour! The bathroom with a bath and a shower has a mirror. It is in the shape of star. There are four members in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and I. My parents work hard. They are very tired and I think they should have a good sleep. So the bedroom is the best place. My younger brother is only six years old. I love him even though he troubles me some times. In my bedroom, there are lots of posters of Angela on the wall. Angela is my favourite super star. She is beautiful. There is a garden in the district. You can go walking there. I also want to tell you about my dream home. It is near a sea. It s made of wood. Maybe that will come true.

  My best friend

  My best friend is Mary. She lives in a tall building. She lives on the fifth floor. Everyday she takes the lift up and down. She is twelve years old. She is tall and thin. She has short black hair, two big eyes and a small mouth. She is very cute. I like playing with her. We are in the same class. I like to read books but she likes playing games. She likes to eat popcorn and ice creams. I like them, too. Her favourite food is fish, so she is clever. She loves her cat. She often plays with her. The cat likes Mary, too. They are cute.

  Do you have a best friend? Can you tell me something about your friend?

  It was very fine today. It was neither too hot nor too cold. He Song and I went to Beijing Zoo in the morning. The animals were so interesting that everyone liked them very much.

  We watched the bears for a long time. They were really lovely. One of them was standing and

  opening the mouth. Another of them was sitting on the ground and waving its arm like saying hello to us. The other two guys were boxing. We had a good laugh at it. But at that time I saw a visitor throwing food to them. I ran up to him and stopped him, because some of the animals had been hurt by the food given by visitors.

  All the animals are our friends. Take good care of them if we really love them.

  We often have moving experiences in our daily life. They help us walk along the right road. I still remember that day. I was taking the final exam when I found I didn’t have my eraser with me. I was so worried that I almost cried. Just then, Mike, a boy next to me, understood what was happening. He quickly cut his eraser in half and handed me one part. With tears in my eyes, I finished the exam. I’m dee*** moved by what Mike did. He is a real friend. He cares others a lot. I want to learn from him to be the person in need.


  I like to make friends, I can share my happiness and sorrow with friends. Friends are very important part of our lives, without them, I will be very lonely. I learn it when I was very small. It was Friday, I went to school to join the English contest, before I went into the classroom, I found I did not bring the admission card, I felt so worried, without admission card, I could not walk into the classroom. My friend Li looked at me and asked me what happened, I told him the truth, then he asked me to stay here and he rushed to our classroom. Ten minutes later, he came back with my admission card. I was so thankful, friends are very important.



  In my hometown, the old people get used to eat animals, like dog. I feel so sorry for them, because dogs are our friends in my heart, so I refuse to eat animals, such as dogs and cats. I have a pet cat. I take care of her all the time and we are close friends. My belief is strong and I won’t change.


  With the development of technology, today, our life is facilitated with all kinds information sources. We can read books on the Internet, which is much convenient than buying the books in the stores. I like to read E-books, because there are many advantages. First, I can save a lot of money. Downloading the E-books is for free, I can find all kinds of free sources. It is good for students because they can save the money. Second, I can save a lot of time. Some books are not easy to be found in the bookstore, sometimes I need to go to several shops. But if I search the Internet, then the information is in front of me. How fast it is.


小学初中英语写作词汇归纳 (菁华5篇)(扩展6)


  The winter vacation is coming. I‘m going to do what I want to do.Here are some of my ideas.

  First it is about my health I will exercise for time a week and I will eat more health food and less drink food I think I will be more health.

  Second, it is about my study I think my Chinese gods are not good, so I will read more books it is a good way to improve my Chinese class.

  3rd, I will study science by myself and I hope to I can make a robot in the future it can help my mother with housework.

  I believe if I can keep these plans in the new 10, I will be 1 of the most exercise students in class.

  Today, pollution has become a serious problem to us. It means that the air, seas, rivers and land are polluted by waste or poisonous things. It does harm not only to human beings but also to animals (It does harm to animals, as well as human beings.)。

  We cannot have fresh air because many factories have the poisonous smoke sent into the air. Beautiful parks are made dirty by plastic tins and bags. Fish die from the polluted water. It is said that strange diseases have appeared in some places because of pollution.

  I hope scientists can find ways to solve the serious problem. We are looking forward to seeing the clear sky, clean rivers and beautiful parks again.


  ( 1 )主语 + mean sth. / to do sth./ doing sth. / that clause

  ( 2 )… not only … but also …

  ( 3 ) do harm to sb. (sth.) / … harm to be done to sb. (sth.)

  ( 4 ) have + 宾语 + 过去分词(表示一种遭遇或经历)

  ( 5 ) It is said / reported … that clause

  ( 6 ) look forward to sth. / doing sth.


  ( 1 ) send sth. into; ( 2 )… die from /of; ( 3 ) because of; ( 4 ) prevent … from

  Today was the second day of our Hong Kong visit. I was very happy asyesterday. But I felt tired a lot. I didn't want to stay at guesthouse, so Iplanted to go window-shopping with my parents in Times Square. There were manykinds of goods, but you could choose the one you liked best easily。Also, therewere many designer-label stores in Times Square, such asDNKY、MAXMARA、MAX&CO、BOSS and so on. Among others, there was a famousbookstore called PAGEONE.At last, I bought a beautiful skirtand some books。ThenI was exhausted but I didn't care in the slightest

  Love is the most beautiful language in the world. We can wipe our tears away when we cry. It can bring happiness to us when we feel lonely. It can even give us confidence when we have problems. I often listen to some pop songs, and most of them are about love. The singers sing these songs loudly. I think that’s very real. They express their feelings directly. It shows that they love. The happiness of loving and being loved is very wonderful. Let’s try to love each other so that the world will be full of love.

  n the sea, the daughter of six seas-Mermaid.

  One day,The youngest mermaid saw the prince falling into the water.Try to drag it to the beach.And then hide in the distanceAt this time a girl is called nice.The prince is saved.

  The little mermaid back to the bottom of the sea is very practical.He changed it from the witch of the sea where he could turn his tail into a pair of legs.How does the price go with the prince.The next day his heart will break, and it will become a bubble.

  The little mermaid finally came to the prince.One day, the prince told her:He wants to marry his girl and hold a wedding.The little mermaid's three-star.

  The sisters brought him a dagger from the witch of the sea.Tell xiaomeirenyu that he can return to my heart as long as there is a dagger in my heart.The little mermaid heard the prince in his sleep at night and shouted the bride's name.No balls, but grief jumped into the sea and became a bubble.

小学初中英语写作词汇归纳 (菁华5篇)(扩展7)



  1 审:认真审题,找关键词

  2 列:用简单的句子或短语全面列出文章要点

  3 连:恰当运用关联词连接句子,使文章层次清晰

  4 美: 美化文章,适当运用高级词汇和句型


  1. 运用高级词汇

  ① 固定短语和固定搭配的使用


  I don't know how to enlarge my vocabulary.

  I have no idea how to enlarge my vocabulary.


  She likes music very much.

  She is fond of music.

  ② 恰当使用高级词语

  However,a large amount of water has been wasted every day.


  Water is the fundamental to all living things.


  He teaches us to be selfless and try our best to help others.


  I usually help my parents clean the house, beautify the yard and cook.


  ③ 巧用*语

  The summer holiday is around the corner.(即将来临)

  This sentence doesn't make sense. (有意义,讲得通)

  I was all at sea when I began my new job. (茫然不知所措)

  ④ 高级过渡词汇

  however 然而

  therefore 因此

  ⑤ 表先后顺序的关联词(组)

  first of all / at first / firstly 首先

  in the end / finally / eventually / at last终于、最终、最后

  last but not least 最后但也是很重要的

  ⑥ 表因果关系的关联词(组)

  therefore 因此

  as a result 结果

  as a result of 因为

  He worked hard at his study. As a result, he passed the exam easily.


  ⑦ 表述观点

  As far as I’m concerned… 就...…而言

  As we all know, …正如我们所了解的,...…

  In my opinion … 依我之见,...…

  ⑧ 表归纳总结

  all in all 总的来说/总而言之

  in short / in a word 简而言之

  in conclusion / in summery 总之、最后

  ⑨ 表转折关系的关联词(组)

  after all 毕竟

  though / even though 虽然, 尽管, 纵然, 即使

  despite / in spite of不管、不顾、虽然、 尽管

  however / but 然而、但是

  ⑩ 表并列关系的关联词(组)

  as well as 和,除了
