一生中必读的书有哪些-一生中必读的书籍 (菁华5篇)

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  作者:[俄] 列夫·托尔斯泰






  作者:[古罗马] 马可·奥勒留





一生中必读的书有哪些-一生中必读的书籍 (菁华5篇)扩展阅读

一生中必读的书有哪些-一生中必读的书籍 (菁华5篇)(扩展1)

——人生必看的书有哪些-人生中必看的书-一生中必读的书籍 (菁华5篇)


  作者:[哥伦比亚] 加西亚·马尔克斯



  作者:[美] 阿尔伯特·哈伯德





  作者:[美]马斯洛(Maslow A.H) 等著



  作者:[法] 雨果





一生中必读的书有哪些-一生中必读的书籍 (菁华5篇)(扩展2)


  一生中必读的书有哪些-一生中必读的书籍 1





  一生中必读的书有哪些-一生中必读的书籍 2




  一生中必读的书有哪些-一生中必读的书籍 3



  一生中必读的书有哪些-一生中必读的书籍 4

  作者:[美] 莫提默·J. 艾德勒、查尔斯·范多伦

  一生中必读的书有哪些-一生中必读的书籍 5



一生中必读的书有哪些-一生中必读的书籍 (菁华5篇)(扩展3)
















  不足之处是:1、开始的复*引入用时太多,课堂显得前松后紧,后面的内容学得太仓促;2、由于对学生估计太高,第二课时的目标定得太多,反而让学生有点无所适从。 这些说到底,还是对学生学情了解不够充分,教者过于理想化了,以后一定要注意。



  (2)文章结构条理清晰,让我一读就一下子了解到了文章的主要内容。 继而就思考:这样的文章该如何设计教学过程?似乎浅显易懂,似乎没也什么地方值得细细探究的!带着疑惑,我再一次细细阅读课文,随着对作者杨红樱的进一步了解,对《鲁滨迅漂流记》的阅读,又翻阅了教学参考用书,又上网浏览了相关教学辅助资料,才逐渐改并了最初对它的认识。它很不“简单”:













一生中必读的书有哪些-一生中必读的书籍 (菁华5篇)(扩展4)




































































一生中必读的书有哪些-一生中必读的书籍 (菁华5篇)(扩展5)


  I don't think I have read many books; nevertheless, I attach much importance to reading. A Chinese proverb says, "It's always a good thing to open a book; " in other words, reading is always beneficial. Despite the fact I am not widely read, I can rest contented that the few books I have ever read really greatly added to my knowledge. Still, if you want me to name the book that I like best and has largely shaped my life, I will definitely say it is the Bible. We know human life consists of three parts: first, physical life; second, mental and intellectual life; third, spiritual life. The second and third parts I fine in the Bible. The Bible has two portions, the Old Testament and the New Testament. You will marvel at the rich contents of the Bible when you read it. It covers a wide range of subject *: law, history, prophecy, gospels, history of churches and visions of the future, and all are couched in a simple yet beautiful language. I have been a reader of the Bible for a number of years since a good friend of mine introduced it to me by chance. I like it and take it with me everywhere I go. Maybe just one or two pages I can read each bay, yet even form so little can I learn so much. It gives me moral strength and teaches me how to order my daily life. In a word, this book plays an important role in my life. The Bible is not sim* great literature to be admired and revered; it is food for thought for everyone.

  I don't think I have read many books; nevertheless, I attach much importance to reading. A Chinese proverb says, "It's always a good thing to open a book; " in other words, reading is always beneficial. Despite the fact I am not widely read, I can rest contented that the few books I have ever read really greatly added to my knowledge. Still, if you want me to name the book that I like best and has largely shaped my life, I will definitely say it is the Bible. We know human life consists of three parts: first, physical life; second, mental and intellectual life; third, spiritual life. The second and third parts I fine in the Bible. The Bible has two portions, the Old Testament and the New Testament. You will marvel at the rich contents of the Bible when you read it. It covers a wide range of subject *: law, history, prophecy, gospels, history of churches and visions of the future, and all are couched in a simple yet beautiful language. I have been a reader of the Bible for a number of years since a good friend of mine introduced it to me by chance. I like it and take it with me everywhere I go. Maybe just one or two pages I can read each bay, yet even form so little can I learn so much. It gives me moral strength and teaches me how to order my daily life. In a word, this book plays an important role in my life. The Bible is not sim* great literature to be admired and revered; it is food for thought for everyone.

  I have always been a voracious reader, but the pity is that I used to be indiscriminate in my reading habit. I would read and book which I could lay my hand on or any book the binding or the blurb of which caught my fancy at the moment. But when I grew up I found that books have to be useful or they would be much more harmful that a bad habit, and also that life is too short for us to waste it reading inferior or useless books. To read choice books can save time and we would thus be able to read more of them. The question of choosing good and suitable books, however, was once my greatest coming and it came in the form of a book, the Chinese translation of a book by the famous English writer W.S Maugham in which he introduces his readers to the best of world literature. I got the book by chance. I took part in a simulated entrance examination and won the ninth prize, the book I have just mentioned. I was delighted that Maugham, shows not only the content of each of the major works in his mind but also the way to read it. Thanks to this book I have come to know what is really meant by the literary spirit and what are the ingredients of great books. I would call it the most influential book in my life and would like to recommend it to all those lovers of literature.

  Write a passage with the words and phrases given:

  easy, sim*, author, catatogue, card, shelfmark, appropriate, title, check, subject, looking, proceed issue, reserve.

  Finding a Particular Book in the Library

  Finding a particular book in the library is quite easy. You sim* go to the author catalogue. You will find a card with the author's name, the title of the work and the shelfmark. You will go to the appropriate shelf, take the book and get it stamped at the loan desk.

  If you do not know the author, but only the title, you can check the title catalogue in the same way as you did with the author catalogue. If there is no title catalogue, then the library should have a subject catalogue. You will have to check through all the titles under that subject until you find the one you ale looking for. The card with the title on it will also have a shelfmark, and then you priced as we mentioned before.

  Sometimes the book may not be there, it means that someone has checked it out, In that case, you can go to the loan desk and reserve it.

  Recently,I read a famous novelThe Old Man and the Sea,I learn many things from it.

  Santiago -- a strong, not afraid of difficulties are not afraid of failure. Although he suffered a blow, but never gave up looking for hope. Although he was defeated, but never lose heart. Although he was at the Ma Lin fish mouth died, but can once again ignited the hope of victory.

  Santiago is a Hemingway works in the vivid image of the fisherman. Santiago 84 days to have gained nothing, his tenacity and hard work, ushered in the eighty-fifth day of hope Dawn, ushered in the eighty-fifth days of sunshine. The eighty-fifth day, the old man out. In the vast sea of his persistence finally paid off: a marlin hooked.

  The next four days, is the old man and the big marlin. The cold water is not afraid, not afraid of. He used his wisdom, to beat the big marlin victory.

  After trying again and again, the old man finally beat the big marlin, he dared to challenge the failure. The old man and the sea's story tells us, just do not give up, one day you will be successful!

  Books are our friends because they are bridges to knowledge. Knowledge is valuable because it enriches our life and brings us happiness.


  Almost all great men in the history of mankind loved books. We have every reason to believe it is the knowledge in books that led them to success. There is no genius without books. Because books give them knowledge and knowledge gives them power. A man is half blind if he is unable to read.


  Books make us able to learn about the past and look forward to the future. They are the most valuable things in the world. Let books be our good friends all the time.


一生中必读的书有哪些-一生中必读的书籍 (菁华5篇)(扩展6)

——一生中最爱的说说简短 30句菁华































一生中必读的书有哪些-一生中必读的书籍 (菁华5篇)(扩展7)

——成功人士必读书籍-成功励志书籍-成功必读的书籍 (菁华3篇)







一生中必读的书有哪些-一生中必读的书籍 (菁华5篇)(扩展8)


  Today, the way home from school, I am far to see a person in the trash to find something, I feel very strange.

  I approached a look, the original is a grandmother, her hair gray, wrinkled face, wearing a ragged clothes, a black and black hands in the trash to find. Suddenly her face showed a smile. It turned out that she found a few empty vials. I think: a few empty vials worth a few cents, she was so old, should have been comfortable living at home, and she was in such a dirty place to pick up trash, her family must be very poor, she was so poor Oh!

  I looked at my heart very sad, I gave my mother to my breakfast money to the grandmother, grandmother said to me: "You really a filial child, thank you!" I quickly said: "do not thank!" Go home.

  I was in a good mood on my way home because I made a meaningful thing today.

  During the first three years of junior school ,we were very happy and free .But we often heard that Grade 4 would be a hell。 After the final exam of Grade 3 in June, everything blew onto our faces : teachers’ changing , harder and harder texts , terrible pressure and of course the graduate exam 。Where your position was on the listboard became the most important thing in our life.We had to study hard day and night ,always from 6:00 a。m。 to 1:00 or 2:00 a。m。 the next day.

  But I must say that it’s really an unforgettable memory in my life。 Under the pressure we lived our life to the fullest, and enjoyed the true interesting things that we may have never cared before. Grade 4 in junior school was a turning point in my life。 My attitude to learning, my world outlook and my philosophy of life all changed。 I turned to be positive and strong. I also gained many people’s true & pure friendship, both teachers ’ and classmates’. In some way, I like that kind of life, as it taught me many things I’d never learned before.

  Teachers also helped me a lot. I still can’t forget that my history teacher talked to me until 10:00 p.m. on April 30th, 2003, for my application. My head teacher also encouraged me, so did my Chinese teacher. I should say, all my teachers worked very hard and always neglected their sleep and meals。 Even if some of them were about 50 and often fell ill, they never left us one day .

  The last and greatest challenge was of course the final exam, also my high school entrance exam。 I felt very well and comfortable except my chemistryphysics exams. The result proved that I couldn’t have done worse in them. But in total, my mark is O。K。 So then I became a student in the best high school of Hubei Province.

  We, teachers and students, got together in East Lake Hotel on June 4th, 2003。 At the moment of saying goodbye, I felt that my time of junior had gone ,and my senior time was coming .

  Today, I looked at my graduate photos again ,and ,I smiled .

  He once hesitated ,struggled, feared and doubted, like an ordinary man would do。 But he just "stays at the door of fate", as the name of his newly-written book says, and waits till the door opens instead of leaving during the half way. Then there comes a wholly new world where the beautiful dream lies.

  In our life, there are always some ordinary things, and these seemingly ordinary things, often difficult to forget.

  That year's winter, hiding in the house can clearly feel the winter gradually approaching us. Winter is not far away, winter is at home, and winter is around us. "Wow, it's cold!" I shouted. "Yes."" Mother went on. But even if my mother is cold, it won't hurt me in winter. I remember mom told a story about: the father of a child afraid of the cold, the child every night before going to bed, lying on his father's bed, the bed cover is warm just let dad go to bed. My mother remembered the story, and before I went to bed every night, she lay on my bed and put my bed in bed before she let me sleep.

  I didn't understand what mom was doing, and kept pushing mom out of bed so she wouldn't take my place. Mother told me what she was doing when she put the bed over. I listened, lying in the warm bed, and felt the warmth of love. My nose was sour and my tears kept running down. At that time, I felt as if I had grown up at once. And the person who grew up with my little heart was my dear mother. It was she that made me understand the selflessness and greatness of mother love.

  After that, I made her feel love when she was cold. When mom thanked me, I said, "don't mention it, mom. One thing I should do, and two, you're going to infect me with real action.""You should thank yourself," mother listened and hugged me and said, "you've really grown up.

  This made me understand that my mother is the best teacher for my moral character!

  In my growth, experienced a lot of things, they are like a boat, echoed in my mind, from time to time roundabout. They are like the shells on the beach, some "brilliant" and some are "ugly".But the most forgotten or childhood of a past.

  It was when I read the second grade, the weather was sunny, sunny. I am accompanied by a good mood to go to school, when I go to school waiting mood does not seem as good as that, because I found that I forgot to take this with the operation. My mood suddenly like fifteen bucket of water - seven on eight, the action is also hurriedly chaos, I do not know what to do? If you go home now to find the job, then back and forth time is not enough, if the re- Time is not enough When I was so embarrassed, my desk said, "What's the matter?" I told him the truth of the matter. He gave me a new job and said to me, "With me!" I took the job and told him, "Thank you, I will give you." Heart is extremely grateful to him, he really is my savior ah. When I was writing, I was worried about the teacher. The classmate told me not to be afraid, and then looked at the teacher for me. The classmate is like a soldier for me. I paid the job in time. The heart of the stone finally came down. Soon the teacher came.

  From this one thing, I feel the power of friendship, this power is extremely powerful; this makes me overcome many difficulties, can Qi Qi Jin. It made me memorable for a long time.

  In my growth process, there are many unforgettable things, these things like a piercing night sky meteor. One of these things left me with a very deep impression.

  It was at the weekend, I and a few children are playing, there is a child want to play hide and seek with me, I do not want to play hide and seek with the children, they hit him, the child cried. Did not think that the little friend told me this thing my father. I just came home dad asked me; "you are not bullying children?" I said: "No!" Dad's look becomes serious, I am somewhat disturbed, thinking: I should not tell things to my father The Dad said: "Since you did not bully the children to write homework." Write homework when I thought: I have been lying, I should not tell things to my father, my father will not criticize me. I am brave to tell the story of the father, the results of my father not only did not criticize me, but also praise I am an honest child.

  Although this thing has passed for a long time, but I do not forget how. This one thing let me know how not to bully children, to be an honest child.
