我的网友英语作文 (菁华3篇)

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  I was only nine years old when I learnt how to use a com*r. my mother is my first teacher. I know how to type, how to copy a file, and how to visit a web site on the internet. one day, mom was not at home.

  I turned on the com*r and began to learn how to chat on net. the first one I met there was a boy called tom. he greeted me politely. when he knew that I was only a 9-year-old girl, and almost knew nothing about chatting on net,he started showing me how to use the chatting tools, how to download, and how to send e-mails. I learnt a lot from him.


  I am Tony. I a have a com*r. I have a net friend. His name is Jack. He is 12 years old. He is a student. He likes surfing the net. We often talk with each other in the chat room. We talk in English. My English is good now. He is a good boy. I like him very much. Do you want to have a net friend?




  I was only nine years old when I learnt how to use a com*r. My mother is  my first teacher. I know how to type, how to copy a file, and how to visit a web  site on the internet. One day, mom was not at home.

  I turned on the com*r and began to learn how to chat on net. The first  one I met there was a boy called tom. He greeted me politely. When he knew that  I was only a 9-year-old girl, and almost knew nothing about chatting on net, he  started showing me how to use the chatting tools, how to download, and how to  send e-mails. I learnt a lot from him.

我的网友英语作文 (菁华3篇)扩展阅读

我的网友英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展1)

——我的网友作文 (菁华3篇)




  那是一个普通的夏天,我像往常一样正常的上着网,在一些自己感兴趣的消息中留下自己的看法。突然,传来了不一样的声响,我深知那是好友请求,却不知那会是我青春里美好的回忆。就这样,我们相识了。聊的出奇的投机,恨不得早一点认识彼此。真的是有一种相见恨晚的感觉。就这样,我们的感情慢慢的好了起来,最重要的升温,是在那个奇妙的夜晚。可能是彼此都很熟悉了,心意也相同了。她提出了视频的要求,我很是兴奋与激动,便接受了她的邀请,果然啊,情人眼里出西施,她在我的眼里是那么的美丽,富有魅力,我爱她,这是我的第一想法,就这样,我们更加情投意合了 ,经常性的视频,偶尔我也会唱歌给他听,分享我的日常生活,就像过了很多年,在一起相濡以沫的夫妻一般。那晚,我提了一个很大胆的要求,她还是同意了,就这样,通过互联网我把她完完全全熟悉了,看遍身体能看的每一寸肌肤,也体会了她独特的声音。

  这一切真的是我很宝贵的回忆,而现在也只剩下回忆了,时光荏苒,因为一些原因,我们分开了 ,这就是互联网的弊端,分开的后果可能就是一辈子再也见不到了,缘分这种事情真的很难讲。




  I was only nine years old when I learnt how to use a com*r。 My mother is my first teacher。 I know how to type, how to copy a file, and how to visit a web site on the Internet。 One day, mom was not at home。 I turned on the com*r and began to learn how to chat on net。 The first one I met there was a boy called Tom。 He greeted me politely。 When he knew that I was only a 9-year-old girl, and almost knew nothing about chatting on net,he started showing me how to use the chatting tools, how to download, and how to send e-mails。 I learnt a lot from him。


  虽然网友只是在网络里的好朋友,但我们都有一份真挚的感情,我们都有一段很美好的缘分。能在小荷和大家相遇,这表示有缘分。我们一定会有很好的姻缘! 网友,这不再是不熟悉的词,而我却有许多给我印象很深刻的网友。

  月之吻儿 这的确是很好听,很舒服的名字,和她做朋友我很开心!谢谢吻儿给我启发,从她身上我学到许多东西。月之吻儿曾经写过《致小荷所有的会员》,我觉得这篇文章教会了我很多道理,的确一些人为了能拿高点分数,为了名利,他们都采取不正当的手段,我很鄙视他们。希望他们会痛改前非哦。月之吻儿你的确让我懂得了不少。无论发生什么事,你都是我的好朋友。你其实是个很负责任、幽默的女孩。

  我和你的接触不算多,但我依然很想能和你多多联络,我想知道在你心里我是个怎样的人。我知,我不是很突出的人,我不是很出色的人。但我仍然当你是我的朋友,因为我们始终是朋友。 小呆 妹妹,对不起啊.这几次在聊天室都没有和你聊天,姐姐要惩罚自己啊.你原谅姐姐吗?谢谢小呆一直在支持姐姐,谢谢小呆鼓励姐姐,谢谢你做我的妹妹.我觉得有你这个妹妹,我很开心啊.我不当你是网络里的妹妹,我好像当你是我的亲生妹妹(因为我没有亲生妹妹,我想有一个啊)小呆你要加油.写多点好看的小说,姐姐期待着,姐姐支持你!祝你申请高级成功!祝你天天快乐! 叮咚铃铛 朋友,你的名字很可爱啊。正如你的坦率和天真。你说话的语气很直率、开朗,我需要你这一面镜子哦!你做事不拖泥带水,你会认认真真地去做,你这样子不值得我敬佩吗?你写的文章很漂亮,我很喜欢。谢谢你这位名副其实的朋友,谢谢你在默默地支持我。我感到很欣慰,我很感动啊。

  你是我真正的朋友,你是我很好的朋友,这是我的真心话,这是我最想说的话。叮咚,你要快快乐乐地生活啊,叮咚,你要继续努力发表文章!叮咚,我喜欢出色的你!努力!加油!拼搏! 其实我的好朋友不只这些,但我只能先写这些咯。还有小颖子,天使梦幻等,他们都是我很好的朋友!到时候可能写他们的不只我一个人!

我的网友英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展2)


  我的网友英语作文 1

  My best friend is very beautiful.She has long staight hair.She is tall and thin.She doesn't like others girl.She likes wearing jeans best.I never look her wearing dresses and high-heeled shoes.We know when we in the senior middle school.We are all like to go to the movies and listen to muisc.We go shopping together when we have the time.

  That's my best friend!

  我的网友英语作文 2

  Last year, I went to Guilin for travel. On the train, I felt so bored. A girl who sat next to me was reading a book, which caught my attention. I asked her about the book, I found that I had read it before and then we discussed about the novel. We talked happily, when the train arrived, we got off together. When we got aparted, we promised to keep in touch. We communicated by the computer.

  Now a year has passed, we become good friends and I miss her all the time. She is a genuine friend. I plan to go to Guilin again and then we will meet.

  我的网友英语作文 3

  My friend called from her shirt Peng 69Park Road London, she's not tall,Cherry mouth, her 16-year-old this year, and her favorite language is English and Chinese .

  Often take part in some competitions and English writing competition, she likes watching television, especially Chinese and English television and film.

  Because she's not tall like playing basketball so I hope that his sub-long high.

  This is my friend Peng shirt.

  我的网友英语作文 4

  Speaking of my friend, it is too much, home, kindergarten, elementary school. But the best kind of friend is the "little princess" sister - JiYuFeng.

  JiYuFeng is lower than I, short hair, black eyebrows, two fire-eyed big eyes, a button, a small nose a rosy small mouth, natural curls of hair, really looks like a little princess.

  JiYuFeng lively, cheerful personality, sense of humor, never and others. Her favourite animals. You look! Xue-lin zhang to send me the snail on Friday, she play an endless, the snail scared did not dare to her head, she thought snail's cold, I put a snail in warm air, atmosphere can't frighten of snail, is will not come out. Sister disappointed said: "ah! No hope."

  Sister help others of good quality for added a few color, said on Tuesday. That day, the students after school, my sister ready to back schoolbag go home, see front Li Yusha asked sister: "JiYuFeng, do me a favor, will you? Can you help me to be on duty?" Sister gladly agreed: "be on duty, yes," "then I thank you very much, late to school today, I want to go home earlier, on duty again afraid do not over." Sister smile, help to sweep the floor. Sister help others, class, the class meeting when the heads of the classmates voted unanimously sister.

  我的网友英语作文 5

  Joozone is the most diligent student in our class. He is one of my friends. As a matter of fact, he gets along with his classmates. He might spend just five to ten minutes talking to you once in a long while, but he talks with enthusiasm and energy, and he likes to share his thinking and ideas with you. He is honest; he does not like to waste his time and energy.

  He never appears sleepy and tired in the classroom. He always hands in homework on time and also does well in his examinations, yet he has time practicing playing football and his violin skill. I admire him. I hope I can be as diligent as he is; Joozone is persistent, attentive, and energetic.

  我的网友英语作文 6

  I have a friend, her name is is a beautiful girl. She comes from America, but now she is studying in china. She can speak English very well, and she can speak a little Chinese. She is thirteen years old, as old as me. I am taller than her, but she is stronger than has many hobbies, They are dancing, singing, going on an outing and having picnics. She often does them in some holidays, her favourite subjects are Maths and Art. She can draw nice r school, we often have a chat together. AT the weekends, we like making calls each other.

  我的网友英语作文 7

  I have a good friend whoes English name is lisa.She is twelve years old and she is a very pretty girl.Everyone in our class including teachers like her,but I am her only best friend.

  We share everything we have and we nearly talk everything with each other.We both learn well,and we always learn together and help each other.She was very out-going and cute.She likes tell jokes and funny things.She likes smiling,you could always find simil blooming in her face.I like her not only because shind inside.Well that is my best friend.

  我的网友英语作文 8

  I have many friends, but best friend or Song Jiahui. She has a pair of clever and charming small eyes, small nose, small mouth and a talkative, a smile and two shallow dimples. Her long hair, start a road to a jilt a, very beautiful!

  Song Jiahui and I go to school together, together to learn composition, homework together, she is the friend I was like peas and carrots.

  The biggest characteristic is willing to help others. On one occasion, I forgotten my pencil-box, I borrowed a lot of people, they don't give me to use, in the end, I borrowed from Song Jiahui, she agreed happily. After school, I said to her: "thank you, Song Jiahui!" Her smile happily of say: "don't mention it. Good friends should help each other."

  She also has a particular interest in sports activities. Remember once P.E. class, I and Song Jiahui there were still many students play the game of throwing sandbags, I and Song Jiahui is attacked, her squirming on the pitch, but each time not hit, but always throw the sandbags. When the bell rang, we play the full head big sweat, panting. "Continue to play the next lesson!" Song Jiahui said.

  我的网友英语作文 9

  When I quarrel with parents, is it, let me learn to respect; When I am proud, is it, let me learn to modest; When I fight with friends don't let it, it, let me learn to obey! In my life, it taught me many human reason --

  "Parents teach, must worship; parents, should arrange bearing!"

  Once, I forgot to turn off the lights when you go to sleep. Mom comes back from work saw, woke me up immediately, scold a way: "you are so big, don't just know to save electricity? Electricity don't money?" I wronged argues: "forget." "You really excuses!" Listen to the mother's words, I sadly and roared off. My mood like the rain falling outside sorrow!

  I so confused to walking, walking, unknowingly walked into a kindergarten, suddenly, there was a burst of lang lang's top: "parents teach, you must listen to god, parents, must be the bearing!" This sentence, I suddenly understand what, I quickly ran back.

  Standing in front of the door, but don't know how to waste, the scene has greeted: mom kept dial the telephone, ask my information, but accept disappointment again and again!

  Suddenly, tears blurred my eyes, I rushed to that take the door, nestled in the mother's arms, unbridled ground crying, crying and said: "mom, I'm sorry! I don't quarrel with you anymore, I must listen to you!"

  "Brother, brother purge; brother agree, filial piety in!"

  Once, my brother and I grab the remote control, you contend for me,. Suddenly, a word flashed in my head: "brother, friend, brother purge; brothers with filial piety in!"

  So, I actively to the elder brother!

  "Disciple gauge", my best friend!

  我的网友英语作文 10

  I have a good friend,her name is is an England is tall and she is twelve years has brown eyes are big and face is round and her mouth is small,her nose is small, favourite color is she usually wears blue are in the same grade,but in different classes.I m in Class Eleven and Amy is in Class One.

  Many students in our class are good at English , but I am my English is Amy English is vear s Chinese very much,but her Chinese is not vear we often help each other.

  I love my friend!

我的网友英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展3)


  英语作文:我的网友 1

  When it comes to net friends, many parents do not agree, they will always say: "You are a small grade, how to make friends! Be careful to be cheated, also don't know! And silly."

  They always try to intimidate us, but they don't know that what we students want most is an online friend - a sincere, intimate online friend.

  Because, in the virtual network, we can become our real selves, without pretending or forcing a smile.

  Parents always think we are children and don't understand anything. But they don't know that we've grown up.

  We crave an online friend, even if the name he tells us is fake.

  In the virtual network, you can say anything, for example: you like a person, you can tell your most trusted online friend, because she he will guide you how to love him. But among real friends, you wouldn't dare say anything to anyone (except for your deep friendship with him) because there would be a lot of rumors and gossip.

  Net friend is not a terrible, hypocritical thing, but is a most real situation.

  In front of net friends, everyone is the most real, because net friends will not give you gossip.

  Net friend, is a very beautiful, very real thing.

  英语作文:我的网友 2

  I met her when I first went online. It was Sunday morning. I turned on my computer and wanted to learn how to go online.

  After surfing the Internet, I entered the Chinese young eagle chat room, there were not many people in the chat room, then I slowly thought about it and gave myself a net name; Little lovely Li Kexin.

  I found one called; Vtion's brother chatted. Because I just learned to control the Internet is not skilled, what typing ah, speak ah, the reaction is too slow. "Vtion" just said a word to me and then "886" kicked me away, my heart was very sad. Just began to be interested in my whole body suddenly chills, ah! Just as I dejected to leave the chat room, a heartwarming words melted my heart like ice. "Hello, my name is Yiyi and I am 12 years old. Can we have a chat? If you don't know the Internet, I can teach you. (a very warm expression) "I was very happy, and immediately talked with the sister, she told me a lot of knowledge on the Internet. In this way, Yiyi became my first net friend. At that time, I was really excited! I can't wait to talk to Yiyi for days and nights.

  Then I knew Yiyi's real name; Li Ziyi. She lives in Yinchuan, Ningxia. She is also a girl of Hui nationality. When she was online, she often sent me the scenery of Ningxia. I'm also sending her what we have here. As a result, our friendship deepened.

  And lately, she hasn't been online much...

  All in all, I have to say to Supple; "Yiyi, no matter where you are, I will never forget you!"

  英语作文:我的网友 3

  Everyone has their own circle of communication: relatives, friends, comradees-in-arms, classmates, colleagues, fellow townspeople, inevitably added a word - net friends.

  Net friend (generally refers to the opposite sex), is a vague and aloof concept word, both familiar and unfamiliar, that is reality and illusion, that is friendly and distant, can be called upon, tonic tonic tonic, before a minute also said sweet words, after a minute turned a blind eye, then blink can not find each other's shadow. Because of its concealment and randomness, it has become a group of people who do not see the sun in their concept. You can be generous to introduce people: this is my colleague; This is my classmate; This is my countryman; This is my comrade...... Even if there are skeletons in the closet. If you are a net friend, you will be attached to a certain word, will not introduce to people: this is my net friend, even if it is pure friendship, you will avoid the word "net friend", as if this word is the pronoun of immorality. It seems that when people think of Internet friends, they think of rooms and beds. Think about it. Do you have to be an online friend to get a room and have sex? You don't want a room and what kind of friend can sway you? Therefore, the room is not limited to net friends, net friends are not only used to open a room. How to get along with your net friends and what kind of net friends you have depends on your level, your inner quality, your thoughts and personality.

  Indeed, there are some people who use the convenience of the Internet to seek stimulation, to release the most primitive and instinctive temperament of human nature, to show the bad roots of human nature, then this person can calculate wrong? He did not commit any crime or break any law, and can only be punished with one word at best: vulgar! If it suits your taste, you can show the true nature of humanity with him. If it doesn't suit your taste, you can clear it at any time. This does not represent the whole network.

  On the contrary, the Internet gives you a better platform to read people, find friends and make friends. You can look for your own friends in the vast sea of the Internet. There are definitely good teachers and helpful friends for you here. They either have a deeper cultural connotation and knowledge, or have a kind and sincere conduct, they show the civilization of the society here. They may become a guiding light on the road of your life, may become your business partner, such a net friend you do not have to dig deep to find an initial reason to let people know that you are not on the Internet to know, must tell the family is three aunts eight aunts a few connections can not hit relatives such as positioning. You can be generous to say: this is a pearl I caught in the net sea, this is my net friend. The network is not guilty, the net friend is not guilty, guilty is the people's evil mentality. They can completely join your circle, become your friends, friends, classmates and colleagues in a word.

  Of course, there are also such a group of people, wearing the cloak of civilization, with dirty heart, with ulterior motives, like mice out of the drill drill, want to steal oil to eat and afraid of dirty fur, this group of this category is not able to be called "friends" of a group of species.

  Whether it's a society or a network, there's good and bad. People are divided into groups, birds of a feather flock together, different ways do not conspired, words do not vote without saying half a sentence. Not the difference between reality and the network, is the difference between people, so I say, reality and network friends are the same, net friend should not be a taboo word, do not think that know a net friend will reduce your identity personality, also do not know a net friend to find a variety of reasons to interpret. What's wrong with netizens? Can't you be proud to have such a good online friend? Sunshine is bright, let us all have a correct understanding and understanding of the net friend, let the word "net friend" also walk into our circle. For the user name, I would like to bear the brunt!

  英语作文:我的网友 4

  Hey, you know what? Last night I went online and made a new friend. He said he would write to me. I'm going on an online date with him tonight.

  Looking at his triumphant expression, I was sick with envy. So I decided to go online at night, but to the computer to sit in front of a, only to find that he was a "computer blind", not half, had to pull a classmate hand in hand to teach from scratch, OK, very good to learn. Then I asked my classmates for one, and finally we could start chatting. I talked to a local boy specially, and after half an hour, I got his address, phone number, personality, etc. After getting off the Internet, the first thing I did was to call "Good Lies". After a few hours, he proposed to meet me. After repeated examination, I readily agreed that we had discussed all the details of the meeting, and we were waiting to meet.

  On the day I met, I dressed up from head to toe and set off on a bike. I felt that the sky was very blue at that time. To the destination - the Octagonal pavilion in front of the mountain, I first hide behind a tree to look inside, see a boy with this umbrella in his hand, I can not help chuckling, thought; Too interesting, this person how in the daytime holding an umbrella in the pavilion, "ah" I can not help but tremble, this, this is not the mark of my acquaintance with him? It's not okay. It's the next jump. This is sim*** a "big tooth" well, scared I fell panic and fled, originally full of sunshine of the heart like was shot a chill, the heart can not help complaining to; Why God is so unfair, for Xiao Li is so good, but for me this kind of goods, I was angry.

  So I went to the Internet cafe again. This time, I changed my online name to "Heaven" in order to get closer to a boy named "Hell". After a long talk, maybe because he was unbalanced, maybe because he was really funny. This time I asked him out to meet me.

  Before we met, I prayed in my room that God could introduce me to a handsome boy like Vic Zhou in F4. Like the first time, I hid behind the tree. "Ah, handsome." That was the first thing that came out of my head when I saw him. So I walked quickly forward

  After several times of contact, I also regard him as a good friend. One day, we agreed to go out on the Internet together, suddenly he rushed to me that one of his friends had an accident, in need of money, asked me to help him borrow some money. I think anyway is also a friend to borrow it is OK, so I went to the bank to take 130 to give him, did not expect him to borrow money from me, there is no trace. Until one day I got a call from him. He said, "Thank you for the money. I had a great time these two days. BYE."

  I was stunned. I had been cheated. I vowed that I would never meet anyone online again.

  英语作文:我的网友 5

  I always like to browse the Internet in my spare time. In the space of my own spiritual world in the network, I can put down the pressure of life, physical and mental exhaustion, release my emotions, fly my mood, and more often show my charm and find my confidence.

  In the network, there is no poverty and wealth, no age boundary, no secular prejudice, you can truly express yourself. In the network, I like in their own spiritual world, sketch their own beautiful pictures, beautiful imagination, brought me the enjoyment of beauty!

  When I sincerely treat the net friend, the return may be a sincere emotion, this emotion has friendship, family and love. In the noisy world, life becomes long and lonely, I put some people some things carefully treasured in the bottom of my heart, in the years, quietly flowing my warmth and lingering, my gentle and moved.

  I use the space to write their own experience, mumbling to heaven and earth, with words to show their existence, occasionally I will slip into the space of friends, read the text there, listen to the voice there. But never hoping to alarm anyone? I am like a thick book, the content of the messy, very chaotic, myself can not clear up, I don't know what can tell others?

  Fortunately, I have several net friends. A net friend Yiyi from Anshan, Liaoning Province, and a net friend Tianya Haijiao from QZone have been following my blog for two years. A net friend aaa4gtt5 from Huludao, Liaoning Province has been following my blog for one year. They never give up, using the name of friends, brother and sister respect, this is my life has met many friends from the Internet friends.

  I expect that you can as the past do not abandon me, your care, a greeting, a funny expression, will let me feel happy and warm. I would like to quietly dive into the dreamland, tell you the beauty I feel, and I would like you to accompany me to spend a happy time.

  Although life is unpredictable, but I am willing to seek a friend, and you share the world. I would like to find a reason to leave your mark in my life. I put my heart, pious flying in the mountains and rivers, in Yingying a water, in the time tunnel, only for we can meet today suddenly heart.

  Today, I keep the touch from netizens in the space of my heart. Today, I collect the encounter from netizens in the words of the space. I cherish the sincere emotion from netizens very much!

  Now, my heart is calm, like this silent night. Listen to the wind, gentle, I put deep gratitude condensed into plain words......

我的网友英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展4)

——我尊敬的老师英语作文 (菁华3篇)

  My name is Mengmeng, I am a midddle school student ,my grades are not very good, my favorite subject is English .

  I like my English teacher Mr Li. Though he teaches me only one year, I like his lessons and teaching method.

  He is a middle-age man, he often tells us that English is very important ,as a second language ,it is not easy for us to learn English very well.

  I like listening English music, sometimes I listen or watch English programs on radio or TV.But these ways are not enough.So I do as he asks. For example :do one reading a day, try my best to memorise ten new words every day ,learn two or three good articles by heart every week and so on.

  Mr Li is a helpful gentleman ,he makes me feel warm. He said grades are not only, I agree with him. As a student talent is not the most important, I believe I can be good at English, because I work hard and I have such a good teacher.

  She, tall, a pair of sharp and talking eyes, two ears. She has great concern for us, to teach us learning. She is my class teacher miss liang.

  One day, Miss Liang is provide review. The classroom suddenly became in perfect silence. Only to hear the chalk "Shua" to write a nonstop. Suddenly, came the "buzzing" voice classroom, there are people in the clouds. Beam the teacher turned around, glancing over, stop at a place. The teacher in order not to affect the students, she looked at the student, as if to say: "attention, finish the question seriously, do not speak well!" The students realized at once, and immediately do. Look, Miss Liang "clairvoyance" and "clairaudient" really be worthy of the name.

  Another time, my Chinese test is not ideal, and my heart is very sad. The teacher read my mind, he is writing on the blackboard "win without pride, this six word defeated". Beam the teacher to improve volume, explained: "we do everything to win without pride, do not lose heart failure. Although the unit test is not good, we try to do better next time!" After listening to the teachers words, I cheer up and listen to the teachers explanation, study hard, nquisitive.

  Oh, teacher, your every act and every move are worthy of our respect for you, admire you.

  Every weekdays,we always meet our teachers.Teachers are our mothers in the school.They teach us a lot of knowledge and tell us how to be a person.So we should respect our teacher.I get on well with my teachers every day,so Ill tell you some advice.For example If you want to give some thanks to your teachers,not only give some presents to your teachers.You should work hard at all subjects.This is the presentthat the teachers like best,If you have some trouble with your teacher,don’t be angry with her/him, explain it patiently.I think your teacher weill agree with you.If you do like this .you’ll get on well with your teacher.

我的网友英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展5)

——我理想的学校英语作文 (菁华3篇)

  I always feel tired after eight classes a day, so my dream school starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. There are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. We can choose our favorite lessons to learn.

  We can spend more time doing some outside reading. The students do after-school activities for one and a half hours every day. We needn’t do a lot of homework. We are all happy to stay at school.

  Besides that, my dream school looks like a big garden. There are many kinds of flowers around the modern buildings. Sweet perfumes are diffused all around. If I want to have a rest, I can lie on the grass, listen to music by the lake or look out at the flowers from the classroom windows.

  I love my dream school. We will grow up to be happier there.

  I hope my ideal school starts at 8.30 a.m. because l like to get up late. i hope my ideal school finishes at 4.30 p.m. so l can have lots of time to have a rest and do some after school activities.

  my ideal school is very large, it has three tall buildings , a big dining hall, a tennis court, a big playground and a park.

  we have an hour for lunch, we can eat delicious food and chat with each other in the big dining hall. we can also listen to pop music here.

  we have math lesson everyday because l like math very much. i also like english, so we have english everyday. we needn’t wear school uniform. the classes are quite small, there are about 15 students in each class.

  we have activities after school once a week. at the weekend, we needn’t do much homework. every month, we go on a school trip to shanghai or suzhou.

  i hope my ideal school starts at 8.30 a.m.我希望我的理想学校每天早上8:30才开始上课。

  because l like to get up late.因为我每天起床都很晚。

  i hope my ideal school finishes at 4.30 p.m.我希望我的理想学校每天下午4:30就放学。

  so l can have lots of time to have a rest and do some after school activities.那样我就可以多点时间休息以及多点课外活动了。

  my ideal school is very large,我的理想学校是很大规模的,it has three tall buildings ,它有3栋很大的大楼,a big dining hall,一个豪华的餐厅a tennis court,一个网球场,a big playground and a park.一个大的操场和公园。

  we have an hour for lunch,我们有一个小时的午餐时间,we can eat delicious food and chat with each other in the big dining hall.我们可以在那个豪华的餐厅里面吃最美味的.食物。

  I love my ideal school!我爱我理想中的学校!

我的网友英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展6)

——我的卧室的英语作文 (菁华3篇)

  Friend, would you like to know what my room is? Hey, I'll introduce you now.

  When you walked into my room lightly, a desk came into view. This desk is much larger than the school, and I am covered with all kinds of stickers. There is a good friend of the desk, that is a desk lamp. The desk supports the lamp with its own large body. Desk lamp is also my good friend. Every night, I have to take out books and read books for a while. The desk lamp will illuminate for me, so that I no longer feel dark around.

  Beside my desk is my bookshelf, which can be said to be a huge treasure house. There are many "nourishment" on the shelf. There are four famous books, fairy tales, and composition models. Some are as thick as bricks and some are less than 1 centimeters thick. I like them very much.

  There is a best friend in my room. Who do you guess? Every night, I rest on its back, with a small horn next to his head, and every morning, it wakes me up on time, and then it goes into rest.

  This is my room. Do you understand? Although my room is not the best, I like it very much.

  I have a beautiful and comfortable bedroom.

  As soon as I entered my house, I could see a door with four words, "my girl's dormitory," and this is my room.

  I really like this com*r because it is a good helper for my study. I often look up information on this com*r. It widens my field of vision and grows a lot of knowledge. On the left of the door is my desk, there are three layers, the top layer is on the textbook I used before, and the middle layer is put with the book which is not used and the books are often used, and the bottom of the floor is set up with some learning tools. On my desk is a calendar, a lamp and some fine articles. Usually I write and draw on it, which is convenient and urgent. Yes, it is worth mentioning that there is an electric heater under the desk, which is specially prepared for me by my mother, for fear that I am cold when writing and drawing. Next to the desk is my wardrobe. My desk and wardrobe are beautiful white, so that my bedroom looks elegant, and the right side of the wardrobe is, of course, my little bed. It is brown, and looks more neat with white. The bed is a set of bedding quilts carefully chosen for me by a mother, beautiful color, bright eye, and a sleepless dog with my sleep all night. The bed was accompanied by one night after another.

  This is my beautiful and comfortable bedroom. I like it very much!

  After studying every night, I found my room was in a mess, especially desks and bookcases. So today, I asked my mother how to clean up the room. My mother was very happy and said to me, "our baby has grown up!" First, pick up the items according to the categories, then separate the commonly used ones and the less commonly used ones. My mother saw that I didn't understand it very well, and went on, "well, let's clean up together today, OK?" "I am happy to clap my hands and say," OK, good! "

  My mother put my textbook and my exercise book together. The skipping rope, shuttlecock and racket on the other side of the exercise were on the other side. I nodded, and then, under the guidance of my mother, I put the materials of extracurricular reading and painting in two cases respectively. These two were not often used, so they should be placed at the bottom of the desk. I asked my mother, "is this the way to do it?" "It's good to do it," mama said with a smile.

  After our efforts, the room became neat again. I looked at such a clean room, my heart was filled with beauty.

我的网友英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展7)

——我的寒假小学英语作文 (菁华3篇)

  My winter holiday is very dull. I stay at home for most of time. sometimes I visit my friends and play basketball with them. sometimes we go shopping.

  One day, we go to the kfc. We have hamburgers, chicken coke and french fries. We have sore throats. We go home and have a rest. then we feel better. We go and play com*r games! how mad we are!

  This is the only thing i can talk about in the holiday.




  Winter holiday is coming. I am so excited.

  In this winter holiday, I am going to take a trip with my parents by plane.We are going to Beijing. Then, I am going to go ice skating there. I am going to see the snow. I will play with the snow. I am going to make a snowman with my sister. Then we are going to visit the Great wall. At last, we are going to go back home by plane.

  That will be fun in the winter holiday! I can’t wait!




  The wnter holiday was started.I wanted to spend a happy winter holiday.ItwasJanuary 28evening.It was nearlySpring Festival.Iwas very happy because I saw a lovelysnowman.I run downstairs queckly and make a snowman with my parents,too.

  It has 10 minutes since I make the snowman.The snowman was small but lovely.I wanted to make a bigger snowman than this again.Ha-ha,it wasn't a snowman.It was an ogre.Ha-ha,it wasugly but made one's happy.

  It's 20 days sinse the winter holiday began.It is going to start to go to school again.The winter holiday is too happy!

我的网友英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展8)

——我的暑假小学英语作文 (菁华3篇)

  One day, I stayed at home, feel very boring. Suddenly, Im a brainwave, thought of a good idea. Is the game play with sister put the nose. I told the idea to sister, sister, readily agreed.

  I first drew on the blackboard without a nose clown doll. While sister found a magnet instead of the nose. Began to stick a nose. Sister cloth first blindfolded my eyes, I slowly to the blackboard and touch on the left, the right touch, find a place to set his nose. At this time, the elder sister laughed. Im pulling a look, a clown doll instead of a nose, the mouth is long a mole. Sister satisfiedly say: "look at me." Her sister quickly walked to the front of the blackboard, literally to find a place to set a nose. I see, could not help but laugh out loud. Sister hurriedly cloth off a look, and laughed, and the original clown doll have not installed the nose, not only becomes one eyed person. The clown doll seemed very angry.

  At this time, dad heard laughter, came over and asked: "whats so funny? Lets hear it." My sister and I blinked, go to the father, the fathers eyes on, will be "nose" into the fathers hands. Dad got meaning, we slowly approached the blackboard and find location under the nose. Have the nose "clown doll!" We cheered.

  "Time is water, life is song." We took another tense semester, and another summer vacation.

  Summer vacation is coming, traveling together, watching TV, playing basketball, reading books... Entertainment items that are not met during a regular class are now free to choose. You can do what you want, and you dont have to worry about time. And my arrangement is: first, and my good friend invited companion for a few days, finish the teacher summer vacation homework carefully again, and then began a few days "sleep late + watching TV" of life, and then a good reading, have a meaningful summer vacation.

  I often hear from my parents about their childhood. They say they were very happy when they were young, although not like we have air conditioning, electric fans, and TV, com*rs. But they had a perfect summer vacation: cutting rice and transplanting rice. Go to the wild wood to pick the wild fruit, go down the river to catch the loach and touch the snails... How happy you are!

  I think since mom and dad can have a fun and perfect vacation, we certainly cant beat our generation. So we discussed with a few good friends a "summer complementary study class". Our theme is "I have a holiday to recharge my batteries". With good friends to study two hours a day, we study each other and help each other, at the same time to complete the summer homework, because of this, can not only increase knowledge, and will not become a nerd; Back home educational com*r games, play half an hour can develop brain cells, so also can get some enlightenment, like Bill Gates, founder of the global software intelligence, inspired from the old com*r system; However, students cant afford to relax and indulge in the Internet all day. Finally, I want to live independently and do everything myself, so that I dont make people laugh at me as "little princess". ? My plan is not bad. Is it a perfect plan?

  I hope you all have a wonderful and meaningful vacation!

  Summer holiday is coming.I am going to do many things that I want to do. For exampie,first I will jion a soccer club,because I like playing ng the summer holiday, I want to practice more to improve my nd I will go to my grandma's house,because I miss her very much.I want to stay with her for several I will help my mother do some housework. She was really tired when I was go to school. Except for taking care of me, she also has to work. Therefore, I want to help her in the will you do on Summer Holiday?

我的网友英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展9)

——我的新老师英语作文 (菁华3篇)

  My new teacher is science teacher. He's very strong. He has a big mouth, two big ears, two big eyes and a not too big and not too small nose. He often wears a black new shirt and brown pants, with two big shoes.

  My science teacher is very kind. And he is very smart, isn't he? Today, we have science class. We are very happy. Because he is so funny. Who is he? He's a Mr.Zhou.

  My new teacher is science teacher. He’s very strong. He has a big mouth, two big ears, two big eyes and a not too big and not too small nose. He often wears a black new shirt and brown pants, with two big shoes.

  My science teacher is very kind. And he is very smart, isn’t he? Today, we have science class. We are very happy. Because he is so funny. Who is he? He’s a Mr. Zhou.



  My new teacher The new semester has begun. Every thing seems the same as before, except one thing. That is our class has a new English teacher. His name is Yang yang, but we always call his English name, Robert. He is a young and sunshine. He just graduated from university. His pronunciation is very good and I like his spoken English. Robert is humorous and his class is interesting and lively. Except for the textbook, he finds many other articles for class teaching, such as songs, movies and cartoons. He says that we can learn more from what we are interested in. I like this new teacher.


我的网友英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展10)

——我的梦想英语优秀作文 (菁华3篇)

  Have you ever had a dream about your splendid future or imagined something unreal but interesting or meaningful? Tell your closet friend about it now. My Dream I have a dream that I am always young. Then I will have enough energy to do everything whenever I want. Moreover, I don't have to worry about the old age during which I even can't take care of myself. I know that my dream will not come true. However, I think it is lucky that I am young now. So I will treasure my time, enjoy my life and try my best to do everything well.

  我的梦想 我有一个梦想就是我永远年轻,然后我就会有足够的精力去做我想做的事情,而且,我就不会因年老无法照顾自己而忧虑。我深知我的梦想不会实现。然而,我很幸运,现在我很年轻。 因此,我一定要珍惜青春好时光,享受生活,并且尽最大努力把每件事情做好。

  My ambition is to become a teacher. As a child, I had many dreams, but becoming teacher is the most thing I want to be. During the class, I pay more attention to teacher‘s instruction, and act as teacher ‘s helper. I think teacher has more influence on children‘s mind and behavior. There are many crimes and disorders in our society, as many of outlaws come from broken family and human‘s greed. If I can be a teacher, I definitely will ask my students be a honor and useful person. The goal of our life is to help each other and reach the harmony happiness. I hope my ambition and dream can come true. I am willing to study hard and become a teacher in the future.

  我的愿望是成为一名教师。作为一个孩子,我有很多梦想,但成为教师是最件事我想是。在学*上,我 更注重教师的指示,以及教师的辅助行为。我认为,教师有更多关于儿童的思想和行为的影响。有许多犯罪和疾病,在我们的社会,因为歹徒 许多来自破碎家庭,来和人类的贪婪。如果我能成为一名教师,我一定会问我的学生是一种荣誉和有用的人。我们的人生目标是要互相帮助, 达到和谐幸福。我希望我的野心和梦想能实现。我愿意努力学*,成为未来的教师。

  I have a wonderful dream in my heart。 It's to speak English very well。 Since English is everything for me。 English is my best friend。 English is my soul。 English is my power。 Without English, I'm nothing at all。 Nothing。 Now, I can think in English, speak in English, and write in English。 Some people think I'm an Indian。 Some people regard I'm a Pakistan。 And some people even consider that I'm an Egyptian。 But if I could speak English as good as an American, my future would be brilliant。 So I work very hard。

