
首页 / 英语作文 / | 2023-02-22 00:00:00












  E-book 电子书

  1 Today, many young people like to find information through the Internet. Some

  people predict that E-book will replace paper book. Indeed, E-book is very

  convenient and its source of information can get from all kinds of ways, which saves much time. We need hours to search paper books in the library for our information, but we can find that in the Internet just a few seconds. Many people live in the fast pace, so E-book cater to their style. But paper book won't disappear, which is comfortable to read than the Internet. There is no doubt that E-book will be the main way for the young people to read. 如今,许多年轻人喜欢通过互联网查找信息。有些人预计,电子书将取代纸质书。事实上,电子书很方便,信息的.来源有各种方式,可以节省很多时间。我们在图书馆通过纸质书得花上几个小时才能找到所需的信息,但是我们在网上只需要几秒钟就可以找到了。很多人生活节奏很快,所以电子书符合他们的风格。但是纸质书并不会因此而消失,它比在互联网上看要显得舒服。毫无疑问,电子书将年轻人阅读的主要方式。


  How to Read 如何阅读

  No one will deny the importance of reading. Many parents start to teach their

  children to read at an early age, hoping their children can fall in love with reading. But most children don't know how to read. Only reading in the right way can help them to get improve. Firstly, reading as much as possible, so that the children can figure out which books are valuable and deserve to be read more. Secondly, when

  they have finish reading books, they need to think about the characters and what the books try to impress them. They'd better search the comments on the Internet, so as to better understand the theme. 没有人会否认阅读的重要性。许多父母在他们孩子还很小的时候就教他们看书,他们希望孩子们能爱上阅读。但是大多数孩子并不知道如何阅读。只有用正确的方式去阅读才可以帮助他们提高。首先,尽可能多的`去阅读,这样孩子们就可以找出哪些书是有价值的,值得去阅读多遍的。第二,当他们看完书时,需要让他们思考下人物和书给留下的印象。最好在互联网上搜索下评论,以便更好地理解主题。















  How to Read 如何阅读

  No one will deny the importance of reading. Many parents start to teach their

  children to read at an early age, hoping their children can fall in love with reading. But most children don't know how to read. Only reading in the right way can help them to get improve. Firstly, reading as much as possible, so that the children can figure out which books are valuable and deserve to be read more. Secondly, when

  they have finish reading books, they need to think about the characters and what the books try to impress them. They'd better search the comments on the Internet, so as to better understand the theme. 没有人会否认阅读的重要性。许多父母在他们孩子还很小的时候就教他们看书,他们希望孩子们能爱上阅读。但是大多数孩子并不知道如何阅读。只有用正确的方式去阅读才可以帮助他们提高。首先,尽可能多的去阅读,这样孩子们就可以找出哪些书是有价值的,值得去阅读多遍的'。第二,当他们看完书时,需要让他们思考下人物和书给留下的印象。最好在互联网上搜索下评论,以便更好地理解主题。


  E-book 电子书

  1 Today, many young people like to find information through the Internet. Some

  people predict that E-book will replace paper book. Indeed, E-book is very

  convenient and its source of information can get from all kinds of ways, which saves much time. We need hours to search paper books in the library for our information, but we can find that in the Internet just a few seconds. Many people live in the fast pace, so E-book cater to their style. But paper book won't disappear, which is comfortable to read than the Internet. There is no doubt that E-book will be the main way for the young people to read. 如今,许多年轻人喜欢通过互联网查找信息。有些人预计,电子书将取代纸质书。事实上,电子书很方便,信息的`来源有各种方式,可以节省很多时间。我们在图书馆通过纸质书得花上几个小时才能找到所需的信息,但是我们在网上只需要几秒钟就可以找到了。很多人生活节奏很快,所以电子书符合他们的风格。但是纸质书并不会因此而消失,它比在互联网上看要显得舒服。毫无疑问,电子书将年轻人阅读的主要方式。






  One day on my way to school,I ran across a traffic accident,in which a girl was seriously injured by a motorcycle.I rushed to her rescue instinctively.I lifted her in my arms and hailed a taxi,which took us quickly to a nearby hospital.After emergency treatment,the girl came to.I felt at ease when I knew that she had only suffered from minor bone fractures and would recover in a couple of weeks.I left the hospital without giving my name,but my heart was full of joy and peace.Not until then did I understand the meaning of the proverb:"Helping others is the source of happiness."This may be the most unforgettable experience of my life.


  I have a white cat.It is a present from my mother on my birthday.It’s very beautiful.I call it Mimi.Mimi is very naughty.She likes to play with me.She often runs here and there and likes running after something.Mimi’s favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones.I love it very much.

  Sometimes, Mimi is very gentle.She likes to wash her face and doesn’t play with me.After lunch, Mimi often lies on the sofa to sleep.When I go home, Mimi often jumps onto my knees.I like to give a bath to Mimi.

  Oh, my baby cat brings me much happiness.We are good friends.I love Mimi.


  Nowadays many students listen to music and learn English with earphones. As for your trouble with ears and bad memory, I’m afraid you spend too much time listening with earphones. In fact, listening to music while doing your lessons may result in less concentration on your study. Besides, the overuse of earphones does harm to your hearing. There are many ways we can enjoy music and learn English. For instance, a recorder or a radio may be a good choice. However, if you do need to use an earphone, you should rest your ears for at least ten minutes every hour but do not use it more than 2 hours a day. I hope things will get better soon.


  My mother has the shortcomings and advantages, the shortcomings know that in the "annoying mother", it is the advantage.My mother may do it! She bought me new clothes such as cotton is soft; she gives me a meal as a gods as delicious: She gives me the cotton that is warmly warm; this is a motherThe merit! Although my mother sometimes hits me, I still love her, I think my mother is the best mother in this world, no one is better than my mother, she is like a superman! IA wish, I hope that my mother will die like the sun and the moon!


  I like drawing. It does bring me happiness. As a kid I was keen on thoselines and curves drawn on paper made into animals and scenes.

  It really could show beauty to people and express my feelings. And then Itook a course so that I could get close to it and see it well.

  But at that time I just did it for fun. Years went by I got into a longperiod of time filled with pressure in study. And I found it so good a way torelax.

  It did not any longer play an unimportant role in my living but bacame myfriend. Since that time I have felt it like a nice person deep in my heart whocan talk with me with true words and make me happy with life.

  This is my hobby not just a hobby but also a true friend.


  New year new day, new year is coming, and we all preparing for it.


  This year I have learnt many things, and I wish next year I will learn more knowledge!


  I wish the world will be peaceful forever, human will stay together with nature forever.


  Besides, I wish my parents will be yonger forever, they have done many things for me for many years, they are the best ones in the world.


  At last, happy new to you all!



  In England winter isn’t very cold and summer isn’t very hot.Why does this happen?Because England is an island country.In winter the sea brings warm air to England.In summer the sea is cold .The wind in front of the sea brings cool air to England.The winds blow over England all the year.They bring rain to England all the year.England has a lot of rain.There’s a lot of rain in the west of England than in the east of England.



  Great changes have taken place in Shanghai's transportation.

  Ten years ago, there were many narrow streets.But now many streets have been widened. So buses and cars can go more quickly than before.Ten years ago , it was not convenient to go from the north of the city to the south. But now, you are sure to reach anywhere in less than an hour.

  To our joy, we have two underground lines and many more are being built.We seldom find traffic jam in rush hours.So we dont have to worry about going out. With the development of science and technology, the transportation in shanghai will become all the better.


  Linda is my best friend. She is 15 years old. She is a pretty girl with a round face and two big black eyes. She always has a smile on her face. She is taller than I.

  Every morning, we go to school together. She studies quite well and she's a top student in our

  class. She is modest in her behaviour. When I have difficulty in English, I always ask her for help. We are both interested in music. At weekends, we join the same hobby group and play the violin together.

  We like each other.





  I like playing volleyball that it’s my favorite sport. Since I learned to play volleyball in PE two years ago, I was badly interested in it. Therefore, I learned it with my volleyball teacher. And half a year later, I joined the school volleyball team. It’s such an excellent team that I have a great time. I practice with my team mates every afternoon. And we have played many matches together.

  Except the awards we get, I cherish the precious affection between me and team mates and volleyball. And playing volleyball makes me realize how important of union and teamwork. As long as we unit together, we can beat any opponents. I will always cherish my love to volleyball.


  Chinese people are now face to a serious problem--pollution. And this problem is a little bit different from others--the goverment can not solve it by themselves. We need everyone to protect our environment. But we also know that it is very hard to call everyone to join us to protect the environment. But it seems that they have found the way to let everybody know it. In a report, Anhui Daily called on residents to help protect the river against pollution.

  I am so glad about it. And i believe that somewhere the pollution must stop.


  A RoomThis is Tom's room.It is a big and tidy one.There is a desk in the middle of the room.There is a chair near the desk.A ball is under it.There are two maps on the wall.One of them is a map of China,the other is ab-out the world.On the desk,there is a book,a pen,a clock,a bag and a glass.The glass is near the clock.What a nice room for study!

  参考译文:一个房间这是汤姆的房间。这个房间又大又整齐。房间的'正中间有一张桌子。 靠*桌子的地方有一张椅子,椅子下面有一个球。墙上有两张地图:一张是中国地图,另一张是世界地图。桌子上有一本书、一支钢笔、一个钟、一个书包和一个杯子。杯子靠*钟。这房间多么适合用来学*呀!


  We got the news before the English Class that some foreign teachers would visit our class. The teachers, came from a middle school in New York.

  We felt nervous and excited.

  The bell rang and the foreign teachers came into the classroom. We each sat on the seats silently.

  A woman teacher came to my desk, with a smile on her face. "Hello, nice to meet you! "She said clearly and slowly. Just now I wasn't nervous any more.

  We talked with each other for a while. She thought my English was good. I thanked her and felt very happy.


  Last Friday we had a discussion about overseas study tours.

  I thought it was a good activity.Because there are more and more people study in other countries.And it makes me know the good and the bad about that.

  Most of my classmates thought it was good for us to study in other countries.They thought that it can help us learn more about the other countries' cultures and customs.It also made us be more independent.

  For the bad,some of them said that most students in overseas spond most of the time to sightseeing but study.And it's expensive,

  How do you like it?


  My father is a peasant. Four years ago he came to the city, and found a job. And then my mother and I moved here. At that time, my father earned little money and could hardly support the family.

  I was small, short and thin then. My parents sometimes bought me some good food for me. I remember clearly once they gave me the roast chicken.

  Oh, I liked it best. I asked them to eat together, but they both said they didn't like it. So I ate it up.

  Now our life is better. One evening, my father bought some roast chichen again, and we ate it happily. Suddenly, I understood why they didn't eat it before. They just wanted me to eat it.This is my parents' love!






  Now more and more people get to know it's important to protect our living environment.As a student,it's my duty to do something for the earth. From now on, I'll go to school by bike or on foot instead of in a car. I'll use fewer plastic bags 【少用塑料袋】to reduce white pollution【减少白色污染】. In order to save energy I'll plant more trees so that the air will be fresher. I'll take less lift and reuse water【循环用水】. At last l will use second-hand books【使用二手书】,so we don't need to cut down more trees.


  Jim Lambert’s,the japan movie star,is taking a vacation this summer!He thought about going to Greece or spain, but decided on China.“I always take vacation in Europe,”he said.“This time I want to do something different.Iheard that China is beautiful,and I know there are many people there who speak Japanese.”

  Jim Lambert going to China’s the Great Wall.He is leaving the first week in june and staying until September.he plans to have a very relaxing vacation.“I’m going fishing,and going bike riding.I’mrenting videos and sleeping a lot…a great vacation!I can’t wait!”


  English is important and useful to us. How can we learn it well? Here aremy suggestions. First, we should often listen to the tapes, English songs and programs.Watching English movies is also helpful to us. Second, we should speak Englishin class as much as possible. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. The more youspeak, the fewer mistakes you’ll make. Wed better join the English club andpractice with others. Third, we can read more English newspapers and magazines.It’s good for us. At last, we should recite some good passages and keepdiaries. In a word, as long as we do more listening, speaking, reading and writing,we will learn English well.


  How to Succeed?

  Everybody is eager to be a successful person in his life. But not all people can always succeed. People who are lazy and want to succeed only by daydreaming can hardly succeed. A successful person must possess some good characters, such as diligence, strong will, perseverance, etc. He must keep on learning and make himself a capable person. Sometimes he should be more flexible to change with the situations. All in all, serf-confidence is thefirst step on the road to success. And hard work is the key element of success.


  Dear my friend

  Natinal Day will be coming.I have a plan about it.

  We can have a seven-day.My family are going to Hainan.It's a good seaside city.We are staying there for a week. We are going to the beach and going swimming in the sea.We're visiting Tianya Haijiao,Wanquan River and many other beautiful places.I think we'll have a good time there.

  If you have time.I will invite you to my home to have a great time.

  Please receive letter as soon as possibly.

  your friend


  Shopping Online With the help of the Internet, shopping is not a difficult job. Just click your mouse to choose the article you like, and the shopping is finished. You needn't step out of the room. It seems easy and quick. But there's always a trap online. If you are careless, it will bring you some trouble. You may find the color of the article is different from what you want, or the size is either too small or too big. If you want to be different, you'd better not buy clothes online. Once you put on the clothes you bought online and go out, you will find many people wear the same clothes in the street..


  Chinese New Year is coming and my family is very busy. It s because ChineseNew Year is very special and important. We must prepare many special things toget ready for this festival. First, will make a big New Year meal. Second, we will make Good-luckwishes. Third, we will set off firecrackers. New Year meal is delicious and wethink that eating some will bring us good luck. A long time ago, Chinese peoplebelieved red color could bring our good luck too. And we set off firecrackerscould frighten ghosts away. Chinese New Year is very popular between students. Because we can have along happy holiday.


  one day my classmates and i went to the park to do some volunteer labor,which was to weed the park. While we were doing that, a lot of turists passed by us, looking at uscuriously. And even some of them came up to ask what we did that for and howmuch we were paid for that. Some of us students were shy to answer thosequestions. However, in my opinion, we should aswer those questions so proudly that wedid this for nothing but just for the beauty of our park, our city, our country,and even our world. In our country everyone is trying to do something to help the developmentof city and whole social civilization. What we have done is just a little and how I feel happy that we can dosomething helpful to the society.


  Health is very important for everyone. So people want to have a healthylife. In fact everyone can have a healthy life. Such as: I usually eat fruitvegetables eggs and rice. I hardly eat burgers. I think we could eat meat andice-cream amount. Water and milk are good for your health. It’s important toplay basketball run and have enough sleep. We couldn’t spend a long time forwatching TV and playing computer. It’s bad for our eyes.

  We should keep happy confident helpful and friendly. I don’t think nervousand angry are good for our health.


  We got the news before the English Class that some foreign teachers would visit our class. The teachers, came from a middle school in New York.

  We felt nervous and excited.

  The bell rang and the foreign teachers came into the classroom. We each sat on the seats silently.

  A woman teacher came to my desk, with a smile on her face. "Hello, nice to meet you! "She said clearly and slowly. Just now I wasn't nervous any more.

  We talked with each other for a while. She thought my English was good. I thanked her and felt very happy.


  The environmental pollution is worse and worse today. Many trees are cutdown, and water and air are polluted. As a student I try to have a low-carbonlife to save energy and reduce pollution. Firstly, I often walk to school. It can reduce air pollution. Secondly, Ialways turn off the lights and fans when leaving the classroom. Thirdly, Ialways make full use of paper and other school things and never waste water. I wish more students to join me and make the earth more and morebeautiful.


  Do you like juice? I like juice very much, because fruit juice is very delicious, and fruit juice is rich in vitamins, which is good for people's health. I also like to make a variety of fruit juice drinks, such as apple juice, grape juice, banana milk and so on. I like banana milk best, banana milk is sweet and delicious. Make a banana milk you need to prepare a few banana and a carton of milk: first, peel the banana skin, and then put the banana slices with a knife, into the juicer, squeezed into a banana juice, finally pour milk into a banana, delicious banana milk is ready!


  We have a special English teacher called Blues who comes from Ameica.He is tall and thin and he always wears glasses.He is strict with our study and works hard.My English teacher has an diffrent way to teach us English.He likes to encourage us to ask quenstions and try our best to find the answer.He help us to learn by ourselveswe all like him.

  All of us consider him as the best English teacher.我们有一个专门的英语老师叫布鲁斯,他来自美国。他又高又瘦,他总是戴着眼镜。他对我们的学*很严格,工作很努力,我的英语老师教我们英语的'方式不同。他喜欢鼓励我们问问题并努力寻找答案。他帮助我们了解自己,我们都喜欢他。



  I have two sisters, the oldest one was married a year ago. Now my sister is pregnant and I can’t wait to see her baby. I feel so excited about the coming baby, I will be her aunt, which means I grow up. When the child is born, I will take care of her, I want to set an example to her. I am the smallest one in my family, I get used to being taken by others. Now I can be the big sister and I will learn how to be a good sister. I will grow up with my sister’s baby, maybe we can be the good friends.



  the spring festival is coming.my parents buy me some new clothes . let me show them to you . they are a t-shirt , a jacket , a pair of jeans and a pair of trainers.

  the t-shirt and the jeans are made of cotton . i think it is very comfortable to wear cotton clothes . the trainers are made of leather . the colour of the the t-shirt is white because i like this colour and this colour makes the t-shirt look clean .

  the jacket is blue and white . its a little long and big . it looks smart . my jeans arent tight . they are very comfortable to wear . the trainers are blue and white . they match my jacket very much .

  i love my new clothes . how do you like them ?






  as a grade 3 student, we have sports every day, such as doing some eercise, playing basketball and so on. we do sports because it can not only make us strong and but also keep us healthy. it can also make us have a good rest and study better.

  so i will keep doing sports every day from now on.


  我的数学老师(My maths teacher)

  I have a good teacher. She is My maths teacher. She is Miss Jiang. She is thin. She has a small mouth, two small ears, two big eyes and a not big and not small nose. She is very kind. She is smart, too. We all like her. Today,we have maths class. We are very happy.


  it is teachers day today.i want to send a card to mr/mrs,which is my favourite teacher.he/she helps me a lot with my study.and i make great progresses rapidly.he/she is always strict with us and also kind to us.even though he/she is illsometimes,but he/she keeps on going to school. gradually i love him/her in spite of myself.so now im making a card myself with my best wishes.i hope he/she will like it.


  I have busy weekend.in saturday morning, I’m read books and do my howework. in afternoon, I’m lean my room.in evening, I’m watch tv and movies.in sunday morning, I’m play basketball with my good fiend .

  We are very happy. in afternoon, I’m go to marketplace buy some food. in evening, I’m go to concert.

  This weekend,I’m very tired,but I’m enjoy onerseles.


  My new school

  i have moved to my new school since septmber. it is a modern and nice school which is in kaifeng. it has a playground, a library, several labs, classrooms with electronic equipment and so on.

  its quite different from my old school. its larger, much more modern. this is why i love my new school. if you are free, you are warmly welcomed to come to our school to have a look.


  Look at this animalhis name is Kenny.He is a koala.

  He's about 80cm tall and about 14kg.He usually sleeps and relaxes for about 20 hours a day is not he very lazy.He likes to eat leaves.How do you know he walks very slowlybut he runs very fast.

  I like he very much.And you?


  i have moved to my new school since septmber. it is a modern and nice school which is in _____(city). it has a playground, a library, several labs, classrooms with electronic equipment and so on. it's quite different from my old school. it's larger, much more modern. this is why i love my new school. if you are free, you are warmly welcomed to come to our school to have a look.


  My school life is very uninteresting.

  I would like to have a swimming pool in our school.It is good for my health.It would be comfortable to have air-conditioned classrooms.I hope lunch at school will be more yummy.It would be necessary to have more books and magazines in our school library.

  I think my ideal school life will be more interesting and colourful.


  The winter vacation passed quickly. In those days,I have done some things. Playing,doing homework and so on. Sometimes I helped my mother doing some housework. She thanked to me. Though,I was proud of myself. I also went over my English learning. I think I have known more than before. In the new term,I will study hard.









  公元前776年首次举办的奥运会,已经有一千多年的`历史了。奥运会每四年举办一次。 (收集整理:天添资源网)





  此外, 学生是否在校园内学*谁可以得到一份兼职工作。

  而有些不同意,一个兼职的学生带来良好的`效果应该比侧面的更多的是因为采取了兼职工作可以带来更多的机会得到学生与社会脱节, 。

  以及注意他们的安全时,它并没有对他在白天正常学*的副作用,它也使学生体验到了赚钱的困难,那是一个正在讨论的话题,他说这是一个学*的时间浪费,他们上班的时间, 在我看来,由于事实上。


  My best friend is a loyal and brave boy. When a bully teased me, he came to my rescue right away.

  He always remembers my birthday and he is fun to be with.

  He tells funny jokes and stories. He always makes me laugh.

  Finally, he is a very good listener and he knows how to cheer me up when I'm down.

  I hope we'll stay friends forever.





  everything you have done for me.

  I know you are worried about my study, so you don’t want me to play basketball too much. But I can’t study all day along. Sometime I need to relax. I really enjoy playing basketball. It keeps me healthy and strong.

  Could you allow me to play basketball for an hour and a half every day? I promise I will try my best in my study.

















  一、做到了认真备课。不但备学生而且备教材备教法,根据教材内容及学生的实际,针对四年级和六年级教学目标的不同:四年级在培养兴趣的基础上训练学生认读单词的能力,还让学生试着模仿教材书写单词;六年级是在保持兴趣的基础上学*新知识,加大听写单词的力度。设计课的类型,拟定采用的教学方法,并对教学过程的程序及时间安排都作了详细的记录,认真写好教案。对每一课都做到“有备而来” ,每堂课都在课前做好充分的准备,并制作各种利于吸引学生注意力的有趣教具,课后及时对该课做出总结,写好教学后记,并认真按搜集每课书的知识要点,归纳成集。



























  Today, I am going to the zoo, I see many beautiful animals.

  I see the lions, elephants, birds, tigers, monkeys, kangaroo……The lions are sleeping. Elephants are having bananas. Birds are flying in the sky. Tigers are having meat. Monkeys are climbing the trees. kangaroos are jumping. Every animal is very happy.

  The people are happy, too. They are playing with the animals. Every one is very happy. I love the zoo

  Hello,I'm Helen。My teacher says, ″Animals are our friends,we live in the same world。'' If you ask, do you like animals? My answer is“Yes。”I like animals a lot。 Then you can guess what’s my favorite animals。

  It’s a symbol of china and it’s only form China。It has black and white body。 Its ears and legs are black。 It looks so cute。 But it’s a little shy,so when you near them you must keep quiet。 Bamboo is its their favorite food,sometimes it also has meet。

  I think the question it’s not difficult for you。Yes。 This animals is panda。 I love them very much。 What about you?

  Hell! M nae is ane. I a a student n a n.

  Nw the n has a laer utside an-ade ebrane. On the n, peple built the huse and plant a lt f trees. In the rning parents g the departent stre f n wrs. I g centre f n t g t schl and read bs. In hlida, parent get e sit n the airship return t the earth t visit the grandfather. This is n live.



  Taylor Swift is my favorite singer. She is not only beautiful but also very talented. When she was 16, she had her first album. She

  writes songs about her romantic life. When I listen to her songs, I feel likes reading my own diaries. She is so real and amazing. She

  is only 24 year old, but she has already won a lot of rewards. She is my idol. I wish someday I can go to see her concert.


  I would be glad to tell you about some of the basic school rules in my school.First,we mustn’t be late for school.Secend, we must wear uniforms to school.Third we must follow the classroom rules——we are not allowed to talk loudly,listen to music or eat food in the classroom.Fourth,students must be silent in the reading room and in the hallway.what’s more,we must finish and hand in our homework on time. I always obey these rules, and I think it’s necessary for a school to have stict rules. What do you think ?


  Man Ting

  computers are changing our life day by day. we can do many things on computers. for eample, we can write articles, do office work and play games. but the most important usage of computers is to get on the internet. we can do more things on the intemet. we may do shopping, search information and communicate with people all around the world. in short,computers and internet are making our life more and more convenient.

  Xia Ge has gone to the autumn grandfather.A small fruit on the trees in the garden is like a small lantern that floats frozen.Autumn came a sorghum smile red face: wheat, bent waist.The leaves on the autumn wind roll up a wave of waves.Under the tree, golden rain.A few busy figure in the field is being cutting golden golden.

  A row of geese flying in the evening sky.Sun sunset sprinkles water into a golden mirror.After the setting sun, it is a little bit to fall in the nest.In this hazy night on the street, there are still many people in the street scene, exceptional.

  Hangzhou is located in southeast China, the East near the East China Sea, which are well known for the beautiful West Lake. Around the West Lake, there are many parks and historical sites. There are many holiday visitors paddle swing to parks to spend a good time. Hangzhou since reform and opening up, tremendous changes have taken place, showing a new face, many high-rise where they stand, beautiful parks, street trees standing proud.

  The Date PalmThe date palm is a wonderful tree.People eat dates.They feed them to their animals.They use the leaves and wood to build houses.They use the wood to build the boats.They make baskets from the leaves.They burn the other parts of the tree so they can cook food.The date palm came from the Middle East.Seven thousand(7000)years ago,people in Egypt ate dates.They made pictures of date palms on their stone buildings.Today date palms grow in the Middle East,parts of Asia and Africa,southern Europe,and other warm parts of the world.

  My friend and I are good friends.she is shy and I am outgoing.she likes studying English but I like studying math.she has long straight blak hair and I have short curly blak hair.she likes playing volleball but Ilike playingbasketball.we are still friends.

  She is always studys home but I always study at shool because it is very investsting.I like watching action moves but she likes watching the TV show she has big eyes and she likes wearing jeans but I like wearing shirt.she usually helps me in my study

  根据一下提示写一篇 60字左右的 英语日记:


  内容:1 今天是新学期的.第一天

  2 我们班上来了一位新同学,他的名字叫Mike,来自英国

  3 下午,我和Mike在教室里用英语聊天

  4 放学后,我又认识了一位来自四川的同学小明,我们跟其他同学们一起踢足球

  5 多么快乐的一天啊

  Date: August 28th

  Weather: Cloudy

  1. Today I started a new semester at school.

  2. I met my new classmates, our teacher's name is Mike, Mike is from England.

  3. In the afternoon Mike and I chat in English.

  4. After school I meet a classmate from Sichuan Province.

  5. What a happy day

  In my life, I am proud of having a happy family. I have a kind father, strict mother and a naught little brother.

  As most other families, there are laughs and tears at my home. My father is friendly to others. Our neighbors speak highly of him.

  Mother is strict to me and my little brother. She has high expectation to us, wanting us to have bright future.

  My little brother is a primary school student, but he doesn’t work very hard. All he wants is playing with his friends.

  It worries my parents a lot. But in general, we have more laughs than tears.

  I love my lovely family.

  I like autumn. I love the falling leaves in autumn. They cover the ground with golden yellow. When you walk on them, they rustle beneath your feet, just as if they are singing to you. I know trees get ready for their next year s rebirth by doing this, so I enjoy them without any sad feelings. The fields in autumn are fruity. People are easy to have good mood in a harvest season. So can t autumn sights bring happiness to us as well?

  Today is mother's birthday,but I didn't know what to by for her。A watch was a good present,but it was too expensive for me to buy。Flowers were not so expensive,but they would die soon。A birthday cake was too sweet and mother didn't like it。

  Then father thought a good idea。He said,"Why don't we make a wonderful dinner for herThat will show our love for her!"Oh,that was good。Love is the most expensive present in the world。

  I will never forget the smile on mother's face when we were having supper together。

  In the movie, walking in the rain looks so romantic, so I decide to try to do it.

  When it rains, I rush to the street, trying to enjoy the rain like the movie. But I feel the rain dropping on me hardly, I couldn’t open my eyes, walking in the rain is not romantic at all.

  What’s more, I nearly catch the cold, I will never do it again.




——初中英语说课稿 菁选

初中英语说课稿 15篇

  作为一位不辞辛劳的人民教师,就有可能用到说课稿,说课稿有利于教学水*的提高,有助于教研活动的开展。那么大家知道正规的说课稿是怎么写的吗?以下是小编收集整理的初中英语说课稿 ,欢迎大家分享。



  基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是:激发和培养学生学*英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学**惯和形成有效的学*策略,发展自主学*的能力和合作精神,使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的综合运用语言的能力。我选择的7B Unit4谈论的是amazing things,话题围绕我们身边各种各样令人惊讶的现象或事件展开,很容易引起学生的兴趣并激发学生去了解更多令人惊讶的事情,并且在了解的前提下提高交流的能力。

  1. Comic strip & Welcome to the unit部分通过一部分不寻常的现象和事件,让学生使用正确的形容词来表达自己的感受和见解。

  2. Reading部分给大家讲了个故事,学完故事后要求学生掌握文中的语言点并能清楚的复述。

  3. Vocabulary部分要求学生使用be fond of, be crazy about, like, dislike等来表达不同的喜好。

  4. Grammar部分讲解了一般过时的构成和用法,并要求学生能根据情境正确使用一般过去时谈论过去的事件。

  5. Integrated skills部分帮助学生了解更多动物的知识,要求学生从听力材料中获取相关信息并用自己掌握的信息使相关文章的意思表达完整,要求学生对惊讶、诧异的话作出恰当的反应。

  6. Pronunciation部分要求学生掌握?-ed?结尾单词的三种发音并正确区分和准确读出。

  7. Main task部分要求学生通过调查研究获得事件信息并根据材料完成相关写作。

  8. Checkout部分设计了练*,让学生在练*中巩固词汇和语法,理清写作思路。


  1. 知识目标

  (1) To enlarge vocabulary.

  (2) To understand the sentences.

  2. 能力目标

  (1) To understand the dialogue and get useful information.

  (2) To use suitable adjectives to express feelings and opinions.

  (3) To talk about amazing things according to the pictures.

  3. 情感目标

  (1) To develop team spirit and the ability of communication.

  (2) To arouse students? interest in learning more amazing things.


  (1) 重点

  a. Vocabulary and phrases: amazing, yesterday, travel, Earth, moon, elephant, plant, strange, bright light, from Earth to the moon, a man in the USA, at the same time, plant life, without lightning.

  b. Sentence patterns: It?s just a plane. It?s only the light on the plane. It takes about three days to travel from Earth to the moon by rocket. Fish sleep with their eyes open. You cannot sneeze and keep your eyes open at the same time. There is no plant life without liaghtning.

  c. Know some amazing things and events.

  (2) 难点

  a. Help students improve their listening memory ability.

  b. Use adjectives freely to talk about feelings.

  c. Master so many new words.


  1. 始终坚持任务型目标→导说领先→活动或讨论→反馈或笔头落实→环环相扣,逐步铺垫。

  2. 将综合技能的'部分提前,充实本课内容。

  3. 设计小组讨论的合作学*方式提高合作学*意识或能力。







  运用多媒体课件,播放《长江七号》一段有飞碟有外星生物七仔的视频,看完后,问学生:Who is it? (It?s 七仔.) What is it? (It?s an alien.) How can it travel here and there? (By UFO.)然后呈现一张UFO的图,讲解Unidentified Flying Object和生词bright.问学生Is it amazing?用一个表情和两张对比明显的图讲解amazing的意思,这样导入容易引起学生的兴趣。


  我说Yesterday, I was in Eddie and Hobo? home. They were talking about something. But they had different ideas. I recorded their dialogue. Listen carefully, and try to answer the

  questions.因为这次上课的网络环境,强调老师和学生的互动,所以我将这两个很简单的问题设置成选择题,并且最后可以统计回答对问题的百分比。接下来,要求学生跟录音朗读模仿语音语调,为接下来的两人对话做准备。下面要讲Welcome to the unit了。为了自然承接,我说Eddie and Hobo are arguing about if the object is a UFO. Has anyone here seen a UFO before? There are many reports about UFO. You can have a look on your own.我做好了网页,学生自己点击。学生看完后告诉他们There are many other amazing, strange and surprising things around us.呈现A部分的六副图和六句话,要求学生自己连线,将生词做成超链接,分别有图和直观。在核对答案时,帮助学生纠正读音并对学生提出的不懂的单词稍做解释。我再带读这六句话,为了下面对话的操练做准备。为了更多的小组和学生能够有表演的机会,我将两人对话改成四人小组对话,扩大参与面。


  学生可能有些疲惫了,告诉学生我们将有个分组合作竞赛。先讲比赛规则,自由点击我为大家找的更多的amazing things,有图和一句话简单的概括,并且生词做了解释。让学生试着在理解的基础上记忆。然后分小组合作,将反过来的图正过来,说对最多的小组胜出。




  给一幅Main task部分最高的人的图和相关的简介,填空完成文章,并小组合作核对,上传答案。





  今天我说课的内容是人教版七年级上Unit 3 This is my sister、本单元学*的是与学生生活息息相关的家庭成员。我要谈的是本单元第一课时的教学。下面我将从以下几个方面阐述我的说课内容。


  从教材编排上说本单元是就第二单元认知物体之后学*用英语认知人,而与学生最为熟悉的人就是家庭成员。Is this your eraser?很自然过度Is this your sister?以前学的What’s this?转变Who is this?但本单元生词较多。出现在第一课时的就有十五、六个同时还要认识语法现象复数。本课时任务比较艰巨。




  帮助学生四会掌握以下单词:grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, father, mother, parents, son, daughter, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, cousin, friend, these, those。并对复数形式有初步了解。


  通过本节课学*,学生就家庭成员相互之间应该能用英语介绍、询问、交流。并能用英语在脑子里对个家庭成员的关系进行思考。例如,见到father’s mother,他们能反应出是指grandmother。同时基本上能辨别什么时候用单数什么时候用复数。





  难点:复数的认识和正确运用。汉语表达中完全没有复数概念,这是一本书,这是三本书;除了多了个数字其他没有任何变化。而英语必须这样说This is a book、 These

  are books、所有的单词都相应的发生了变化。因此中国学生在学*复数的时候特别难。我们的语言没有这个*惯!









  I want to be your friend、 Do you want to know more about me? Do you to know about my family?课件展示

  1、我的家人。认知son, father, mother, parents, wife, husband这几个单词,并马上回顾重新呈现我的家人学生说出他们和我的关系。




  5、回顾我的家人,并帮助学生罗列出family tree。




  3、表演对话,在讲台上指着屏幕认识David的家人。(5 ′)




  I'm watching TV












































  Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?

  I will talk about my teaching idea from 6 aspects

  Firstly ,let me talk about the ***ysis of the Teaching Material

  The topic of this unit is about vacation plans. It is from the unit 3 of PEP English < go for it> the first semester of grade 8 .This is an interesting topic for students. So all the activities in this unit are helpful to raise students’ learning interest. This section including two periods. I will finish Part 1, Part 2 and Grammar Focus in this period .students will learn some words and the target language and know how to make vacation plans. Their integrating skills will be improved .The target language is the basic for Ss to learn the other contents of this unit. So it’s very important to learn this lesson well.

  The teaching aims are established according to Junior School English syllabus' provision and the teaching material. As follows:

  Knowledge Object :In this unit students learn to talk about future plans.and learn some key vocabulary: camping, visiting and so on . Use the Present progressive as future in the daily life .

  Ability Object :To train the students’ ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing. and ability of making future plans.

  Moral Object:students know the truth "You can’t work efficiently if you don’t have a good rest.""Making a good vacation plan can make your trip happy."

  According to the teaching material and the students' characteristic,I think the key points are helping the students master the key vocabulary, understand and use the target language ,master the usage of the different forms of “be” in the target language.

  The difficult points are helping the students use the target language to talk about the future activities

  Secondly ,I will talk about the the students

  The students have learnt English for more than one year. They know some English, but some of them didn’t learn it well. Especially, most of them are afraid to speak English. For this lesson, the students have known the pattern “be doing”. Half of them can use “be” correctly. Half of them can change a verb to “verb+ing” correctly. But they don’t know to use the pattern “be doing” as future. And this is what I teach in this lesson.

  Thirdly ,I will talk about the teaching methods and learning methods

  As we all know,the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to cultivate students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Communicative” teaching method, “Audio-visual” teaching method and “Task-based” teaching method. That is to say, I’ll let the Ss to get a better understanding of the target language. I’ll give the Ss some tasks and arrange six kinds of activities: watching CAI, writing some activities, listening, make conversations, listening practice and group activities.

  At the same time,the students will pass "Observation-Imitation-Practice" to study language,study English language by Communication.

  During the teaching process , Multi-media computer, Tape recorder, ppt and school things will be needed.

  Fourthly ,the important part is teaching procedure .according the theory of new curriculum standard ,I will present my teaching procedure in 5 steps.

  Step 1. Lead in

  This step revises the present continue tense. Students Ask and answer some questions ,such as "What are you doing?" "What is she/he doing? "in pairs.

  Step 2. presentation

  Show five pictures on the screen. These pictures show the students’ activities for the next vacation. I will point at the picture and say"What is she doing for vacation? She is camping." Then write “camping” on the Bb. Ask them guess the meaning of the word according to the picture.then learn and explain the word “babysit”.

  Task 1: divide the students into four groups. Ask each group to discuss to write the other three activities on the Bb and add more using the “ing” form of verbs. Have a competition. The group which writes the most correctly and shows the most activities is the winner.This task introduces the key vocabulary and Ss start to touch Present progressive as future. The competition can raise Ss’ learning interest.

  Step 3. practice

  Task 2:Show three pictures and three activities on the screen. Ask Ss to listen to the tape to match the pictures with the activities. After they do them correctly, give them some praise. This task gives students listening practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

  Task 3:ask the students to work in pairs to talk about the five pictures. Ask Ss to use the different forms of verb “be” correctly.then some pairs act them out to check the pronunciation and the forms of verb “be”.This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

  Task 4:Ask Ss to open their books and turn to Page 14. Look at part 2a, Explain the chart and make sure the students understand the chart and what to do.Then play the tape for three times. For the first time the students only listen to understand the whole general meaning of the conversations. For the second time the Ss pay attention to the activity in each conversation and write them in the chart. For the third time the Ss pay attention to the time that the activities in each conversation are done and write them down in the chart.Ask some Ss to write their answers on the Bb and check them.This task provides guided listening and writing practice using the target language.

  Step 4. summary

  First ask two students to read Grammar focus to the students. One reads the questions, and the other reads the answers. This can check their pronunciation and trains their reading ability.

  By ask and answer some questions ,sum up the grammar point, get the conclusion that the present progressive tense can also be used to talk about the future activities.This task guides the Ss to study English by thinking hard and conclusion. After that they can have a rational knowledge to the target language.

  Task 5: Ask the Ss to work in groups of four. Tell the students that if they don’t have a good rest, they can’t study efficiently and making a good vacation plan can make their trip happy. So they must arrange their vacation carefully. Write down their group mates’ answers in the chart in your book.

  This task provides the Ss a chance to use English freely. They can say the conversation according to their thought using the target language. Of course, at the same time, it trains the Ss’ speaking ability. Also, it guides the Ss to study English by communication. Another, I change the parts’ order of the text book, because this part can be delayed to the end of the class. After class, they can continue to talk about it.

  Step 5. Homework

  write a passage talk about what you and your classmates are doing for your next vacation. The homework can help the students to consolidate the target language and train their writing ability.

  Finally ,I will write the key words and sentence pattern on the blackboard ,students can know what they learnt in this class clearly.

  一、 说教材:


















  3.Ask and anwer



  6.Exercises in class







  16单元是第二册的第二个单元,也就是说是这个新学期的第二单元。16单元的主题是围绕“问路和指路”展开的,同时教同学,如何用情态动词“Can”和“May”来表达许可和可能。在第二册上学期的课本中,同学已经学到了一些关于“问路和指路”的知识,而且他们也知道一局部关于许可的表达,比方“May I come in?”“Can I borrow your pen?”“May I speak to Ann,please?”等等。所以在这个时候对同学在这方面的知识进行扩展和巩固就显得水到渠成。而且在同学们的实际生活中,培养他们了解地图和区别方向的能力尤其重要。61课就是关于这个知识的扩展。62课是一篇与这个主题紧紧相扣的阅读资料。63课则是关于“May”和“Can”的语法点。64课则是对于整个单元的巩固,它包括听、说、读、写四个方面的落实和一篇阅读短文。我认为这个单元的教学目标应该是:


  1、 同学能够使用下列单词:


  2、 同学能够使用下列表达:

  Turn left日right at the …crossing.

  Go on unit you reach…

  You can’t miss it.

  On one’s way to, first of all, be /get lost , wait for


  1、 同学能够根据所给地图或街道说明一些地点的具**置。

  2、 同学可以用不同的方式问路。

  3、 同学可以用“Can”和“May”表达许可和可能。


  1、 让同学感受到他们学*英语是为了在实际生活中进行交流,而不单纯是为了英语课和应付考试而学*。

  2、 让同学感受到他们是英语学*活动中的主体和中心,以此来激励他们在英语课上积极参与,追求创新。


  1、 同学应学会用不同的方式表达同一件事,学会用英语去考虑问题,即用想象力表达自身的观点。

  2、 同学应该在英语学*中学会使用brainstorming


  1、 教同学真诚待人,助人为乐。

  2、 教同学如何设身处地为他人看想。


  1、 如何准确自如地用这么多表达方式来问路和说明。

  2、 如何用Can和May表达可能性。


  1、 交际法和情景法教学


  2、 以同学为中心和任务型教学。



  在61课中,首先我用节奏游戏来复*一些公共场所的名称。同学一边拍手一边就工作和工作地点展开问和答,例如:hospital,police station,school,past office,bus station等等。然后我会把写有这些地点名称的厚卡纸放在同学的课桌上,让同学就此谈论每个公共场所的位置:in front of,next to,beside,on the night / left,between… and…,outside 等等。


  1)send some postcards

  2) borrow some books

  3) drink coffee with my friends

  4) buy some VCDs

  5) go to my friend’s wedding

  让同学回答我要做以上事情将要去的场所。在适当的时候,我会向同学出示咖啡馆,碟屋和教堂的照片。然后将61课的地图出示在屏幕上,问他们如何到这些地方去,教他们使用下列表达“Go across the bridge”,“Go up this road to the end”,“Go on until you reach the end”,“Turn right at the second crossing”。


  接着便是同学将学到的新知识运用到他们的真实生活中去。我会把我们本地的地图挂出来,让同学说明去一些地方(汽车站,图书馆,长城,宾馆和银行)的路径,其他人则猜他/ 她将到哪儿去。




  在常规阅读步骤之后,为了让同学对于整编文章有一个大致的了解,我会让同学填写下列表格。What did Liu Mei do to help the woman?

  What’s wrong with the woman? What did Liu Mei do?


  任务1:角色扮演 同学以五人一组分角色扮演课文内容

  任务2:画图 根据警察的说明为老妇人画一张地图。

  任务3:猜想 猜一猜关于刘梅的信息,用“Maybe”和“may”

  任务4:复述 老妇人打电话一个电台记者,并且告诉他这个故事。

  任务5:采访 电台记者采访了刘梅的同班同学:你是怎样看待刘梅的?为什么?假如你在路上碰到这个老妇人你会怎么办?


  在课文开头,我会用同学聊天的形式来达到复*Can和May的目的:“May I come in?”“Can I borrow your…”“May I speak to…”等等。



  A:May / Can I swim here/ cross the road now/ take photos with the tiger/ watch TV?

  B:No,you can’t. I can be dangerous./ It can be bad for your eyes.

  其它的图片可以是:一个在椅子上擦窗户的女孩,一人用小刀削苹果的小孩,一个正在开煤气灶的妇女,一个横穿马路的男孩等等。让同学学会回答:“Be careful!You may hurt. Yourself.”



  What may your friends do next Sunday?

  Who Where they may be Things they may do


  第五局部是一个阅读文章。首先我会出示三张图片:第1张,我正在一个大的购物中心买东西,第2张,我迷路了,第3张,我突然发现了购物中心的出口。我们边谈论,边出现新的表达方式:be/get lost,go wrong,suddenly,reach.


  任务1:计算 计算Mrs Lee花了多少时间从饭店到碟屋并返回,而实际上她只需要多少时间。

  任务2:画图 根据那个“man”的说明帮Mrs Lee先生画一幅地图。

  任务3:解决问题 根据地图协助妇女找到回去饭店的路径。

  任务4:讨论 在大的地方容易迷路,我们怎样防止?


  Geetings and introduction:

  Good afteroon,everyone. I’m I’m an English teacher from Middle School. I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is made of five parts. It includes Teaching material ***ysis, Teaching methods ,Study methods ,Teaching procedures and blackboard design.

  一. Teaching material ***ysis.

  I. Status and function

  Today I’m going to talk about_______________________________________

  It plays a very important role in the English teaching of this unit. By studying this

  lesson, Ss can improve their listening ability. The Ss should receive some moral education. At the same time, we should get the Ss to learn some words and some expressions about protecting wild animals.

  II. Teaching aims

  1. Aims on the knowledge

  (1) To enable the Ss to understand and speak: ______________________ Make sure that Ss can use these sentences in real situations.

  (2) To help Ss to finish _________________________________

  2. Aims on the abilities

  (1) To develop Ss’ abilities of listening and speaking.

  (2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in groups.

  (3) To foster Ss’ abilities of communication .

  3. Aims on the emotion

  (1) To foster Ss’ consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition.

  (2) To enable Ss to_________________________________

  4. Key-points of this lesson

  (1) To help Ss_____________________________________

  (2) To enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.

  (3) To develop Ss’ interest in English.

  5. Difficult points

  (1) To help the Ss _______________________and make sure they can use


  (2 )How to_________________________________________

  6. Teaching aids

  In this lesson, the multi-media will be used to make the class lively and

  improve my teaching result.

  二 .Teaching methods

  As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English is to cultivate pupils’ basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the English

  language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Task-based” teaching method. That is to say, I will let the Ss learn in real situations, finish a task by making a survey to help the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue. I will arrange four kinds of activities: singing, guessing game, finishing a survey and having a competition. And in this lesson a recorder, CAI, school things and a printed form will be needed. Students should prepare some school things.

  三.Study methods

  ① Teach the Ss how to be successful language learners.

  ②Get the Ss to form good learning habits.

  ③Teach the Ss how to communicate with others and take competition methods to develop the Ss interest in English.

  四.Teaching procedures and purposes of my designing.

  I’ll finish this lesson in five steps.

  Step 1. Warm-up and preview


  Purpose: It is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss by singing and doing some total physical response and at the same time

  it provides situations to review learned knowledge for the next step.

  Step 2. Presentation

  Now I’ll mainly talk about this step.


  Purpose: To present the key structures one by one is much easier for the Ss to learn and grasp the meanings. Proper competition can arouse the Ss’ interest in English learning.


  Purpose: CAI can provide a real situation for the Ss to understand the dialogue and the relationships between people better. Tell the Ss we should show

  our loveliness to the Ss.

  Step 3. Practice


  Purpose: Task-based teaching method is used here to develop Ss’ ability of

  communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained.

  Step 4. Production


  Purpose: To check the knowledge Ss have learned in this period.

  Step 5. Homework


  Purpose: Revision is so important that Ss should speak English as much as they as in class or after class. It is necessary for the Ss to do some extensive exercises after class to consolidate the knowledge they learned.

  五.Blackboard design

  Geetings and introduction:

  Good afteroon,everyone. I’m Yuan Xingchen. I’m an English teacher from Sihong No3 Middle School. I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is made of five parts. It includes Teaching material ***ysis, Teaching methods ,Study methods ,Teaching procedures and blackboard design..

  六. Teaching material ***ysis.

  1. Lesson type and contents.

  Today I’m going to talk about the reading part of Unit5, Oxford English 8A. I’ll finish the part in two lessons. This is the first period.

  2. Status and function



  Project English七年级下册Unit7的教学是围绕有关生日等方面的话题展开

  的。本话题重点以询问What can you do?为中心,展开学*一些相关的生活用语,本节课学生通过学*对话初步接触了情态动词的应用与动词词组的学*。所以本课是本单元的重要组成部分,也是前后知识的载体,在日常生活中占有重要的地位。
























  Step 1复*导入



  Step 2新课讲解






  3.让学生听课文2的录音,完成对话。请几对学生到教室中间分角色表演Miss Cat与Mr. Monkey。评出最好的表演者并给予奖励。


  Step 3知识巩固,交流分享





  Step 4讨论归纳,适当练*。




  背诵1a;做 Unit 7Topic 2 SectionA的练*

  用can和can’t 写一篇描述自己的文章。不少于5句。

  [设计意图] 目的是巩固本节课所学重点知识,提高学生英语交际能力。


  Unit 7Topic 2 Section A

  Can you dance or draw?


  play basketball play the guitar 1. What can you do at the party?

  perform ballet dance the disco 2. Can you perform ballet?

  ride a bike drive a car Yes, I can ./ No, I can’t。

  sing Chinese / English songs 3. Can you dance or draw?

  have a good time I can dance. I can do it a little/very well.


  The Introduction of the teaching plan

  for section B(1-2c) unit 5 (go for it)

  I have the honor to reveal my ***ysis of English lesson

  here. I’d like to say I’ll try my best not to let all of you down. As teachers ,if you want to have an excellent class of English ,especially an open class to many experts like all of you, we should have to dig into the teaching material ,***yze the teaching material. However, I think we should take these parts

  into consideration. ①Teaching material and the students ②teaching methods ③learning methods④procedures ⑤blackboard design and assessment .Ok, let me say something about my teaching plan for unit 5 section B. Today the first I’ll talk about is the first part “Analysis of the Teaching Material and students”

  Part One: Analysis of the Teaching Material and students

  (一) status and function

  The topic of this unit is about decision making. Such topic is related to daily life of students, so it is helpful to raise learning interest of students and it will be helpful to improve their spoken English. This unit is divided into two parts: Section A and Section

  B. Section B is divided into two periods. This period is the first lesson of Unit5 section B. It introduces new vocabulary while recycling the language presented in Section A. All activities help students integrate the new target language with the language studied in Section A. This recycling reinforces previous language learning while providing additional practice with newly learned language. It also increases the students listening and speaking ability by listening practice and pair work talking

  (二) Teaching Aims and Demands

  The teaching aims basis is established according to Ju

  nior School English syllabus provision. In accordance with the ***ysis of teaching material and the requirements of “go for it" English teaching syllabuses. The focus of teaching should be laid on grasping key vocabulary and structures, and developing the students’ ability of communication. So I’vedesigned the following aims and demands

  1. Knowledge objects

  Key vocabulary: agent; make money;

  travel around the world; get an education

  Target language:

  I think you should go to college

  But if I go to college, I’ll never become a great

  soccer player.

  2. Ability objects:

  To train students’ ability of listening and speaking

  To train students’ ability of communication

  3. Moral objects:

  Money isn’t everything.

  To be interested in taking part in activities in English class

  (三)Teaching key points and difficult points

  1. Key points:

  key phrases:

  travel around the world; make money; get an education key structures: I think you should …。If I… I’ll never…

  2. Difficult points:

  how to train and improve students’ listening ability.

  (四) Analysis of the students

  The Ss has learned English for about two years so far. Although they are all from the rural area, they can understand some words and some simple sentences. The Ss have taken a great interest in English now.

  1. The students don’t have large vocabulary.

  2. The students seldom communicate in English

  in normal times.

  3. The students are lacking in listening and speaking skills.

  4. The gap of the Ss’ knowledge level in the same class is quite wide

  (五) Teaching aids

  Multi-media computer, Tape recorder, some money and so on. They will be needed in this lesson.

  Part Two The Teaching Methods

  1. Communicative teaching method

  2. listening and speaking methods

  3. Task-based teaching method

  As we all know,the main instructional aims of learning English in the Junior Middle School is to train students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Communicative teaching method” ,“listening and speaking teaching method ” and “Task-based” teaching method. That is to say, I’ll let the Ss get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue. I’ll give the Ss some tasks and arrange some activities: free talking, listening and answering , oral practice, acting out and having a competition. Above all, I will let the Ss learn in real situations, finish a task by making a survey to help the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the conversation.

  Part Three The Learning Method─cooperation

  The students will finish some tasks in limited time to improve their listening and speaking skills. The students will take part in some activities like working in pairs, discussing in pairs. Each unit in “Go for it” contains pair work, group work and games. The students who sit at the same table and groups can make a discussion and learn each other. It makes each student be relaxed. They needn’t worry about making mistakes.It can arouse students to think and to say what they want to say. Study will become more relaxed and pleased in this kind of environment.

  Part Four Teaching Procedure

  一Teaching steps

  Step 1 Leading in

  T: Good morning, boys and girls!

  Ss: Good morning, sir!

  T: (Take out a piece of bill) Look! What’s this?

  Ss: Money.

  T: Who likes it? Hands up?

  Ss: (Ss all put up their hands)

  T: (kiss the money) me, too. (Put the bill in the pocket)

  Ss: (Ss all laugh)

  T: (Show a man who is holding plenty of money)

  Ss: Wow.

  T: If I have so much money, I will give some to the poor students in our class, and if they work hard, I will give them more. If you have so much money, what will you do? Work in pairs and talk

  about it.

  (Students are talking about it in pairs; they have enough words to say)…

  (Talk about the question with many students.)

  T: S1, If you have so much money, what will you do?

  S1: If I have so much money, I will give some money to my


  T: You are so kind. Don’t you want to travel around the world?( translate into Chinese if necessary; Teach: travel around the world)

  S1: I think I will.

  T: S2, what about you?

  S2: If I have so much money, I will buy some new clothes for my parents. They are very hard-working.

  T: That’s a good idea. Don’t you want to get an education? (Translate into Chinese if necessary; teach: get an education) S2: Yes, I am sure I will go to college.

  T: If you work hard, I think you will go to college.

  S2: I think so.

  T: S3, if you have so much money, what will you do?

  S3: I will open up a company and make more money.

  T: That’s great. May you success!

  S3: Thank you.

  ( Ask more students to talk about it )…

  T: If we have so much money, we will do a lot of things with the money. So money is very important for us; S4, do you think money is everything? (Translate into Chinese if necessary)

  S4: I think money isn’t everything.

  T: I agree with you. Money isn’t everything.

  Purpose of my designing: I think it is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss and at the same time it is necessary to provide situations to review learned knowledge for the next step and present some new words and phrases.

  Step 2 Study the phrases

  T shows the phrases in Activity 1 and let Ss read and learn.

  Step 3 Circle and survey

  1. T: Look at the things in Activity 1, which of the things are the most important to you? Circle three things.

  (Ss circle. Wait for a moment)

  T: What is the most important thing to you?

  S5: To go to college.( help if necessary)

  T: What’s the second?

  S5: …

  T: What’s the third?

  S5: …

  (Ask more students to say)

  2. T: Please work in groups of six, and count up the number of

  Show the most students in each item.

  _____ think _____ is the most important thing to them, ______ think _____ is the second important thing to them, and _____ think _____ is the third important thing to them.

  Purpose of my designing: To provide situations to review learned knowledge for the next step listening and make sure the Ss can grasp the key words and phrases and learn to express their own opinion

  Step 4 Listen and write “A” or “P”

  T: Look at the pictures in Activity 2a, we can see two pictures, the first picture is about Michael and a soccer agent (teach: agent), and the second picture is about Michael and his parents. And we will hear two conversations, Conversation One is about Michael and the soccer agent, Conversation Two is about Michael and his parents. Listen to the recording and write “A” or “P” in the blanks.

  A----- a soccer agent

  P----- Michael’s parents

  (Make sure they know the letters’ meaning)

  (T plays the recording for the first time, Ss listen. T plays the recording for the second time, Ss write “A” or “P”)

  Correct the answers with the students.

  Purpose of my designing: to give students practice n the target languages in spoken conversation

  Step 5 Listen and complete

  T: Look at the sentences in Activity 2b, read the sentences first. (Students read loudly)

  T: Listen to the recording, Listen to the first sentence as a model. (Play the recording; let them know the first sentence) now.




  1. 遵循教学大纲要求,明确说课内容。把握说课与上课区别与联系,正确理解教材、教案说课、上课之间层进关系,走出说课即是“说教案”误区。

  2. 以教师为主导,学生为主体,体现先进教学理念。

  3. 详略得当,重点突出,体现说课完整性。

  4. 与教案相结合,体现其可操作性。


  1. 说教材:科学分析教材,明确重点难点、教学目标和要求以及教材在单元中地位和作用。

  2. 说学生:谈谈学生知识与能力结构,明确说课内容难易程度。

  3. 说教法:谈谈本节课要实施教学手段、方法以及教具使用。

  4. 说学法:谈谈学*方法运用以及将要实现目标。

  5. 说教学程序:说为什么要设计该程序?目、意图何在?结果如何?

  6. 说板书设计:谈谈板书设计根据和理由,力求体现说板书设计程序性、概括性和艺术性。




  本单元旨在创造一个轻松、愉快的学*、交流环境,通过听、说、读、写来培养学生综合运用所学知识的能力。并让学生能在“做中学”(learning by doing),通过有限的课堂实践活动,使学生能根据实际情景做出正确的反应,能准确表达。

  本单元是人教版新目标英语七年级( 上 )第八单元。主要围绕“When is your birthday?”这一主题展开各种教学活动,这是本单元的重点部分,也是核心教学,主要学*日期的表达。它上承Unit 7 的数字教学,包含了相关日期的英语教学,并为以后的日期的运用打下基础。因此本单元是前后知识的载体,在本单元以及今后的英语学*中都占重要的地位。



——初中英语说课稿 菁选

初中英语说课稿 15篇

  作为一名专为他人授业解惑的人民教师,编写说课稿是必不可少的,借助说课稿可以提高教学质量,取得良好的教学效果。我们应该怎么写说课稿呢?以下是小编为大家整理的初中英语说课稿 ,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。

  一、 教学理念:


  二、 教材分析:

  (一) 教材的地位与作用

  本课是新目标英语七年级下册第二单元,其教材是以“i am more outgoing than my sister”为中心话题,学*和运用形容词的比较级让学生能描述个人的特征,能够运用比较级来进行对比描述。这些都是与我们的实际密切相关,能够轻松地激起学生学*英语的兴趣,师生、生生之间的交流也培养了学生的合作精神,促进了学生,教师的情谊,从而对学生英语学*水*的提高会有很大的促进。

  (二) 教学目标


  外貌:tall、short、heavy、thin、long hair……







  (三) 教学重点及难点

  重点:掌握词汇tall、short、heavy、thin、long hair、short hair、calm、smart、foolish、lazy、work-working等等,并学以致用。


  2、掌握形容词比较级的句子,如which is bigger,the apple or the orange?

  三、 教学方法

  初中生的好奇心,求知欲是比较强的,但是其抽象思维能力比较低,注意力容易分散,所以我采取情景交际法,任务型教学法,从而激发学生学*英语的兴趣,让孩子能轻松接受。本节课通过给学生设定具体的任务,让学生集中注意力,为了其任务及学*目的去实施特定的.语言行动,从而获得更多的知识,让学生not learn english,dut use it!

  四、 教学程序













  五、 教学效果预测


  a. New wrds and phrases

  b. Sentence pattern: If- clause

  c. iprve their reading sills.

  d. Taling abut prbles f the Earth.

  6. 说教学难点 teaching difficult pints (语法;发展交际能力)

  a. functinal ite: Suppsitin.

  b. Develp their cunicative abilit. Act ut their wn dialgue.

  7. 说教具 teaching aids (ulti-edia cputer, sftware, OHP)

  The teaching sllabus sas that it’s necessar fr teachers t use dern teaching facilities. It’s f great help t increase the class densit and iprve ur teaching result. It can als ae the Ss reach a better understanding f the text b aing the classes livel and interesting. At the sae tie, it aruses the Ss’ interest in learning English.

  二、说教法 Teaching ethds

  Five step ethd; audi-vide; cunicative apprach;

  Tas-based learning: New Sllabus Design encurages teachers t use this teaching ethd. TBLT can stiulate Ss’ initiative in learning and develp their abilit in language applicatin. Mae the Ss the real asters in class while the teacher hiself acts as the directr and bring their abilit int full pla.

  三、说学法 Stud ethds

  1. Teach Ss hw t be successful language learners.

  2. Teach Ss hw t develp the reading sill — si ≈ scan; hw t cunicate with thers; hw t learn new wrds; hw t learn independentl;

  3. Get the Ss t fr gd learning habits.

  四、说教学过程Teaching prcedures

  I. 复* (Revisin) 5in (Dail reprt; 词汇diagra; brainstring; activate scheata)

  Activit 1: Iaginatin

  1). Suppse a bttle f in is turned ver and dirties ur white shirt, what is t be dne? (Wash it? Or thrw it awa?)

  2). Suppse u catch a bad cld, what’s t be dne?

  3). Suppse ur bie is bren, what’s t be dne?

  4). And suppse the earth, n which we all live, is daaged, what’s t be dne?

  * What can u thin f when u see “pllutin” this wrd?(waste, envirnent, air, water, factr, desert, cliate... Tr t activate the Ss scheata regarding the tpic f pllutin.)

  II. 呈现 (Presentatin) 5in

  Activit 2: Presentatin

  Pla the sng “Earth Sng” sung b Michael acsn. (Create an atsphere)

  A lt f pictures and vide clips abut the causes and results f the three prbles entined in this lessn will be shwn n the screen with the help f the cputer.

  Ss’ presentatin n pllutin. Attract their attentin, aruse their interest, and create a gd atsphere fr cunicatin.

  * Activate their scheata and cultivate their abilit in cllecting infratin fr the Internet and develp their abilit in thining independentl.

  III. 对话 / 阅读 (Dialgue)18

  1. Pre- reading

  Activit 3: Predictin

  1st listening/ fast reading, ne guided Q t help Ss t get the ain idea:

  What d u thin is discussed at the cnference?

  2. While- reading

  Activit 4: Read and answer

  2nd listening/ careful reading, re Qs t get the detailed infratin. Develp their reading sills: si ≈ scan. Pa attentin t the prnunciatin, stress ≈ intnatin.

  * 阅读: Pre-reading; while-reading; pst-reading (fast reading/ careful reading; si/ scan; 识别关键词e wrds;确定主题句;创设信息差infratin gap;T r F; 填表格chart/diagra; Predicting; Mae a tieline; Mae a str ap。达到对课文的整体理解和掌握。S that the can have a gd understanding f the whle text.)

  3. Pst- reading

  Activit 5: Language fcus

  While Ss are answering the Qs, the teacher deals with se e language pints.

  a. is being caused b. and s n c. g n ding

  d. be fit fr e. standing r f. if- clause

  IV. 操练 (Practice) 10

  Activit 6: Retell

  Use ur wn wrds t retell the dialgue in the 3rd persn.

  Activit 7: Acting ut

  Activit 8: Drill – Suppsitin

  Purpse: Practise the functinal ite f Suppsitin. (P. 33 Part 2; P.113, wb Ex. 3)

  (Retell; act ut; rle pla)

  V. 巩固 (Cnslidatin) 6

  (Discussin; interview; press cnference; debate; quiz)

  Activit 9: rle pla

  Suppse u were head f a village, scientist, urnalist and villager, ae up a cnversatin and as several grups t denstrate in frnt f the class.

  * The Ss are encuraged t use the wrds and expressin_rs lie pllutin, daage, be fit fr, turn int, the if- clause, etc.

  Activit 10: Discussin

  Thin f the questin: Are we causing daage t the wrld?

  What shuld we d t save the earth and prtect ur envirnent especiall in ur dail life?

  Cllect their answers and fr a reprt.

  VI. 作业 (Hewr) 1 (Writing; cntinue the str; recite; retell)

  Write a letter t the ar, telling hi sth. abut the pllutin arund ur schl.

  五、说板书Blacbard design



  我说课的内容是PEP Book 4 Unit 5 B Let’s talk.。主要从教材分析、教学策略、教学程序 、板书设计、教学评价等方面作具体的阐述。


  本单元的话题是shopping. 购物与我们的生活息息相关,本课的知识点是大部分学生乐于学*和接受的,相信他们对本课的学*充满期待。



  [认知目标] 能够听、说、认读本课时的主要句型:A pair of …for… What size? How much are they? We’ll take them.

  [能力目标] 能够跟录音朗读对话,并能分角色进行表演。能够较好地完成Group work中的调查表格.

  [情感目标] 通过活动、游戏使学生产生学*英语的兴趣;让学生敢于、乐于开口,积极参与交流。并让学生在学*的过程中,培养他们的合作意识和竞争意识。

  在仔细研究教材和分析学生的心理和生理特点的基础上,我认为本课重点是掌握有关购物的句型:如How about this pair? Are they nice? How much are they? They are yuan.等价格的复数表达法。难点是A pair of …for… 中for的含义;What size? size的发音;We’ll take them. them 的发音以及理解这句话的含义。





  导入设计、新课呈现、巩固操练、拓展延伸以及课后作业五个环节。教育家托尔斯泰说过:“成功的教学所必须的不是强制,而是激发学生的兴趣,兴趣是推动学生学*的强大动力,是学生参与教学活动的基础,激发学生的兴趣是新课导入的关键。”“Well begun, half done”良好的开端是成功的一半。

  第一环节 导入设计分三块:

  ①唱一唱本单元的歌曲“The coat in the window”(How much is that coat in the window? )一首优美的英文歌,全班同学在教师的'带领下,边拍手边唱,营造良好的英语氛围,使学生能自然地进入到一个良好的学*状态中。

  ②Let’s do Put on your sneakers. Run in the park. Put on your sandals. Wiggle your toes. 通过TPR活动,让全班学生能够做起来,动起来。在复*旧知的基础上为新课的学*起到一个呈上起下的作用。

  ③Free talking:What’s the weather like today? 聊一聊天气,为后面创设明天开运动会,John需要一双新的运动鞋的情境埋下伏笔。同时也营造一种民主、和谐、宽松的英语氛围,为学生架设一座由中文思维向英文思维过渡的桥梁。

  第二环节 新课呈现分两部分:

  ① 利用课件,出示不同的鞋子,引出shoes shop。操练chant: sneakers , sneakers, a pair of sneakers , a pair of sneakers for my friend.

  ② 创设妈妈和John去鞋店买鞋的情境,教师扮演assistant,引出句型What size? How about this pair? Are they nice ? Are they all right?等等。

  第三环节 巩固操练分五部分:

  ①玩一玩,鲁迅说过:“游戏是儿童的天使。”本节课我设计“我猜,我猜,我猜猜”的游戏来操练句型 How much are they? They are .


  片,在黑板上制作一个简易的鞋子商店,操练句型Can I help you? How about this pair? We’ll take them等

  ③听一听,听课文录音,完成教师提问A: What size? B: How much are the sneakers? 让学生带着问题去听,养成良好的倾听*惯。







  第五环节 课后作业也是两部分:




  PEP Book 4 Unit 5 How much is it?

  B Let’s talk

  How about this pair?

  Are they nice?

  How much are they?

  They are yuan.


  综观整节课,为了达到新课标所要求的小学英语课程的要求, 我主要通过创设教学情景进行师生互动,充分激发学生学*英语的兴趣,培养英语学*的积极态度,把情感、态度与价值观目标的实现融合在知识与能力、过程与方法目标实现的过程之中,努力为学生进一步学*英语打下坚实基础。

  苏霍姆林斯基说过:没有也不可能有抽象的学生。因此,我们要鼓励孩子们,让他们知道“English, I can”.

  That’s all. Thank you!


  一、 说教材

  (一) 教材分析

  本单元出自山东教育出版社义务教育课程标准试验教科书八年级上册,第七单元在本册中处于教学的后期位置,但具有重要作用,重点在于培养学生英语交际能力,并结合生活中切实常用的话题:给人们的日常行为提出一定的建议,做出礼貌的道歉行为来展开基本语言内容的教学,并与第八单元的内容具有一定的联系。本单元遵循教材总体特点,采用任务型教学模式,并融汇话题,交际功能和语言结构would you mind doing sth? 进而形成一套循序渐进的生活化的学*程序。学生比较容易乐于接受,说课的内容是本单元Section A(1a~1c)部分,本课是单元首篇,以 Would you mind turning down the music? 为主题,本节内容具有词汇量较大,强调综合运用,贴*生活实际等特点。通过本节学*,可增加学生的单词储备量,提高学生综合运用能力,学生将学会用英文表达请求,表示歉意。在获取基础知识,发展基本能力的同时进一步强化学生学以致言,学以致用的英语学*观和合作品质。

  (二) 教学目标



  让学生掌握其中的重要词汇mind, turn down, not at all等和句式would you mind doing sth? 并能让学生掌握如何运用所学句式提出礼貌请求以及礼貌的向他人道歉。






  结合教学目标的要求,我把本课的重点设置为首先使学生掌握mind, not at all, turn down等重点词汇的用法,及课重点句型结构Would you mind doing sth? 并给出正确答语;怎样向别人有礼貌的道歉。

  根据本课的内容和学生的实际,本课的难点为让学生掌握向别人提出请求的的句式Would you mind doing? 并给出正确的答语,能够在实际生活中应用。


  1 学情分析


  2 教学方法





  Step1. Lead-in

  通过情景设计进行free talk来导入本节课地主要内容。设计的情景时周末邀请一名学生去吃饭,老师使用的句型是Would you like to have dinner with me this Sunday?通过这个问题来调动学生的积极性,引导学生主动表达学生在生活中如何邀请其他同学去海边,去看电影等让学生通过思考这些表达方式来进行自由对话。

  Would you like to do sth?

  Can/could you please do sh?

  How/what about doing sth?

  Why don’t you do sth?

  Why not do sth?

  Let’s do sth.

  Shall we do sth?

  通过这个情景设计来引出本节课将要学*的用来礼貌的提出请求的句型:would you mind doing sth?


  Step2 Pre-listening task

  为学生展示课本上的图画,通过相关的问题来引导学生找出主要的动词短语:clean the yard, play baseball, move the bike, turn down the music. 然后通过标题Would you mind turning down the music?带入词组进行反复训练,让学生充分熟练这个结构,同时在这一环节中通过图画中的烦乱画面对学生进行一定的情感教育:对于违反规则的一些事情要礼貌的提出请求。


  Step3 Listening –task


  活动一:听一遍录音,完成activity1b,通过这遍听力注重would you mind doing?的问句。同时让学生注意前两个问题的`不同,总结出这个句型的肯定和否定形式,然后有学生举例进行练*,并将学生的一些例子写在黑板上。



  Step4 Pairork



  Step5 Groupwork



  Step6 Summary and test


  Step7 Homework


  拓展性作业:Write a letter to your best friend who you want to talk with about his/her problems using the sentence structure.







  What are you doing? I am watching.

  What is he doing? He is doing homework.

  Is she reading? No, she is doing her homework.








  watching, doing, eating cleaning, playing, reading, swimming, shopping, pool, school, mall, library


  What are you doing? I am watching.

  What is he doing? He is doing homework.

  Is she reading? No, she is doing her homework.











  5. 我在教学过程中设计了填表和动词填空的练*,以检查学生对本课的掌握情况。在整个教学活动中,我还采用了幻灯片,对顺利开展教学活动起到了很好的 辅助作用。














  Geetings and introduction:

  Good afteroon,everyone. I’m Yuan Xingchen. I’m an English teacher from Sihong No3 Middle School. I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is made of five parts. It includes Teaching material ***ysis, Teaching methods ,Study methods ,Teaching procedures and blackboard design.

  一。 Teaching material ***ysis.

  I. Status and function

  Today I’m going to talk about_______________________________________

  It plays a very important role in the English teaching of this unit. By studying this lesson, Ss can improve their listening ability. The Ss should receive some moral education. At the same time, we should get the Ss to learn some words and some expressions about protecting wild animals.

  II. Teaching aims

  1. Aims on the knowledge

  (1) To enable the Ss to understand and speak: ______________________ Make sure that Ss can use these sentences in real situations.

  (2) To help Ss to finish _________________________________

  2. Aims on the abilities

  (1) To develop Ss’ abilities of listening and speaking.

  (2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in groups.

  (3) To foster Ss’ abilities of communication .

  3. Aims on the emotion

  (1) To foster Ss’ consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition.

  (2) To enable Ss to_________________________________

  4. Key-points of this lesson

  (1) To help Ss_____________________________________

  (2) To enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.

  (3) To develop Ss’ interest in English.

  5. Difficult points

  (1) To help the Ss _______________________and make sure they can use ______________correctly.

  (2 )How to_________________________________________

  6. Teaching aids

  In this lesson, the multi-media will be used to make the class lively and

  improve my teaching result.

  二 .Teaching methods

  As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English is to cultivate pupils’ basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use "Task-based" teaching method. That is to say, I will let the Ss learn in real situations, finish a task by making a survey to help the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue. I will arrange four kinds of activities: singing, guessing game, finishing a survey and having a competition. And in this lesson a recorder, CAI, school things and a printed form will be needed. Students should prepare some school things.

  三。Study methods

  ① Teach the Ss how to be successful language learners.

  ②Get the Ss to form good learning habits.

  ③Teach the Ss how to communicate with others and take competition methods to develop the Ss interest in English.

  四。Teaching procedures and purposes of my designing.

  I’ll finish this lesson in five steps.

  Step 1. Warm-up and preview


  Purpose: It is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss by singing and doing some total physical response and at the same time

  it provides situations to review learned knowledge for the next step.

  Step 2. Presentation

  Now I’ll mainly talk about this step.


  Purpose: To present the key structures one by one is much easier for the Ss to learn

  and grasp the meanings. Proper competition can arouse the Ss’ interest in English learning.


  Purpose: CAI can provide a real situation for the Ss to understand the dialogue

  and the relationships between people better. Tell the Ss we should show

  our loveliness to the Ss.

  Step 3. Practice


  Purpose: Task-based teaching method is used here to develop Ss’ ability of

  communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained.

  Step 4. Production


  Purpose: To check the knowledge Ss have learned in this period.

  Step 5. Homework


  Purpose: Revision is so important that Ss should speak English as much as they

  as in class or after class. It is necessary for the Ss to do some extensive exercises

  after class to consolidate the knowledge they learned.

  五。Blackboard design

  Good morning, my dear judges, I am______.It is my pleasure to have this opportunity to talk about my teaching ideas.Now I will say section A (1a to 1c)of unit_____.It is from Grade_____in Go for it.The title is____________________.My presentation consists of——————parts.Part 1 The ***ysis of the teaching material It includes the following parts.First,status and function This leon is a reading paage, which focused on the topic of __________________, such a topic is related to our daily life, so it is easy to arouse the Ss’ learning interests.

  Second,teaching aims and demands

  the knowledge objective :

  By the end of this leon, Ss can learn the new words and new phrases:______________________________________ Understand the main idea of the article; And master the usage of ___________________(某个语法点) the Ability objective:

  skim for the main idea of the article and scan for the specific information, predict some information and understand the whole article, and

  enlarge the relative knowledge by reading more materials in library or from internet, write a report of the topic, etc.

  the emotional objective: to develop the spirit of cooperation through teamwork and pair-discuion;

  arouse Ss’ interest in English learning

  Third, the Important points:

  to get an overall understanding of the whole text, and develop their reading skills such as anticipating, skimming, scanning, summarizing language points…..…(具体课型用具体例子阐述) the usage of the______________________( 语法或句型) Fouth the Difficult points: Are enable the Ss to use the new words and phrases to expre their ideas in daily life, and develop the ability of skimming and scanning.master the usage of ____________________________( 语法或句型) 根据教学过程设计的内容来决定)

  Part 2 The ***ysis of students The Ss have learned English for some years.They understand some words and simple sentences.They are curious, active, and fond of game, competition, and various activities.They enjoy learning through cooperation in a relaxing atmosphere.

  Part 3

  Teaching methods In this leon, My teaching methods include

  communicative teaching method, and task-based teaching methods.Besides, a computer, blackboard, a tape recorder, OHP and powerpoint are needed as the teaching aids.

  Part 4 Teaching procedures There are five steps in my teaching procedures. Step1Warming-up and leading in (3mins) Free talk; talk something related the topic of the article.

  show pictures .Purpose: activate the Ss to regard the topic of ___________________(主题) and create a relaxing atmosphere .

  Step2Pre-reading (10mins) There are 2tasks for the Ss. First,Do a gueing game.Show some funny pictures and sentences on PPT and then ask the Ss to Gue the meaning of the new words.Then ,ask some students to answer their key.right or wrong,don’t tell them,now.let them find by themselves when studying the test.Second ,Practice the new words and phrases: Match the new words and phrases with the Chinese meanings.The left is English words and phrases,the right is Chinese meanings,ask some students to answer.

  Purpose: through gueing, to arouse Ss learning interest, and help them to learn the new words and phrases which they may come acro while reading, pave the way for the following learning . Step3While- reading (15mins) Listen to the tape There are two tasks for the Ss.first reading: Ss read the article as quickly as they can and try to get the general idea by answer the following questions.Q1: who/ when/ what/ ……….second reading: pair-discuion

  Ss read the article more carefully, and then discu with their partners to finish the exercises .The two tasks are aim to develop Ss’ reading ability.And then get a deep understanding of the article.

  Step 4 Post-reading (10mins) 1)Group discuion: fill in the blanks

  Ss discu the article with their group members, and find out the language points, such as the key words, phrases, and sentence structures in the article.

  And then fill in the blanks in a short paage present on the PPT.The short paage is made up from the article, and the answers are the language points in this leon.

  After check the answers, I will help the Ss to summarize the language points.2)Retell:(As the students retell the key words。Prompt the student to pay attention to correct use of the tenses)

  Use the key word and phrases presented on the PPT to retell the article.

  Purpose: Through group work, cultivate the spirit of cooperation, and train the ability of solve problem by themselves.In cla, the teacher is just a guide, while the Ss are the center, where, the teacher just join them, giving suggestions, and offering help when they need.Meanwhile, ask the Ss to retell the article, is an output, and it can evaluates how well the Ss learned in this leon.

  Step 6Homework (2mins) Go over today’ leon and preview the next leon.Then write 5 sentences with this leon learned new words and phrases.Purpose: consolidate the language points and do prepare for the next leon, and develop the ability of writing.

  Part 5 blackboard writing design Title N ew words new phrases

  grammar focus

  Part6 teaching evaluation Generally, when I finish cla ,the part time still remains 5minutes,it will be to leave the students exchange discuion.I will use this part time to help some students who has certain difficulty on the English students.Anyhow I will try my best to make the cla alive and encourage the students to speak more and keep smiling and praising them.I think that I will arouse their interest in studying English.

  That’s all about my teaching ideas of this leon.Thanks you ! 首先first, to mention first, to begin with, first of all, firstly 接着secongly,then,besides,what's more,in addition,thirdly,...as follow 最后at last,last but not the least,above all,all in all, to sum up,in one word, on the whole,finally

  七年级英语上册unit3 This is my sister.说课稿



  今天我说课的内容是人教版七年级上册Unit 3 This is my sister中Section A部分。下面我将从说教材、说学情、说教法学法、说教学过程、说板书设计、说教学反思六个方面进行说课。



  本课是人教版七年级英语上册第三单元第一课时。本单元是就第二单元认知物体之后学*用英语认知人,而与学生最为熟悉的人就是家庭成员。从“Is this your eraser? ”很自然过渡到“Is this your sister?” 以前学的“What is this?”转变成“Who is this?” 教材以This is my sister.为中心话题,围绕谈论有关家庭成员的用语,并学会询问别人的情况,介绍自己的家庭,谈论自己的情感。但本单元生词较多。出现在第一课时的就有十五、六个,同时还要认识到名词复数的概念及其运用。因此,本课时任务比较艰巨。








  通过本节课学*,学生就家庭成员相互之间能用英语简单的介绍、询问、交流。掌握基本This is/That is... These are/Those are... 等句型,培养学生实际交际的能力。同时基本上能辨别什么时候用单数什么时候用复数。






  难点:复数的认识和正确运用。汉语表达中完全没有复数概念,这是一本书,这是三本书;除了数字的改变没有其他任何变化。而英语必须这样说This is a book. These are books.所有的单词都相应的发生了变化。因此,中国学生在学*复数的时候特别难。







  1. 引导学生用小组合作的方式来完成任务型教学所设计的各项活动。全班分为7个小组,每组6-7人,各组英语水*相当,并引入竞争机制。培养学生的实际能力,发展学生的合作能力。

  2. 采取的教学手段是多媒体辅助教学,充分利用农村中小学现代远程教育资源,自制课件,用生动的课件调动学生的感官,进行听说读写的训练。培养学生的观察力和想象力,发展学生的思维能力。





  S1: Is this your pen? ----- Yes, it is.

  S2: Is that her ruler? ----- No, it isn’t. It’s my ruler.



  T:What is this? ------ Ss: It is a photo.

  T: Is this your photo? ------- Ss: No, it isn’t.

  T: It’s not your photo. It’s my photo. And this is my sister. 从而引出本课时重点句型: This is my sister. 并在此基础上讲解“this is...”是用来向对方介绍他人的。同时运用这句型“This is?”进行教学新单词:mother , father , sister , brother , grandfather 等所有家庭成员。让学生先对本课所要讲的内容有个初步的感知,激发学生进一步学*的动机。


  为了调动学生的积极性,主动深化短时记忆中的信息,并逐步向长时记忆迈进、发展。我将利用多媒体生动活泼呈现多张家庭成员图片。让学生将单词与图中人物匹配,认识家庭成员。并学会使用This / That is my... 和 These are / Those are...介绍家人和朋友,巩固知识、操练知识。在此同时,要注意与讲解名词的复数形式,以及让学生能够正确的运用。




  a) 通过播放1b录音,学生听,模仿说,完成任务,巩固语言材料,培养学生听说能力。 b)让学生准备几分钟,运用本课所学的句型“This / That is ?”和“These / Those are ?”对1a 中戴夫家庭成员进行介绍。进一步巩固本课的.重难点。 c) 对学生进行分组,分别完成2c对话之后。让学生用自己的照片,编出自己的对话,到前面进行对话表演。转换角色,练*对话。


  在学生已在大脑中构建新的认知结构基础上,提供适当的课堂练*,不仅能让学生在实践中自我学*、自我改进、达到自我完善;而且能够充分地让学生体会到“知识的获得并不只是单方面的‘输入’过程,更重要的是知识的‘输出’” 也就是说能够根据外部实际情况对新知识准确地提取并加以运用。



  1. 掌握所学词汇。

  2. 向同学介绍家人或朋友。



  Unit 3 This is my sister.(Section A)

  ----Is this your sister?

  ---- Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

  This / That is my friend.

  These / Those are my friends.





  大家上午好。很高兴能有这次机会和大家一起交流学*。今天我说课的内容是人教版新目标八年级英语下册第一单元What’s the matter ?的第一课时Section A (1a-2c). 我将从教材、学情、教法、学法、教学过程、板书设计几个方面进行说课。

  一、 说教材

  1、 教材内容及地位

  本节课的主要内容是新目标英语八年级下册第一单元第一课时,教材是以What’s the matter ?为中心话题,描述身体不适和提出建议展开,学*和运用“What’s the matter ?”和“What should…do?”让学生学会描述身体的不适和提出建议,本课教材内容与学生的实际生活密切相关, 易于引出学生运用简单的英语进行交际和交流,在学*活动中,学生通过交换对身体不适的描述及建议,促进学生之间和师生之间的情感交流,增进情谊。

  第一课时主要学*内容是学*有关身体部位的单词,学*“What’s the matter ?”和“What should …do?”句型。

  2、 说教学目标

  1) 知识目标:学*掌握有关身体的词汇以及有关疾病的词汇,并学会描述身体的.不适和提出建议。

  2) 能力目标:听懂本课学*活动中的问题及回答,能在本课的任务型活动中进行简单的交流,能正确朗读本课的对话和句型,能写出本课的单词和句型。

  3) 情感目标:通过描述自己的身体的不适、提出建议,表达自己的看法,使学生在人际交往中学会关心别人,增进情谊。

  4) 文化意识目标:用恰当的方式表达自己的看法,增进人际交往中学会关心别人的能力,了解英美国家询问和表达身体不适的*惯, 培养世界意识。

  3、 说教学重难点

  重点:本节课主要学*身体部位的单词和一些疾病的词汇,以及身体不适的表达及建议。 难点:身体不适的表达及建议

  二、 说学情


  三、 说教法










  五、 说教学流程

  Step 1 Warming-up

  T: How are you?

  Ss: I’m fine. Thank you. How are you?

  T: I’m OK. But I have a cold. (我感冒了)What should I do?(我该怎么做)

  学生提建议:看医生(see a doctor)休息(have a rest) ,吃药(take some medicines)等 ,教学以上词汇,为以下对话做铺垫。

  Step 2 Lead-in 直接导入新课,引出课题。

  Today we’re going to talk about the ***. Let’s learn Unit 2 What’s the matter? (板书并教学课题)

  Step 3 New words

  1、 Now let’s look at the picture. This is a body. We’re going to learn the part of the body. (利用图片、单词卡片进行教学)

  2、 Game.(叫几个学生上讲台,其余的学生在下面通过卡片抽读,上面的学生迅速指出身体部位) 通过游戏让学生更好地掌握单词,这样可以加强对单词的巩固。

  3、 通过老师的表情,动作让学生用“What’s the matter?”询问,引出疾病的单词,如:sore throat, sore back=backache, toothache, stomachache等,并利用卡片进行教学。同时让学生用You should…提出建议。

  Step 4 Practice (利用图片问答)

  1、Game (学生抽图片,表演,进行问答)

  A: What’s the matter ?

  B: I have a cold./ a stomachache/ backache…

  A: You should see a doctor./ have a rest/ take some medicine…

  2、A: What’s the matter?

  B: She/He has a cold. /a stomachache/ backache…

  A: what should she do?

  B: She/He should see a doctor./ have a rest/ take some medicine…

  Step 5 pair work (让学生和同伴练*对话,抽查几对学生对话)

  A: What’s the matter?

  B: I have a cold. /a stomachache/ backache…

  A: You should see a doctor./ have a rest/ take some medicine…

  Step6 listening

  通过上面一系列的对话练*,学生对1b 的对话已经很熟悉了,所以更好的把握。 继而完成2a 和2b

  Step 7 小结(这节课主要学*掌握有关身体的词汇以及有关疾病的词汇,并学会描述身体的不适和提出建议。)

  Step 8 Homework 记单词和用所学单词句型跟同学进行对话练*

  六、 说板书设计

  Unit 2 What’s the matter?

  ①A: What’s the matter ?

  B: I have a cold./ a stomachache/ backache…

  A: You should see a doctor./ have a rest/ take some medicine…

  ② A: What’s the matter?

  B: She/He has a cold/ sore throat /stomachache…

  A: She/He should see a doctor./ have a rest/ take some medicine…





  本单元是初中英语新教材第三册第2单元,本单元的核心话题为“talk about what they used to be like”,围绕着谈论过去自己和他人过去经常做的事,谈论自己和他人过去的外貌性格爱好,以观察图片、听力理解、阅读理解等训练方式和独立学*、合作交流、完成任务等形式完成目标语言的输入,学*句型Used to 为主要学*任务,并且设置任务型综合性语言实践活动,让学生在交际活动中,学会如何正确地用英语表达自己的意见和建议,重在培养学生的*得语言运用能力、实践能力、合作能力及创新意识。




  ●Used to, dark, spider, insect

  ●Used to

  ●Conjunction but


  ●Mario used to be short.

  ●Yes, he did. Now he’s tall.

  ●I used to eat candy all the time.

  ● Did you ?

  ●Yes, I did. And I used to chew gum a lot.


  1)依托本单元的语言素材提高学生听、说、读、写及自学、创新和沟通能力。熟练掌握“used to” 句型,培养学生运用语言的能力。



  4) 在表演中培养学生乐于表达的人际交往能力和知识创新能力。


  重点: used to句型。

  难点:used to句型在日常生活中的运用。
















  课 时内容任 务主要方法Period 1Section A 1a-2c掌握本单元的单词;初步掌握used to 的用法听、说Period 2Section A 3a- 4掌握并能运用used to 的用法,学会谈论过去;巩固新知,完成Section A学*任务。听、说、写Period 3Section B 1a-2c能够谈论自己或他人过去的外貌、性格、爱好等,提高交际能力听、写、说Period 4Section B 3a- 4b阅读理解,写出2b的描述。完成Section B,提高写作能力。听、读、写Period 5Selfcheck1-2查漏补缺,复*巩固,拓展新知听、说、写作











  T: What’s this?

  S: It’s a photo.

  T: Who is it?

  S: It’s…

  T: He used to be short, didn’t he?

  S: Yes.

  She used to be thin ,right?

  She used to have short hair. outgoing ,etc.

  让学生根据图片所提供的信息回答问题,从图片导入,为本课的学*used to 句型做了铺垫。当学生一一回答出上述问题后,将表示外貌和性格的形容词板书出来。可以请同学们描述照片中人物的过去的相貌和性格,并说出更多的这样的句子,引导学生该如何描述过去常常的事等,让他们慢慢领悟到:在对比情况下,怎样描述过去,让他们以愉悦的心情接受新知识。





  Mario used t be__short______. He used to wear_________________.Amy used to be ______________. She used to have ________________.Tina used to have _____________ and ________________ hair.

  第二遍,采用漏词填空形式,将听力材料打印出来,漏掉关键词语,让学生边听边填。最后,将含有答案的听力材料展示在大屏幕上。设置的填空既要考虑难易适中,又要照顾本课重点。不能让学生听不懂,失去信心。我们应该让学生觉得“我行”,而不是“我不行”。本课听力主要在于考察学生对形容词的掌握,所以在设置填空时,将其作为重点。让学生通过填空去体会,给学生留下深刻的记忆。然后让学生根据手中的听力原文,跟读录音,进行朗读训练,这样不仅练*了1c 的pair work,更重要的是让学生学*到了纯正的语音、语调,弥补了教材朗读材料的不足。




  让学生根据自己的喜好,表达自己的猜测。练*之后再听,学生听起来有的放矢,避免了听不懂听力内容的尴尬。听两遍学生就能顺利地完成2a和2b,也为2c 的pair work打下基础。











  通过读写训练,进一步学会用 used to 结构来表达自己和同伴过去害怕,或现在仍旧害怕的事情,并且要把最后的结果书写下来,然后让他们将结果用英语告之其他同学,为学生创造展示才能的机会。这样能使全体同学都积极参与,集中精力认真听。既巩固了本节课的目标语言,又为下一个环节3b的对话打下基础。活动结问题比较容易,英语基础较差的学生也能够独立完成,因此,在检查答案是尽量让这部分学生回答,使他们体验到成功后的喜悦,提高他们学*英语的兴趣。




  ActivityPastNowEat…Read…Watch…on TVDo …at school










  What other things did you use to do when you were a child?








  本课是人教版七年级英语上册第三单元第一课时。本单元是就第二单元认知物体之后学*用英语认知人,而与学生最为熟悉的人就是家庭成员。从“Is this your eraser? ”很自然过渡到“Is this your sister?” 以前学的“What is this?”转变成“Who is this?” 教材以This is my sister.为中心话题,围绕谈论有关家庭成员的用语,并学会询问别人的情况,介绍自己的家庭,谈论自己的情感。但本单元生词较多。出现在第一课时的就有十五、六个,同时还要认识到名词复数的概念及其运用。因此,本课时任务比较艰巨。








  通过本节课学*,学生就家庭成员相互之间能用英语简单的介绍、询问、交流。掌握基本This is/That is... These are/Those are... 等句型,培养学生实际交际的能力。同时基本上能辨别什么时候用单数什么时候用复数。






  难点:复数的认识和正确运用。汉语表达中完全没有复数概念,这是一本书,这是三本书;除了数字的改变没有其他任何变化。而英语必须这样说This is a book. These are books.所有的单词都相应的发生了变化。因此,中国学生在学*复数的时候特别难。






  1. 引导学生用小组合作的方式来完成任务型教学所设计的各项活动。全班分为7个小组,每组6-7人,各组英语水*相当,并引入竞争机制。培养学生的实际能力,发展学生的合作能力。

  2. 采取的教学手段是多媒体辅助教学,充分利用农村中小学现代远程教育资源,自制课件,用生动的课件调动学生的感官,进行听说读写的训练。培养学生的观察力和想象力,发展学生的思维能力。





  S1: Is this your pen?—— Yes, it is.

  S2: Is that her ruler? —— No, it isn’t. It’s my ruler.



  T:What is this? —— Ss: It is a photo.

  T: Is this your photo? —— Ss: No, it isn’t.

  T: It’s not your photo. It’s my photo. And this is my sister. 从而引出本课时重点句型: This is my sister. 并在此基础上讲解“this is...”是用来向对方介绍他人的.。同时运用这句型“This is?”进行教学新单词:mother , father , sister , brother , grandfather 等所有家庭成员。让学生先对本课所要讲的内容有个初步的感知,激发学生进一步学*的动机。


  为了调动学生的积极性,主动深化短时记忆中的信息,并逐步向长时记忆迈进、发展。我将利用多媒体生动活泼呈现多张家庭成员图片。让学生将单词与图中人物匹配,认识家庭成员。并学会使用This / That is my... 和 These are / Those are...介绍家人和朋友,巩固知识、操练知识。在此同时,要注意与讲解名词的复数形式,以及让学生能够正确的运用。



  a)通过播放1b录音,学生听,模仿说,完成任务,巩固语言材料,培养学生听说能力。 b)让学生准备几分钟,运用本课所学的句型“This / That is ?”和“These / Those are ?”对1a 中戴夫家庭成员进行介绍。进一步巩固本课的重难点。 c)对学生进行分组,分别完成2c对话之后。让学生用自己的照片,编出自己的对话,到前面进行对话表演。转换角色,练*对话。


  在学生已在大脑中构建新的认知结构基础上,提供适当的课堂练*,不仅能让学生在实践中自我学*、自我改进、达到自我完善;而且能够充分地让学生体会到“知识的获得并不只是单方面的‘输入’过程,更重要的是知识的‘输出’” 也就是说能够根据外部实际情况对新知识准确地提取并加以运用。







  本单元出自山东教育出版社义务教育课程标准试验教科书八年级上册,第七单元在本册中处于教学的后期位置,但具有重要作用,重点在于培养学生英语交际能力,并结合生活中切实常用的话题:给人们的日常行为提出一定的建议,做出礼貌的道歉行为来展开基本语言内容的教学,并与第八单元的内容具有一定的联系。本单元遵循教材总体特点,采用任务型教学模式,并融汇话题,交际功能和语言结构would you mind doing sth? 进而形成一套循序渐进的生活化的学*程序。学生比较容易乐于接受,说课的内容是本单元Section A(1a~1c)部分,本课是单元首篇,以 Would you mind turning down the music? 为主题,本节内容具有词汇量较大,强调综合运用,贴*生活实际等特点。通过本节学*,可增加学生的单词储备量,提高学生综合运用能力,学生将学会用英文表达请求,表示歉意。在获取基础知识,发展基本能力的同时进一步强化学生学以致言,学以致用的英语学*观和合作品质。




  让学生掌握其中的重要词汇mind, turn down, not at all等和句式would you mind doing sth? 并能让学生掌握如何运用所学句式提出礼貌请求以及礼貌的向他人道歉。






  结合教学目标的要求,我把本课的重点设置为首先使学生掌握mind, not at all, turn down等重点词汇的用法,及课重点句型结构Would you mind doing sth? 并给出正确答语;怎样向别人有礼貌的道歉。





  Step1. Lead-in

  通过情景设计进行free talk来导入本节课地主要内容。设计的情景时周末邀请一名学生去吃饭,老师使用的句型是Would you like to have dinner with me this Sunday?通过这个问题来调动学生的积极性,引导学生主动表达学生在生活中如何邀请其他同学去海边,去看电影等让学生通过思考这些表达方式来进行自由对话。

  Would you like to do sth?

  Can/could you please do sh?

  How/what about doing sth?

  Why don’t you do sth?

  Why not do sth?

  Let’s do sth. Shall we do sth?

  通过这个情景设计来引出本节课将要学*的用来礼貌的提出请求的句型:would you mind doing sth?


  Step2 Pre-listening task

  为学生展示课本上的图画,通过相关的问题来引导学生找出主要的动词短语:clean the yard, play baseball, move the bike, turn down the music. 然后通过标题Would you mind turning down the music?带入词组进行反复训练,让学生充分熟练这个结构,同时在这一环节中通过图画中的烦乱画面对学生进行一定的情感教育:对于违反规则的一些事情要礼貌的提出请求。


  Step3 Listening –task


  活动一:听一遍录音,完成activity1b,通过这遍听力注重would you mind doing?的问句。同时让学生注意前两个问题的不同,总结出这个句型的肯定和否定形式,然后有学生举例进行练*,并将学生的一些例子写在黑板上。


  设计理念:通过听力材料为媒介进行听说练*。 Step4 Pairork 同桌之间合作,利用本节课所学结构进行对话练*,要注意肯否定的同时训练。


  Step5 Groupwork

  首先引导学生总结出日常生活的主要场所——学校的一些校规,四个同学分为一组,创设一个情景,可以是教室,操场,走廊,图书馆,实验室等学校的各个角落,根据所了解的学校规则来展开想象,常设一个情节比较完整的对话,尽可能多的运用之前学过的知识点,不仅仅局限于本节课所学句式,看看那个小组最有创意?哪个小组最好? 设计理念:小组合作,培养乐于学*与团队合作的意识,同时也是对礼貌提出请求和以前所学内容的复*。

  Step6 Summary and test 引导学生总结本节课主要内容,然后进行当堂检测来检查本节课所学内容的掌握程度。

  Step7 Homework


  拓展性作业:Write a letter to your best friend who you want to talk with about his/her problems using the sentence structure.





  本单元主要是谈论话题“Things around the house”,其中Section A则围绕学*“询问物品的位置”这个本单元的重点而展开多种任务型的教学活动,使学生学会基本句型“Where’s/ Where’re ~~~? It’s/ They’re on/in/under~~~~.”和 “Yes/No”疑问句,进一步体会和学会运用“Where…? Yes/No”疑问句的用法;学会运用方位介词“on/in/under”来表达物品的位置。通过以上两个方面的学*,使学生学会运用听关键词、推测词意的学*策略,识别不同物品的位置。这样既能让学生了解自己的家居环境,热爱自己的家,又能促使学生通过想象来设计自己理想中的房间和对好的生活*惯的重新认识。本单元与第五单元衔接紧密:由本单元“Is/Are …?”的学*过渡到第五单元“Do …?”一般疑问句的学*,最终促进学生综合运用语言能力的提高和形成学生在实践中学会学*的能力,从而为终身学*打下坚实的基础。





  Where’s my backpack? It’s on/in/under/behind/next to the chair.

  Are my books on the chair? Yes,they are.No,they aren’t.

  Is it on/in/under ……? Yes,it is.No,it isn’t.

  (2)学*和掌握有关家具类的单词:table, bed, dresser, bookcase ,sofa ,chair ,drawer , plant , bag

  (3) 学会三个方位介词的用法:on ,in , under




  学*策略:通过work in pairs and work in groups ,听对话贴图,师生之间和学生之间的教学活动,培养学生学*英语的认知策略、元认知策略和交际策略等。








  爱因斯坦曾说过:“兴趣是最好的老师。” 兴趣是学*自觉性的起点,是智慧灵感的源泉。本课的对象是刚进初中不久的七年级新生,有部分学生小学并没有学过英语,他们对英语有着极大的兴趣和好奇心。教师应该抓住这个有利因素,注重对学生学*英语兴趣的培养,保持他们强烈的好奇心和旺盛的求知欲。因此,教师在教学过程中要精心设计各种教学活动,积极采用新颖、丰富多彩的教学手段来激发学生的学*兴趣,用兴趣来激活他们的思维能力,唤起他们的学*注意力,进而充分调动学生的学*积极性和主动性,让他们积极参与到教学中去,真正成为一堂课的主人。俗话说:“良好的开端是成功的一半。”七年级英语教学是整个初中英语教学的基础,让学生迈好英语学*的第一步,对培养学生学*英语的能力和促进学生的个性发展有着很大的帮助。






  2、 多媒体辅助教学法


  3、 交际法

  学*英语,目的在于用英语进行交际。英语要作为交际工具来教,也要作为交际工具来学,做到学用统一。在英语教学中,要使语言形成与学生的生活实际相联系,从而使口语技能发展成运用语言进行交际的能力。要达到这一要求 ,使学生能运用外语进行交际,教师在课堂教学中就要设法结合生活实际,创造交际活动情境,精心设计一些真实的情景,增强学生学*的兴趣,让学生利用所学的语言知识,自由表达自己的思想和见解,提供师生交流、学生与学生交流的机会,让学生在做中学,在实践交流中获得信息,*得英语。在教学中,我遵循这一原则,设计一些比较真实的情景。

  4、 任务驱动式教学法

  任务驱动式教学方法是指在整个教学过程中,教师不直接讲解教学内容,而是把教学内容分解到精心设计的一系列任务中,通过让学生自己完成任务来学*知识、掌握技能。 这种方法对于培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,激发和维持学生的学*积极性等有着独特的优势。因此,在教学过程中,我所要求学生掌握的内容都是通过一个个任务来进行,由易到难,由简到繁,让学生在不知不觉完成任务的过程中学到知识。







  Step1. Revision

  1. duty report

  2. 复*unit 2所学过的.物品名称,为新课学*作铺垫。

  Step2. 创设情景,导入新课

  1、 游戏法教学单词



  活动过程:(1)学生以小组为单位,从课本P19 的图画中寻找家具,规定时间内找得最多并能准确说出家具名称的小组获胜。


  语言知识:What’s this ? It’s ------.

  2、 直观法教学介词

  (1)老师拿出铅笔和铅笔盒,通过不断变换铅笔在铅笔盒的位置,形象直观地引出三个介词: on, in, under

  (2)学生拿出自己的铅笔和铅笔盒,跟着老师边说边做动作,通过实践来体会这三个介词的用法。这一过程用chant 的形式来进行,这样既强化了记忆,又避免了机械的死记硬背。

  Step 3. 师生互动,学*探究


  情景一、Jimmy 是个粗心大意的男孩,他总是把东西乱放。请你帮他把需要的东西找出来。做1B的练*。



  Where is /are-----? It’s / They’re--------.


  3. 投影出1B的图片,引出本课另一重点句型:

  Is the baseball/Are the books -----?

  Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.





  活动过程:投影出一所空房子的图片以及各种家具的图片。教师提问:Where is/are-----? 学生以小组为单位进行讨论,并选派代表来猜:Is it /Are they-----?


  语言知识:Where is/are-----? Is it /Are they on/in/under-----?

  Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.




  语言知识:Where is/are-----? Is it /Are they on/in/under-----?

  Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.




  Step5. Homework





















































  Good morning, dear judges. I’m No.1. I am glad to interpret my lesson here today. The lesson plan I am going to talk about is from unit 7 what does he look like? Now, I will present it from several parts: the ***ysis of teaching material, teaching objectives, important points and difficult points, teaching procedures, the blackboard design and so on.

  I. The ***ysis of teaching material

  This course is the first period of Unit 7, which is chosen from PEP English, Grade. 7. This course mainly talks about people’s appearance, such as people’s height, build and hair. It can help students to judge different looks of different people. And improve their communicate abilities and find people according to him/ her appearance. Therefore, this lesson plays an key role in their further studying.

  II. The ***ysis of students

  The students in Grade. 7 can adapt to the junior middle school English learning atmosphere and methods. After the last term, many students have got familiar with the present tense. So I think it’s easy for them to master this course. But they are young, more encouragements are needed. And teacher should try to give more time to students to practice.

  III. The ***ysis of teaching objectives

  According to the new Curriculum Standard in English, I set the teaching objectives as follows:

  The first one, knowledge aim: By the end of the class, students can read and write these words: hair, tall, height, thin, heavy, build, etc. and can read “curly, straight, medium.” Students can describe one’s appearance, by using these sentence patterns: What do you look like? I’m short. What does he/she look like? He/She has short hair.

  The second one, ability aim: Promote students’ listening and speaking skills and communicative competence about describing one’s appearance. Promote students’ competence of ***yzing, inducing, and summarizing.

  The third one, emotional aim: Promote students’ awareness of helping others.

  IV. The ***ysis of teaching important points and difficult points

  Vocabulary: hair, tall, height, thin, heavy, build, curly, straight, medium.

  Target languages: -What does he/she look like?

  -He/She is tall.

  -What do you look like?

  -I’m thin. I have short hair.

  V. The ***ysis of teaching methods

  As we all know ,the main instruction aims of learning English in middle school is to cultivate students’ basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language . So in this lesson I will mainly use Task -based Language Teaching Method and the Audio-Lingual Method. That is to say, I will let the students learn in real situations to finish a task by making activities such as talking, guessing game, having a competition and so on. About learning strategies: self-learning and cooperative learning.

  VI. The ***ysis of teaching aids

  To help students learn better. I will mainly use chalks, multimedia recourse, pictures.

  VII. The ***ysis of teaching procedure

  Next, let’s focus on the most important part of this lesson, the ***ysis of teaching procedures. I’ll finish this lesson in the following steps.

  Step 1. Lead-in

  I’ll ask students some questions and lead them to describe the QQ show pictures on the screen. Then I will write “long hair, short hair, curly hair, straight hair” on the blackboard. It can arouse students’ interest to speak English and make students have something to say by using interesting QQ pictures.

  Step 2. Pre-listening

  Then, let’s move to next step, pre-listening. I will show pictures of star stars, which elicits “tall, short, of medium height ,heavy, thin, of medium build”, and at the same time I will write these words on the blackboard. Then game time. I will divide the class into two groups. I will read the words on the blackboard once, students repeat them twice. If I read it aloud, students should read quieter. If someone makes mistakes, another group will get one point. The reason why I design this part is that I believe the competition can arouse students' interest in learning English.

  Step 3. While-listening

  Now let’s talk about the third period, while-listening. There are 3 activities in this step. The first activity is extensive listening. I’ll ask students to listen to the tape, then find out the main idea of this conversation. The second activity is intensive listening. I will ask students to listen to the tape once again. And try to find the answer. “What does he look like?” I will write the dialogue on the blackboard. The third activity is to read after the tape. Through this section, students could understand the dialogue.

  Step 4. Post-listening

  Next step is about post-listeing. Students should finish a task: you meet a woman who is looking for his son, and you want to help her to find his child as follows:

  ---Excuse me. Did you see a little boy?

  ---Oh. What does he look like?

  ---He is ... / he has...

  During this training, students are able to practice dialogue in a real situation

  Step 5.Summary and homework

  Now, let’s come to the summary. I’ll make a summary together with students at the end of the class. It can help students review what we have learned today. The homework is to make a new dialogue with the new words and sentences and share it in next class. It can provide more opportunities to practice after class.

  VIII. The ***ysis of blackboard design

  The last part is my blackboard design. These are the new words and phrases. These are key sentences. It shows the important points for students.

  Finally, I believe that students are able to describe person's appearance, distinguish the difference of the use of “is / has”, and their sense of helpfulness will be promoted at the end of the lesson. That’s all for my presentation. Thank you for your listening.














































  这几天不知为什么,手边的东西总是四处乱丢。一天大约二分之一的业余时间基本上都在找东西。因此每天使用频率最高的一句话:”Where is my pen?” “Where is my book?”(我的书在哪里)等等,通常同事们都是用there be 句型+方位介词做回答。今天我说课的内容选自于初一人教版第十单元37课,标题为 Where is it? 由此可见,初中人教版的对话编排几乎都是从生活中实际需要出发,让学生能掌握生活中基本的常识交流。发展他们自主学*的能力,形成有效的学*策略。本节课侧重于对方位介词的理解与应用。无论是情景对话实际应用还是考试练*,它都占据着非常重要的一*之地。


  知识目标:熟练应用介词 on, in, under, behind, near.及there be 句型。




