English story作文(精选5篇)

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  English story作文 1

  One day, Joe is become a cowboy. He is happy very much, and Appry their childrens are happy. But Daren is not happy, he is very sad. Why does he sad? Because his father bacome a cowboy, he want to become a cowboy, too. but he is 15 years old, he is so young, so he can not become a cowboy.

  “Hello, brother.” Manju says, “You look like not good. Why are you not happy? Our father become a cowboy! It’s so cool!”

  “Yes, it’s so cool. So I want to become a cowboy, too.” Daren says.

  “Oh, but you are so young.” Manju says. “I want to become a teacher.because teachers can teach students, that’s so cool, too.”

  “No, the cowboy is cool.” Daren is sad. He wants to go outside. Joe know Daren wants to become a cowboy, so he says: “Hi, my good son. Do you want to become a cowboy?”

  “Yes, dad.”

  “OK. If you are 18 years old. You can. But now you can’t. But I can teach you.”

  “Really, dad? You can teach me? Oh! I am very happy!” Daren is jumping.

  “What shell we do?”

  “Thatl’s a secret.”

  English story作文 2

  After dinner, mom and dad didn't want to brush the pot. Dad asked mom to brush the pot. Mom asked Dad to brush the pot. They pushed and pushed. At this time, I said, "you can cut the bag and hammer. Whoever loses will brush." Mom and Dad agreed to the idea.

  Who knows for a while mother lost, but she is playing tricks is not brush. He also said, "I will not brush the pot, I will not brush it. What can you do to me? I'm so angry with you. (this is adapted from a mobile phone ring tone) dad had no choice but to brush the pot with tears (haha, it's too exaggerated).

  English story作文 3

  Donny is my little brother. He is a naughty boy.

  On Sunday morning Donny went into the yard and played with a dog. Sometimes a bird would come down to stay on the top's of the dog's house. Then Donny threw a stone at it.

  Suddenly the little boy began crying. Mother ran to Donny and asked him what was wrong.

  He said, "I've broken sister's plate. She has beaten me." "Why?" "I threw it at a bird, and it went straight to the plate."

  Such was my naught brother.

  English story作文 4

  The main character of this one is Cinderella. Why do I like her? Because she is very kind. Why is Cinderella worth liking? But look carefully!

  Once upon a time, a couple had a daughter. Soon after, my mother died. My father married another stepmother. She only liked the two daughters she brought, not Cinderella. Every day, let her go to work. At night, let her sleep in the utility room. Therefore, she is always covered in ashes. People call her "Cinderella".

  One day, the prince asked the girls all over the country to go to the dance to choose their wives. Cinderella wants to go, but her stepmother doesn't agree. She just takes her two daughters and asks Cinderella to make up for her sisters. Cinderella is very sad. The elf is moved by Cinderella. Changed a skirt and a pair of crystal shoes for her, and reminded her to come back at 12 o'clock, otherwise, the magic would be invalid.

  Cinderella went, the prince was fascinated by her and only danced with her. At twelve o'clock, Cinderella ran away and accidentally dropped her crystal shoes. The prince took the crystal shoes and asked Cinderella's house. The sisters couldn't wear them. Only Cinderella could wear them. The prince and Cinderella had a grand wedding and lived happily!

  Read this and know that the beauty of mind is the real beauty!

  English story作文 5

  One day, mother rabbit was ill. She asked Xiaoli, the little white rabbit, to pick some mushrooms.

  Xiao Li came to the forest and carefully picked a colorful mushroom. It was full of joy. At this time, the tiger just passed by and thought: I heard Xiao Li is very smart. This time I eat it, I am smart. Thinking about it, it has been staring at Xiao Li viciously.

  It can't help but pounce at last, the little white rabbit is in a panic, running and shouting: "help, help!" When Uncle elephant heard that, he hurried to go. He rolled up the tiger with his nose and threw it out. The tiger disappeared.

  Xiao Li kept thanking, and Uncle elephant blushed.

English story作文(精选5篇)扩展阅读

English story作文(精选5篇)(扩展1)

——一个有趣的故事(A funny story)作文(精选五篇)

  一个有趣的故事(A funny story)作文 1

  Lt m say somthing about th pictur.

  Thr ar two tall trs in it. Undr th tr thr is a long chair. And thr is an old man rading about swimming. Nar th old man, thr is a boy painting. I think h lovs painting vry much. Nxt to th painting boy, thr ar two boys playing football. Thy ar happy. But th football is in th rivr. Nar th rivr, thr ar thr childrn fishing. Thy go fishing about twic a wk and thy always go to th Popl’s Park. Thy lik fishing. In th rivr, thr is clar watr and som fish swimming in it. Th sky is clar, th sun is shining brightly,th wathr is warm.. Thr ar two birds flying in th sky, thy ar happy. Wow, that is a fun pictur!

  Dar frinds, can you draw th pictur?

  一个有趣的故事(A funny story)作文 2

  Today, when I read the newspaper, I saw the interesting news, it is said that the first rainbow tunnel has been built in our country. I have seen many tunnels when I went out by bus, every time when the bus went through the tunnel, it was so dark, I felt not good, it just like I went to another gloomy space. But the rainbow tunnel is very different, it is so colorful, it looks so comfortable.

  It is so sweet for the workers to build such lovely tunnel, it brings the travelers good mood, the workers are so considerate, they deserve the big praise. I think if more rainbow tunnels are built, the travelers will be less tired in their journey.

  一个有趣的故事(A funny story)作文 3

  It was a sunny day today,when i got up in the morning,i decided to see my grandparents.so i took the bus and got there at noon,they were happy to see me,and i was very happy,too.

  In the afternoon,my farther asked me to help him water the plant,and i was happy to see the flowers smiling in the wind.

  In a word,today is a unforgetive day.because i saw my relatives and helped people.





  一个有趣的故事(A funny story)作文 4

  Pandas have a white coat with black fur around their eyes, on their ears, muzzle, legs and shoulders. The unique physical features of the species include broad, flat molars and an enlarged wrist bone that functions as an opposable thumb - both of these adaptations are used for holding, crushing and eating bamboo.

  Giant pandas are classified as bears and have the digestive system of a carnivore, but they have adapted to a vegetarian diet and depend almost exclusively on bamboo as a food source.

  Pandas live mainly on the ground but have the ability to climb trees as well. While the species does not hibernate, it often relocates to lower altitudes in the winter and spring.

  一个有趣的故事(A funny story)作文 5

  I have a beautiful childhood.There was an interesting thing in my childhood.

  It was Friday. My father, my mother and I went to my grandfather's home.My elder brother was there too.So,I played with him.

  He told me that playing with a yo-yo was interesting. So I bought a yo-yo in a shop near my grandfather's home.But my grandparents,my uncle,my aunt and my parents didn’t know where we went .So they were very angry, but my elder brother and I were very happy

English story作文(精选5篇)(扩展2)

——My English teather合集5篇

  My English teather 1

  My name is Lisa.I am twelve years old.My English teacher is Amy.She is from new york.A city of America.She is tall and beautiful.Her eyes is blue.Her hair is brown.She is vey nice.But she is strict with us in our homework.We like talking English with her.She likes sport very much.We always play basketball with her.She likes cooking food.She usually cooks cookie.And she often shares the cookie with us.The cookie is very tasty.We like our English teacher very much.

  My English teather 2






  My English teather 3






  My English teather 4







  My English teather 5


  MISS在同学们的眼中是一位严厉的老师,他在我的眼中是一位“拼命三郎”。她为了同学们毕业考的成绩,为了同学们的美好前途,他总是不断的对同学们不断的付出。每天,我们两个班的作业 堆得像一座山,她利用下课的点滴时间,把自己藏在作业堆里埋头苦改。

  除了改作业,她还要盯紧我们这些不完成作业的“捣蛋鬼”。记得有一次:六年级上册的时候,我没有写周末的英语作业,老师在课堂上狠狠的批评了我一顿,并且叫我第四节的体育课去找他补作 业。一来到老师办公室老师的第一节课就是:“志阳,你来啦,快坐下。”我开始补我的作业,老师一边看我的作业一边对我说:“志阳,为什么没有写作业?”我支支吾吾的想了半天,最后才说:我没有抄作业回家。”你啊!你啊!上了六年级也不把不抄作业的*惯改改,六年级的功课是十分紧的,不写作业是不行的。“

  MISS郑不仅仅是一位”拼命三郎“,更是一只”笑面虎“。记得有一次:上公开课,老师看着后面的”听众“。并没有妈一些没有写作业的同学,而是十分温柔的给我们讲课,让我们在课堂上欢声 笑语;可是下课后”听众“们走了,MISS就开始发威了”王禹,有没有写作业“。原来,她一早就发现有同学没完成作业,刚才碍于情面没有发火。这下客人一走,她怎能饶了这些懒惰虫呢!你们说,MISS郑是不是一只”笑面虎“。

  六年过去了,转眼间,我们也长大了起来,再过一个月,我们就要和我们相伴六年的小学生活,踏上了成长的道路,去上中学了。一回想起来,其实,最应该感谢的是母校,是感谢教过我们的老师们 !

English story作文(精选5篇)(扩展3)

——The best way to learn English初中优秀作文(精选5篇)

  The best way to learn English初中优秀作文 1

  Since I go to high school, I make plans for myself. To enter a better university, I must study hard. I know my advantages and weakness. I am good at Chinese and English while I am weak in math and geograph. So I pay special attention to improve the subjects that I am weak in. Even though I have tried hard to listen to my teacher and practise so hard, my math is still so weak.

  So I decide to ask my classmate who is good at math, and she is very excited to teach me. During our communication, I find her mind is very active and she has a special way to solve the questions. I realize that the best way to learn konwledge is to share opinions with others, so that we can broaden our mind and find more ways to solve the problem.

  The best way to learn English初中优秀作文 2

  How to learn English well? I think there are three things you must do. They are listening,speaking,and practicing.First,since English is a tool of communication, so the pronunciation is very importent. You should listen to the tape or use the Internet to imitate the pronunciation.

  Second,in order to have a good pronunciation and improve the level of communication, you should do more speaking. You can watch the American television series and learn how to talk with others. Finally,also the most important thing is that you should do more practice. As the saying goes: Practice makes perfect. If you grasp these methods,I think you can learn English well.

  The best way to learn English初中优秀作文 3

  The way of learning English

  Nowadays, English has become the international standard language. As China is stepping to the internationalization, learning English is more and more important. But many people find it hard to learn English well. According to my own learning experience, I think determination, read English materials and patience are the most significant.


  First of all, doing everything needs determination. Determination is a prerequisite to do something. When facing difficulty, the people who have determination will insist, on contrary, thepeople who don’t have determinatin are easily give up. Thus, if people wants to do something well, the first thing they need to do is to make up their mind. Secondly,reading English materials is a great help for learning English. It can help people raise sense for English language,have interest and confidence in Engilsh. That will help people a lot in the process of learning. Last, patience is necessary in English learning. Most people will feel difficult to learn English at the beginning. The people without patience will often upset towards learning English. As a result, it will increase the difficulties of learning English and vice versa.


  In general, determination, reading English materials and patience are the effective ways to learn English. If people recognize those, they will learn it well sooner or later.


  The best way to learn English初中优秀作文 4

  I like English. I think I can share my English learning method with you. First of all, develop interest on English. My way to make it is to watch movies from abroad. At first, I will watch the movie with subtitle. Then I will remove the subtitle, only English left. Gradually, show great interest in English. Secondly, recite vocabularies. Vocabulary is the necessary foundation to start learn English. This time you have to force yourself to remember words. Thirdly, understand basic grammar thoroughly. It is hard for me to understand the meaning of a sentence if I don’t know the basic grammar. Last but not least is to speak more. The basic purpose to learn a language is to communicate.

  So talk in English as much as you can. And don’t worry about losing face, because everyone makes mistakes. Those are my methods.



  The best way to learn English初中优秀作文 5

  It is fairly clear that the best way to achieve success is to exert your efforts in every aspect of life.Surely, nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

  Most of us have developed an unshakeable faith in successful events, acting on such undertaking that insistence is necessary, a vivid saything that illustrates this statement in China is that people who are less ambitional frequently set up goals for themselves, and people who full of ambition only make up their mind once in a duration leading to success. Admittedly you might come cross failures with dismay, confussion sometimes, but when you muster up courage to overcome them with your consistent efforts, you are likely to be more matured enough to deal with seemingly insurmountable tasks on your own. Nevertheless genius comes from talent and hard work.

  Yao ming is one of the most notable athletes in the world, it seems that he was born a talented basketball player and eventually playing in NBA is beyond doubt, but how many of us can positively estimate the efforts he had dedicated during these years, even when he was in recovering period of surgical operation recently , he insisted on discipline every day with his teammates.

  There is no shortcut to be successful in the world, the only way to access it is to be persistent.

English story作文(精选5篇)(扩展4)

——My English teacher英语作文实用10份

  Helen is my best friend. She is 12 years old. She is very beautiful. She has a long hair, big eyes and a small mouth. She can speak English very well. She likes painting and reading books. Her birthday is in August. Chocolate and ice-cream are her favorite food. She is lovely and smart. She is my best friend forever.


  I have a good friend.His name is John.He comes from America.

  He is taller and older than me.Both he and I love listening to music.

  We often listen to music together.John is good at English and I am good at Chinese.

  We teach each other in order that both of us can make progress in learning.

  John is quite willing to help others.I am very proud of having such a good friend.

  My name is Mary.I have a friend.Her name is Kitty.She is tall and thin.Her birthday is on the twentieth of September.She has two small eyes and a small mouth.She is a lovely girl so I like her.She can swim very well.And she likes singing.She would like to be a singer.We always go to school together.We sometimes do our homework together.But at the weekend we usually have a pinetic together.We like each other.We are good friends!

  I have many friends, and one of them is Lily. She is one of my best friends. She lives in the same area with me. We bee friends for three years.Every school day, we go to school together. We have many things in mon. For example, we both like listening to the music, reading books and playing badminton. We both study hard and do well in studies. We help each in study, because we want to make progress together. I am happy to have such a good friend.

  i have a english teacher. she teaches very well. she often smiles to us. when we are in trouble, she can always help us in time. once i got a cold. she hurried to the office and took some medicine to me. i was better soon. i thanked her very much. i love my teacher very much.my english teacher

  Today I want to tell you something about my classmate. He is a boy of 17 years old.

  He is tall and strong. He likes reading books very much. He likes sports, such as skating and playing basketball.

  Sometimes when he if free, he enjoys listening to music. He is kind.

  I am not good at math and he often helps me with my math. I want to say :"Thank you so much .

  " I am quite happy that I have such a good friend.


  Im have many teachers now and I love them all,but my favorate teacher,I think she is my English teachter Mis/Miss Gao

  She is tall and thin,in my eyes she is most beautiful teacher woman in the world,I love her sweet smile and attractive.So I always feel free in her class.

  I like her class very much,she often tell us interesting stories in her class,and she teaches us to play English games and English songs,too.since she become my English teacher,Im have madel a lot of progess.

  I like English,I like my English teacher.

  Hello! i’m he baoyi. we have three new teachers this term. but my favourite teacher is english teacher. who is she? yes, she’s linda.

  do you want to know her? linda is very beautiful. look! she has a round face, two small black eyes, a straight nose, a big mouth and two small ears. her hair is very long. she is not tall and not short. she likes wearing a white dress. she looks like an angle. linda works very hard every day. and she is strict to us. but she is kind. her class is so much fun. really? yes. in class, she is our good teacher. after class, she is our good friend.

  her favourite food is tofu. it ’s very very healthy. she is not only good at pingpong, but also good at singing. she likes talking with us. we all like her.

  Baijiaojiao is my friend. she is tall and fat. Her hair is long, her eyes are small, her noes is big, her ears are big and her mouth is big too. She likes singing. She like eating fish. She favourite colour is pink. She likes me, I like her too, we are happy together.


English story作文(精选5篇)(扩展5)

——六年级英语作文:My English teacher600字合集5篇












  上课的时候,她总是微笑地望着我们,让人一点也不害怕。但她也有发火的时候,声音像打雷!但从她那张好看的嘴里说出来的话总是那么的亲情和动听,让我们听着停止就入神了。她有时会大声批评 同学,有时调皮的学生犯了一个小错误,她就变着法子说服教育,让他自己认识错误,并改正。

  记得在给我们上第一节课时,说的话是那么的动听,下了课我也学着老师的语音说:“同学们好!”我觉得实在太酸了!我们的老师很严,如果哪个同学没有做作业,或者没有交她就要罚,但是,她只 是轻罚,我还是感谢她的严格要求和爱的深远。有一次,我英语作业本上写错了一个字母,她让我把这个句子抄写了一遍,我不服气,干吗?把这个词组写一下不就行了吗,干吗这么麻烦!她似乎看懂 了我的心思,对我说:“我不是要罚你,我是让你牢记这个教训,慎重对待每件事。”我牢记这句话,从此再也没有犯个这个错误,我也敬佩姚老师的尽责尽业,无私忘我的精神!在她的生活中除了工 作还是工作,在她的心中,除了学生还是学生,她把自己全部的精力和时间都倾注在我们身上。她曾说:“我如果不教你们,就不是你们的老师,但我一当上你们的老师,我就会尽心尽力把你们教好, 我希望能向身边同学学*,要像我一样,自己担当一件事,就要干到底,负责任!”我到现在都还浮现出那句话。




  孙老师最让人叫绝的是他布置的作业。其他老师布置的作业基本上都是读、背、预*、复*,再加上 “三写”——抄写、听写、默写。而孙老师却经常标新立异,充分满足了我们的好奇心和探索兴趣。记得有一次,是星期五下午,孙老师刚上完英语课,开始布置周末家庭作业。我们照常拿出笔和本子记录“写一封介绍自己的信,以电子邮件的形式发给老师,这是老师的邮箱地址……”













  我俩会在大家还在笑呵呵地问“吃了吗?”时,招呼一声“Morning!”,在大家在楼下乘完凉说:“回去洗洗睡了!”时,甜甜地互道一声“Good Night!”仅仅是这些,都已经被我爸妈和邻居叔叔笑话我们是“崇洋媚外”,说我们俩酸不拉唧。我俩听了只是捂嘴笑,继续用英语交流我们俩此时彼时的内心所想,其他的人就更加不乐意听到我们俩说了。不过他们说他们的,也没有严令禁止我们俩用英语交流。我俩就全当帮我练口语似地用英语交流着。


English story作文(精选5篇)(扩展6)

——my english learning experience英语范文五份

  English is spoken by many people in the world. It is being more and more useful in our life.

  I have learned English for many years. In class, I try to listen to the teacher carefully and speak English as much as possible. After class, first I go over the lesson, then ,I listen to tapes,watch English programs on Tv ,read English corner and so on. I study hard so I'm good at it now.

  Tryto use English as much as possible . At last you may learn it well.

  InChina, thereare millions of people learning English which is regarded as the most frequentuse language in the world. Indeed, there are many English spoken countries andmost of international organizations use English as the standard language. Therefore,it’s important for us to learn English well if we want to be a global man. But manypeople claim that it’s hard to learn English well and they do not know what todo when they come to difficulties.Today, I want to introduce some good waysfor English learning.

  Firstly, fall inlove with English. There is a good saying that interest is the best teacher. Aslong as you love something, we would like to figure it out dee***. So does you development your interest in English, you definitely will want to learnit by heart no matter how many difficulties you meet. Your interest is thebiggest motivation to learn, which will force you to find some effective waysto learn.

  Secondly, make agood plan for your study and practice it strictly. Learning is a long and toughjourney that needs patience as well as methods. A good plan is one of the mosteffective methods. Learning schedule, content, step, target and so on areincluded in a plan. Besides, you should pay attention to the mistakes you your plan, you should set sometime aside to correct the mistakes you makeand make sure that you would never make such mistakes again.

  Finally, make gooduse of all materials you can get. Nowadays, there are plenty of materials forus to learn English, such as newspaper, magazine, radio, TV, the internet andmany other media. They contain almost all information in the world. We can getnews as well as knowledge when we use them. Besides, the knowledge we get inthe class is far more enough, so that it’s necessary for us to broaden ourknowledge after class by using various learning materials.

  In short, English learningis not a short and easy journey that needs us continuous hard work. During thisprocess, we should focus on learning strategies to make our study moreeffective.

  My favorite subject is English. I was interested in learning English when I was a little child.

  How to do it well? The most important thing is that when you are learning English, you must listen to the teacher carefully. I listen to the English news on the radio from VOA, BBC, CRI, too. While listening to the news, I write down everything I hear so that I can learn some expressions and also practice my dictation. When I find my reading is not poor, I begin to read China Daily, China Today, Readers Digest, and some other English materials.

  These are my ways of learning English. Ill try my best to learn English well.

  I will be in the third grade now,Since the highschool entrance examination is ing soon, there is a great need for me to make a precise plan of my studies.From September to November,I will follow the teachers in the new lessons learning, and after class , the contemporary exercises are necessary.Before the end of the first term, I will review all the lessons from beginning again.

  From March to April, review all I have learned a second time.Beginning from April, models tests should be the all.Several days before the exam, I will go over all the mistakes in the papers and have a good rest for the exam.I hope this plan can further my studies.

  Today the Internet to see our English learning method, is used to share with you all,

  Learning must not be impetuous, don't always quickly, some to sink in the heart, knowledge in a learning, believe, then, you will admire his.

  Accumulate steadily, then later, you'll find out, learning English is so simple.

  The word should pay attention to the pronunciation, vocabulary and phrase, the grammar focus on understanding, not rote.

  Learning English must have to contact every day, don't miss this and that,

  To prepare their own wrong topic, recording of my own mistakes, how to think, why to think, what is the correct thinking, find the starting point to solve the problem.

  To develop the right habits of thought, finally, is to open his own English to say it out loud.

  To say every day, oral practice and listening is very important, don't be afraid of making mistakes, mistakes should be, the chance of error will be reduced greatly.

English story作文(精选5篇)(扩展7)

——初一优秀英语作文:My English Study合集5篇

  My school life is very common. I get up at six o’clock every morningfrom Monday to Friday. And the I would go running with my classmates, as our head teacher says health is themost important thing. After running I have to do morning exercises on theplayground. Then I can have breakfast. Having breakfast, I need to have morningreading. Oh, I almost forget that all of the students have to do some cleaningbefore breakfast. There come the various classes. Then noon comes. Havinglunch, I will go to sleep. I often read twenty minutes before I fall asleep. I have class in the afternoon. And I still have classes at night. It’s boring, right? ButI have got used to it and enjoy myself at school.

  学*英语是一件需要耐心的事。下面是语文迷整理的My English Study英语作文,希望对你有帮助。

  My English Study英语作文篇1:

  I am a high student now.I am weak in English.And most students in my class are good at English.So I have to improve my English and catch up them.I make a English Study Plan.Firstly,I will spend 20 minutes remembering words every day.I find that I only remember a small number of words. Secondly,I must listen to the teacher carefully in class.And I will do the homework every day.Of course,listening to the English tapes every day is necessary.Sometimes I will read some English writings. Thirdly,I will often use English and communcate with classmates in English.Every Sunday,I will learn English on the Internet. This is my plan.

  My English Study英语作文篇2:

  How time flies! My three-year middle school life will be over soon. Looking back I have many memories of my English study. When I entered the middle school,I had so many difficulties with my English.1 was not able to understand the teacher in class, and I couldn't master the words and phrases. For a time I wanted to give it up. Later, with the help of the teacher and my classmates,I listened to the teacher carefully in class, kept on reading English every day and spoke English as much as possible. Step by step I made great progress in English. In a word, only when you develop interest in studying English can you learnit well.

  My English Study英语作文篇3:

  English is my favorite subject and I once won a second prize in Sichuan English Reading Comprehension Competition for Middle School Students.Now I'm good at English and one of the best students at English in our senior grade one .[Now I think I can use English better and I am one of the students in the class who do best in English examinations.] .How did I learn English?

  First,I read a lot of English,beginning from junior time [the time when I was a junior middle school student ].I read many English stories and jokes.I didn't get bored because the stories and jokes were interesting.Thus I have got to be more and more interested in English and learned a lot of the language through reading widely.

  Second,I have kept a diary in English.I just write down what I do,what I see and what I think of every day.I try my best to express myself in the most simple words.In this way Ihave improved my writing ability a lot.On the other hand,this diary writing has also helped me to form the habit to think in English.

  The above are my two ways of English study.Would you please try them if you're interested?

  I like English most, because English is so popular these days. As far as I’m concerned, English is a well-known international language. If I could speak English well, I would be able to communicate with the people all over the world.

  Nowadays, English is widely used in news, business, communication and tourism. Especially after China enters WTO, our country needs more genius who is good at English. Mastering English can help us find more job opportunities.

  What’s more, some English speaking countries like Australia, New Zealand, America and Canada are very beautiful. I want to travel to these countries very much. So I must learn English well.

  Do you know what subject I like? Maybe you don’t know. Let me tell you. I like Chinese , math , English , art , mus , science , history , geography and P.E..

  My favorite subject is P.E., because I am good at playing basketball, football, volleyball and table tennis .I think P.E. is the most interesting of all .Sometimes I play basketball and football with my classmates . We have a lot of fun in P.E.. So I like P.E. best .I don’t like science .Because In science class , we must do many experiments , I’m afraid. so I don’t like science . I don’t like Chinese, either .We have a lot of Chinese homework to do and it is very diffult .So I think P.E. is the most interesting subject .P.E. is really interesting .Do you agree with me?

  What’s your favorite subject? Can you tell me ?

  English Is My Favorite Subject, because it’s such a widely used language. It is important for everyone to learn English well in our rapidly developing world.

  English has now become an international language, because it is used by almost every country in the world. If you want to do business with foreigners, you have to learn English, because most of them speak and write English. English is one of the working language at international conferences. Today, many great reports, papers and books are written in English, so if you want to read them, you must know English well. If you know English, you can also understand people from other countries better and contribute more effectively to world peace.

  No matter what you do in the future, English will always be important. So we should pay more attention to learning English in order to make our country powerful, competitive and international.
