
首页 / 作文 / | 2022-06-14 20:34:38 作文,英语四级


From the above table, we can see that the students of this university have three mainchoices after graduation. Of these choices, the students who have found a job only take up50%. In contrast, students who pursue further study by taking the postgraduate entranceexam or going abroad have increased greatly than before, with the total percentage of 47%.Indeed, this phenomenon is also quite common in other universities.

The following factors can account for the choices of graduates. Above all, with theenrollment extension of universities, college graduates are facing the severe employmentsituation, which forces them to find another way out. Moreover, in information age, knowledgeis updated very rapidly. Many college students find their knowledge is not enough for theirfuture career. Besides, some college students would not like to enter into the complicatedsociety and want to escape from the reality temporarily by going to further study.

From my point of view, one’s choice after graduation should be based on his individualcondition. Though taking the postgraduate entrance exam or going abroad for further study isa good choice, it is not necessarily true of everyone, because it might involve many factors,such as your future career direction, your economic condition. Therefore, we should take a fullaccount before we make our decisions.


The Beginning of Drama

There are many theories about the beginning ofdrama in ancient Greece. The on most widelyaccepted today is based on the assumption thatdrama evolved from ritual.

The argument for thisview goes as follows. In the beginning, human beingsviewed the natural forces of the world-even theseasonal changes-as unpredictable, and theysought through various means to control theseunknown and feared powers. Those measureswhich appeared to bring the desired results werethen retained and repeated until they hardened into fixed rituals.

Eventually stories arose which explained or veiled the mysteries of the rites. As time passedsome rituals were abandoned, but the stories, later called myths, persisted and providedmaterial for art and drama. Those who believe that drama evolved out of ritual also argue thatthose rites contained the seed of theater because music, dance, masks, and costumes werealmost always used, Furthermore, a suitable site had to be provided for performances andwhen the entire community did not participate, a clear division was usually made between the"acting area" and the "auditorium." In addition, there were performers, and, sinceconsiderable importance was attached to avoiding mistakes in the enactment of rites,religious leaders usually assumed that task. Wearing masks and costumes, they oftenimpersonated other people, animals, or supernatural beings, and mimed the desired effect-success in hunt or battle, the coming rain, the revival of the Sun-as an actor might. Eventuallysuch dramatic representations were separated from religious activities.

Another theory traces the theater's origin from the human interest in storytelling. Accordingto this vies tales (about the hunt, war, or other feats) are gradually elaborated, at first throughthe use of impersonation, action, and dialogue by a narrator and then through theassumption of each of the roles by a different person. A closely related theory traces theaterto those dances that are primarily rhythmical and gymnastic or that are imitations of animalmovements and sounds.


A Speech at an Opening Ceremony

Ladies and gentlemen,Good afternoon!

The Speech Contest we are going to hold in the next couple of days bears the theme of "Protect the EnvironmentEverybody's Responsibility".

First of all, please allow me to introduce the procedure of the contest.

The contest consists of three stages.

The first stage is the preliminary round, which will select the first twenty contestants for the semi-final.

In the semi-final, it will pick out ten winners.

In the final contest, the first ten from the semi-final will compete for champion on June 10.

The purpose of the contest is to arouse the students' awareness of environmental protection.

We should remember that the earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and our children.

So I do hope the students can actively participate in the contest and do our share for the cause of protecting our living environment.

I, hereby, feel greatly honored to announce the opening pincai.comof the Speech Contest, and may the contest be a great success!

Thank you very much!





  From the above table, we can see that the students of this university have three mainchoices after graduation. Of these choices, the students who have found a job only take up50%. In contrast, students who pursue further study by taking the postgraduate entranceexam or going abroad have increased greatly than before, with the total percentage of 47%.Indeed, this phenomenon is also quite common in other universities.

  The following factors can account for the choices of graduates. Above all, with theenrollment extension of universities, college graduates are facing the severe employmentsituation, which forces them to find another way out. Moreover, in information age, knowledgeis updated very rapidly. Many college students find their knowledge is not enough for theirfuture career. Besides, some college students would not like to enter into the complicatedsociety and want to escape from the reality temporarily by going to further study.

  From my point of view, one’s choice after graduation should be based on his individualcondition. Though taking the postgraduate entrance exam or going abroad for further study isa good choice, it is not necessarily true of everyone, because it might involve many factors,such as your future career direction, your economic condition. Therefore, we should take a fullaccount before we make our decisions.


  In recent years, second-hand transactions have become quite common. Nowadays there aremore and more secondhand goods in the market, such as secondhand books, furniture,appliances, cars, and so on. Why do so many people like to buy secondhand goods?

  The following reasons can account for this phenomenon. Above all, secondhand goods arecheaper than new ones. This enables those people who have poor financial abilities to buy thethings they want. Moreover, secondhand goods transactions make it possible for people tomake good use of the goods which may be useless in their hands. Besides, Internet provides amore convenient and quicker transaction platform for secondhand goods.

  However, there are also some problems in secondhand goods transactions. For one thing,the quality of secondhand goods can not be promised and you can not enjoy the good after-sale service. For another, secondhand goods market lacks enough supervision andmanagement, and there exist many dishonest business activities. In a word, I think secondhandgoods transaction is a good trading way, but it needs further perfection of the rules.



It is widely accepted that “Never give up”, a strong and positive life attitude, is the key for individual success on the grounds that permanent persistence may boost our confidence, strengthen our will, and provide us a second chance for success when we are in hardship. However, others argue that sensible abandonment is more precious than blind persistence because the wise one should choose the most suitable area for him-self/herself.

In my opinion, we need to learn to give up timely. The most immediate reason is that we should adjust our aim carefully in order to go ahead continuously. Sometimes, to give up those unrealistic targets is essential for success. Besides, the attitude “Never give up” exhausts us both mentally and physically. Only through learning to give up can we lead a pleasant and relaxing life. Finally, the temporary comprise means a new start, a beginning bringing new hopes, expectations and opportunities for us.

Passive as giving up sounds alike, it represents a more mature and realistic mentality. If those opposing this attitude can take into consideration of its benefits, then this may seem acceptable in our lives.



  12月英语四级作文 1


  Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay.

  Suppose you have two options upon graduation: one is to work in a state-owned business and the other in a joint venture.

  You are to make a choice between the two.

  Write an essay to explain the reasons for your choice.

  You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

  Job hunting becomes increasingly tough for college students, for it is not only hard to be hired with a satisfying salary, but also difficult to choose a suitable work place.

  More and more students are to face the options between a state-owned business and a joint venture.

  As for me, I definitely prefer the latter.

  From a personal perspective, the joint venture generally offers a higher salary than the state-owned enterprise, which tends to meet the high expectation from me.

  As is universally known, with more money paid, more passion will be devoted to work.

  On the community level, the joint venture always possesses a more cooperative meanwhile more competitive working atmosphere, making every employee fully involved in working.

  And I strongly believe that competition brings about progress.

  In conclusion, the joint venture is much more suitable for me to work in than the state-owned business, for I prefer a higher salary, as well as a more competitive atmosphere.

  2017年12月英语四级作文真题&答案:试卷二 就业还是创业?【2】

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay.

  Suppose you have two options upon graduation: one is to find a job somewhere and the other to start a business of your own.

  You are to make a decision.

  Write an essay to explain the reasons for your decision.

  You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

  Job hunting becomes increasingly tough for college students, for more college graduates bring about much fiercer competition.

  Consequently, starting a business of one’s own becomes another alternative.

  But for me, I still prefer finding a job somewhere.

  From a personal perspective, a good start for one’s own business requires plenty amount of money together with adequate work experience, but as college students, we often lack the latter.

  On a community level, we are able to get involved in a more complex relationship in a larger work place which provides us with necessary skills in communication as well as cooperation with others.

  In a larger sense, with more and more start-ups worldwide, the young entrepreneurs as college graduates are under even greater pressure than finding a job elsewhere competing with other job hunters.

  As the old saying goes: “Lay a solid foundation, and the time will come for you to shine!” Therefore, we have to accumulate as enough experience as possible by working for others, and wait for the right time to start our own business.

  2017年12月英语四级作文真题&答案:试卷三 就业还是考研/读书?【3】

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay.

  Suppose you have two options upon graduation: one is to take a job in a company and the other to go to a graduate school.

  You are to make a choice between the two.

  Write an essay to explain the reasons for your choice.

  You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

  Job hunting becomes increasingly tough for college graduates, for the larger number of graduates doesn’t balance with the limited job opportunities.

  As a result, more and more graduates choose to further their study.

  For me, I prefer going to a graduate school to continue my education.

  From a personal perspective, further education can equip me with more solid and profound knowledge for my future job, so the education in a graduate school can actually serve as a stepping stone in my future job hunting.

  On a community level, the experience of internship during school can also well develop my social skills of communicating and cooperating with my workmates.

  In a larger sense, the increasingly competitive job market is gradually raising its standards for the job hunters.

  Taking all these into account, the advantages seem to lie with the candidates with higher degrees.

  As the famous saying goes: “Slow down to speed up.

  ” That is to say, further study may slow us down when entering the job market, but it does speed us up on our way to success!

  12月英语四级作文 2

  自私、贪婪乃人类的劣根性的表现。纵观人类历史的长河中,具有如此品性的人会有如何的结局,想必不用小编一一叙述。童鞋们,我们要培养好正确的三观,把偶有的一点或小小的自私贪婪的苗头掐掉,(要用尽洪荒之力啊~ 亲~不然春风吹又生的事你又不是不知道)。然后像初升的太阳一样,成为一个具有满满正能量的人,把暖意传递到世界的每一个角落~ Fighting!~~

  "Nowadays People Are Selfish and Greedy. "Do You Agree or Disagree with This Point of View?

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “"Nowadays People Are Selfish and Greedy. "Do You Agree or Disagree with This Point of View?”. You may cite some examples to support your view. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


  Selfish and Greedy

  There is no doubt that some people are selfish and greedy. For example, some

  merchants sell their fake commodities at the market place for more profit. They are rich and want to be richer. There are also government officials who sell people's trust. Senior officials who take bribes by selling the power in their hands are not a few. Those people believe in the precept "Everyone for himself and the devil take the hind most."

  However, the majority of people are neither selfish nor greedy. They contribute much and ask for little. Countless examples can be found around us, the PLA soldiers who sacrificed themselves for saving people's lives in fighting the disastrous floods and the warriors in white who risked their lives to save SARS victims being two of the most typical contrast to the selfish and corrupt official they are heroes, who set up glorious images for us.

  The idea that nowadays people are selfish and greedy is probably attributed to the influence of the mass media which tend to over exaggerate the negative aspects of life. Many newspapers, particularly many local evening papers, and TV films play up nastiness by reporting and showing too much about violence and sex. A lot of books, too, portray selfishness and greed to seek sensational effect and economic profit. I wonder whether they are selfish and greedy, too?

  12月英语四级作文 3





  本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指 出一种新兴事物,提纲第2点针对该事物提出一个有争议的.观点,提纲第3点要 求表明我的看法,由此可判断本文应为对比 选择型作文。

  根据所给提纲,本文应包含如下内容:描述网络课堂对传统课堂的挑战;提出关于网络课堂是否会取代传 统课堂的两种不同观点并说明理由;表明我的态度并说明理由。

  Will Network Classrooms Replace Traditional Classrooms?

  With the popularization of the Internet, network classrooms are gaining more and more popularity. As a new teaching pattern, network classrooms have become an effective complement to traditional classrooms. So some people propose one question: will network classrooms replace traditional classrooms?

  As to this question, the opinions vary from one to another. Some people think it quite possible for network classrooms to take the place of traditional classrooms. First, network classrooms neednt have face-to-face communication and are not limited by time and place, which facilitate both teachers and students. Secondly, network classrooms release teachers from repeating the same contents since the video or audio material can be played time and again. However, many people have opposite standpoints. They say that with online courses, students lack direct communications with teachers and their confusion cannot be solved instantly. In addition, the computer system cannot be guaranteed to work stably all the time.

  12月英语四级作文 4


  You should write a short essay based on thefo#owing question.Suppose you are going to prepare a gift for your mother’s birthday.What gift would you like to choose and why?





  A Gift for My Mother

  Recently I have been preparing a gift for my mother’s birthday.After much careful thinking,1 finally find the gift that can bring her the most pleasure and satisfaction is nothing but me—-the apple in her eye.

  As we know,there is nothing in the world that can approach a mother’s selfless love for her children.She can sacrifice everythin9,including her life,for their well-

  being,while expecting little in return from them.However,she does have some expectations on them.For example,my mother hopes that I can find a good job,build a harmonious home,and live a happy and healthy life.So I believe that for my mother,the most happiness does not come from any material things,but from me,the one who tries to fulfill her expectations.

  Therefore,the best gift for my mother’s birthday should be that I begin to take all the responsibilities that a son should assume.It is high time that I grew into a man that is patient,independent,responsible,obedient and helpful.

  12月英语四级作文 5





  As we all known, talking and listening are commonly used in communication, but how can you talk without listening to others? Good conversation skills include much more than sim*** talking to others, listening is also a necessary quality of a successful person.

  I firmly believe that listening is of greater significance than talking. For one thing, If you can not listen correctly, you can not talk properly. Just imagine a world where everyone keep talking but nobody listening, it's useless to say anything then. For another, if you want to make achievement in social settings, relationships and business, one way to ensure your success is to be a great listener.

  Therefore, in order to enhance our conversation skills, here are a few simple rules we can follow to help us become a better listener, such as stopping talking endlessly, giving your full attention to the speaker and making an effort to shift the focus of the conversation to the other person. All in all, nothing can instead of listening! (169 words)






  It is widely accepted that to live and learn is a creed of many centuries. Even in contemporary society, life -long learning still carries great importance to personal happiness.

  To begin with, hardly can anyone achieve genuine success in his career without learning . As competition in all lines of work grows increasingly fierce, we must defeat our rivals through learning. Furthermore, according to a latest survey conducted by an authority on the Internet, 95 percent of people interviewed answered that individual happiness and success can not exist without life-long learning. In addition, an increasing number of people come to realize the value of persistent learning. A case in point is those aged citizens having been retried from work , who seek to learning Chinese drawing, calligraphy and Peking drama, so that their life after retirement can be meaningful, full of colors.

  Taking into account the ***ysis above, we can safely draw a conclusion that where there is leaning , there is life-long happiness.


  As an old saying goes, “ Learning is a daily experience and a lifetime mission”. Apparently, the meaning of this saying is that if we truly desire to learn something, we are supposed to devote our life to it.

  There are several reasons accounting for this viewpoint. Firstly, learning itself is an actually complicated and painful matter, and as a result, it is advisable for us to commit much more time even our whole life to it. Additionally, it is exceedingly obvious that we are easy to forget what we learned, and accordingly, the significance of lifetime learning cannot be ignored. For example, memorizing vocabulary is commonly the first step of preparing for an English test.

  To sum up, lifelong learning lays a solid foundation to the development of ourselves, and only when we realize the significance of lifetime learning can we understand the essence of learning.





  While we often hear some people say that they have great plans and fantastic dreams, they seldom put their plans into reality. These people are the talker not the actor. However, it is the actor not the talker who can achieve the goal.

  Rome was not built in one day. We should realize our dream step by step. Although one day’s improvement is little, it can finally become tremendous, so we should not look down upon the trival things. Take study for example, those who stand out in the class are often not the smart ones who ignore everyday actions but the ones who are deligent and devide their dreams into everyday’s action.

  Therefore, go out there to see what happens, and go out there to make something happen. Only when you go out to act everyday can you make your dreams come true.



  1. W: I can‘t seem to reach the tea at the back of the cupboard.

  M: Oh… Why don‘t you use the ladder? You might strain your shoulder.

  Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?

  2. W: Since it‘s raining so hard, let’s go and see the new exhibits.

  M: That‘s a good idea. Mary Johnson is one of my favorite painters.

  Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?

  3. M: I hear the students gave the new teacher an unfair evaluation.

  W: It depends on which student you are talking about.

  Q: What does the woman im*?

  4. W: It must have taken you a long time to fix up all these book shelves.

  M: It wasn‘t too bad. I got Doris to do some of them.

  Q: What does the man mean?

  5. W: Rod, I hear you‘ll be leaving at the end of this month. Is it true?

  M: Yeah. I‘ve been offered a much better position with another firm. I’d be a fool to turn it down.

  Q: Why is the man quitting his job?

  6. W: I honestly don‘t want to continue the gardening tomorrow, Tony?

  M: Neither do I. But I think we should get it over with this weekend.

  Q: What does the man mean?

  7. W: You‘ve already furnished your apartment?

  M: I found some used furniture that was dirt cheap.

  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

  8. W: Has the mechanic called the bus repairers?

  M: Not yet .I‘ll let you know when he calls.

  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

  9. A She had a job interview to attend

  10. C Submit her roommate's assignment

  11. A Where Dr. Ellis's office is located

  12. C He can handle it quite well

  13. B The 6:30 one

  14. C The time on the train is enjoyable

  15. A Reading newspapers.

  Passage One

  Most American college students need to be efficient readers. This is necessary because full-time students probably have to read several hundred pages every week. They don't have time to read a chapter three or four times. They need to extract as much information as possible from the first or second reading.

  An extraordinarily important study skill is knowing how to mark a book. Students mark the main ideas and important details with a pen or pencil, yellow or blue or orange. Some students mark new vocabulary in a different color. Most students write questions or short notes in the margins. Marking a book is a useful skill, but it's important to do it right. First, read a chapter with one pen in your hand and others next to you on the desk. Second, read a whole paragraph before you mark anything. Don't mark too much. Usually you will mark about 10% of a passage. Third, decide on your own system for marking. For example, maybe you will mark main ideas in yellow, important details in blue and new words in orange. Maybe you will put question marks in the margin when you don't understand something and before an exam. Instead, you just need to review your marks and you can save a lot of time.

  16. What should American college students do to cope with their heavy reading assignments?

  17. What suggestion does the speaker give about marking a textbook?

  18. How should students prepare for an exam according to the speaker?

  Passage Two

  The thought of having no sleep for 24 hours or more isn't a pleasant one for most people. The amount of sleep that each person needs varies. In general, each of us needs about 8 hours of sleep each day to keep us healthy and happy. Some people, however, can get by with just a few hours of sleep at night.

  It doesn't matter when or how much a person sleeps. But everyone needs some rest to stay alive. Few doctors would have thought that there might be an exception to this. Sleep is, after all, a very basic need. But a man named Al Herpin turned out to be a real exception, for supposedly, he never slept!

  Al Herpin was 90 years old when doctors came to his home in New Jersy. They hoped to challenge the claim that he never slept. But they were surprised. Though they watched him every hour of the day, they never saw Herpin sleeping. He did not even own a bed. He never needed one.

  The closest that Herpin came to resting was to sit in a rocking chair and read a half dozen newspapers. His doctors were puzzled by the strange case of permanent sleeplessness. Herpin offered the only clue to his condition. He remembered some talk about his mother having been injured several days before he had been born. Herpin died at the age of 94, never, it seems, having slept at all.

  19. What is taken for granted by most people?

  20. What do doctors think of Al Herpin's case?

  21. What could have accounted for Al Herpin's sleeplessness?

  Passage Three

  Hetty Green was a very spoiled, only child. She was born in Massachusetts USA in 1835. Her father was a millionaire businessman. Her mother was often ill, and so from the age of two her father took her with him to work and taught her about stocks and shares. At the age of six she started reading the daily financial newspapers and opened her own bank account. Her father died when she was 21 and she inherited 7.5 million dollars. She went to New York and invested on Wall Street. Hetty saved every penny, eating in the cheapest restaurants for 15 cents. She became one of the richest and most hated women in the world. At 33 she married Edward Green, a multi-millionaire, and had two children, Ned and Sylvia.

  Hetty’s meanness was well-known. She always argued about prices in shops. She walked to the local grocery store to buy broken biscuits which were much cheaper, and to get a free bone for her much loved dog. Once she lost a two-cent stamp and spent the night looking for it. She never bought clothes and always wore the same long, ragged black skirt. Worst of all, when her son, Ned, fell and injured his knee, she refused to pay for a doctor and spent hours looking for free medical help. In the end Ned lost his leg. When she died in 1916 she left her children 100 million dollars. Her daughter built a hospital with her money.

  22. What do we learn about Hetty Green as a child?

  23. How did Hetty Green become rich overnight?

  24. Why was Hetty Green much hated?

  25. What do we learn about Hetty's daughter?


  16. D Get key information by reading just once or twice

  17. A Choose one's own system of marking


——Certificate Craze on Campus英语四级作文3篇

  In recent years, to get a certificate has become a new craze among college students. Just randomly ask a student on campus what he or she is busy doing, quite possibly, you may get the answer that he is preparing for a certificate of some kind. Why does this craze appear?

  There are mainly two reasons behind this phenomenon. To begin with, it is the employment pressure that forces college students to get more certificates. With the admission expansion of colleges, a lot more graduates have to face the fierce competition in the job market. How can one make himself more competitive? More certificates at hand, maybe. Furthermore, diploma and certificates are still vital standards by which a good many employers measure a persons ability. In order to increase the qualifications for a job, the students compel themselves to run from one exam to another.

  From my point of view, we should be more rational when it comes to certificates, since certificates do not necessarily prove ones ability. Being crazy in getting certificates blindly is nothing but wasting time. To conclude, we should focus on improving our ability but not getting a certificate of no practical value.

  Now more and more people are keen on various certificates no matter whether he orshe is in college or not. My friend was surprised when she saw a man in hisforties sitting next to her and working on his accounting paper with struggle. Whythey are so addicted to certificates is my concern.


  From my perspective, there are various kinds of purposes. First of all, throughworking on a certificate, college students can gain more knowledge and skillsaside from their own major. What’s more, the more certificates students get, themore accesses they have to be offered good jobs. Therefore, students choose towork on certificates, such as CET 4, CET 6 or CAP, and so on. Secondly, people inwork want to get promotions. Companies need professional employees to meet withneed of the company’s development or our society’s development. Thirdly, somecollege students, like me, want to live a meaningful and fruitful college life.


  As far as I am concerned, we should choose to work on proper certificates, so thatwe can save our time to develop our practical ability.


  If you just stop student on campus and ask him what he is busy about, chances are that he will tell you he is preparing for a certificate of some kind. Investigation points to the fact that it has become a new craze for university and college students to get more certificates.


  There are two main reasons for this phenomenon. To begin with, university and college students are faced with the pressure of finding a job after graduation. With the admission expansion of colleges, a lot more graduates have to compete for the limited jobs posts. How could one be more competitive? More certificates will doubtlessly impress the employers, so the students are compelled to run from one exam to another. Besides, more and more universities and colleges modify their education training which includes several creative credits. If students fail to get such credits, they can not graduate. As a result, most students choose to pursue certificates.


  As far as I am concerned, the students should have a more rational attitude toward certificate, because such certificates do not necessarily represent one’s ability. For me, inner ability speaks louder than certificates, which can only be compared to appearance. Opportunities only arise when you are excellent enough in your field.



——Good Manners英语四级作文3篇

  Good manners are very important in the communication of daily life. Everyone likes a person with good manners. But what are good manners? How does one know what should do and what should not do when trying to be a good - mannered person?

  Well, here are some common examples. A person with good manners never laughs at a people in trouble. Instead, he always tries to consult or offer help to the person. When he takes a bus and sees an old man or a sick man, he always gives his seat to him. He doesnt interrupt other people when they are talking. He uses a handkerchief when he sneezes or coughs. He does not spite in public places.

  Ideas of what are good manners are not always the same in different regions. For example, people in Western countries usually kiss each other to show their greetings, whereas in China, kissing in public is something of unusual and sometimes be regarded as impolite to somebody else. So it is important to know what is regarded as polite and impolite before you go to a region. But remember that it is always right to be kind and helpful to others.

  Getting up Early Is a Good Hab

  Getting up early is a good habit. It is of great importance to us all. First it helps to keep us healthy. If we can get up early, we can breathe fresh air,and do morning exercise, which builds our bodies. Second, it helps us to memorize what we have learned in class by reading aloud in the morning.Third, it can help us to find enough time to prepare our work of the day. In one word, if we stick to getting up early every day, it will do us a lot of good.



  Getting up early is a good habit. It is of great importance to us all. First it helps to keep us healthy. If we can get up early, we can breathe fresh air,and do morning exercise, which builds our bodies. Second, it helps us to memorize what we have learned in class by reading aloud in the morning.

  Third, it can help us to find enough time to prepare our work of the day. In one word, if we stick to getting up early every day, it will do us a lot of good.



  Asis known to us all, the surrounding has a great impact on our study and lives.In recent years, creating a green campus has been a common and popular goal formost universities or colleges. Creating a green campus has a great influence onstudents because most students spend their much time in campus.

  However,in my opinion, to create green campus, what we need to do is not only to plantmore trees and grasses to beautify our campus’s environment but also to createan energy-efficient and resource-cycled campus. Everyone on campus should beinformed to form the habit of using resources properly and saving energy. Inaddition, the institutions should encourage students to use resourcescircularly.

  Ina word, creating a green campus needs us to make joint efforts. And we canachieve it by doing pieces of small * in daily life, such as turning offthe light when leaving.

  Recently, more and more universities have realized the importance of creating a green campus. It has become a new trend throughout the country.

  So what do we mean by green campus? On the one hand, the protection of the environment is necessary, and there is no denying that this is the premise of this concept. On the other hand, it is far from enough to keep the green environment simple in order to meet the overall goal of the green campus. On the contrary, it needs all the staff and all our efforts, the positive cultural atmosphere of the students.

  Therefore, in order to create green campus, first, it is necessary, everyone thinks of our own host campus, and to realize green enlightenment brings us a house. More importantly, action is needed to achieve that goal. Last but not least, we can spread the spirit, the broader area, and call for more people to join the project.

  Nowadays,campus construction has been brought into focus. According to a survey,almost all the schools and colleges are rebuilding their campus: not only the teaching buildings but also the circumstances. In this essay,I will discuss the importance of campus construction and offer my own view on it.

  A lot of efforts have been made to better the campus environment,in particular,the construction of a green campus. Many colleges have taken serious measures to build environmental friendly campus,such as lawns,artificial pools,and tree-lined roads. However,in my view,this is only the initial step and we can do more. To begin with,the schools and colleges may implement strict regulation of waste on campus: no matter the leftovers in canteens or the litter in classrooms. Moreover,on the student side,we can use green bags instead of disposable plastic bags and use more recycling chopsticks and bowls.

  In addition,the most important thing for everyone is that we should raise our awareness of environmental protection.


——历年英语四级作文 (菁华5篇)

  Part Ⅰ Writing (30 minutes)


  For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will by commenting on the humorous saying, "Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world. Ive done it hundreds of times." You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


  Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will

  Sometimes, in our daily life, the easiest thing might be the most difficult thing, as in the case of some people trying to quit smoking for hundreds of times and still making endless efforts without any hope of success. The reason for their failure is their lack of a strong will.

  In our modern world, nothing is simple and straightforward. Something might appear deceptively easy at first, but as we proceed on, we will find that it is actually extremely difficult. Therefore, we must take whatever we do seriously and be mentally prepared to make our utmost exertions. When we encounter obstacles and setbacks, we must ap* our strong willpower and persevere until we finally succeed.

  For us university students, in our academic studies or in our daily life on campus, we might not be faced with insurmountable challenges. But we need to get prepared, right now, to take things seriously, try to cultivate our strong will, and be ready to pursue our goals through persistence and indefatigable will. I believe it’s the only way we can achieve our success.

  in the past hundred years, there have heen frequent natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, mud-rock flows, seismic sea waves, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of new deserts.

  the disasters have killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes, and wiped out numerous pieces of fertile land.

  now more and more people become aware that those disasters have much to do with what we have done to the earth. we have cut down too many trees in the forests,we have badly polluted the environment, we have shocked our own home-planet time and again with tremendously powerful explosions of nuclear bombs.

  as a result, climates have become abnormal, rainwater rushes down hillsides angrily, and the underground energy goes up to revenge itself on us.

  the earth is our only home-planet. it is urgent for us to stop damaging it, and to do our best to protect it and make it a lovely place suitable to live in, for we have nowhere to go and survive except where we are now.

  It’s no doubt that university campuses will produce a large amount of rubbish everyday, however, there are fewer college students paying attention to its classification.

  Factually waste separation is vital to create an environment-friendly campus. Firstly, waste separation does great contribution to the environmental protection. Since some of waste is recyclable, while other is unrecyclable, if all the students could voluntarily differentiate recyclable rubbish from unrecyclable rubbish, the risk of the environmental pollution will be greatly reduced. Secondly, waste separation could save a lot of energy and time on its processing.

  With the rapid increase in the amount of rubbish at the campus, rubbish classification does not permit of any delay. On the one hand, as the well- educated people, college students should act as hosts of the universities and separate waste from this moment in their daily life. On the other hand, university authorities should strengthen students’ awareness of environmental protection and suide students to separate waste in a reasonable way.

  many students consider ap*ing for job very important after graduation. they think it will affect their course of lives, their circle of friends, and even their choice of spouses in the future. the following are two suggestions that you should consider when looking for a job. first, you should have an awareness of yourself, your personal interests in particular. generally speaking, your interest supplies your motivation and energy for work. if you don‘t have any interest in the job, you are sure to be bored by it even if it is a highly paid one. second, you should have knowledge of the job itself. the job you are looking for should neither be beyond your reach nor should it be too easy. instead, it should bring your abilities into full play. going to work that is too difficult may only lead to frustration and failure. going to work that is too easy, however, will be a waste of your knowledge, and you will soon lose interest in it. besides, you should think of the prospect of the job. will you have a promising future if you take the job? do not be misled by the present salary it offers. think of its future development. it is important to weigh the immediate advantages against the long term prospects of the job.

  at this point, it is always advisable that you turn to your parents, your teachers, and your friends for help if you cannot make the decision. they are the people who know you the best. you can also ask some job advisors for advice. they are usually experienced and can give you some valuable hints. of course, it is you who have to make the final decision.

  Confidence in a broad sense comprises self-trust,self-esteem, courage and indomitability.This definition,though somewhat vague and unsubstantial, can be appreciated through experience because iff our lifetime, we are always seeking to achieve something successful and are always longing.to attain a glorious goal, which can only be reached with the spirit of self confidence.

  As is known, self-confidence is accompanied by will, and that as a twin, offers hope. Those who do not have a strong will often think themselves unable to carry out any thorny tasks, while those who have do not find the tasks unsurmountably difficult. In fact, when our heart is void of selfconfidence, every hope is gone, every thing on which we put our hands seems to be veiled in dark. For instance, according to experts, every year in the entrance examinations of all kinds, fully-prepared candidates lose nearly 5% to 10% of the full scores, and consequently meet their Waterloo sim* because they underestimate their own abilities, on the one hand,and overestimate possible difficulties on the other.? As a result, their fear to meet new challenge leads to helplessness in the examination.

  Self-confidence can be regained (if you have ever lost it) by building faith in yourself.True,whatever you do, you will encounter hardships. Put success Will come to you if you are courageous enough to strive for it. If you are not, failure might be your life-companion.



  The Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in the 21st century(生活在21世纪的优缺点)

  Living in the 21st century offers certain advantages,such as a higher standard of living, but it also has some disadvantages, such as a polluted environment.

  To begin with, most people now have more money for less hard work. They earn higher salaries than before and enjoy better social security, such as social welfare for laid-off workers and disability insurance.

  Secondly, because of the advance in medical technology which leads to better medical care and treatment, people’s life expectancy is longer. Moreover, most people now can afford to buy foods of high nutrition and enjoy their leisure time.

  Mike is one of my foreign friends. If he comes to our country, I shall take him to the Great Wall first. There exist three reasons for my decision.

  To begin with, the Great Wall symbolizes China ancient history. The Wall built from the 5th century BC until the beginning of the 17th century, experiencing our countrys various dynasties.

  Whats more, it embodies our primary principle: teamwork is everything. Obviously, it was rather difficult to build such a wall in the ancient days without any modern machines, because all the work had to be done only by hand. But millions of China people came together and made it a reality.

  Finally, the Great Wall expresses our determination to resist invasion. The Wall was originally a project of Qin dynasty designed to keep out the invaders. Although millions of people died for building the Wall, China people defended our own sovereignty.

  I believe that Mike will satisfy with my arrangement.

  Do you need books? Here are a sea of books waiting for you!

  You will find the course books useful for your major, for your examinations and for your certificates like CET-4 or CET-6. You will find the books that you are looking forward to. The books will be helpful when you are preparing for some examinations or when you are busy with your dissertation. These used books are all in a good condition, which ensures pleasant reading experience for you.

  If you are really interested these books, and if you are expecting a good price for the books, just come and find what you are looking for. You won’t be let down. Please call me at xxx. Let’s make things better together.

  studying the english language in an english-speaking country is the best but not the only way to learn the language. do you agree or disagree with this statement?

  learning english in an english speaking country has many advantages. it is, therefore, a good idea to learn english in britain or america. however, i believe it is not the only way to learn the language.

  to begin with, most students in non-english-speaking countries learn english in high schools or universities. although their spoken english is not usually of a very high standard, their knowledge of grammar is often quite advanced. this is certainly useful when later they come to an english-speaking country to perfect the language.

  however, it is obviously advantageous to learn english in english speaking countries where, every day, students will have ample chance to practise listening and speaking. in addition, students can experience the foreign culture, which greatly helps understand the language. this is especially true if they choose to live with an english or american family. still, since students are taught by native speakers, their reading and writing skills will improve as well.

  as every coin has two sides, learning english at home also proves effective. at home students will have less stress and fewer problems in accommodation, expensive tuition and living costs.

  in conclusion, it is preferable to study english in an english speaking country, but a reasonable level of english can be achieved at home, if a student is gifted and dedicated to study.

  it is descerned that(删掉)the number of pirate(private)houses had been on a(an)increase from 1990 to 2000.in 1990, it was about 20 percent; in 1995 it was 40 percent; in 2000, it was 80 percent.

  there were some reasons for this fact. one of them was the improvement of peoples living conditions(condition), all people wanted to own pirate houses.

  on the other hand, peoples income was on a(an)increase, they could afford to buy pirate houses!

  obviously, there were some good things resulted from this fact. such as it could improve chinese economy. but there were also some bad things, such as it took much time to go to work!
