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  圣诞颂歌英语读后感 1

  Few people are like him, originally very stingy, denier is later, it becomes very easy. This person is the jersey Abby. Scrooge.

  In one night, scrooge dead friend Mali the ghost told him, three elves will come to visit him tonight, take him to see his own past and future.

  Finally the first elves came, he took his scrooge went to see his past, he was very sad, because he is for money, lost love, he also missed the chance to get married.

  The second elves at 1 am also appeared, it asked scrooge, want to see what place, he said he wanted to see BaoBoKe lachey's house. Came to the house of kluge, scrooge found kluge, although the surrounding environment is very poor, but they know what to content, so still is very happy very happy. His cold heart began to melt for a long time.

  Later, at last a genie appeared, the last elves with scrooge went to see his mistakes, making his cold heart completely melted. Finally, scrooge became a respected benefactor.

  圣诞颂歌英语读后感 2

  w people are like him, originally very stingy, denier is later, it becomes very easy. This person is the jersey Abby. Scrooge.

  In one night, scrooge dead friend Mali the ghost told him, three elves will come to visit him tonight, take him to see his own past and future.

  Finally the first elves came, he took his scrooge went to see his past, he was very sad, because he is for money, lost love, he also missed the chance to get married.

  The second elves at 1 am also appeared, it asked scrooge, want to see what place, he said he wanted to see BaoBoKe lacheys house. Came to the house of kluge, scrooge found kluge, although the surrounding environment is very poor, but they know what to content, so still is very happy very happy. His cold heart began to melt for a long time.

  Later, at last a genie appeared, the last elves with scrooge went to see his mistakes, making his cold heart completely melted. Finally, scrooge became a respected benefactor.

  圣诞颂歌英语读后感 3

  The main character of a Christmas carol is a mean, selfish, mean-spirited businessman. On Christmas Eve, the ghost of his hired partner centaur appeared, telling private luzui was equally selfish in life and how he regretted it after death. In order to avoid a repeat of old friends, there will be three Christmas tree ghosts to visit respectively in the past. Now. Ghosts of the future. The ghost of the past led private carving lu crowded back to the home of the past, to see his own naive simplicity; I still have a pure childhood. Now the ghost leads the private lute to squeeze into his poor clerk's home, how festive atmosphere is filled with joy. At last, the ghost of the future showed him how bleak his death would be. Private lui finally burst into tears, excited, completely aware of the true meaning of life and the way of life, he became a merciful overnight. A person who delights in doing good. He made a generous donation to a charity he had turned down. He quickly bought the clerk an oversized Turkey, attended their Christmas dinner and decided to give him a raise.

  Through the change of the protagonist, I feel that we should not be selfish and have a kind heart. We should help others when they are in need. For example, we should give seats to people in need on the bus.

  Instead of being selfish, be loving and compassionate.

  圣诞颂歌英语读后感 4

  In the book drifting activity, I am the administrator of "Christmas Carol".

  Now, let me introduce this book to you. Its main contents are:

  Scrooge is a miser with a cold heart and a mean disposition. On Christmas Eve, he refused to do good and hated happy celebrations. So the soul of his late partner, Marley, came to see him and warned him that he would suffer as much as he did after his death. The glimmer of hope to get rid of this fate lies in the visit of three ghosts to him. As expected, the former, the present and the coming Christmas elves have witnessed Scrooges fall in the past, the happiness of his employees and nephews today and his lonely death in the future. Scrooge got inspiration from it, finally woke up, and finally became a loving, benevolent person.

  After reading this article, I understand that we should be full of love, charity, not cold hearted, mean-natured. When the world is full of love, the world will be better.

  I hope you all read this book.

  圣诞颂歌英语读后感 5

  A christmas carol is one of the best-known works of charles Dickens, who is a criticism writer in the 19th century. His works mainly reflect the reality and A christmas carol, with no exception, mirrors westerners#39; lives on christmas.

  The novel tells an old man who regards money as his own life---Ebenezer Scrooge. Even on christmas Eve, when the family gets together and people bless each other, he is still quite mean to everybody. It is not until three ghosts#39; ing to reveal his childhood, present and future that he realizes how important to be good to others and what christmas means. The ghosts of the past, present and future visit Scrooge and help him see how his behaviour has impacted on his life, and the way that he is treated by other people as a consequence. At the end of the novel, Scrooge is no longer the one he has been.

  From the novel I#39;ve learned what the inherent meaning of christmas is, which results in my thinking about how to treat others.

  christmas is to western countries what Spring Festival is to china. Although both festivals are designed to celebrating the ing year, they have their distinctive characters. I used to assume that christmas is merely about Santa claus, gifts, or big meal. Now I have realized christmas is also the time to put away one#39;s hatred and to treat others well sincerely. For instance, Bob, Scrooge#39;s clerk, toasts the longevity and health of Scrooge though Scrooge gives him so little money that he can hardly make ends meet. Bob and his families live in poverty; however, they know gratitude and amicability. Hence they lead a full-of-laughter life. In contrast, wealthy as he is, Scrooge is as dismal as the dark night. To be friendly——a spirit of christmas——is one of the differences between christmas and Spring Festival. Nowadays an increasing number of young chinese have been taking a fancy to christmas as if it were a most fashionable symbol. But how many of them recognize what christmas means indeed? I think there is no point in celebrating christmas without knowing the christmas culture.

  As for the protagonist, Scrooge, he is a representative of those who go to extreme to earn money so that he ignores love-----love for friends, for soul mate, and for people in need. To some extend, Scrooge is lucky in that he meets three ghosts and avoids ending up in being a wandering ghost like his partner, marley.

  Scrooge finally bees a man with great heart. whereas, there are still Scrooges in our present society. Especially in china, the richer they are, the more reluctant they are when it es to doing charity. Although it is not obligatory for the rich to donate money, the world needs all people#39;s love, no matter who you are. Last but not the least, happiness does not lie in what you have gained but what you have dedicated.

  To sum up, A christmas carol rethinks the relationship among people, convincing readers that human beings should be kind to each other.



——《圣诞颂歌》读后感 (菁华5篇)





















  正如他的名字一样,他花钱吝啬又不懂得关心他人。就算是在圣诞节如此欢乐的日子里,他还坚持要他的办事员加班,而不增加任何薪水。如果不是因为死去的马利——他的合伙人的鬼魂的出现,他一辈子也意识不到自己该做一个善良有爱的人。就像社会上很多吝啬的公司老板一样,他们想要工人干多点活,却舍不得掏出口袋里多一分钱。工厂闹*讨债出事了,拍拍屁股就走人了。反正工人如何也是要不到钱的。钱是那些老板的**子。你把他们的**子硬要夺走,他们怎肯?虽说那些钱里大多数是工人的血汗钱,但是,他就能活生生地把自己当成不懂事的孩子一般,抢了别人的玩具,硬是不肯松手,还坚称,是他的。与 这样孩子气的人讨工资,你只能够变成和他一样孩子气的人,要么,就算是他伟大的母亲出现,他也是不会松手的。因为他能有今天,多少是得靠着他伟大的母亲的。他宁愿相信,他的母亲是永远维护他的。所以,我太同情城市里千千万万的打工者了。所以,我太痛恨那样的吸血老板了。因此,我很高兴看到马利鬼魂的出现。




  如何能够做一个懂爱有爱的人,这绝对不是简单地进行思想教育或营造某种社会氛围就可以达到的。斯克鲁奇的转变,是因为有马利的鬼魂和三个幽灵的指引,他能在过去清楚地看到自己曾经的天真和善良,能在现在看到自己的冷漠和自私,以及在未来看到自己悲惨的下场。任何人在那种情况下,内心深处最柔软的地方都会被触动。没有人希望看到自己未来死去时是如此悲凉和凄苦。所以,为了放手一搏,为了不重蹈马利的覆辙,他做出了转变。 但是对于社会中的人而言,要让他们转变为真正懂爱有爱的人,需要较长的时间和刻骨铭心的事件让他们觉悟。它也许是一部电影,也许是一部电视剧,也许是一本书,也许是一首歌,也许是某一个在他生命中起重要作用的人。我们没法设定一个标准,正如我们没法将马利的鬼魂引渡到当今一样。但是我确信,《圣诞颂歌》是那些书中的其中一种。












——圣诞颂歌英语读后感 (菁华5篇)


  I'm the curator of "A Christmas Carol" for this book event.

  Now, I would like to introduce this book to you. Its main contents are:

  Scrooge was a hard - hearted, bitter miser. On Christmas Eve, he refused to be kind and hated happy celebrations. So, the spirit of his late partner Marley comes to visit him and warns him that he will suffer as he did after death, and the silver lining to escape this fate lies in a visit from three ghosts. Sure enough, the elf of Christmas past, the elf of Christmas today, and the elf of Christmas tomorrow have respectively brought Scrooge to witness his past corruption, the happiness of his employee and nephew today, and the lonely death of his despised future. Scrooge is inspired to wake up and become a loving and giving person.

  After reading this article, I understand that people should be full of love, charitable, can not be cruel, mean temperament. When the world is filled with love, the world is a better place.

  I hope you all read this book.


  Chris Dickens wrote a famous short story called "A Christmas Carol". It's so classic that it's on most fans' minds when they talk about Christmas.

  It mainly tells us the story of a miser. He cared so much about his money that she wouldn't give him a cent. He hates Christmas because he doesn't want to spend money. He only cares about himself. Then one day, his late best friend, who resembled him in character, advised him to change the way he did things, but he didn't listen. By the way, the mean old man's name was Scrooge.

  After reading this article, some people may get lost in the wonderful ending, and some may hate Scrooge for what he did earlier. Maybe other people are scared because they see a miser in themselves. All in all, I think this story is like a wake-up call, which will ring in every reader's mind.

  Everyone knows scrooge is rich, but he only has eyes for coins and his life is unhappy. So let's start with the beginning of Tightwad. My question is: what is the purpose of making money in the first place? At first, it may be for living, but when material needs are not an issue, what is that? I think the answer might be happiness.

  Is Scrooge happy? Apparently not. Because he is only making money for money -- he is not the master of money, he is the slave of money. And I want to say this: the slave of money has no future.

  Because to make our lives count. I don't know what we were born for, I just know it wasn't for money, but I think we shouldn't be free all the time, we need to do something. So, let's find our true love, get out of the trap of money, get out of the mundane world, and make life meaningful.


  In the summer vacation, I read a book which is called “The Christmas Carol”. It is written by Charles Dickens, a famous English writer.

  The story is about Ebenezer Scrooge, a miser. Scrooge always said about Christmas, “Bah,humbug”. He also didn’t like spending money and giving money away even more. Marley used to be the partners with Scrooge. Unfortunately, he died 7 years ago. One day, Maley’s ghost came to his home and told Scrooge three Christmas ghost would come to his home. Firstly, Ghost of Christmas Past came. He showed Scrooge how he became a miser from a happy boy. Then, Ghost of Christmas Present came. He showed his employee and his nephew’s happy lives. Finally, Ghost of Christmas Future came. He took Scrooge to his grave in his future and showed him his lonely death is the result of his mean and miserly life. In the next morning, Scrooge understood. He changed his living way and became generous. He donated money to the charity organization.

  I think it is a good story. It tells us to be generous and help other people more. To be miserly and mean only do harm to other people and ourselves. Helping others is a very good virtue. It makes you feel good, make others feel warm and make others remember you. As so many advantages, why you don’t do this?


  A Christmas Carol is one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens, who is a Criticism writer in the 19th century. His works mainly reflect the reality. So I like his works very much.

  Charles Dickens was born in 1812, England. He had many difficulties during his childhood. However, these experiences enriched his life, at the same time, supporting many writing materials for his writing. He wrote more than 20 novels in all, reflecting the hate to the money and the sympathy to the common people. His works, such as Great Expectations, a Tale 0f Tw0 Cities, were affected by many readers.

  This novel told a people who regard money as important as his own life---Scrooge. Even on Christmas Eve, he was also quite mean to everybody. There are five chapters in all. Chapter 1 introduced scrooge’s character and Marley, his friend’s ghost. The language was very beautiful and active. I like this part best. As followed there was a part of word to describe Scrooge: he was a hard man with money, hard as a stone. He was a secret self-contained man; friendless and alone .the coldness inside him froze his old face. His eyes were red. His thin lips were blue. Cold seemed to stiffen his way of walking. (www.unjs.com)The hair on his head and above his eyes was white, white as snow. He carries this coldness with him always wherever he went. This part illustrated Scrooge was a cold man. He grasped the money tightly. As the following story, Scrooge refused his nephew invitation to have the dinner with his family. And he always scolded the Christmas is humbug. He didn’t believe the existence of Christmas and didn’t want to share his happiness and money with others. He had dinner in an inn and then went home. He had rooms in a house which had once belonged to Marley. Scolded sat quietly on the coach. But suddenly there is a big knocker on the door. It was Marley’s ghost. The ghost was bound by the heavy chain and told Scrooge its tragic fate. The ghost told Scrooge that three spirits will come to Scrooge and then faded away.

  From chapter 2 to chapter 4, it talked about the three spirits. The first spirit stood for the past. It showed the happy times in the past of Scrooge. In the past Scrooge always said “Merry Christmas” to whoever he met. He loved life and enjoyed everything in his life. In this part the spirit also showed the first work of Scrooge. His boss, Fezziwig, treated them very well on Christmas. But Scrooge gradually changed. He loved money more than his lover. So his lover parted with him. It’s the money that made Scrooge lost many things. The second stands for the present. in this part , Scrooge is a greedy man . He has no mercy to everything and waste of his time. The third spirit stands for the future. In this part, it showed that Scrooge regret what he had done. And Scrooge was impressed at last. He understood money is not the only thing that is worth to reserve. Love and care were important too.

  At the last chapter, that is chapter 5, Scrooge changed himself and gave mercy to the poor. And he had dinner with his nephew.

  All in all, this story has a perfect end. Form this story, I realized that in this world, money is not everything. We also need love and help.


  A Christmas Carol is one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens, who is a Criticism writer in the 19th century. His works mainly reflect the reality. So I like his works very much.

  Charles Dickens was born in 1812, England. He had many difficulties during his childhood. However, these experiences enriched his life, at the same time, supporting many writing materials for his writing. He wrote more than 20 novels in all, reflecting the hate to the money and the sympathy to the common people. His works, such as Great Expectations, a Tale 0f Tw0 Cities, were affected by many readers.

  This novel told a people who regard money as important as his own life---Scrooge. Even on Christmas Eve, he was also quite mean to everybody. There are five chapters in all. Chapter 1 introduced scrooge’s character and Marley, his friend’s ghost. The language was very beautiful and active. I like this part best. As followed there was a part of word to describe Scrooge: he was a hard man with money, hard as a stone. He was a secret self-contained man; friendless and alone .the coldness inside him froze his old face. His eyes were red. His thin lips were blue. Cold seemed to stiffen his way of walking. (www.fwsir.com)The hair on his head and above his eyes was white, white as snow. He carries this coldness with him always wherever he went. This part illustrated Scrooge was a cold man. He grasped the money tightly. As the following story, Scrooge refused his nephew invitation to have the dinner with his family. And he always scolded the Christmas is humbug. He didn’t believe the existence of Christmas and didn’t want to share his happiness and money with others. He had dinner in an inn and then went home. He had rooms in a house which had once belonged to Marley. Scolded sat quietly on the coach. But suddenly there is a big knocker on the door. It was Marley’s ghost. The ghost was bound by the heavy chain and told Scrooge its tragic fate. The ghost told Scrooge that three spirits will come to Scrooge and then faded away.

  From chapter 2 to chapter 4, it talked about the three spirits. The first spirit stood for the past. It showed the happy times in the past of Scrooge. In the past Scrooge always said “Merry Christmas” to whoever he met. He loved life and enjoyed everything in his life. In this part the spirit also showed the first work of Scrooge. His boss, Fezziwig, treated them very well on Christmas. But Scrooge gradually changed. He loved money more than his lover. So his lover parted with him. It’s the money that made Scrooge lost many things. The second stands for the present. in this part , Scrooge is a greedy man . He has no mercy to everything and waste of his time. The third spirit stands for the future. In this part, it showed that Scrooge regret what he had done. And Scrooge was impressed at last. He understood money is not the only thing that is worth to reserve. Love and care were important too.

  At the last chapter, that is chapter 5, Scrooge changed himself and gave mercy to the poor. And he had dinner with his nephew.

  All in all, this story has a perfect end. Form this story, I realized that in this world, money is not everything. We also need love and help.


——《英语新课标》读后感 (菁华5篇)
















  即尽可能让学生多听,运用听觉记忆,使他们用第一语言做出反应,在课堂实际教学中如何进行操作呢?例如,教文具单词时,以前教师大部分采用这样的方法:Look at the picture and read after

  me。出示图片,学生跟读。现在新教材要求在Just listen这一步时教师出示图片,反复示范发音,让学生静听,使他们处在听觉记忆的过程中,然后可以把图片朝下,打乱顺序,由教师本人抽出一张,做猜谜游戏,教师问:Pencil? Is it a pencil?学生只要回答Yes或No即可,这一步学生仍然是听,并用第一语言作出反应。

  即学生在听的过程中指一指,找一找,做出相应的动作,这一阶段他们运用的是形体或运动记忆,心得体会《读《小学英语新课标》心得体会》如Listen and point/colour/number/circle/check。也就是教师发指令,学生动一动,例如在教数字时,教师快速报数字,学生做出手势,再把数字卡片发给学生,按照老师的口令排顺序,我们还可以设计这样的游戏:在教室前放几把椅子,让手持数字卡片的学生坐在椅子上,教师报出两个数字,手持这两个数字的学生尽快更换位置,教师也可参与进去抢座位,这样,形体记忆在这一阶段得到发挥。


  在这一阶段学生能够开始用英语说话,这时他们运用的是长时记忆,他们可以用英语选择他们会说的,每个学生都会有成功的愉悦。例如,教食物bread,ice—cream…和句型I like …,I don’t like…可采用开放式教学,让他们自由选择所知道的食物来说出喜欢吃的和不喜欢吃的,有的学生就会说出,sandwish,salad…这样能使学生感到成功增加他们的自信心。











  即尽可能让学生多听,运用听觉记忆,使他们用第一语言做出反应,在课堂实际教学中如何进行操作呢?例如,教文具单词时,以前教师大部分采用这样的方法:Look at the picture and read after me。出示图片,学生跟读。现在新教材要求在Just listen这一步时教师出示图片,反复示范发音,让学生静听,使他们处在听觉记忆的过程中,然后可以把图片朝下,打乱顺序,由教师本人抽出一张,做猜谜游戏,教师问:Pencil? Is it a pencil?学生只要回答Yes或No即可,这一步学生仍然是听,并用第一语言作出反应。

  即学生在听的过程中指一指,找一找,做出相应的动作,这一阶段他们运用的是形体或运动记忆,如Listen and point/colour/number/circle/check。也就是教师发指令,学生动一动,例如在教数字时,教师快速报数字,学生做出手势,再把数字卡片发给学生,按照老师的口令排顺序,我们还可以设计这样的游戏:在教室前放几把椅子,让手持数字卡片的学生坐在椅子上,教师报出两个数字,手持这两个数字的学生尽快更换位置,教师也可参与进去抢座位,这样,形体记忆在这一阶段得到发挥。


  在这一阶段学生能够开始用英语说话,这时他们运用的是长时记忆,他们可以用英语选择他们会说的,每个学生都会有成功的愉悦。例如,教食物bread,ice—cream…和句型I like …,I don’t like…可采用开放式教学,让他们自由选择所知道的食物来说出喜欢吃的和不喜欢吃的,有的学生就会说出,sandwish,salad…这样能使学生感到成功增加他们的自信心。




















——名著英语读后感 (菁华5篇)

  Austin's "pride and prejudice", as she puts it, is thin on two inches ofivory carving, it is the masterpiece of Austin。 Reflect the marriage problems ofnovel is a, the author works in the most is her favorite works。

  Works of vivid reflects the late 18th century to the early 19th century ina conservative and occlusion of the British town life and the world。 Its socialgraffiti like novels not only attract the readers at that time, solid to today,still give the reader a unique artistic enjoyment。 She was the first torealistically portray ordinary grace novelist in daily ordinary life, plays anessential role in English novel。

  The whole works, not least no winding ups and downs of the plot, but it isthis simple, delicate and attracted us dee*。 Austin, short life is spent inthe country, almost all around may be simple, halcyon atmosphere nurtured hercool temperament。 Not because there is no abundant experience, for the ***ysisof things for her ability to doubt。

  People read the book pride and prejudice "will be fine for her, keenemotion。 When writing "pride and prejudice", she is just a teenage girl, isn'tthis a gift? She does very little contact with the outside world, but thought,imagination, the existence of all this is enough。

  I was read the book which called “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”。 This story is about a clever boy called Tom Sawyer.

  Tom is a naughty boy, he doesn’t like school and he doesn’t like work and he never wants to get up in the morning. But he like playing like swimming, fishing and having adventures with his friends. In this story he and his friend have a lot of adventures. These adventures can be dangerous. One night in the graveyard he and Huck see three men. Then Tom and his friends saw a murder. Joey killed the doctor and referred to Peter. Tom and his friends exposed Joey and caught him and became hero.

  I think Tom is naughty but he is sympathetic and upright, he is brave he doesn’t afraid of Joey and full of his mind are wicked idea but he is clever and optimistic, he want his friend work for him, he make a lot of funny things.

  This book let me know we need to “The road sees rough, gone to bat” to face difficult things we can’t shrink back and we need to fight with them. In the same time l know if only have a dream have pursuit and should try our best to do it , we can’t give up easily .

  It just like in our study life we need to do our best. When we have problem we need to overcome it and get better scores.

  The book house of gold, a beautiful woman in the book. During the summer vacation, I read one of the four classical masterpiece of China's "Three Kingdoms", which describes some of the scenes of great momentum really let me lead a person to endless aftertastes.

  The scene impressed me the most is the "wine chopped Huaxiong".

  To Yuan Shao as a leader of the eighteen governors gathered against Dong Zhuo said, secretly competition is a soldier who is not wide, glorious life, has gone to roost? Only Liu, Guan, Zhang three riding three, unexpectedly also came to the meeting, they had a cavity with good faith, virtue and patriotism. In a group of mediocre and eyes, is certainly not a mere nobody on this small, only Cao Cao with special respect to them.

  Heroes do not ask the source, a mule is a horse out stroll stroll. Sure enough, in the city to be intimidated by Dong Zhuo's pioneer Huaxiong momentum, a panicked, at the occasion, the horse bow hand knife Guan Yu Qingzhan this nameless, they cant help but be struck dumb, not to regard it as right; Yuan Shao said angrily, "we eighteen princes will have sent hundreds of staff, a horse archers play, do not let Huaxiong joke." Guan Yu said loudly: "if I kill Hua Xiong, please cut off my head." Cao Cao sighs, poured a cup of hot wine to Guan Yu, intended for its courage, Guan Yu chuckled softly: "I killed Huaxiong back afterwards!" At the end of the talk, he went up with a big knife. Sure enough, the high pressure of Guan Yu, later with Hua Xiong's head into the junzhang to throw in the various put feet, and the wine is still hot.

  "I saw Cao Cao picked up a cup of wine and drink horse pass Guan, Guan Gong said: wine and down, one came to. He will leave the camp after a moment, he heard the drums saw the earthquake, Guan Hua Xiong's head came to the camp. The wine is still warm. " Our classical Chinese text concise, but to describe image details, people like himself, our words is really charming.

  " Les Miserables " (1862) is representative works of Victor Hugo,as one of the most famous novels in the French literature.

  The novel basic plot is Ran A Rang pitiful life history. He originally is one poor family background worker, because the income insufficient family member gets by, by one time stole the bread is arrested is put in prison. Passed 19 years firm prison and the bitter service life. The punishment completely after also has the larceny behavior, but benevolent bishop in the rice the sorrowful influence, the transformation is one shed oneself manner person. He uses an alias is Madland, works as the entrepreneur, and is pushed for mayor. But soon and further because exposed the status is arrested is put in prison, after escapes rescues the deceased female worker Fantin's daughter Cosette match from one bastard hand special, went to Paris. Afterwards again unceasingly encountered police's pursuit. The Ran A Rang entire life fills is imprisoned the pain which the bitter service and drifts about destitute, this is the novel main clue.

  " Les Miserables " is the work which one realism and the romanticism unifies, the very many chapters glitter the realism glory, such as , in 1832 Paris's street barricade war all wrote is quite real. But the romanticism technique quite was also obvious in the plot arrangement, writes the many extraordinary events. If Ran A rang lets lie down is lifted in the coffin the monastery, he rescues from the street barricade Marilius, all is strange, molds, environment description, symbolic and contrast technique aspect and so on utilization in the character image, also manifests the romanticism the characteristic.

  Here I am sitting on a couch alone, thinking about what I have just finished reading with tears of sadness filling my eyes and fire of indignation filling my heart, which revived my exhausted soul that has already been covered by the cruelty and the selfishness of the secular world for a long time. It is truly what I felt after reading Oliver Twist, written by the prominent British author Charles Dickens.

  The resonance between me and the book makes me feel not only the kindness and the wickedness of all the characters in the novel, but what this aloof society lacks, and what I lack deep inside. These supreme resources I’m talking about right now are somewhat different from minerals, oil that we usually mention. They’re abstract like feelings, and some kinds of spiritual stimulation that all of us desire anxiously from one another —— love and care.

  Those charitable figures whom Dickens created in the novel are really what we need in life. They showed love and care to others, just as the gentle rain from the sky fell upon the earth, which was carved into my heart dee*.

  Mr. Brownlow is one such person.

  The other day he had one of his elaborate watches stolen by two skilled teenage thieves, Artful Dodger and Charley Bates, and thought naturally it was Oliver, who was an orphan and forced to live with a gang of thieves, that had done it because he was the only one near by after the theft had taken place. Being wrathful, he caught Oliver, and sent him to the police station where the ill-tempered, unfair magistrates worked. Fortunately for him, Oliver was proved innocent by one onlooker afterwards. With sympathy, Mr. Brownlow took the injured, poor Oliver to his own home. There Oliver lived freely and gleefully for some months as if he were Mr. Brownlow’s own son. One day, however, Mr. Brownlow asked Oliver to return some books to the bookseller and to send some money for the new books that he had already collected. The thief Oliver once stayed with kidnapped him. After that he disappeared in Mr. Brownlow’s life. Searching for a while, Mr. Brownlow had to believe the fact that he had run away with his money. But dramatically, they came across each other again a few years later. Without hesitation, Mr. Brownlow took Oliver home for the second time not caring if he had done something evil.

  Perhaps most of us would feel confused about Mr. Brownlow’s reaction. But as a matter of fact, this is just the lesson we should learn from him. Jesus said in the Bible. ―Forgive not seven times, but seventy-times seven.‖ Why is that? Because forgiveness is our ability to remove negative thoughts and neutralize them so our energy may be spent on doing what we came here for. We cannot move forward in our future if past issues cloud our thinking. Stop put Mr. Brownlow into the list of your models. Always give people a second chance no matter what they might have done. That’s also a substantial part of loving and caring others.

  Then there are Mrs. Maylie and Rose, Oliver’s other benefactors. Maybe the reason they loved and cared Oliver was not because of forgiveness. In my point of view, it was trust. They had faith in Oliver when he was considered to be a filthy burglar who tried to break the front door of Maylie’s at midnight. But this wasn’t how these two ladies saw the whole thing. They denied Oliver’s crime immediately and listened attentively to Oliver’s own description of his miserable life. They were dee* touched by Oliver’s strong perseverance and astonishing vitality. Accordingly, they remedied Oliver’s body and heart and turned him into a different boy. He began to wear appropriate and clean suits which were tailor-made for him and receive education.

  As far as we can see, it is trust that helps us all live together without precaution. Sometimes trust can even lead us to miracles, which we often expect to come about, so why not trust? Trust yourself, trust others, and you’ll salute miracles every single day.

  In the novel, though the young Oliver again and again fell for conspiracies of those hideous thieves, who tried to torture Oliver’s body and poisoned Oliver’s heart intensely, he always lived on and tried hard to seek for his own life. Then I realized what supported him all through were actually beliefs. In most cases, what you believe is what you’ll become. Believe that you are unlimited, that you can do anything you commit to doing, and when you do, your accomplishments will know no bounds. You control your beliefs and that is how you ultimately control your life. It’s all dictated by your attitude.

  In the final ***ysis, love and care contain numerous forms, there are love of forgiveness, love of trust, etc. but they all come from your beliefs in life. When someone tells you he’s deceived you, forgive him anyway, when someone tells you what he’s done, trust him anyway, and when you face adversities while chasing your dreams, think about your beliefs, then what hinders you will become a piece of cake in no time.

  So find out ―Olivers‖ in your life and do as Mr. Brownlow and Mrs. Maylie do: love them and care them, which cost nothing but save much. They enrich those who receive, without impoverishing those who give. They can be certain smallest words or actions, but the memory of them sometimes last forever.

  Charles Dickens said:―Love makes the world go around.‖ These immortal words have inspired and will keep on inspiring us to chant the melody of love and to say the prayer of care forevermore. Let us, therefore, enjoy life and treat other people lovingly. These principles are the roots and foundations of beliefs supporting this article and our mission together.



  " He sings a song of the younger world,which is the song of the pack."When the last sentence vanished from my eyes,I can still perceive an echo of a song - a wild song,which knocks up my dizzy mind that always cheerfully sink into the so-called civilized world without questioning.Wild,is no longer a symbol of the law of jungle but a headspring where streams out love,passion,bravery,loyalty,friendship,venture,competition and tolerance all these virtues can easily be found in the Call of the Wild.

  Jack London is a worldwide renowned novelist.His stories successfully reflect the contradictory views of man's nature and destiny in and against the wild,and his "fight to survive" notion has gained him and his works timeless popularity,particularly,the Call of the Wild

  It tells a story of a gigantic dog,named Buck,who is stolen from a rich and comfortable home and forced to learn to survive as an Alaskan sled dog.Buck,at first,is too savage for the company of man until he coincidently encounters his beloved master-kindhearted John Thornton.Finally,John's incidental death breaks Buck's last tie to the man and drives him into his long-desired wild with his pack.In the story,Buck and John sim*** adopt themselves to answer the call of the wild.When it comes to Buck's mind that one day he will eventually leave John- his master,all he wants to do is just to help him finish the gold-rush-trip.He " from then on,night and day,never put a halt,in desperation,he burst into long stretch of flight,did not to stay him…" Buck wished to remember John's image forever,he "for two days and nights never left camp,never let Thornton out of his sight.He followed him about at his work,watched him while saw him into blankets at night and out of them in the morning…" When I read these words I just could not hold my tears bursting.Can a real man devote himself to loyalty and friendship in such a way?On the other hand,John Thornton is not only a dog-lover but also a brave and venturous man.He is so straightforward and simple that makes him an accommodating man.Once he firmly roots a goal into his heart,it seems that nothing could prevent him from accomplishing it except death.I do not know whether the persistence is the most vital element to make a man successful,but what I know is that you are not far away from success once you occupy it.

  It is Jack London who plunges me into the animated wild from the hustle-and-bustle and from desperate city.There,I merely cannot deny the attraction of Buck's bark,which enlightens me to pursue another lost half of the nature in mankind,and to dig out a true meaning of life.Dare we imagine that London intentionally employs Buck to set us a model with perfect characters?The answer is affirmed.We,as animals,are from the wild but shedding off more and more wild signs,which demonstrate us as the "uncivilized".However,who can fully guarantee that we have not overlooked some essential wild-endowed virtues?Especially,nowadays,it seems more crucial for us to stop looking at the post-industrialized world and to ponder for a while.When cheats,betrayals,lies,lusts and crimes stuff a materialized society,whether London uses this novel to help himself escape the reality or warn the earthy people,to us,modern man,is all the same.It appears horrible that in modern society many people are enthusiastically talking about how to build up "special relations" to the authority,deceiving and lying to each other.To them life is a mask-wearing process rather than a hard work.Every time,you browse WebPages,scandals in politics,business,the entertainment circle and even on campus crowd into your eyes.Oh,what is the essence of human beings?What is the civilization to us?Do we need to look back at where we came from?Is it good or bad for us to speak out what we think and to do what the consciences demand us to?Are we wasting talents given by the mighty nature?Be an honest,straightforward,warmhearted,emotional and responsible man or be a shrewd,cold hearted and astute hypocrite?While embracing the "civilized" rubbish,we are losing those good virtues,which are the calls of the wild.Once we lose them,we are to lose ourselves,and we will get nowhere.I wish this dreadful thought is totally a fallacy,but,now,it is chilling me hard.One day when I happen to stand on the top of a grand mountain to observe a boundless prairie enveloped by the sapphire firmament and combed by gusts of the rhythmical west wind,a morning sun sprinkles me her warmth and brilliance in a graceful way,however,at that moment,I am afraid that I cannot appreciate these beauties,I am a lost " civilized man" then.

  Please,please do not let come true while we are still able to answer the call of the wild.

  When I went to the school library to borrow books,I accidentally saw The Call of the Wilderness.The Call of the Wild! It was written by Jack London! A masterpiece! I took it without hesitation.

  It has been lying here for two months and has never had time to see it.Two days ago,I finally opened the book.Looking at the sharp words,the profound description of the wilderness,and his profound exposure to the capitalist society,I can't help it.

  Booker,a dog born in the south,was sold to some place in the north by an unreliable acquaintance.As he was born in a civilized city in the south,he not only did not see snow,but also did not know that the way of life here was: the law of the jungle.But it soon became clear from Curley that she had been bitten to death by another sled dog.Booker was forced to fight for survival in the environment of the law of the jungle.His original dignity was gone,and the original wildness slowly returned.After suffering and dying,Booker was saved by John Thornton.From then on,Booker felt the warmth of love and knew how to repay.However,after the murder of John Thornton,Booker finally cut off the link with human society.Under the call of the wilderness,he joined the wolves and returned to nature.

  This book is a novel with animals as the theme.It is full of twists and turns,vivid and interesting scenes,and has a certain philosophical ending that gives people a certain imagination.Booker is a very strong dog.He refuses to take things as they are.Instead,he tries his best to keep himself free from other dogs and become the "leader" of sled dogs.

  What touched me most was that he was very loyal to his master who treated him well.Even when he was loyal to his master,he jumped down the cliff without hesitation.Moreover,it is smart and brave.Although it is also competitive sometimes,it never acts recklessly.It is cautious in everything,seize the best opportunity to attack decisively and never hesitates.This may be the spirit we need to learn!

  When Jack London found that Americans at that time liked to go to the northern polar regions to look for gold mines,which required a large number of sturdy dogs to pull sleds,the image of Buck in the novel appeared.Buck,originally a beloved dog of Judge Miller,had been living in the warm valley of southern California of the United States,but was sold to Alaska,It is a remote and cold place.

  After entering the north,he knew how bad the environment was and how hard life was.There was no law in the south,only the law of big stick and sharp teeth,.There are no fair rules of the game.We must persevere at all times and never give up and fall down.Falling down is a weak person,and abiding by the Southern Law is also a weak person.In this harsh environment,Buck's wildness is slowly awakened,

  He met five masters in the polar region,and the last one was John.Thornton's men saved Buck and cared about Buck very much.He didn't have to travel long distances or pull sledges around Thornton,which seemed a real happiness to Buck.Unfortunately,Thornton was killed by Indians in a gold rush,which broke the last link between Buck and people.Since then,Buck has no trust in people.He decided to join the wolves and return to nature

  The image of Zaobak in the novel is the sign of the strong.He sees the world of dogs through the human world.Writing about dogs in the novel means writing about people,which endows dogs with human character and psychological activities.Therefore,dogs are called "he" rather than "it".

  I saw many excellent qualities in Buck,but how can we accept the ancient song he sang after he finally walked into the wolves and returned to nature?That's just a writer's moral and a way of expressing literature.

  Any creature will encounter the change of living environment in its life,and the change of environment means that only by making changes,can it survive,continue to study and work in the new environment.

  The protagonist in this book is a dog named Buck who lives in the Lord Chancellors house.Buck lived a good life until he was stolen by the judges gardener,sold to the post office,and sent to the cold area of Alaska to pull the mail sledge.After saying goodbye to the relaxed and pleasant life,he was forced to work for others.The transformation of these two different environments was very sudden.Even buck didnt have any thinking and reaction time,and he didnt know the skills of being a snow dog.

  It was obvious that God played a joke on buck,but he persevered.It was not defeated by the harsh weather,nor was it defeated by its compe***s.It persevered in changing its owners and jobs.This is not only because it has extraordinary perseverance,but also because it can quickly adapt to the new environment.

  If we want to adapt to an environment,we must really understand the new environment.If we go to a new school and want to integrate into the school,we must understand the learning situation of the students in the school.First of all,lets learn about the educational methods of this school.If the students Union is required to study independently,we must adapt ourselves to this atmosphere of independent learning as soon as possible.In this way,we can learn more skills and will not waste resources.The same is true in society.Only by adapting to the environment faster can we have more opportunities.

  Of course,if this new environment is bad for us,I suggest we still "go our own way" and dont let ourselves deviate from the normal track.In the current social environment,who can adapt to the changes of the environment faster,who can find the road to success faster.

  Some books can dee*** touch you,some books can give you unlimited reverie,and some books can make you fondle them.But I have such a book to let me know that only through the dungeon like training can we create the power of heaven.

  This winter vacation,I read The Call of the Wild,which was written by American writer Jack London.The book tells about a dog named Buck.Originally,he lived a carefree life in a peaceful and comfortable place,but was interrupted by a man.Buck changed three masters in total.In the wild,in many battles.Buck understood the difference between the strong and the weak and the rule of survival,and slowly his recessive recovery.Among the three masters,Thornton was the best to him,but every night Buck was attracted by the howling of wolves.After a period of twists and turns,Thornton was killed by a group of aborigines.Buck was both sad and angry,so he punished the group of aborigines.Finally,he returned to the jungle to find the wolves,and joined them as the Wolf King,Like his ancestors,he led a wild life.

  I was dee*** attracted by the story,and after reading the closed book for several days,I was tired of thinking.Although Buck,the dog,did not have a happy life,he was able to win the dignity of his own survival by his own efforts.On the way to find happiness,Buck kept honing himself and finally won the power of Wolf King.Think about yourself.If you encounter difficulties in life,you will shrink back and not overcome them.But I gradually began to challenge myself through the dog Buck.

  After the wind and rain,the sky will be the same as that of Aoxiang and Yuyou.Only by learning from setbacks,can the flowers of happiness bloom invincibly.















  它带着他看见了今天的*安夜,不管是男女老少都非常高兴,大家互相关心,互相祝贺圣诞快乐!它(他)来到了他贫穷的雇员家,他们也是愉快的说笑;它(他)们来到他自己的外甥家,斯克虏骑听见大家都说他的坏话,可又 都祝他愉快!















  《圣诞欢歌》是我暑假中读的本书的书名,看到这个名儿,给我的第一感觉这本书是描写外国圣诞节的美景、*俗的写景书。可是我错了,当读过书之后我才发现其实这本书叙述一个老头——埃比尼泽·斯克罗吉转变的过程,通过一个生前与他一样作为的合作伙伴雅各布·马利的鬼魂和三个拯救他的昔日、今日、未来圣诞鬼魂的光顾,使他在除夕夜一夜之间从一个吝啬、冷漠、不愿帮助穷人的富翁老头变成了位心中充满热情,爱助人为乐的善良老人的故事 。





  The Ugly Duckling.

  One evening,the sun was just setting in with true splendor when a flock of beautiful large birds appeared out of the bushes. The duckling had never seen anything so beautiful. They were dazzlingly white with long waving necks. They were swans and uttering a peculiar cry. They spread out their magnificent broad wings and flew away from the cold regions toward warmer lands and open seas.

  They mounted so high,so very high,and the ugly little duckling became strangely uneasy. He circled around and around in the water like a wheel,craning his neck out into the air after them. Then he uttered the shriek so piercing and so strange that he was quite frightened by himself. Oh,he could not forget those beautiful birds,those happy birds and as soon as they were out of sight. He ducked right down to the bottom and when he came up again,he was quite beside himself. He did not know what the birds were or where’d they flew. But all the same,he was more drawn towards them than he had ever been by any creatures before. He did not envy them in the least. How could it occur to him even to wish to be such a marvelous beauty? He wouldn’t be thankful if only the ducks would have tolerated him among them,the poor ugly creature.

  Early in the morning,a peasant came along and saw him,he went out onto the ice and hammered a hole in it with his heavy wooden shoe,and carried the duckling home to his wife. There,it soon revived. The children wanted to play with it. But the duckling thought they were going to ill use him and rushed in and he frightened to the milk-pan,and the milk spurted out all over the room. The woman shrieked and threw up her hands. Then it flew to the butter-cask and down into the meal-tub and out again. Oh,just imagine what it looked like by this time. The woman screamed and tried to hit it with the tongs,and the children tumbled over one another in trying to catch it,and they screamed with laughter.

  By good luck,the door stood open and the duckling flew out among the bushes and the new fallen snow. And it lay there,thoroughly exhausted,but it would be too sad to mention all the privation and misery had to go through during that hard winter. When the sun began to shine warmly again,the duckling was in a marsh,lying among the rushes. The larks were singing,and the beautiful spring had come. Then all at once,it raised its wings and they flapped with much greater strength than before and bore him off vigorously. Before he knew where he was,he found himself in a large garden with the apple trees were in full blossom. And the air was scentedly with lilacs,the long branches of which overhung the indented shores of the lake. Oh,the spring freshness was so delicious. Just in front of him,he saw three beautiful white swans advancing towards him from a thicket. With rustling feathers,they swam lightly over the water. The duckling recognized the majestic birds,and he was overcome by a strange melancholy.

  “I will fly to them,the royal birds,and they will hack me to pieces because I who am so ugly venture to approach them. But it won’t matter. Better to be killed by them than be snacked up by the ducks,pecked by the hens,or spurned by the hen wife,or suffer so much misery in the winter.” So he flew into the water and swam towards the stately swans. They saw him and darted toward him with ruffled feathers. “Kill me,oh,kill me.” said the poor creature. And bowing his head towards the water,he awaited his death. But what did he see? Reflected in the transparent water,he saw below him his own image,but he was no longer a clumsy dark gray bird,ugly and ungainly. He was himself,a swan.


  Ugly duckling illustrated, many tribulations into a white swan, it is because it has a dream of mind. It supports dream. In fact, no trajectory fate lies in the realm of beautiful, beautiful pursuit of ideals. The frustration and pain of life is inevitable, they should learn to walk the feet. Every child will have a dream of their own, as long as they learn to establish life goals, self-confidence, self-improvement, Independence grow up, they will really struggle through the original can also become aware of their "white swan" like the ugly duckling can achieve the same dream in the heart

  After reading THE UGLY DUCK,I have a lot to say.

  In the story,the ugly duck lost his self-confidence.But after having a talk with the old duck,he became confident.At last,he even turned into a beautiful swan.

  If we do not have a pretty appearance,we can also be successful in the future.We can even go beyond others.When we are trapped,we should not lose our confidence but raise our heads and believe succeis waiting for us.

  The author pays homage to Hans Christian Andersen‘s compassionate tale with this faithful adaptation. Kids can relate to the duckling‘s dilemma; part of the growing-up proceis pulling away from those around you and developing a strong sense of self. Children have also witnessed or experienced the teasing that is part and parcel of childhood.

  This agelestory speaks acrogenerations with its reaffirming message. In this age of instant gratification, Andersen‘s tale reminds readers that some things are worth waiting for and that a pleasure deferred (whether by choice or necessity) is often the sweetest one of all.

  Pinkney‘s descri ptive passages resonate with the splendor of nature‘s beauty. The glowing watercolors, filled with intricate details, make each blade of gravisible, and the delicately drawn, nearly transparent mosquitoes are as ethereal as they are in life. The subtle details incorporated into the scenes--a frog catching a passing fly at the pond and a tiny mouse perched by a crate in the old woman‘s cottage--make children take another look.

  One day he heard a sound of whirring wings, and up in the air he saw a flock of birds flying high. They were as bright as the snow that had fallen during the night, and their long necks were stretched southward. Oh, if only he could go with them! But what sort of companion could he be to those beautiful beings?

  ‘I am too ugly even for a dog to eat,‘ the duckling thought. Jerry Pinkney‘s poignant text and rich artwork convey the timeleappeal of this tale of hardship and redemption. Anyone who has suffered the sting of ostracism can sympathize

  Ugly duckling illustrated, many tribulations into a white swan, it is because it has a dream of mind. It supports dream. In fact, no trajectory fate lies in the realm of beautiful, beautiful pursuit of ideals. The frustration and pain of life is inevitable, they should learn to walk the feet. Every child will have a dream of their own, as long as they learn to establish life goals, self-confidence, self-improvement, Independence grow up, they will really struggle through the original can also become aware of their "white swan" like the ugly duckling can achieve the same dream in the heart

  After reading THE UGLY DUCK,I have a lot to say.

  In the story,the ugly duck lost his self-confidence.But after having a talk with the old duck,he became confident.At last,he even turned into a beautiful swan.

  If we do not have a pretty appearance,we can also be successful in the future.We can even go beyond others.When we are trapped,we should not lose our confidence but raise our heads and believe succeis waiting for us.

  The author pays homage to Hans Christian Andersen‘s compassionate tale with this faithful adaptation. Kids can relate to the duckling‘s dilemma; part of the growing-up proceis pulling away from those around you and developing a strong sense of self. Children have also witnessed or experienced the teasing that is part and parcel of childhood.

  This agelestory speaks acrogenerations with its reaffirming message. In this age of instant gratification, Andersen‘s tale reminds readers that some things are worth waiting for and that a pleasure deferred (whether by choice or necessity) is often the sweetest one of all.

  Pinkney‘s descriptive passages resonate with the splendor of nature‘s beauty. The glowing watercolors, filled with intricate details, make each blade of gravisible, and the delicately drawn, nearly transparent mosquitoes are as ethereal as they are in life. The subtle details incorporated into the scenes--a frog catching a passing fly at the pond and a tiny mouse perched by a crate in the old woman‘s cottage--make children take another look.

  One day he heard a sound of whirring wings, and up in the air he saw a flock of birds flying high. They were as bright as the snow that had fallen during the night, and their long necks were stretched southward. Oh, if only he could go with them! But what sort of companion could he be to those beautiful beings?

  ‘I am too ugly even for a dog to eat,‘ the duckling thought. Jerry Pinkney‘s poignant text and rich artwork convey the timeleappeal of this tale of hardship and redemption. Anyone who has suffered the sting of ostracism can sympathize

  After reading "the ugly duckling" this article, I know the "can't judge a book by its cover," can't laugh at others.

  Although some people childhood long ugly, but her good heart, wisdom, and can grow up to be a beautiful "white swan". Some people childhood long quite beautiful, like a princess, but her heart malice, love to laugh at other people, wait until a day, she will be a friend also have no, the longer the ugly, childhood "white swan" will also become "the ugly duckling".

  The appearance of beauty and ugliness is only a small part of life.

  I think that although this article of the ugly duckling no faith, but it is still very strong, it knows that long very ugly, it know friends don't like it, but it does not want to: "since I long that ugly, since the friends all don't like me, I live in the world still have what use!" If I were in the article the ugly duckling, those little duck, the dog and the cat to laugh at me, I will say unto them ": although I am ugly, but I'm good heart, a strong, there will always be those who like me."

  We want to XiangWenZhang backwater of learning, no matter what others say, you have to be strong, don't give up, we also a reason to know a man's tenth lies not in the physical appearance, beautiful truth in having a pure mind."

  I after work, leisure, always likes to open the "friend", to roam inside. For "friend" is our primary school the heavens and the earth.

  I like the inside of each article, but what I am interested in, or the "Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale", which many strange story in our children, to me the deepest impression is the ugly duckling.

  The ugly duckling has just give birth to come, because of the ugly than other brothers and sisters, and rejection by mother and brothers and sisters, mother put it out of the door, but it didn't give up hope of survival, but the strong survived. After spring, summer, autumn and winter, cold and cool. One day, the ugly duckling suddenly discovered that one of the near the river is very beautiful swan. At this time, its own whim, to look in his ugly appearance. So he came to the river, have never thought, they know not at what time has become a beautiful white swan. From then on, "ugly duckling" life more happiness!

  In my life, there is something I experienced, that thing, let me grow up a lot of.

  I grew up like singing, hear music like to move, but my voice is not very good, sing the song is not very good, so have been a lot of people laugh at, I really want to give up, may be I don't have singing talent. But, my mother has been encouraging me, said: "children, learn bad it doesn't matter, is your main interest, mothers can take you to learn singing, so your song will be more and more good to listen!" Listen to the mother of the words, my confidence back again! Mother encouraged me every time, as soon as I have difficulty I will think of mom, to this day, my song is good, I also taught my sister singing.

  In life, we all like an ugly duckling, everyone started is an ugly duckling. But, after untold hardships, will eventually become a beautiful white swan.







