
首页 / 文库 / | 2022-01-15 23:40:24 词汇,四级,公共英语


  a sense of belonging 归属感

  abuse, neglect and delinquency 虐待,忽视,行为

  addiction 沉溺,上瘾

  adolescent 青春期的,青春的;青少年

  affection 友爱,爱情

  aggressive 好斗的,侵略性

  aggressive behavior 进攻性行为

  alluring 吸引人的

  an egocentric person 自私自利的人

  anomaly 不规则,异常的人或物

  antisocial 不擅社交的,反社会的

  armed robbery 持械抢劫

  arson 纵火,纵火罪

  assault 攻击

  avenge oneself on 向……报仇,向……进行报复

  be charged with被指控犯罪

  be guilty of 有罪

  be prone to social ills 易受到社会恶*的侵蚀

  bully 欺凌弱小者,威吓,威逼

  burglary 入室行窃

  caring 有同情心的

  child abuse 摧残儿童,虐待儿童

  confidence, self-esteem and life skills 信心,自信和生活技能

  copy 模仿

  curiosity 好奇

  degenerate 堕落

  delinquent 违法者;违法的

  depravation 颓废,堕落

  depraved f 堕落的,邪恶的

  detrimental 有害的

  differentiate virtue from evil 辨明是非

  distinguish between right and wrong 辨别是非

  distinguish good from evil 分辨善恶

  distinguish right from wrong 辨明是非

  domestic violence 家庭暴力

  drug addict 吸毒者

  drugs and alcohol 毒品和酒精

  dupe 易受骗的人,易受愚弄的人;欺骗,愚弄

  egoist 自我主义者

  emotional 情绪的,情感的

  emotional exchanges 感情交流

  evil 邪恶的;邪恶,罪恶

  fall victims to 成为牺牲品

  female violent crime 妇女暴力犯罪

  follow like sheep 盲从

  follow suit 跟从

  go astray 误入歧途

  guilty 犯罪的,有罪的

  have a tremendous impact 有深远的影响

  ignorance 无知

  illiteracy 文盲

  imitate 模仿

  immature 不成熟

  indecent material 猥亵的材料

  inexperience 无经验,不熟练

  inexperienced 经验的,不熟练的,缺乏处世之道或知识的

  innocence 天真,清白

  intervention 干涉

  irrational 不理性的;不合理的

  juvenile 青少年的

  lax discipline 纪律

  literacy 有文化,有教养,有读写能力

  lure 引诱

  mass media 大众媒体

  material comforts 物质享受

  mimic 模仿

  misleading 引入歧途的,使人误解的,骗人的


  monitoring and supervision 监管

  morally corrupt 道德败坏的


  naive 天真的,幼稚的

  negative role model 负面的榜样

  nurture 养育,教育

  obsession 迷住,困扰

  offender 罪犯,冒犯者

  offensive material 不恰当的材料

  outlaw 歹徒

  parental permissiveness 家长的过分宽容

  peer influence 同伴的影响

  peer pressure 来自同伴的压力

  perpetrate 犯(罪)

  perpetrator 犯罪者,作恶者

  personality traits 性格特征

  perverted 不正当的

  physical abuse 体罚

  *ographic felt **的,**作品的

  *ography 色俗文学,色借书刊


  pregnancy 怀孕

  prevention 预防,防止甂

  primp (过分讲究地)打扮,装饰

  proper guidance 恰当的指引

  property 财产,所有物

  prostitution 卖淫

  rationalization 合理化

  resist the temptation 抵挡住诱惑

  respect 尊敬

  retaliate 报复

  risky behaviors 危险的行为

  role model 行为榜样

  self-centered 自我为中心的

  sequacious 盲从的

  sexual harassment 性骚扰

  single-parent family 单亲家庭

  sinister 险恶的,邪恶的

  spoiled 宠坏的

  strengthening the family ties 密切家庭感情

  substance abuse 滥用毒品

  take fantasy for reality 把虚幻当现实

  take vengeance on 报仇

  tempting 诱惑人的

  thievery 偷窃

  trusting 信任的,信赖的

  untrustworthy 不能信赖的,靠不住的

  unwed mother 未婚妈妈

  upbringing 抚育,教养

  victim 受害人,牺牲品

  victimization 受害,牺牲,欺骗

  violence in domestic relationships 家庭暴力

  vulgar 粗俗的

  wipe out illiteracy 扫除文盲


  naive 天真的,幼稚的

  negative role model 负面的榜样

  nurture 养育,教育

  obsession 迷住,困扰

  offender 罪犯,冒犯者

  offensive material 不恰当的材料

  outlaw 歹徒

  parental permissiveness 家长的过分宽容

  peer influence 同伴的影响

  peer pressure 来自同伴的压力

  perpetrate 犯(罪)

  perpetrator 犯罪者,作恶者

  personality traits 性格特征

  perverted 不正当的

  physical abuse 体罚

  *ographic felt **的,**作品的

  *ography 色俗文学,色借书刊


  pregnancy 怀孕

  prevention 预防,防止甂

  primp (过分讲究地)打扮,装饰

  proper guidance 恰当的指引

  property 财产,所有物

  prostitution 卖淫

  rationalization 合理化

  resist the temptation 抵挡住诱惑

  respect 尊敬

  retaliate 报复

  risky behaviors 危险的行为

  role model 行为榜样

  self-centered 自我为中心的

  sequacious 盲从的

  sexual harassment 性骚扰

  single-parent family 单亲家庭

  sinister 险恶的,邪恶的

  spoiled 宠坏的

  strengthening the family ties 密切家庭感情

  substance abuse 滥用毒品

  take fantasy for reality 把虚幻当现实

  take vengeance on 报仇

  tempting 诱惑人的

  thievery 偷窃

  trusting 信任的,信赖的

  untrustworthy 不能信赖的,靠不住的

  unwed mother 未婚妈妈

  upbringing 抚育,教养

  victim 受害人,牺牲品

  victimization 受害,牺牲,欺骗

  violence in domestic relationships 家庭暴力

  vulgar 粗俗的

  wipe out illiteracy 扫除文盲





  The General House Effect

  The green house effect is not a new phenomenon. Scientists have known for centuries that a layer of gases naturally surrounds the earth like an insulating blanket, trapping the reflected energy of the sun and preventing it from escaping into space that is what makes the earth warm enough for people, plants and animals. However, recent human activity has boosted concentrations of greenhouse gases and enhanced their heat-trapping ability. The man culprit is carbon dioxide which scientists estimate accounts for nearly half of global warming.Co2 is released from burning fossil fuels and from clearing and burning forests.

  There are other important greenhouse gases too and they cannot be ignored. CFCs, for example, may account for 25 per cent of global warming in the text century if their production is not scaled back. But carbon dioxide is the pivotal one. The UN International panel on Climatic Change now says that Co2 levels could double within in 40 years if present rates of fossil-fuel burning and deforestation continue. That means an average temperature increase between two and four degrees centigrade and a sea-level rise of perhaps a foot by 2050.

  No one knows for certain how local weather will change as a result of this warming. But one thing is clear-it will be no picnic. Indications are that the earth will be take place not over thousands of years, but over decades. And it is the speed of the change, which makes the precise impact so difficult to predict.

  The most sophisticated com*rized climate models in the US and UK , agree that weather around the world will become more irregular and more extreme. In general, temperatures will become more towards the poles than at the equator. overall rainfall will also increase as higher temperatures boost evaporation from the seas. But the distribution of precipitation will shift. Some areas will become wetter, others will be drier. In middle latitudes, Climate zones will march poles-wards. In tropical and subtropical parts of the third would, warming will be less but the impact on a relatively stable climate will be greater.

  Global warming will also cause ocean levels to rise---though not, as popular wisdom has it, due to the Antarctic ice cap melting. If this catastrophe occurs it will not be for at least another century. Instead, sea levels will rise sim* because water expands as it warms. people living in low-lying coastal regions will be in danger. The world’s great river deltas, home to millions in Asia and Latin America and containing some of the Third World’s richest food-growing land, could become brackish graveyards.

  6. Which gas is the most responsible for global warming?

  A. Carbon Dioxide.

  B. CFCs.

  C. Green houses.

  D. other gases in the atmosphere.

  7. What will happen if man continues to burn fossil fuels and forests at present rates?

  A. All fossil fuels, like coal, oil and gas, will run out.

  B. Deforestation will give rise to the loss of co2.

  C. The temperature will increase two to four degrees Fahrenheit.

  D. The rise of sea-level will reach about a foot by 2050.

  8. Why is the precise impact the global warming will exert on local weather hard to predict?

  A. Because the great changes in temperature will take place in just decades.

  B. Because the course of changes will last thousands of years.

  C. Because people are not sure whether the earth will be warmer than before.

  D. Because there are many other factors involved in this change.

  9. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

  A. The earth, as a whole, will become much wetter.

  B. The temperature around equator will rise more than around the poles.

  C. The amount of rainfall will be the same from place to place.

  D. The weather around the world will be more unusual in the next few decades.

  10. It can be concluded that

  A. The rise of ocean levels is due to the Antarctic ice cap melting.

  B. The temperature increase will take a gradual course.

  C. Human beings will have to suffer more from environmental damage.

  D. Without greenhouse gases the earth would be extremely hot.



  第一段有这样一句话:the main culprit is carbon dioxide, which scientists estimate accounts for nearly half of global warming 从这句话可以看出,二氧化碳是全球变暖的罪魁祸首,对全球变暖负有重大责任。


  联合国的环境变化国际小组告诉我们:如果仍以目前的速度使用燃料并滥伐森林,到2005年,地球温度将会上升2-4摄氏度,海*面也将上升一英尺。所以C是错误的。A文章没有提到燃料是否会用尽。B 滥伐森林不但不会使二氧化碳减少,反而会使二氧化碳越来越多。


  第三段最后一句话告诉我们这道题的正确答案。It is the speed of the change, which makes the precise impact so difficult to predict.地球的温度在十年间就升高了,变化发生的速度如此之快,使人很难预测到地球变暖对当地气候的影响。


  文章的第四段指出:在美国和英国有一个非常复杂的计算机化模型,这一模型得出了世界气候越来越变化无常、越来越不规律这一结论。A一些地方会更加湿润,一些地方会更加干燥,而不是选项中所说的地球整体上会变的更加湿润。B温度在两极的增长幅度大于在赤道的增长幅度, 而不是赤道的温度增长幅度大于两极的增长幅度。C 雨量分布将发生变化,而不是选项中所说的各地的降水量相同。


  文章的末尾告诉我们:环境的污染引起的全球变暖、海*面上升、气候异常以及雨量分布不均,最终给人类带来更多的不幸。A 海*面的上升并不像人们认为的那样是由于南极冰层融化引起的。


  11. Global warming could disrupt the ability of a large portion of the world’s oceans to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, setting off a vicious cycle in which the earth gets even hotter, researchers said.

  (set off使爆炸,出发; vicious adj.恶的, 堕落的;researchers said注意翻译顺序)

  12. These waters around Antarctica make up 10 percent of the world’s oceans and play a significant role in soaking up carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas seen as one of the main causes of global warming.

  (Waters水域;soak up 吸收;注意过去分词短语的翻译)

  13. Since carbon dioxide contributes to global warming, scientists believe a growing build-up of the gas would make the environmental problem increasingly worse.

  (contribute to起作用,有助于)

  14. If global warming continues with increased precipitation in the Southern ocean, there will be more stratification and that will favor diatoms.

  (precipitation n.仓促; stratification n.层化, 成层,; diatom n.硅藻属)

  15. The study, which took place during a month -long expedition during the Antarctic summer, was also one of the first to show that some types of algae absorb carbon dioxide better than others.

  (expedition n.远征, 探险队; algae n.藻类, 海藻)








  The General House Effect

  The green house effect is not a new phenomenon. Scientists have known for centuries that a layer of gases naturally surrounds the earth like an insulating blanket, trapping the reflected energy of the sun and preventing it from escaping into space that is what makes the earth warm enough for people, plants and animals. However, recent human activity has boosted concentrations of greenhouse gases and enhanced their heat-trapping ability. The man culprit is carbon dioxide which scientists estimate accounts for nearly half of global warming.Co2 is released from burning fossil fuels and from clearing and burning forests.

  There are other important greenhouse gases too and they cannot be ignored. CFCs, for example, may account for 25 per cent of global warming in the text century if their production is not scaled back. But carbon dioxide is the pivotal one. The UN International panel on Climatic Change now says that Co2 levels could double within in 40 years if present rates of fossil-fuel burning and deforestation continue. That means an average temperature increase between two and four degrees centigrade and a sea-level rise of perhaps a foot by 2050.

  No one knows for certain how local weather will change as a result of this warming. But one thing is clear-it will be no picnic. Indications are that the earth will be take place not over thousands of years, but over decades. And it is the speed of the change, which makes the precise impact so difficult to predict.

  The most sophisticated com*rized climate models in the US and UK , agree that weather around the world will become more irregular and more extreme. In general, temperatures will become more towards the poles than at the equator. overall rainfall will also increase as higher temperatures boost evaporation from the seas. But the distribution of precipitation will shift. Some areas will become wetter, others will be drier. In middle latitudes, Climate zones will march poles-wards. In tropical and subtropical parts of the third would, warming will be less but the impact on a relatively stable climate will be greater.

  Global warming will also cause ocean levels to rise---though not, as popular wisdom has it, due to the Antarctic ice cap melting. If this catastrophe occurs it will not be for at least another century. Instead, sea levels will rise sim* because water expands as it warms. people living in low-lying coastal regions will be in danger. The world’s great river deltas, home to millions in Asia and Latin America and containing some of the Third World’s richest food-growing land, could become brackish graveyards.

  6. Which gas is the most responsible for global warming?

  A. Carbon Dioxide.

  B. CFCs.

  C. Green houses.

  D. other gases in the atmosphere.

  7. What will happen if man continues to burn fossil fuels and forests at present rates?

  A. All fossil fuels, like coal, oil and gas, will run out.

  B. Deforestation will give rise to the loss of co2.

  C. The temperature will increase two to four degrees Fahrenheit.

  D. The rise of sea-level will reach about a foot by 2050.

  8. Why is the precise impact the global warming will exert on local weather hard to predict?

  A. Because the great changes in temperature will take place in just decades.

  B. Because the course of changes will last thousands of years.

  C. Because people are not sure whether the earth will be warmer than before.

  D. Because there are many other factors involved in this change.

  9. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

  A. The earth, as a whole, will become much wetter.

  B. The temperature around equator will rise more than around the poles.

  C. The amount of rainfall will be the same from place to place.

  D. The weather around the world will be more unusual in the next few decades.

  10. It can be concluded that

  A. The rise of ocean levels is due to the Antarctic ice cap melting.

  B. The temperature increase will take a gradual course.

  C. Human beings will have to suffer more from environmental damage.

  D. Without greenhouse gases the earth would be extremely hot.



  第一段有这样一句话:the main culprit is carbon dioxide, which scientists estimate accounts for nearly half of global warming 从这句话可以看出,二氧化碳是全球变暖的罪魁祸首,对全球变暖负有重大责任。


  联合国的环境变化国际小组告诉我们:如果仍以目前的速度使用燃料并滥伐森林,到2005年,地球温度将会上升2-4摄氏度,海*面也将上升一英尺。所以C是错误的。A文章没有提到燃料是否会用尽。B 滥伐森林不但不会使二氧化碳减少,反而会使二氧化碳越来越多。


  第三段最后一句话告诉我们这道题的正确答案。It is the speed of the change, which makes the precise impact so difficult to predict.地球的温度在十年间就升高了,变化发生的速度如此之快,使人很难预测到地球变暖对当地气候的影响。


  文章的第四段指出:在美国和英国有一个非常复杂的计算机化模型,这一模型得出了世界气候越来越变化无常、越来越不规律这一结论。A一些地方会更加湿润,一些地方会更加干燥,而不是选项中所说的地球整体上会变的更加湿润。B温度在两极的增长幅度大于在赤道的增长幅度, 而不是赤道的温度增长幅度大于两极的增长幅度。C 雨量分布将发生变化,而不是选项中所说的各地的降水量相同。


  文章的末尾告诉我们:环境的污染引起的全球变暖、海*面上升、气候异常以及雨量分布不均,最终给人类带来更多的不幸。A 海*面的上升并不像人们认为的那样是由于南极冰层融化引起的。


  11. Global warming could disrupt the ability of a large portion of the world’s oceans to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, setting off a vicious cycle in which the earth gets even hotter, researchers said.

  (set off使爆炸,出发; vicious adj.恶的, 堕落的;researchers said注意翻译顺序)

  12. These waters around Antarctica make up 10 percent of the world’s oceans and play a significant role in soaking up carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas seen as one of the main causes of global warming.

  (Waters水域;soak up 吸收;注意过去分词短语的翻译)

  13. Since carbon dioxide contributes to global warming, scientists believe a growing build-up of the gas would make the environmental problem increasingly worse.

  (contribute to起作用,有助于)

  14. If global warming continues with increased precipitation in the Southern ocean, there will be more stratification and that will favor diatoms.

  (precipitation n.仓促; stratification n.层化, 成层,; diatom n.硅藻属)

  15. The study, which took place during a month -long expedition during the Antarctic summer, was also one of the first to show that some types of algae absorb carbon dioxide better than others.

  (expedition n.远征, 探险队; algae n.藻类, 海藻)








  Part D

  Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese.Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET.

  56) Fathers exposed to poisonous substances are probably just as likely to be the cause of defects in their unborn infants as mothers. Yet it is women who are told to stop drinking and smoking and to look after their health when they are pregnant. And it is women who find that they are banned from jobs where they are exposed to harmful chemicals or radiation.57) Despite a growing body of scientific evidence that a man s exposure to damaging substances can. affect his offspring, pregnant women are still charged with the responsibility of keeping their infants healthy, said Gladys Friedler, of the Boston university School of Medicine. "This is puzzling", she said. "Most of the workforce is still male, so why do we still spend so much time looking at women? The health of men as well as women should be of concern. "

  In the US,2,500,000 children are born with birth defects each year. In 60 percent of cases the origin of the defect is not known.58) These figures do not include less obvious problems that appear later in development, such as biochemical malfunctions and behavioral problems.

  Many researchers still seem reluctant to contemplate that a man s environment can influence the health of children. "If the effects had not been so obvious, we might still be reluctant to acknowledge the effect of environmental agents on women. " Despite this, there is a reluctance to accept the accumulated evidence of men s effects on development, she said.59) Some companies have already taken steps to "protect the unborn child" by excluding women from jobs where they teps to "protect the unborn child" by excluding women from jobs where they might be exposed to dangerous substances. This has led to some bitter dis*s between the women and their employers in the US. The most famous case, now before the Supreme Court, pits a group of women and their union against Johnson Controls, a company which makes batteries.60) The company transferred women from higher-paying jobs where they were exposed to lead on the grounds that it had to protect unborn children. The irony is that children born to me



From the above table, we can see that the students of this university have three mainchoices after graduation. Of these choices, the students who have found a job only take up50%. In contrast, students who pursue further study by taking the postgraduate entranceexam or going abroad have increased greatly than before, with the total percentage of 47%.Indeed, this phenomenon is also quite common in other universities.

The following factors can account for the choices of graduates. Above all, with theenrollment extension of universities, college graduates are facing the severe employmentsituation, which forces them to find another way out. Moreover, in information age, knowledgeis updated very rapidly. Many college students find their knowledge is not enough for theirfuture career. Besides, some college students would not like to enter into the complicatedsociety and want to escape from the reality temporarily by going to further study.

From my point of view, one’s choice after graduation should be based on his individualcondition. Though taking the postgraduate entrance exam or going abroad for further study isa good choice, it is not necessarily true of everyone, because it might involve many factors,such as your future career direction, your economic condition. Therefore, we should take a fullaccount before we make our decisions.

The Beginning of Drama

There are many theories about the beginning ofdrama in ancient Greece. The on most widelyaccepted today is based on the assumption thatdrama evolved from ritual.

The argument for thisview goes as follows. In the beginning, human beingsviewed the natural forces of the world-even theseasonal changes-as unpredictable, and theysought through various means to control theseunknown and feared powers. Those measureswhich appeared to bring the desired results werethen retained and repeated until they hardened into fixed rituals.

Eventually stories arose which explained or veiled the mysteries of the rites. As time passedsome rituals were abandoned, but the stories, later called myths, persisted and providedmaterial for art and drama. Those who believe that drama evolved out of ritual also argue thatthose rites contained the seed of theater because music, dance, masks, and costumes werealmost always used, Furthermore, a suitable site had to be provided for performances andwhen the entire community did not participate, a clear division was usually made between the"acting area" and the "auditorium." In addition, there were performers, and, sinceconsiderable importance was attached to avoiding mistakes in the enactment of rites,religious leaders usually assumed that task. Wearing masks and costumes, they oftenimpersonated other people, animals, or supernatural beings, and mimed the desired effect-success in hunt or battle, the coming rain, the revival of the Sun-as an actor might. Eventuallysuch dramatic representations were separated from religious activities.

Another theory traces the theater's origin from the human interest in storytelling. Accordingto this vies tales (about the hunt, war, or other feats) are gradually elaborated, at first throughthe use of impersonation, action, and dialogue by a narrator and then through theassumption of each of the roles by a different person. A closely related theory traces theaterto those dances that are primarily rhythmical and gymnastic or that are imitations of animalmovements and sounds.

A Speech at an Opening Ceremony

Ladies and gentlemen,Good afternoon!

The Speech Contest we are going to hold in the next couple of days bears the theme of "Protect the EnvironmentEverybody's Responsibility".

First of all, please allow me to introduce the procedure of the contest.

The contest consists of three stages.

The first stage is the preliminary round, which will select the first twenty contestants for the semi-final.

In the semi-final, it will pick out ten winners.

In the final contest, the first ten from the semi-final will compete for champion on June 10.

The purpose of the contest is to arouse the students' awareness of environmental protection.

We should remember that the earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and our children.

So I do hope the students can actively participate in the contest and do our share for the cause of protecting our living environment.

I, hereby, feel greatly honored to announce the opening pincai.comof the Speech Contest, and may the contest be a great success!

Thank you very much!


——Good Manners英语四级作文3篇

  Good manners are very important in the communication of daily life. Everyone likes a person with good manners. But what are good manners? How does one know what should do and what should not do when trying to be a good - mannered person?

  Well, here are some common examples. A person with good manners never laughs at a people in trouble. Instead, he always tries to consult or offer help to the person. When he takes a bus and sees an old man or a sick man, he always gives his seat to him. He doesnt interrupt other people when they are talking. He uses a handkerchief when he sneezes or coughs. He does not spite in public places.

  Ideas of what are good manners are not always the same in different regions. For example, people in Western countries usually kiss each other to show their greetings, whereas in China, kissing in public is something of unusual and sometimes be regarded as impolite to somebody else. So it is important to know what is regarded as polite and impolite before you go to a region. But remember that it is always right to be kind and helpful to others.

  Getting up Early Is a Good Hab

  Getting up early is a good habit. It is of great importance to us all. First it helps to keep us healthy. If we can get up early, we can breathe fresh air,and do morning exercise, which builds our bodies. Second, it helps us to memorize what we have learned in class by reading aloud in the morning.Third, it can help us to find enough time to prepare our work of the day. In one word, if we stick to getting up early every day, it will do us a lot of good.



  Getting up early is a good habit. It is of great importance to us all. First it helps to keep us healthy. If we can get up early, we can breathe fresh air,and do morning exercise, which builds our bodies. Second, it helps us to memorize what we have learned in class by reading aloud in the morning.

  Third, it can help us to find enough time to prepare our work of the day. In one word, if we stick to getting up early every day, it will do us a lot of good.


——英语四级常用词汇 40句菁华

1、burst vi.,n. 突然发生,爆裂

2、spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出

3、budget n. 预算 v. 编预算,作安排

4、candidate n. 候选人

5、transform v. 转变,变革;变换

6、transplant v. 移植

7、mild a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的

8、boundary n. 分界线,边界

9、catalog n. 目录(册) v. 编目

10、approve v. 赞成,同意,批准

11、tide n. 潮汐;潮流

12、tidy a. 整洁的,整齐的

13、trace vt. 追踪,找到 n. 痕迹,踪迹

14、petroleum n. 石油

15、decay vi. 腐烂,腐朽

16、route n. 路;路线;航线

17、sake n. 缘故,理由

18、adapt vi. 适应,适合;改编,改写 vt. 使适应

19、organ n. 器官,风琴

20、individual a. 个别的,单独的 n. 个人,个体

21、the antarctic ocean 南冰洋

22、grant vt. 授予,同意,准予

23、outstanding a. 杰出的,突出的,显著的129. export n. 出口(物) v. 出口,输出

24、religion n. 宗教,宗教信仰

25、religious a. 宗教的

26、victim n. 牺牲品,受害者

27、offend v. 冒犯,触犯

28、range n. 幅度,范围 v. (在某范围内)变动

29、isolate vt. 使隔离,使孤立

30、valley n. 山谷,峡谷

31、continual a. 不断地,频繁的

32、exploit v. 剥削;利用,开采

33、removal n. 除去,消除

34、poverty n. 贫穷

35、coarse a. 粗的,粗糙的,粗劣的

36、coach n. 教练;长途公共汽车

37、* n. 成年人

38、debt n. 欠债

39、global a. 全球的;总的

40、scandal n. 丑事,丑闻


——英语四级高频词汇 40句菁华

1、arbitrary a. 随意的,未断的

2、geography n. 地理

3、conservation n保存,保护

4、geometry n. 几何

5、conservative a保守的

6、arithmetic n. 算术

7、algebra n. 代数

8、passion n激情,热情

9、peak n山峰,顶点

10、episode n. 插曲,片段

11、rely vi依赖,指望

12、restrain vt. 阻止,抑制

13、resume v. 重新开始

14、reputation n名气,声誉

15、sorrow n. 悲哀,悲痛

16、shiver vi/n发抖

17、temporary a. 暂时的,临时的

18、terror n. 恐怖

19、utilize vt利用

20、昆曲 Kunqu opera

21、秦腔 Qin opera

22、口 技 ventriloquism

23、competition n. 竞争,比赛

24、distribute vt. 分发

25、moist a. 潮湿

26、泥人 clay figure

27、水墨画 Chinese brush painting

28、sophisticated a. 老于世故的,老练的;很复杂的

29、草虫 grass and insect

30、prosperity n.兴旺,繁荣

31、aspect n. 方面;朝向;面貌

32、maintain vt. 维持,保持;坚持,主张

33、宋体 Song-dynasty script

34、constant a. 不变的,恒定的 n. 常数

35、authority n. 权威;当局

36、mixture n. 混合,混合物

37、mood n. 心情,情绪;语气

38、moral a. 道德上的,有道德的

39、yawn vi. 打哈欠

40、zone n. 地区,区域


——大学英语四级写作 (菁华3篇)

  Nowadays piracy is becoming more and more of a problem in China. Almost any product, such as tape, CD and hi-tech device, can be copied. Shortly after a newly-developed product is put on the market, people will unsurprisingly find its pirated counterparts in the stores.

  It should be paid attention to that piracy causing great harm. On the one hand, pirated products often sell well due to their unbeatable advantage in price in spite of their relatively poor quality, and the original ones, on the contrary, sell poorly. On the other hand, pirated products may also have negative impacts on customers since those legitimate producers’ enthusiasm may be greatly hurt as a result of money loss. Therefore, it is high time that we took measures to solve the problem as soon as possible.

  First of all, stricter laws and regulations should be issued to punish piracy behaviors. Moreover, as customers, we should develop our consciousness to resist pirated products. Only in this way can this problem be solved radically.

  Internet has penetrated into all the aspects of our life and work. We can study and work by it; we can find a job by it; we can communicate by it; we can entertain by it; we can buy and sell by it. We can do almost everything on the internet, almost anywhere any time.

  However, while providing services for us, internet is inevitably inevitable invading our privacy to some degree. The services on most website require our registration. If we want enjoy these services, we have to provide much private information, including our name, address, gender, telephone number and sometimes bank account number. Due to the poor administration and weak security, our information might be open, stolen or sold on the internet. Even sometimes the information will be misused by the criminals.

  Considering the above-mentioned, we must enhance the alertness when using the internet. First, when we need internet service, we should try to log on those big legal websites. Second, if the service requires important private information, you should think twice before you type it in.

  We Shouldn't Totally Turn to the Internet

  Nowadays,Internet has become an indispensable part in our life,and we use it for various purposes,such as searching useful information and chatting online.However,now more and more people turn to the Internet for help whenever they have trouble in finding solutions to their problems, and this phenomenon has aroused the public's attention.

  Relying on the Internet to solve all our difficulties can have bad impacts on us.On one hand,since we can always settle the troubles by searching solutions online,we can become very lazy and don't bother to think up answers by ourselves,which can hinder the development of creative thinking.On the other hand,the answers online may be inaccurate or wrong.If we use them without thinking the credibility of them,we may make serious mistakes someday.

  As far as I'm concerned,we shouldn't completely depend on the Internet to settle problems.When we come across some difficulties,we’d better try our best to find possible solutions.If we make great efforts and still can't come up with an answer,then we can surf online to search solutions.But we should question the correctness of these answers before we adopt them.
