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  大学英语四级写作 1


  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic Do We Need “Never give up”? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:





  It is widely accepted that “Never give up”, a strong and positive life attitude, is the key for individual success on the grounds that permanent persistence may boost our confidence, strengthen our will, and provide us a second chance for success when we are in hardship. However, others argue that sensible abandonment is more precious than blind persistence because the wise one should choose the most suitable area for him-self/herself.

  In my opinion, we need to learn to give up timely. The most immediate reason is that we should adjust our aim carefully in order to go ahead continuously. Sometimes, to give up those unrealistic targets is essential for success. Besides, the attitude “Never give up” exhausts us both mentally and physically. Only through learning to give up can we lead a pleasant and relaxing life. Finally, the temporary comprise means a new start, a beginning bringing new hopes, expectations and opportunities for us.

  Passive as giving up sounds alike, it represents a more mature and realistic mentality. If those opposing this attitude can take into consideration of its benefits, then this may seem acceptable in our lives.

  大学英语四级写作 2


  Recently it seems that____________.MANY people,especially___________,think it will certainly do good to_____________because_____________.Moreover,_________.

  Nevertheless,after careful consideration,I have to state that the above view is more than biased,given the following readons.First of all,____________.Besides,__________.Furthermore,__________.

  We can see clearly that although_________may bring favorable results,there are still problems concerning_______.It seems necessary for ___________to make a careful consideration befero________.

  (2) 模版2

  Until recently most people hold hostile attitudes towards_______.Some people view it as_____________while others consider it____________.

  Recent research,however,shows that___________is of great benefit in many respects._________,scientists tell us,_____________.Surprisingly enougu,____________also_______.The most remarkable thing about_______is that_______.

  Now we can draw the conclusion that_______.I strongly advocate that we should make good use of it to_________.

  (3) 模版3

  In current society,we come across too many peole who put much emphasis on __________.In many cases,________has become the sole criterion for judging a person’s__________.

  I argue that we should not put too much emphasis on________.To begin with,we should not take it for granted that those who__________will naturally______________.


  The above discussion points to a fact that_______________.Consequently,it is of vital importance for us to realize that_____________.


  1、People's views on... vary from person to person. Some hold that... . However, others believe that.... 人们对……的观点因人而异。有些人认为.....然而其他人却认为……


  2、Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to person. 人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异。


  3、People may have different opinions on... 人们对……可能会有不同的见解。


  4、There are different opinions among people as to... 关于……人们的观点大不相同。

  "different"虽拉低了水准,但"as to"又拯救了回来。

  5、Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure). 对(失败)人们的态度各不相同。


  大学英语四级写作 3


  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My View on the “Campus Star” Contest. You should write 120 words following the outline given below.

  1. 校园里也涌现出了各种选“星”比赛

  2. 这种现象带来的问题

  3. 你的看法


  My View on the “Campus Star” Contest

  At an age of character and individuality being encouraged and demonstrated, we see various “stars” pop up—singing stars, dancing stars, movie stars and sport stars, etc. Many schools even hold contests to choose their “Campus Stars”. Although these activities make our cultural life in campus more colorful and varied, a lot of problems spring up at the same time.

  First of all, these activities can result in the swelling of vanity in some students, making them become arrogant, or even feel superior to other students. Moreover, these activities can greatly distract the students from their study. In order to become a star, they will, without any doubt, spend a lot of time and energy on the preparation and competition. The focus of their academic life will be shifted, and even worse, they can become too enthusiastic about extracurricular activities and hate the academic knowledge and skills they need to grasp for their future development.

  On the whole, I think these various “Campus Star” contests should be controlled in the campus. After all, schools are different from any other social institutions. Extracurricular activities should be encouraged, but they should be helpful to the student’s academic study and all-round development.

  大学英语四级写作 4




  The picture above vividly describes that . We can deduce from this picture that the drawer is trying to attract our attention to .

  Nowadays, has increasingly become a common concern of the public. According­ to a survey, . has caused substantial impact on the society and our­ daily life. For one thing, .For another thing, .

  Accordingly, a dozen of measures are supposed to take to prevent from bringing us m ore harm . On the one hand, . On the other hand, .Only by doing so can .

  上幅图画生动描述了 。从图画中可推知,画图者试图引起我们对 的注意。

  目前, 变成了人们日益关注的焦点。根据调查可知, 。 对社会和生活带来了巨大影响。一方面, 。另一方面 。

  因此,我们应该采取一些措施来预防 给我们带来危害。一方面来讲, 。另一方面来讲, 。只有这样做才能 。


  People _______主题 for a lot of different reasons. Some think It is good for , some other think It helps us .

  _______理由一 is becoming more and more important to people. For many, this is the primary reason to _______主题 . Also, _______主题 is to _______理由二 . This often means having the opportunity to _______这样做的好处 . Besides looking for self-knowledge, people also _______主题 to _______理由三. For many, this will be their chance for a long time to _______这样做的好处.

  I would recommend that people _______主题. They should _______做法 to _______这样做的目的一 and _______这样做的目的二 . Only by this way can we _______这样做的好处 .


  With the prosperity of economy in modern society, _______主题 has become a problem we have to face.The problem reflected is not rare nowadays,as we always read news that _______新闻出处 .Reasons why this kind of _______现象 occurs from time to time are various.One of possible causes is _______原因 .It is also owing to the fact that .

  In any causes,however, _______这种事情可能会出现的原因 could never be excuse for _______这种事情 .Hence citizens/the public should _______采取什么样的措施 to prevent _______这种事情的.发生 from occurring.Additionally,efforts of individuals/one/the public should be supplemented by _______方法 ,for example, _______举例说明(可有可无)


  Nowadays,with _______现象 ,people are becoming increasingly aware of the significance of _______主题词 .In my point of view, _______标题变成陈述句 . There are numerous reasons to support my point of my view,and I would explore only a few of the most importance ones here.

  On of the primary causes is that _______支持论点的理由一 .As the saying goes, _______引用名言证明理由一 .

  Another reason that can be seen by every person is that _______支持论点的理由二,阐释理由二 .

  Taking into account of all these factors,we may draw the conclusion that _______重述标题观点或论点 .Therefore, _______提出意见或建议 .


  As is show in the picture, _______图画内容 .The caption indicates, _______图画标题 .The drawing,thought-provoking as it is,does mirror a current social phenomenon _______图画主题 .

  It is generally agreed upon that _______图画主题 .On the one hand, _______原因1 .On the other hand, _______原因2 .What’s more, _______原因3 ._______图画的主题 has been attached much importance to.

  To sum up,it is significant for people to _______结论 .In my opinion,it is necessary to _______措施 .As a result,we can _______预期目标 .


  Nowadays one of the serious problems China is faced with is _______存在的问题 .According to a survey, _______调查结果 .Therefore,it is clear that _______存在的问题 has been getting more and more serious.

  Take _______举例对象 for example .To account for the phenomenon,people have come up with various causes as listed below.On the one hand, _______原因一 .On the other hand, _______原因二 .

  There is no doubt the issue has exerted harmful effects on _______问题的影响以及后果 .Therefore,some measures should be taken to put an end to this problem.To begin with, _______措施一 .In addition, _______措施二 .Only through these measures can we hope to solve the problem.

  大学英语四级写作 5


  As the development of the mass media, we can have access to the instant news immediately. We can read the news by the Internet, it is the fastest way to get the first-hand information. To catch people’s attention, some media will exaggerate the facts, they always bring the false report. They should be punished.

  A few days ago, it has been reported a Chinese woman dragged a foreigner’s clothes to ask him for compensating her bike. A pictured was posted in the news. People criticized this woman for behaving so rude in front of a foreigner. The woman couldn’t bear the pressure, she stood out and told the true that the foreigner beat her and said the rude words at her first. She was under the false scold.

  The news was reported without further research, which brought great trouble to the woman. Many celebrities are facing the same situation, the media report their news by exaggerating the fact, just to catch the audience’s attention. Such act should be controlled to correct the journalists’ attitudes to the news report.



  新闻报道没有经过进一步的调查, 给这名女子带来了巨大的麻烦。许多名人都面临着同样的情况, 新闻媒体通过夸大事实来进行报道,只是为了吸引观众的注意力。这样的行为应该控制,以此来端正记者对新闻报道的态度。



——大学英语四级写作 (菁华3篇)


  Nowadays piracy is becoming more and more of a problem in China. Almost any product, such as tape, CD and hi-tech device, can be copied. Shortly after a newly-developed product is put on the market, people will unsurprisingly find its pirated counterparts in the stores.

  It should be paid attention to that piracy causing great harm. On the one hand, pirated products often sell well due to their unbeatable advantage in price in spite of their relatively poor quality, and the original ones, on the contrary, sell poorly. On the other hand, pirated products may also have negative impacts on customers since those legitimate producers’ enthusiasm may be greatly hurt as a result of money loss. Therefore, it is high time that we took measures to solve the problem as soon as possible.

  First of all, stricter laws and regulations should be issued to punish piracy behaviors. Moreover, as customers, we should develop our consciousness to resist pirated products. Only in this way can this problem be solved radically.


  Internet has penetrated into all the aspects of our life and work. We can study and work by it; we can find a job by it; we can communicate by it; we can entertain by it; we can buy and sell by it. We can do almost everything on the internet, almost anywhere any time.

  However, while providing services for us, internet is inevitably inevitable invading our privacy to some degree. The services on most website require our registration. If we want enjoy these services, we have to provide much private information, including our name, address, gender, telephone number and sometimes bank account number. Due to the poor administration and weak security, our information might be open, stolen or sold on the internet. Even sometimes the information will be misused by the criminals.

  Considering the above-mentioned, we must enhance the alertness when using the internet. First, when we need internet service, we should try to log on those big legal websites. Second, if the service requires important private information, you should think twice before you type it in.


  We Shouldn't Totally Turn to the Internet

  Nowadays,Internet has become an indispensable part in our life,and we use it for various purposes,such as searching useful information and chatting online.However,now more and more people turn to the Internet for help whenever they have trouble in finding solutions to their problems, and this phenomenon has aroused the public's attention.

  Relying on the Internet to solve all our difficulties can have bad impacts on us.On one hand,since we can always settle the troubles by searching solutions online,we can become very lazy and don't bother to think up answers by ourselves,which can hinder the development of creative thinking.On the other hand,the answers online may be inaccurate or wrong.If we use them without thinking the credibility of them,we may make serious mistakes someday.

  As far as I'm concerned,we shouldn't completely depend on the Internet to settle problems.When we come across some difficulties,we’d better try our best to find possible solutions.If we make great efforts and still can't come up with an answer,then we can surf online to search solutions.But we should question the correctness of these answers before we adopt them.



  大学英语四级考试写作训练题 1

  it can be seen from the graph that there are more and more students attending the postgraduate entrance examination year by year. compared with before, the rate of the student taking part in the postgraduate entrance examination becomes higher and higher. in the meanwhile, the admittance rate is also rising.

  what are the reasons for this and the possible consequences? on the one hand, there are three reasons for this. first, the job market becomes more and more competitive. as a result, most people want to find or exchange for a better job by obtaining a high degree. second, most college students want to pursue their study after their graduation from the undergraduate. third, with the development the science and technology, what has been learned at college is not enough to meet the need of the society. on the other hand, there are some possible consequences of this. for one thing, most people will be force to pay more attention to the examination than to the improvement of their true ability. for another, it will have a negative effect not only on the individual but also on the society in the long run.

  大学英语四级考试写作训练题 2

  last friday afternoon, when i was on my way home, a traffic accident took place at the crossing of shanghai road.

  a pupil was knocked down by a black car when he was walking across the street. his legs were badly hurt. sever(several) minutes later an ambulance came, and the driver of the black car sent the pupil to the hospital immediately.

  in my eyes, this accident was due to that the pupil broke the traffic rules. that is to say, the pupil walked across the street when the traffic lights were red. as soon as the driver saw the pupil, he stopped the car, however, it was too late. in my opinion, it was necessary to advocate people to confirm to the traffic rules. if the pupil hadnt broken the traffic rules, the accident might not have happened.

  大学英语四级考试写作训练题 3

  Some people imagine to leave this fearful world,only to come down to earth. Scientists tell us that of all the stars known in the vast universe,the earth is the only planet on which human beings can survive. But now we are facing the risky problems concerning our existence on earth.

  Worldwide environmental deterioration (恶化) is alarming. The earth is plagued with population explosion,energy crisis,lack of food,housing problem and environmental pollution. During the process of industrialization,human beings are pur crazily the benefits from the economic growth. Now we have suffered from the results.The overuse of natural resources has affected ecosystem(生态系统) on earth.

  Environmental deterioration has critically upset the balance of nature. The damage mainly attributes to man's ignorance,greed and wastefulness. For immediate interests human beings have overused earth resources with no thought for the future. Now the terrible damage poses a severe challenge to our existenceg Then what will our future be if we do not act now.

  大学英语四级考试写作训练题 4

  Create a Green Campus “Green campus” is, to some extent, a relatively new concept to us. It not only means creating a green environment on campus, but also refers to that the students should be educated and have an environmental sense in their mind. Of course, this concept is very important for the students because it sets goals toward the future of the world. The young generation is under the burden of severe environmental problems and the hopes of environmental improvement are lying in them. Therefore, campus plays a more important role in educating the young generation. The creation of “Green campus” will greatly stimulate students to take part in various environmental protection activities; most importantly, students will be educated to take environmental problems seriously as their own mission and responsibility. Under such stimulations, students may grasp the chance to learn every necessary course for the harmonious and sustainable development of the world. To bring “green campus” to its full play, effective measures should be taken. First, based on its education function, campus should bring the theory of “sustainable development” into classrooms, set environmental management rules and conduct environmental education activities. Second, campus also needs to strengthen its ties with the society, tries to communicate with parents and experts so as to ensure that students could have a better participation in the practical activities. Only by the co-efforts of the whole society could “green campus” work smoothly and bring benefit to people's well-beings.

  大学英语四级考试写作训练题 5

  There are many precious qualities to be a good man, and for a qualified college student, I think he should possess such qualities as honesty, ambition, and a sense of responsibility.

  To begin with, honesty is the best policy. It is what a young man could rely on to establish his career and reputation. A liar might take advantage of others' trust once, but it could seldom happen again. Therefore, a qualified college student should be an honest man at least. Secondly, ambition is necessary for a young man who is in his prime to seek his dreams. As is often said, cease to struggle and you cease to live. So be ambitious and never regret. Furthermore, a qualified college student should be a man with a sense of responsibility and a man who dares to face the consequences of his own deeds. Only this kind of people could steer the ship of the economic construction in China.

  To conclude, there are far more good qualities than those above. But a qualified college student should be at least honest, ambitious, and responsible.



  大学英语四级写作文 1

  The shortage of housing is one of the most serious problems facing many big cities in China. Though the government has spent a large sum of money on housing,the investment has not been very resultful and a housing shortage still exists. Two generations sharing one room and newlymarried couples finding it difficult to have a house of their own are still common cases. Housing shortage is a problem that requires an immediate solution.

  People's attitudes towards the solution to the housing problem are different. Some suggest building more tall apartment buildings; others believe that we should develop underground housing areas. I am in favour of the former opinion. For one thing, it is cheaper to build upward than downward. For another, living underground for a long time will do harm to people's health. Above all,people are unwilling to live underground with artificial lighting and they prefer to live normally on the ground to enjoy the sunshine.

  Although there may be some other ways to solve the housing shortage problem, I believe to build more apartment buildings is one of the feasible solutions to the housing problem.

  大学英语四级写作文 2

  Charity is of utmost importance to us humans. While following a spate of scandals, some individuals and institutions involved in this field have encountered criticism in recent months.

  There are several reasons for this phenomenon. Above all, compared with those of developed countries, the charity awareness in our country is backward. Some people equal charity with donation, and therefore they believe that charity is the rich’s responsibility and has nothing to do with the middle-class and the poor. The second thing that must be taken into consideration is that a number of individuals and charitable organizations lack a sense of social responsibility, which results in the declining social credibility.

  For my part, I believe the following steps can address this situation. Firstly, people’s awareness of how profound influence charity can bring to our society should be heightened. Secondly, rigorous supervision must be carried out by the administrations involved, so that the charity activities will become more transparent.

  大学英语四级写作文 3

  With the popularity of the Internet, network columns in which celebrities such as pop stars, atheles show off their wealth become prevalent.

  Opinions on this issue differ from person to person. An army of people, especially youngsters today are fond of these activities. Not only can they know about the latest information of these celebrities but also they can get their shopping desires stimulated by copying what the rich do. On the contrary, a number of people hold the negative attitude towards this phenomenon. They maintain that the show-off may mislead the public’s value of consumption that erode people’s outlook on life.

  For my part, despite the continuous improvement of people’s living standard, in China where the gap between the rich and the poor is increasingly widening, the rich should play at least a small role in helping those in povertity instead of flaunting their wealth.

  大学英语四级写作文 4

  In recent years, there are people in expanding numbers who have participated in the test for civil servants. Millions of students choose civil servant as their most ideal occupation after graduation. And among them, the high-educated, like masters and doctors, take quite a large percentage. The craze in civil servant test has attracted widespread attention.

  The following fundamental causes can account for this kind of craze. First and foremost, nowadays college students face great employment pressure. Civil servant, as one of the most stable professions in today’s China, becomes their preferable choice. Moreover, recently, the welfare and salary of civil servants have been improved greatly, which undoubtedly attracts many people. Last but not least, the high social position of civil servants is a crucial factor drawing many people to take part in the civil servant test.

  In my opinion, this craze in civil servant test will continue in the following years. However, from the long run, it does not do good to the development of our nation. If most high quality talents gather in the government departments, it might lead to a waste of resources. Accordingly, both the individuals and the government should have a more objective recognition of the civil servant test craze.

  大学英语四级写作文 5

  Some people tend to stick to their positions all the time, as they think the longer one works in a particular field, the more skillful one will be at it. Some have been teachers all their lives. Some devote their life energy to scientific research. Such people love their work and turn out to be specialists in their own field. They are usually high achievers.

  Some are different. They are in the habit of job-hopping, for they always pursue what is new and stimulating. They never seem content with their present situation. Some like to meet more people, make more money and new acquaintances, so they hop from job to job.

  As far as I am concerned, I want to be professionally strong. I am not in favor of frequent job hopping, as the saying goes Jack of all trades, master of none. But I want to have opportunities for advancement and as many colleagues as possible to cooperate and communicate with so as to be more creative and less partial.1/5 12345下一页尾页



  Importance of Education

  The prosperity of a nation depends on the development of education. Throughout the world whatever advance has been made in science and technology is due to education, which brings forth by scientists and inventors. It is never overdone no matter how one emphasizes the importance of education. There is no doubt that countries with undeveloped education will remain poor.

  Education is as vital to the development of an individual as it is to that of a nation. Of all the elements of success in our careers none is more vital than education. It is not the genius that makes the difference between success and failure. Education is the driving power. In fact, most of the famous people in our times spent many years in studies. Can you name any great men you admire who are not educated persons?

  Yet some people are still ignorant of its importance. Some parents, especially in the countryside, think that it is unnecessary to send their children to school. Some other parents are so selfish that they have their children work for money. In consideration of the situation, compulsory education must be enforced to ensure that there will be enough educated young people for the future of our country.





  Its Time to Stop Software Piracy China has often been criticized for the rampant practice of software piracy. Take a look around. We operate on pirated Windows systems, defend PC security with pirated Kaspersky anti-virus programmes, process files with pirated Microsoft Office, draft 3D designs with pirated AutoCAD, refine pictures with pirated Adobe Photoshop, and study English with pirated Kingsofts electronic dictionaries and translators. Its no exaggeration that pirated software is everywhere.

  The logic behind the phenomenon is simple and clear: if a pirated copy is available for just a tiny fraction of the normal price, not to speak of many of the free downloads online, who would pay for an authentic copy? Cheaper prices aside, easy access is another important factor. With such a large gathering of pirated upgrades around, who would bother to spend time and money searching the stores for an authorized yet outdated version?

  Despite these apparent benefits, the practice of software piracy should be banned, because it represents unfair competition and by nature its a no-win situation. But how? Two approaches are to be taken at the same time: Technically, software developers should enhance their antipiracy engineering, so that cracking the software should be virtually impossible. And legally, the government should also tighten its antipiracy laws and toughen up the penalties, so that violations should be costly.

  *停止软件盗版的时候,经常因为软件盗版的猖獗行为而受到批评。四处看看。我们在盗版Windows系统上操作,用盗版Kaspersky防病毒程序保护PC安全,用盗版Microsoft Office处理文件,用盗版AutoCAD绘制3D设计,用盗版Adobe Photoshop精炼图片,并与盗版Kingsofts电子词典和翻译人员一起学*英语。盗版软件无处不在,这一点也不夸张。



  How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic

  Nowadays, China‘s cities are getting increasingly crowded. The rapid increase in population is being made worse by the steady influx of people from the rural areas seeking employment. As a result, heavy traffic is a big headache, with all the roads packed with cars, bicycles and pedestrians.

  In my opinion, there are two ways to solve the problem. One is to build more and wider roads to make the public highways less crowded and speed up the flow of traffic. The other is to expand the number of public bus routes, so that more people can be transported and fewer people will have to travel by car or bicycle.

  However, each of these solutions brings problems with it. The former may occupy too much land that could be used for farms or houses; the latter may cause inconvenience for long periods in bus lines. I think the best answer to the problem of heavy traffic is a combination of the two: build more roads in places where land is less useful, and at the same time increase the number of public bus routes.





  On a Harmonious Dormitory Life

  Dormitory life is an indispensable part of college life. But sometimes the harmony in the dormitory is disturbed in one way or another.

  As is known to all, a harmonious dormitory life is important to college students and benefits all the members. On the one hand, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study. On the other hand, we will have a good mood and enjoy being together.

  There are several ways to create and maintain a harmonious dormitory life. Firstly, you have to evaluate your life-style and try to get rid of your dirty habits, if there are any. Secondly, when an annoying situation arises, you’ll just have to learn to tolerate each other and co-exist. Thirdly, you’ll have to share with each other and make good friends.

  In conclusion, we should j try our best tobuild harmonious dormitory life for the sake of.good study and sood life.






  My View on the Post-graduate Craze

  Every year, million of college students will sit in for the post-graduate entrance examination. More and more students have regarded the pursuing of a master degree as an indispensable part of their education. What is to account for their enthusiasm for a post-graduate diploma?

  First, it is the demand of the time. In an age of knowledge updating and information explosion, what you have learned in college can hardly meet the demand of society. Talents of high quality who are equipped with the latest knowledge and skill will be needed more than ever. That is why many students will further their studies.

  Second, we all recognize that the more education you have, the more likely you are to succeed. Compared with those without a master degree, masters will enjoy more preferential treatment, for example, better salaries, more opportunities for promotion and training. A post-graduate degree can guarantee a more promising career.

  Last but not least, with the graduation of a large number of college students, competition for jobs becomes more and more fierce. One way to gain some advantage over others is to have a higher degree.

  No wonder millions of students will consider pursuing a post-graduate degree.







  In recent years, there are people in expanding numbers who have participated in the test for civil servants. Millions of students choose civil servant as their most ideal occupation after graduation. And among them, the high-educated, like masters and doctors, take quite a large percentage. The craze in civil servant test has attracted widespread attention.

  The following fundamental causes can account for this kind of craze. First and foremost, nowadays college students face great employment pressure. Civil servant, as one of the most stable professions in today’s China, becomes their preferable choice. Moreover, recently, the welfare and salary of civil servants have been improved greatly, which undoubtedly attracts many people. Last but not least, the high social position of civil servants is a crucial factor drawing many people to take part in the civil servant test.

  In my opinion, this craze in civil servant test will continue in the following years. However, from the long run, it does not do good to the development of our nation. If most high quality talents gather in the government departments, it might lead to a waste of resources. Accordingly, both the individuals and the government should have a more objective recognition of the civil servant test craze.






  Free admissions to museums






  one day, when we were all in classroom., wang fang suddenly cried,, oh! we all looked at her and found that she was groaning. teacher turned to ask her what was wrong. she said, i have got a fever, my head is very hot!

  immediately, our teacher sent her to hospital, and we all followed them. in the hospital, we asked doctor wang to give an injection to her, and she gradually became calm and not as hot as before. we all thanked the doctor.

  the day has passed, but it is clearly in my mind. i think if we can do things like that in the incident, the society will be better, and the relationship between people will be better as well!

  Free admissions to museums



















  Failure is what often happens. It is everywhere in our life. Students may fail in exams, scientists may fail in their research work, and athletes may fail in competitions. Although failure happens to everyone, attitudes towards failure are various. Some people don’t think their failure is a very important thing at all. So they pay no attention to it.

  As a result, they will have the same failure a period later. Some people think themselves are fools and lose their hearts in everything after they get a failure. Consequently, they spend their time and energy on useless things and they may really be fools as they have thought.

  Other people are quite different from the two kinds of people mentioned above. Instead of being distressed and lost, they draw a lesson from every failure and become more experienced. After hard work, they will be successful in the end. It is said that failure is the mother of success. Success will be gained after times of failures so long as we are good at drawing lesson from our failures. In my opinion, failure is not a bad thing, the really bad thing is taking a failure as failure or even lose our heart after failure.

  at 9:00am october 25st(25th) 2003, i saw a traffic accident on daxue road. at that time, i was on my way to school.

  when i turned right on the corner, a motorbike knocked into a small car. the motorbike was red, and there are(were) two persons on the motorbike. the car was yellow. the motorbike fell down, and the two persons on the motorbike were slight injured. the (car) driver came out of the car at once, and asked about the two persons. as soon as i saw that, i made a telephone call to 110.the traffic police arrived in a short time.

  according to what i saw, i thought there may be one reason leading to the accident. that was the motorbike kept too short(a)distant from the car. when the car slowed down, the motorbike couldnt slow down in time. so the accident took place.



  虽说13年的四六级成绩刚公布不久,但现在距离6月14日四级考试只剩大约70天时间了。四月初是时候拉开备考的大幕了。70天的时间不长不短,你有足够的时间和精力利用这段时间战胜英语四级 特别提示:大三的考生,一定要彻底投入全新备考,因为大四面对论文和工作,是没有精力备考的,赶紧抓住今年的宝贵机会吧。














  1. 完成一套,对答案,一段时间后再做下一套;

  2. 把阅读和听力选择题作为重点,一般不写作文,不做听写;

  3. 只有一本真题集。


  1. 买两套真题,按照约4天一套题目的速度练*;

  2. 按照考试时间,完成所有题目(包括作文和听写,写不下去也要撑30分钟);

  3. 确认答案,估计分数,标记在题目之前,作为记录;

  4. 分析所有错题和不确定的题目(此环节可能需要看真题解析或询问高手或者老师),并且总结记录出现在准确选项,你选错的选项,答案对应原文等位置的生词;

  5. 尝试翻译所有题目的准确答案项以及对应原文;

  6. 听力至少再听两遍;

  7. 努力记住第四步记录的单词或短语。

  如此说来,完成一套真题的时间,至少在四个小时以上,1-4 步和5-7步可以在两至三日内分别完成。特别提醒,作文最好找老或高手批改,否则自己写下去几乎没有提高。




  这两个月是备考的黄金期,放弃了这一段时间,就等于放弃了所有过级可能性。听课,接受引导式学*,是保证部分倍感自控无望的同学学*进度的最好方式。清明和五一长假的肆意玩耍经常会使得之前学*成果瞬间灰飞烟灭。还是那句话,坚持,就几乎等于胜利。 六月上旬:冲刺备考





  当然,继续背那些重复出现却总是记混的单词也是好的选择。 如果完成了上述一切,恭喜你,你将极有可能在14年6月14日的考试中获得满意成绩,并且形成一套不仅仅局限于英语学*的良好学*方法。拥有坚持的*惯和正确的方法,一切关于是否取消考试的传言,不过是朵朵浮云。各位加油。



  准备一本四级单词手册,建议到书店购买新东方的四级大纲词汇乱序版(绿皮的),大概有30个单元的单词,每天背诵一个单元,1个月正好背会,仅仅会英译汉即可(认识即可)。背单词方法可参考 30分钟记住所有四六级核心词汇(附录一),包括所有的四级大纲的高频单词.也可以优先背诵英语四级一千个核心词汇,内含每个单词记忆方法(附录二)





  背短语的这18天,保持随时巩固单词,放学后躺在宿舍里就着手进行单词复*,看单词书! 背短语的这18天必须必须保持每3天做真题或模拟题一套!!!!!







  作文万能句反复复*,这一个月每天重头到尾读一遍!(记住,一定要每天读一遍,既然你看到这里了,就希望你能坚持,这套复*计划的特色就是环环相扣,效果叠加,哪个环节出现漏项,叠加效果就会消失!都影响整个复*成果的!记住,坚持方能创造奇迹!) 小规模的模拟考试,每周1-2套题,精改!做过的所有卷纸,都要用红笔详细的改好,我随便拿一张你做过的四六级卷纸问你一句话如果你不能给我翻译过来,那说明这套卷纸你改的不精。精改一套胜过略做十套,如果你改完的卷纸不是红笔满篇标记无数旁批若干的话,那说明你改的不细!这是十分致命的!




  第五步,(考前两天) 《看做过的卷纸》












  1. 英语四六级考试作文没有草稿纸,不能打草稿,必须直接写,*常模拟的时候*惯打草稿的同学,请尽快改掉这个*惯。

  2. 英语四六级考试作文是限时的,先发作文答题纸(即答题卡一),作文限时是30分钟,这期间你是看不到其他题目的,所以作文写太快是没有用的,写完你也不能干别的!所以考试总时间130分钟有30分钟是作文,剩余时间就很少了,不容乐观。

  3. 作文限时30分钟,但是25分钟的时候就发阅读的题了,只不过这个时候不允许翻看,作文限时结束后打铃或者老师口头宣布可以答阅读了,这个时候作文卡是不收回的。

  4. 播放听力之前有试音时间和发答题卡二的时间(听力答题卡与之前不是一张卡,之前的答题卡一已经收走了),所以你有足够的时间读题,和你们说这个是因为好多人答模拟题的时候都是利用录音中度direction的时间看题,考试的时候多了一些时间却不知道怎么利用了,这个时候要全力集中看题!都读一遍也是时间足够的,但是要全力集中!这是决定听力胜败的命脉时刻!!

  5、20xx年12月22日,迎来了第三次全国四六级大改革,全国统一首用“多题多卷”形式。参加本月22号四六级考试的童鞋们注意了:本次考试首次实行“多题多卷”的考试形式,即在同一考场内使用多套试卷进行考试,每一套试卷的题目内容都不一样,是真正意义上的“多卷”。跟以往采用一套试题, 仅通过题目顺序变化实现“多卷”有所不同。考试时考生除按原有要求填(涂)答题卡上相关内容外,还须讲试题册封底上的条形码揭下,粘贴在答题卡二的相应框内,而且考生要在试题册封底指定位置填写姓名和准考证号,任何一个环节有误整个试卷作废。






——大学英语四级作文及翻译 (菁华5篇)

  The Craze of Pursuing Graduate Studies

  Each year, millions of Chinese college students sit for qualifying examinations for graduate studies, primarily in Master’s programs. Students prepare for those examinations either through years of arduous self-education or by spending large sums of money attending local training schools. The publishing of examinations-related study materials and the training programs offered, both online and offline, have combined to form a sizable industry.

  An alarming fact about this craze is that most students pursue graduate studies not out of their voluntary will. Faced with the harsh reality in the employment market, which is forever looking for graduates with higher degrees, many college graduates find going to graduate schools is a good way to avoid unemployment and to enhance one’s competitiveness in future job hunting.

  However, without that voluntary initiative, most students who do enter graduate schools are not motivated. For them, the only thing that ultimately counts is the degree or the diploma which they expect could give them an upper hand against other job hunters. As to the actual substance of their graduate studies, it’s not a big deal for them, as long as it leads to that degree or diploma. It is really pathetic to see that students undertake graduate studies with an ulterior motive—not for the sake of loving what they study, but for the sake of merely landing a job, which in many cases might be unrelated to what they have studied.

  The chill truth is that students soon find their anticipations are a mere dream. As so many undergraduates proceed onto graduate studies, the employment situation remains as severe as ever. Instead of bringing about apparent competitive edges, two or three years of additional academic training is sim* a waste of time and energy. They need to reflect on this craze and would have been better off distinguishing themselves with outstanding knowledge and skills when they were undergraduates.





  Can money buy happiness? Various people have various answers. Some people think that money is the source of happiness. With money, one can buy whatever he enjoys. With money, one can do whatever he likes. So, in their minds, money can bring comfort, security, and so on. Money, as they think, is the source of happiness.

  But there are still a lot of others who think that money is the root of all evil. Money drives people to steal, to rob, and to break the law. A lot of people became criminals just because they were in search of money. And in the Western countries, there is nothing that cant be bought by money. Many people lose their own lives when hunting it.

  I think that money is essential to life and we cannot do without money. But even though money is necessary to life, it cant buy happiness. Happiness is not something that can be measured by money. It is a state of mind. One can have plenty of money, with which he can buy whatever he wants, and at the same time he is not happy because he is never satisfied or he is troubled by various kinds of problems. Therefore, although money is necessary for a happy life, it cant buy happiness.




  How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic

  Nowadays, China‘s cities are getting increasingly crowded. The rapid increase in population is being made worse by the steady influx of people from the rural areas seeking employment. As a result, heavy traffic is a big headache, with all the roads packed with cars, bicycles and pedestrians.

  In my opinion, there are two ways to solve the problem. One is to build more and wider roads to make the public highways less crowded and speed up the flow of traffic. The other is to expand the number of public bus routes, so that more people can be transported and fewer people will have to travel by car or bicycle.

  However, each of these solutions brings problems with it. The former may occupy too much land that could be used for farms or houses; the latter may cause inconvenience for long periods in bus lines. I think the best answer to the problem of heavy traffic is a combination of the two: build more roads in places where land is less useful, and at the same time increase the number of public bus routes.





  On a Harmonious Dormitory Life

  Dormitory life is an indispensable part of college life. But sometimes the harmony in the dormitory is disturbed in one way or another.

  As is known to all, a harmonious dormitory life is important to college students and benefits all the members. On the one hand, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study. On the other hand, we will have a good mood and enjoy being together.

  There are several ways to create and maintain a harmonious dormitory life. Firstly, you have to evaluate your life-style and try to get rid of your dirty habits, if there are any. Secondly, when an annoying situation arises, you’ll just have to learn to tolerate each other and co-exist. Thirdly, you’ll have to share with each other and make good friends.

  In conclusion, we should j try our best tobuild harmonious dormitory life for the sake of.good study and sood life.






  Attending TV PK Shows Does No Good to Young People

  Nowadays, TV PK shows are great hits in China and have attracted a large number of adolescents. Some youngsters even give up their studies to attend these shows in the hope of winning their fame overnight. Some people argue that these shows provide young people more chance to show talents, while others assume that attending these shows does no good to the juvenile. As for me, I prefer to the latter opinion.

  It should be admitted that some young people like Li Yuchun has stood out from the numerous attendants in the PK show, but that doesn’t mean attending the PK shows is a good way to become successful for teenagers. The following reasons can support my view. First and foremost, TV PK shows breed restlessness and induce young people to hunt after fame at whatever cost. Furthermore, TV PK shows can subvert the youngsters’ values. They cling to the idea that attending the PK shows is a shortcut to success, so they may despise the way of achieving success by hard work. Finally, if the young fail in these shows, they will suffer a psychological unbalance.

  In a word, entering for TV PK shows is not a good way for young people to achieve success. I hold the opinion that young people should think twice before deciding to attend PK shows.










  四级考多少分算高分?每个人的看法不同,满分是710,肯定分越高,越优秀, 有网友也说道:起码要550,550可以参加口试。但是小编这里建议是目标要按照自己水*定,别给自己太大压力。将目标定得比实际水*略高,这样比较好。
















































  1. Pronunciation 发音(力求清晰准确);

  2. Intonation语调(力求抑扬顿挫)。




