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  成长的烦恼的高中英语作文 1

  In our growth path, can't be smooth sailing, there will always be some troubles, as if the sky is dark clouds covered, I became enveloped in trouble

  Remember when I was 6 years old, I was a carefree kid. Will only eat sleep and sleep after eat, is in addition to eat and sleep. But after I in the primary school, I have never had no trouble, but trouble is getting more

  In school, the worry is to test and composition. Every time when I didn't get good grades, I will be unhappy. In the home, the worry is endorsed and assignments. With age growing up, back in the more and more, every time back, the language of words in the book is like moving elf, hovering around me, let me dizzy, homework is needless to say, have no more, more homework is like a mountain, pressed my breath, as if in the books, I can't escape out. But that's not all, every time I test is bad, because this home can I get the mother comfort, can backfire, mother was furious, also give me the sixth grade problem. Oh my god! In that way, I can quickly become a nerd!

  In life growing up, there are a lot of joy, nor without trouble, with the passage of time, gradually also let me understand: but you have had a trouble of "attacks" that you are one step closer to success!

  成长的烦恼的高中英语作文 2

  In the growth, there are always some lingering worries. As the ancients said: "people have sensitized, yuan, there are rain or shine." Why do people's lifetime will not be smooth? I am no exception! Growth has given me endless happiness, but also bring many troubles to me from time to time: for growth, I with the feelings of a kind of desire, but somewhat bored.

  The first: much homework. Though the teacher is decorated very little, but mother is three times of assignment, let me test the mountain every day. Go home at night, the first thing is to do my homework, then chew my everybody.

  The second: less time. Can also play at school, at home, in addition to eat, when they don't have time to play the other time was spent on learning.

  Third: friends less. Grow up, boys play with boys, girls like girls to play, if the boy and the girl talk, everyone else will be so good friends less, "enemy" had more.

  Fourth: the demand is high. When I was a child, live carefree, free. Now, as the fifth grade students I have grown up, not as a child, do things to be careful, focused, after all, I have grown up. The carefree days are far...

  Growth, although gave me a lot of trouble, but also bring me much happiness. At the same time, also because of the growing pains, I know a lot of, also aware of the many, many... Happiness and troubles can be compared them into a piece of a piece of paving stone, they are connect the leak, the road to success!

  成长的烦恼的高中英语作文 3


  The passage of time with my childhood disappeared, accompanied by my growth and endless worries


  So, I look at the stars every night, hoping to send it my troubles and let it share them for me. I think that even a little share is enough.


  When I was a child, I was favored among my brothers and sisters. Although I was so willful, they still let me. But now I am growing up. More brothers and sisters come one after another, and I become a sister. It's my turn to dote on them. How I want to be willful again, I will feel extremely satisfied even if it is one time.


  When I grow up, I have a lot of pressure to study. What I grew up with is no longer a doll, but a tutorial book and heavy homework. When I watch TV and play computer, I hear only one sentence: "go to work!" , but I am so relaxed. I can play if I want to, and sleep if I want to, but now I have no chance. Just give me a day of freedom, and I will be very happy.


  Look at the wardrobe. I chose all those small clothes. When I was a child, I bought clothes with my father and mother. I would be desperate to get them. So I could wear the clothes I wanted with my unique skill of "coquetry". And now? When I don't give full play to my opinions, when I have to ask for this item, my family will say that my vision is poor, I have to wear them, and I have to nag a sentence in my mouth: listen to me.


  In those childhood photos, which one of me was not dressed by my mother, but now there is no time; when I was a child, my mother always washed my hair, and I still can't forget the comfortable feeling. Now, when I let my mother wash her hair, she always said, "how old are people? Can't I wash my hair?" How do I want my mother to wash my head for me? At that time, my father and mother would always accompany me to teach me how to study, but now they are always busy for work


  Yes! When I grow up, troubles follow, but I still have to face them.

  成长的烦恼的高中英语作文 4

  When we are little, we are eager to grow up, so that we can break free of parental discipline even leave them far. Since we were a little child, we have to be governed by teachers in school and endure parent’s ramble at home. These are our growing pains. Besides, study, friendship, sometimes campus romance may trouble us. However, as we grow up, we gradually find that things mentioned above are not pains at all.

  There are much more serious things brother us. For example, we may be less sensitive to the simple happiness and loss them gradually. It’s hard for us to laugh from our heart. Moreover, we are in the age that we are eager to grow up but afraid to grow up either. The ambivalence afflicts us a lot. However, no matter what happens in our growth, they are parts of our lives.

  We must accept them actively and do not let the pains prevent us from happiness.

  成长的烦恼的高中英语作文 5

  Trees do not experience wind and rain, how can grow into towering trees? Life does not have hard, how can contain suantiankula? , the same growth to have no trouble, how can really grow?

  Trouble, a frown even infants to the word, is indispensable in our growth, in our growth is to worry for don't worry, feel life from trouble, grow up gradually.

  When I was a child, your trouble is the stones on the road, you can only kicked it or cliff; When young, your trouble is the potholes on the road, you can only in the past or fill it; When I grow up, your trouble is huge mounds, you can only climb over, or remove it like yu gong.

  We worry now is the potholes on the road: the past is the best choice, we worry more than one, fill to fill in what time? As long as the foot step across, in the past.

  Therefore, sometimes troubles don't too persistent, in another more simple way to resolve worries.

  Happiness and worry is.

  The rocky road of growth, but it is not a barrier bumpy.




  高中英语随笔作文 1

  You owned the happiness that someone is chasing.

  Just as me, I always chattered to my young sister to travel instead of working in part-time. But she is always begrudging that I have a full-time job and can financially support myself.

  Actually, we are the same to look for others’ happiness.

  During the college, we live relaxed, simple. In Middle ages we are experienced, distinct. In Old ages we are tolerant, satisfied.

  Now we are confused, hesitated. Not young enough to depend on families, not old enough to control our life.

  A friend who graduated from a famous university works for a famous company. This is really the life I wish to have. But I always ignored his uneasy and tired working situation.

  It's so bad that I focus on others’ achievements. This is really a waste of life.

  How about you? Choosing to be the supporter in other people’s life, or being a leading actor in your life?

  高中英语随笔作文 2

  The period of high school stage is the preparation for college, all the students work hard in the purpose of the better future. In this stage, they hold the same target, fighting for the College Entrance Exam, especially in the third year, the sprint is very important. There are some suggestions for a better sprint. First, students should take a regular work schedule, it is very important to sleep in time, so that students can wake up early in the morning and then work with efficiency. Second is to keep the balanced diet. Students should pay attention to what they eat, the nutrition should be enough, so they can keep a better mind, thinking in a quick way. The last year of high school life must be hard and tedious, the one who keeps hold on will gain what they want. If they do as the mentioned suggestions, they can work better.

  高中英语随笔作文 3

  Last Sunday was unforgettable when my classmates and I went to a farm to pick up fruits.

  Early in the morning, with the sun rising from the horizon, we, chatting laughing all the way, set out to our destination, which is located in the suburb of the city. On arrival, we saw a large field with a large number of trees and bushes, birds singing in the sky, butterflies flying everywhere, which are not only beautiful but also inspiring. Immediately, we started to work, picking apples, peaches and strawberries. Two hours later, with all our baskets full, we finished our job, feeling a great sense accomplishment. Exhausted as we were, we felt our time and effort worthwhile, for we had enjoyed a closer relationship with the nature.

  What a memorable day it was!

  高中英语随笔作文 4

  Recently, it has been reported that a girl got her feet stuck in the sewer, because she kept her attention on the smart phone. When she realized her feet were stuck, she tried hard to get rid of it, but she failed. With the help of policeman, she was set free. It sounds a little ridiculous, but when we look at the people around, we can find that the new technology distracts their attention from face to face communication.

  People like to talk on the Internet, then they ignore the things in reality life. No matter what they are doing, waiting for the bus or sitting at the table with their friends, smart phones are always at their hands. It seems that smart phone has controlled their lives. Life is beautiful if we can see it, or we will miss the amazing moment. Don’t let the technology controls your life.

  高中英语随笔作文 5

  My motherland has a long history. She is a beautiful country standing in the east of the world. She has high mountains, long rivers and hardworking people. She is my motherland. Her name is China. I love my motherland. China is a beautiful country. There are many famous places in China. She has the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, Forbidden City, the Yellow River and so on. She has the oldest history as well. Many foreigners want to visit China. Chinese people are great. My motherland is becoming stronger and stronger. I am proud, because I am a Chinese. I believe she will have a

  better future.



  合作的高中英语作文 1

  Competition is common in every field of life. For example, the Olympic Games is the most famous competition in the world. In the four hundred meter swimming race, the swimmers plunge into the water at the signal. Each swings his or her arms and legs and tries his or her best to be the first. Also there is the competition for jobs, for promotion, for customers, and so on. We can say, in a certain sense, competition stimulates people's interest in work and helps society to go forword.

  We often find that competition goes hand in trend with cooperation. Take, for example, a volley ball match. The members of the team cooperate with each other. One serves the ball, Then another passes the ball to a certain height for a still other to hit it over the net while the other members try to block it on its return. It requires good tearn work to win the game.

  While we advocate competition, we cannot forget cooperation. Human beings are social beings. No one can exist alone in the society. If you want to play the game well, you have to play with others. You cannot play single-handed and win. You have to cooperate with your playmates, who may make the social ladder for you to climb to the top. From cooperation we get mutual help and understanding. With cooperation the world is progressing at peace and in harmony.

  合作的高中英语作文 2

  Team work is very important in our work.It is quite often that one is not able to carry out a job by itself.He needs more people to comlete it together.We can say some importance jobs could not be done without teamwork.For example,in a football match,very memember plays a different role which is important,all memembers must cooperate with each other to fight against the opponent team.They can only win the match when they do good teamwork,or they will be defeated.

  China has an old saying,"Unity is strength",which means the importance of teamwork.

  合作的高中英语作文 3

  In China,there is an old saying:Unity is strength,showing the importance of teamwork.

  As time goes by,there is no doubt that teamwork is more and more significant for us in many matter what you are doing,such as you are playing basketball or other games,you are participating in the debate competition, you are dealing in class affairs and so is universally acknowledged that all of these may not be finished better if without 's more, whether you possess a good team spirit or not, which is the general situation as heavy,the spirit of matter what we do,I think the thing will be much better if we keep a better teamwork spirit e is no denying that not only can greatly improve our work efficiency but also can get true friendship among colleagues in future work through intensifying our teamwork awareness.

  Therefore how to create a good team?Personally speaking,firstly,we think out clearing team ndly, we may as well elect a good team leader,who is this way,he will lead us to struggle and progress much better lly,we should be tolerant and understand when we have a disagreement with each other on the team,in which each of us should hold the spirit of importantly, I believe that as long as making joint efforts,we can create a good team, completing the task more perfect.

  合作的高中英语作文 4

  Thus, my dear friends, do not fear competition. Accept it and enjoy it. With competition, you grow stronger, and you gain so much precious experience worth remembering of, regardless of what the outcome would be. Without competition, you cease to grow; you become a dead moth sealed in its own cocoon.

  Competition is a common phenomenon in our society . We compete when we play games, we try to do better than others in our study, and there is constant competition for jobs, fame, wealth and so forth. Therefore,we can say that, in a certain sense, competition is one of the motive forces of the development of our modern society.

  It is often believed, that competition and cooperation are in opposition to each other. Some people stress competition, without which, in their eyes, there is no responsibility, no drive and ultimately, no progress. Others advocate cooperation whatever they do. They are of the opinion that the dependence of people on one another has increased, without which the society we live in can not keep going smoothly. In reality, we find that in many cases competition goes hand in hand with cooperation. Lets take a football game for example. During the game, one team is competing against the other, but each member of the team must cooperate with his teammates. Otherwise, they would lose the game no matter how skillful each individual player might be. It is clear that competition has much to do with cooperation.

  As far as I'm concerned, I do not agree with the view that competition and cooperation are always in conflict with each other. In my opinion, while advocating competition, we should never forget cooperation. In our social life, cooperation is especially necessary because most work is fulfilled with or through other people. So I've come to the conclusion that competition are equally important.

  合作的高中英语作文 5

  人们外出工作的方式通常有两种:独立完成和合作完成。两种方式各有特点。 请你以“working individually or working ina team "为题,写一篇短文 1. 独立完成:自行安排,自己解决问题 2. 合作完成:一起讨论,相互学* 3.我喜欢的方式和理由

  范文 :

  Working individually or working in a team

  There are basically two ways to get work done. One is to work individually.In this way , people can decide for themselves when to start and how to do it.What’s more, they will be able to learn how to solve problems on their own .

  People may also choose to work in a team , where they can learn from each other and help each other.Besides , they may work out better ways to get work done by discussion.

  Personally, I prefer to work in a team, which offers me a chance to learn how to get along well with others and to share my experiences with them. As the work can be divided among several people , it can be done efficiently.Teamwork is always important.



  高中英语写信作文 1

Dear Xin,

  How are you and your family? I hope you all all healthy. Me and my family are doing pretty well here.

  I heard that your final exam is coming soon. I hope you can study hard and do well in that exam. And i hope your ambition to become a teacher can come true. Study hard and hardworking.

  At last, I hope that our friendship can last long! That's all for this time. Hope to hear from you soon.

  Yours truely


  高中英语写信作文 2

Dear Tom,

  I would like to introduce my hobbies to you .

  I like dancing very much.I always dance with my firends when I have nothing to do. Dance can help me keep fit and it is helpful for us to be happy.

  Sometimes I dance one two hours with my friends. Though I feels very tired after dacing ,I am very heppy .

  What is your hobby ?

  I hope to receive your earliest re***.

  高中英语写信作文 3

Dear Petty,

  I hope you didn’t make any plane for this weekend. You know I am moving into the new house, and I sincerely invite you to e to my new house. I will hold a celebration party on Saturday night. The scenery here is fantastic that I am sure you will like it. On Saturday, you can walk around my house after you get here. The party will begin at 7:00. You can live in my house that night. On Sunday, we can go fishing or play table tennis. So please do some preparation for them. You can drive here and you will see a board “Kelly’s Home” near the road. It only takes you one hour to get here. I hope there will be nothing stopping you to e.

  Yours affectionately,


  高中英语写信作文 4

Dear Mr. Wang,

  I am writing to inform you of my intention of withdrawing from my current position of this l magazine.

  Though having worked here for merely two months, I unfortunately find that this job is quite different from my expectation. First of all, I have to say that my salary is far from satisfying, which barely sustains me in this expensive city. Moreover, so far I have never had the responsibiLity of any challenging task.

  I apologize in advance for any inconvenience it might bring to you.


Li Ming

  高中英语写信作文 5

Dear Sir,

  I take the liberty to write you in the hope that you might need someone to fill in for you. I feel that I am qualified as an administrator.

  I am currently a student at college, I have over a month more to complete before I graduate. My major is business administration.

  I have excellent grades in all my subjects. If you wish to look at these information it will be sent to you later.

  I have worked at a trading company as a secretary, but I hope to seek more responsible employment.

  I am 25 years old and very honest and dependable. If you need someone with my qualifications, please let me know.

  thank you very much for your kind attention.






  The Middle-Autumn Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it is often held in September or October.During the festival, family members get united and have mooncakes together.THere are various kind of mooncakes,such as bean paste, egg-yolk or meat.

  The shape of a mooncake is round as it symbolizes a big moon.Moreover, in the evening of the Middle-Autumn Festival, people get together in a vacant place, eating delicious mooncakes while appreciating the beautiful moon hanging in the dark sky.To conclude, the Midde-Autumn Festival is a very nice festival for Chinese people.

  Water is very important to us. If you don’t have water for three days, you will die. We can use water for flowers, swimming, washing and many different things. We use it to cook, make electricity, and put out fires and so on. We use millions of liters of water every day.

  Do you know how does the water come to your home? It travels through water pipes. Some are long and wide but some are short and narrow. Then the water travels through the water pipes to the reservoirs. Then it travels through the water pipes to the river and to the special factories that purify the water. When the water is purified, we can drink it. Please don’t leave garbage in the water on which we line, and keep the water clean.



  The goal of my life is living a simple happy and healthy life.


  What I want is a simple life not a complicated one.Because what my job or career offers me are difficult issues which I must handle them properly, and sometimes they are so boring and tedious,but I have to do.So after a day's work, I want to have a break and do some things which would provide me happiness and a harmonious life. It is so simple like that, I have a supper with my families talking some funny and humourous topics, or I sit on grass with who I loved looking at the beautiful sky and counting the numbers of the stars. It is simple, but very harmonious and romantic.


  I also want to spend sometime on my hobbies,such as playing table tennis,badminton,basketball and so forth.I like sports very much and I believe it will benefit me all my life.What I gained from sports are not only speed,strength and skill but also competitiveness,teamwork and so on.Sports could give me a strong and energetic body and a healthy life.


  The goals of my life are just written as above,and they will be pursued by myself all my life.


  Every Chinese knows the importance of the college entrance examination, so the high school students always can feel the stress from that exam, especially when that day is nearby. Some students will not do as well as usual because of heavy stress. It is necessary to adjust their mood well before the exam.

  They should not give too much pressure to themselves, instead of having usual heart. Then they can do in working order. To reach this goal, they can spare time to do some sports or just go running and keep telling themselves that the exam can’t decide their future, so they try their best would be OK and no one will blame them. The purpose is make them feel relax, as the status of relax is the best state for achieving good marks in the exam. It is helpful.

  More and more middle school students are going to all kinds of training classes or having family teachers at the weekend. There are two different viewpoints about it.

  On the one hand, some think that studying following the family teachers is better than self study. It can not only strengthen what you’ve learnt at school, but help you learn more useful things as well.

  On the other hand, some people who have the different opinion consider it a waste of time and money, for many training classes and family teachers are just working for money, you can not learn something really useful there, and thus lose the time of relaxing yourselves.

  In my opinion, as students, we should really know whether we need a training class or family teacher. First, make sure that you need them, and they would be helpful, then choose a reasonable one. Just remember, once you start and never give up.

  Friend hard to pull her to go to dinner, complaining loudly of the way the two why not in a class. She smiled, god, who can blame!

  Way that Fang Xiaochi, she saw a large pool of pink located are enchanting blossoms, surrounded around a bunch of lotus leaf, lotus leaf swam under a group of red goldfish. Or play, or rest. At the moment, the sun was pouring in that some flowers on the lotus leaf, see a shadow.

  She smiled, and walked on.

  And then saw the great ancient camphor tree. It seems to be more big tall and straight, among a large empty seemed completely will not affect its growth. The sun shone through the leaves is.

  Looked up at her and saw a large streamed into the shadow of the leaves, through the shadows, saw the sun behind her, dazzling.

  That moment, her understanding, standing in the shade again low, laughing, friends stood by unknown so. But at the moment, the breeze not rashness, sun is.

  The volunteering spirit has spread among the Chinese people in recent years, especially among young people.

  Volunteering is of tremendous benefits to both those in need and society. Take the Wenchuan Earthquake as an example. Hundreds of thousands of volunteers play an active role in Wenchuan quake-hit areas. And they contribute daily necessaries, offer medical help and psychological help to the disaster relief work.

  Besides, volunteering would be beneficial to the volunteers themselves~ Getting involved in volunteering, volunteers will be exposed to a new environment, and they can learn how to work well in a team, how to improve their interpersonal skills and organizational skills,all of which are critical for their professional growth.

  As a college student, I sincerely hope that everyone would join the volunteering work. It is not only good to our society, but also a chance for us to grow and to learn.

  With the fragrance of the soil, and the hard sweat, look!Farmland is grateful, and all kinds of vegetables in the vegetable garden are fascinating in the orchard, which is the result of farmers' work.Accompanied by a loud reading, and this selfless dedication, hey!The classroom is a god of gods, and the playground is a lot of dragons. The event class is a big magic, which is the result of the hard work of gardeners.With the rumbling robots, strictly taking the heat, see!A high-rise building has been pulled up, and a railway is innectatally, and a road is four-way, which is the result of hard work of the builders.It is the laborer on the front lines and supports our food and clothing with both hands.It is their silent dedication, watering the wisdom, cultivating the pillars of countless construction of the motherland.

  It is their wisdom and hands to make China stand in the forest of the world.Write a piece of work with the best work.

  As our students, we also have to face with much pressure, such as the study pressure, exam pressure,relationship pressure and so on. But how can we cope with pressure? This is the most important.

  Firstly, we should face the pressure appropriately. Pressure is inevitable in our daily life, so we can't be afraid of them and try our best to cope with them.

  Secondly, tell our pressure to others. Talking is a very effective way to ease pressure, and during the talking, we may get some suggestions and solutions.

  Finally, trust ourselves. We should believe ourselves that we can deal with any troubles by ourselves or by others' help.







  "My ideal" (Author : A fourth-grade students, male, Parents markets selling chickens) is the ideal, I do Yituo droppings, Yituo big smelly droppings. I go to my classmates Chousi XXX, because he owes me the money has not also gave.

  I also take classes in the book is zoned chaos. I also Xiusi my class, I find her remarks are each collect so much money, I would like to Chousi her. I also Xiusi math teacher this semester Every time I passed the examination is not, in fact, I can pass. But he will not let me copy.

  I also Xiusi principals, why he can stage a flag-raising ceremony Monday speech, we should be below drenched. Finally, I would like to Chousi myself, I Xiusi so many people, a police officer and pulling to jail, I will not go to jail. I also Chousi.

  An ideal teacher must be enthusiastic.He should not teach anything he is not interested in.He should be good at his subject,and take pride in his work,though he may make mistakes.He should be a little bit of an actor,and he should not be afraid of showing his feelings and expressing his likes and dislikes.

  He must like his students and respect them.He should have an understanding of his students and be able to relate to them.He should regard his students as individuals and acknowledge their differences.He must know how to encourage self?development and the growth of each student.

  All in all,an ideal teacher is one who is kind,encouraging and helpful to his students.He grows,learns,and improves himself along with his students.

  The work in the construction industry for several years, my ideal job is to be a great engineer, but want to become an excellent engineer is not an easy thing, first of all I must be familiar with the relevant budget quota,valuation table, standard fees, with a full set of construction drawings;joint examination of construction drawing me in order to participate in theconstruction, points out the problems and suggestions related to theproject cost, rationally determine and effectively control, through reasonable and effective control of project cost to continuously enhance the level of construction cost management, secondly, the engineering cost documents provided by the cost engineer in practice, to safeguard the national and social public interests.

  I have a house which is not very big and splendid but I love it! There are 5 rooms of my house.Two bedrooms,one is for my parents and one is for myself.The dining room is small but when I am hungry I can always find delicious food on the table! When I have some spare time ,Ilove staying in my study .There are uncountable books on it and I have got a lot of knowledge from it .And the balcony is the best place for me to have a good relax. Sometimes I would imagine the house I think would be the best for living. The house is huge and beautiful and locates by a clean lake.The house also has a big flower garden which is always colorful !Every afternoon my parents and I drink tea or coffee aronnd the table in the open air.I think the house which can give me comfortable feeling and love is the best place for me to live forever!

  Everyone has their own dreams, I am the same. But my dream is not a lawyer, not a doctor, not actors, not even an industry. Perhaps my dream big people will find it ridiculous, but this has been my pursuit! My dream is to want to have a folk life! I want it to become a beautiful painting, it is not only sharp colors, but also the colors are bleak, I do not rule out the painting is part of the black, but I will treasure these bleak colors!

  Not yet, how about, a colorful painting, if not bleak, add color, how can it more prominent American? Life is like painting, painting the bright red color represents life beautiful happy moments. Painting a bleak color represents life difficult, unpleasant time. You may find a flat with a beautiful road is not very good yet, but I do not think it will. If a person lives flat then what is the point?

  Life is only a short few decades, I want it to go Finally, Each memory is a solid.


——my interests高中英语作文范本五份

  My hobbies are changing all the time. Many years ago, I used to watch Tv. I thought watching Tv was very interesting . I could learn something from it. But now I don’t like it. I think it’s a waste of time. I enjoy collecting stamps. It is great fun. I can learn a lot about people, places,

  History and special times from stamps. I am fond of listening to music,too. It can relax myself.

  I have many hobbies, such as playing computer games, reading comics, going shopping. I also like playing pingpong very much. I have a friend. His name is JooZone. He is crazy about playing pingpong, too. If we have free time, we often play pingpong together. 2010 summer holiday, he took me to a sports centre. Then we played pingpong together, but he always lost. He was very angry. He said to me, “I will beat you in a month.”

  “OK. We will have a match at that time.” After a month, when I talked to him about it, he answered, “I forgot the thing! I don't want to have a match with you.” I was very surprised and angry and said, “Oh, you're a forgetful boy!”

  English is one of my best subjects and I started learning English when I was ten years old. But at the very beginning, listening seemed a little difficult for me. So I have been doing a lot of listening practice, such as listening to tapes, watching English TV programs.

  And I found it really helped a lot. In fact, there are some more helpful ways to learn English well. For example, I enjoy singing English songs and I want to join an English club or find a pen pal from English-speaking countries.

  I believe that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.

  My name is Qiou Ye. I am twelve.My favorite sport is ping-pong and swimming. I like basketbll and I like volletball. I can play the piano and draw, I can play them very well. This is Me.

  Can you tell me about yourself ?



  My hobbies are writing and songs. I like the quiet side of one side of writing songs. No matter what I write, I can be input. I do not like writing, I like to write novels. I also like listening to music, my favorite bination is the young girl, and their songs can bring me energy, make me optimistic. My favorite singer is Avril children, her songs have a variety of styles, so I enjoy the lyrical, cheerful I got my confidence and inspired me rock my youth, my energy. I grew up do not have to be a writer, but I will write novels. I grew up do not want to be a singer, but I will love to sing, listen to music.



  Last Thursday and Friday, our school held the 40th sports meeting.It is one of the biggest activities each year in my school. All the students badly expect to it.All games in the sports meeting werevery exciting and running was the most intense.

  Class 4 Grade 3 did the best in the sports.They got the highest scores.My class won the third but it was the best in the six classes of my grade.Liang Wen and Qiu Lu are my classmates. They both won first in the running competition and high jump competition.

  There were other classmates got scores in other games.Although they didn't won the first, they tried their best.Friendship first, competition second.Winning was not our only purpose.The most important was that we were happy in this activity.

  November 9th was our 16 school sports meeting in the West Primary school! This is our last grade school sports meeting in grade six! Each of US reported on what he was good at. Of course! I am no exception, I also reported that I am best at the 60 meter dash and the 200 meter dash!

  The opening of the school sports meeting is close to the beginning! Under the announcement of the headmaster, the 16 school sports meeting of our western primary school was finally opened! The announcer's wonderful voice spread through everyone's ears, and then the women's 60 meter heats. I ran out of excellent results in the 60 meter preliminary race and was lucky to be in the finals! Ha-ha! The six of us (1) and three girls class are super awesome, have entered the finals!

  Uh! It's the women's preliminaries in the 200 meters! It's time for me to play again! I ran with a grade five, and I wasn't nervous at first because I had an advantage over my height. But began to run after, I feel myself comfortable. I was exhausted when I ran through the third and was defeated by my only opponent. I was discouraged at once, but the boys and girls in my class cheered me up! I got up at once! By the time I got to the finish line, I had turned her back! Yeah! I won! I got fourth in the senior class, 200 meters in the women. I ran out of excellent grades. I ran 200 meters in the usual 19 meters, and I ran for more than 43 seconds. But in this competition, I only used 40 seconds. I was amazed by the result. The school sports meeting made me realize how to meet the rainbow without the wind and rain.

  But in the 60 metres final when I was discouraged, because I steal a step at the starting time, I canceled my grades, I suddenly burst into tears, I hate myself, why would react when, why should I steal a step! I really good ruthless myself, this 60 meters thing, I use my physical strength to spell it back, why I will put this good place to throw away?! I cried for an hour, but still did not stop the tears! Seeing all the classmates to comfort me, both male and female students brought me a trace of comfort. My heart felt so warm at once.

  The school games made me understand: we need encouragement, comfort and applause in our growth!

  This is a poignant, touching, comforting and unforgettable school sports meeting!

  During the school sports meeting. The mood of the students and the teachers also got excited.

  On the night before the school games, the students began to do all kinds of small flags to cheer the class. Today, the teacher in charge of the mood is particularly good, smiling face, we do flag material is also provided by him. I, as a first time to participate in the long-distance race athletes, even a little silly, in the school sports meeting has not held three days before the beginning of tension. Hey, I was a strong child, very high demand for their corresponding pressure will increase. At ten twenty on Friday morning, I was ready for the match. It was a bit cold and the sun's brother was still sleeping. And then, to be honest, my nervous system has become a little tired, standing waiting for the game for a long time, the motor nerve also gradually find tired. Under the influence of many factors, starting immediately after acceleration, making some functions of the body to play down, cause arrhythmia. The game went on at 1/4, with dizziness, stomach pain, headache, and weakness in the limbs, and the symptoms intertwined with each other. In such circumstances, is a good friend of Cai Ling gave me the courage to persevere, I thank her very much; but at the same time, but not a trace of guilt, she encouraged me, in the process of running with one foot accidentally stepped on a puddle, originally dry wet shoes, originally clean the socks are yellow water stains, originally warm feet are cold water infected.

  In two days of competition, joy and sorrow, there are many award-winning athletes, many lost the battle, only injured in the movement of the people in the minority, Liu Wenjie, Chen Jinman, Xue Yuxin, Luo Shaoao, et al. Our class is. I think there are two common causes of injury: one is careless, and the other is hitting, pushing, or obstructing a fall by another player. For athletes, the injury is really unfortunate, and this also makes every corner of the stadium left students or excited, or lonely figure.

  The school sports meeting has ended with the best wishes of the leaders. I am happy and proud of the students who have been ranked in our class; feel sorry for the injured athletes; encourage the students who have not received the prize. Let thousands of them not discouraged, after all, the first is not always the first, there will be. We can not always stay in this position now, time will not stop gear rotation, however, only if we constantly strive toward their goals and constantly improve themselves, we may progress, is likely to beat his rival, get the ranking obtained deserved glory!

  Today is the annual school sports meet, and my little friends and I are looking forward to what interesting sports will be held at the school sports meet. The sports meeting started! Everyone hurried down the playground, and the headmaster said something about safety. After that, we went to the event. I was in the tug of war class five. All the players in the tug of war came to the game in high spirits. The cheering squad of our class shouted, "class two come on, class two will win.".

  "Finally, our compe***s are in class one, grade five.". We are pulling with all our strength. But, their strength is too big, come, we have pulled back, we also lost, this competition, I, we believe that next time will certainly succeed. Next we will play the game, have won prizes, there are a lot of prizes such as: pencil, pen, eraser, pen, book... "... and then I went to move the table tennis, take this racket is placed above the table tennis ball, table tennis in the walking process can not fall down the lost. I was in line for a long time and finally came to me. I was holding my racket and then I was passing the ball with a quick pace.

  Finally, my ball didn't drop. I got a pencil. A pencil is cheap but I got it myself, so I was happy when I got it. After that, I also participated in the transport of basketball, badminton, and got the book and brush. It is getting late, the school sports meeting is coming to a close. I am very happy today. I am eager for the school sports meet every day, so that each of us will be happy!

  The race began, the students participating in the game are returned to their own in the competition, some in encouraging, some other students for students in the pep talk, some cheered in the game very busy.

  The exciting games

  "To hold a sports meeting tomorrow, please be prepared for." Chinese teacher said to leave the classroom immediately lively up, some said they run faster, some say that they can jump very far, the topic, then king "funny" XinLiang said: "I will take part in the race, because I run very fast, 'a' whoosh 'run a circle, the leaves on the trees must all fall out." This sentence with the whole class laughed.

  In order to participate in the games students came to school early, the classmates some ravishing, some spirit, some nervous... The teacher came into the classroom announced the list of students participating in the game, and lead, we went to the playground, she let the students practise, and prepared to match, the students some practicing the high jump, some run, some softball practice, and practice site of long jump...... On the playground at this time was excited and nervous.

  The race began, the students participating in the game are returned to their own in the competition, some in encouraging, some other students for students in the pep talk, some cheered in the game very busy.

  Look, here is a race, the students ran like to run each rabbit, there is a softball game, the students a than a throw far, is the game jump one by one in the distance seem to jump the body as light as yan, very fierce... Alas, I have also not easy, the cheerleaders when cried voice hoarse.

  Finally wait for the relay race this afternoon, we line up to enter the field of the whole class, the teacher handed the baton to the first class, listen to a starting gun, the classmates like arrows shot out of the starting line, students can transfer to a you come to me to the baton, it was my turn, my heart beat faster like the deer, I reached to hold sticks, quickly run up, little by little I run over in front of the classmate, fast and good, I reached long long of, will stick fast to the other side of the students, "finally success! I didn't give us a class." I was so happy!

  Games ended, back to the classroom, the teacher with smiles on their faces told us: "the relay race of our class won the first prize!" "Great!" The students cheered.
