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  高中英语作文观后感 1

  Kramer vs. Kramer is a 1979 film which tells the story of a divorce and its impact on everyone involved, including the couple's young son. In Kramer vs. Kramer, Joanna Kramer, a Smith College graduate, is a stay-at-home mother for her son Billy.

  Feeling confined in this role, and neglected by her husband Ted, Joanna leaves the marriage in order to find herself a life.

  Ted, who has been focusing on his career in advertising, and was just given his agency's biggest new account, is shocked by Joanna's decision and is left to raise Billy by himself.

  With the help of his neighbor and Joanna's friend, Margaret, Ted comes to understand why his ex-wife Joanna left. In the process, he also becomes more invested in raising Billy than in his job.

  About a year and a half after leaving, Joanna returns to New York in order to claim Billy, and a custody battle ensues. The courts side with the mother. But Joanna knows that his son's true home is with Ted, and she chooses to let Billy stay with his father.

  There is an amazing cultural impact in Kramer vs. Kramer which I like best. It reflected a cultural shift that occurred during the 1970s and the period of second-wave feminism, when ideas about motherhood and fatherhood were changing in American society!

  高中英语作文观后感 2

  Taylor Swift, an American female singer, is popular around the world. When Taylor started her career as a country singer, her talent attracted many people, because she could compose songs all on her own, so she could record her album by herself.

  Taylor became a hot singer quickly, then she turned her role as a popular singer, many people criticized about her new album. They said she was not suitable to sing the popular sing, which lost her feature.

  While in the newest Grammy Award, Taylor’s new album won many awards, which proved that her popular songs were such a success. Taylor has got the great talent in music, that’s why the fans love her so much.

  高中英语作文观后感 3

  Impressions of after seeing black mirror S2E2-white bearMany ideas hit me until I saw the film’s last 4 minutes .it’s cruel to repeat the scene for the women leading role just because of a undoubted reason that she was willing to be a spectator when a murder happen. many people argue that if the punishment is too serious for the women leading role. In my piont of view, the women loading role commit a serious crime,but the repeated punishment is so cruel too. Whether you feel sorry for her or not, it’s up to you. Different people have different cognitions and standards. But from the point of the women loading role, I can sense her hopeless and fear from the beginning.when we saw she was regarded as monster and nobody can care her life just recording the whole process,I think none can laugh out the scene. However providing we were spectator in the film, the women is criminal and insensible,we maybe consider everything were normal .

  even we think she should deserve the horrible punishment. In fact, from the two points,we all can master the whole purpose of the black mirror .we can’t forget the planner of the repeat play in white bear justice park .the planner point at white board :enjoy yourself .how horrible. We forget the virtue of human,we can dally with our brother and sister.but I think the planner should undertake responsibility. in the other word,medium change our thought day by day.such as television,internet,and newspaper. All report seem was object, but itcontain some guiding. For example, USA usually broadcast African rebellion or Chinese mess,which lead we think African was mess all day,and China was virulence .

  it’s true, they broadcast the truth.but the truth just was sorted for some purpose. just as the film’s planner ,what they said was true,but they never tell the feeling of the women,suffering and hopeless.we suffer our brother. I afraid of the bad thing that the kindness of human was gone. what will happen? Sometimes I consider I don’t need think the social shortcoming too much. because it is difficulty to deal with so many problem. As a Chinese citizen,we should support our government,and we be ought to seek out the shine of the society.

  Only in this way,we can creat more wealth for our country. It is said that when you see bright light,you are bright.we never see our country are filled with crime and enmity. But we should be thankful our medium.they show the truth . the dark we saw in thewas ourselves.many people deny the result.but just we know the secret. In the flim,white bear justice park is sharp-fanged. we have already consumed our justice. We shout out justice –it a thing we have no longer. will it also be a step of the progress of the people.In fact ,whatever other people say ,just you can change your behavior. i never call for people find hunman’s vitue,surely, I can’t do this.i just hope people can think about the problem from the different angles. In fact ,I do not good enough in this respect.

  高中英语作文观后感 4

  —An insight of " The Shawshank Redemption " "The Shawshank Redemption" is a drama / crime film, directed by French director Frank Darabont, but the audiences feel that he is more suited to be a screenwriter than a director. The two major actors Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman shape successfully the two roles Andy and Red. The "Shawshank" is a film about freedom, legal and other things, everyone has different thinking after watching the movie. Thinking of myself, it gives me a lot of inspiration in person’s attitude towards daily life, the film encourages people to fight for freedom of persons, to think about the wonderful life and hope, and the most important thing is never give up at any time! In 1947,the banker Andy was accused of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment and kept in Shawshank prison. At the follow days, Andy knows Red, and they become good friends. Life in prison is long and boring, on the one hand, Andy writes to the governor, applies for a library funding, and then Andy builds the first prison library ,helps the newcomer learn knowledge, through all kinds of methods, he completes a self-redemption; on the other hand, he digs an escape tunnel every night, and successfully escapes from Shawshank prison to greet his new life after 19 years in prison. At last, Red eventually successfully releases, They meet each other again in Mexico and intend to open a new life together!

  I have seen the leading role's attitude towards life from the film" Shawshank " , there is a poem written by Russian poet Pushkin, the poem says: If by life you were deceived, Don't be dismal, don't be wild! In the day of grief, be mild: Merry days will come, believe Heart is living in tomorrow; Present is dejected here: In a moment, passes sorrow; That which passes will be dear.

  The leading role Andy is an optimistic person, even though he is sentenced to jail, He uses an optimistic attitude to face his encounter and boring days, and he keeps changing his daily life, helping other fellow prisoners around him. We should look at ourselves through his performance and learn his attitude towards adverse situation. In our daily life, a lot of disappointments and unfavorable things make us be in trouble, the question is what should we do, Some persons say: just make it! If we have to pinch pennies for everything, there will be nothing left in the end. Others say: just ignore it! The meaning of one’s life is meeting difficults and challenging yourself, we must fight for it with an effective

  way, such as Andy’s. There is a Chinese old saying: A great man knows when to yield and when not. When to yieldwhen we have the strength and be ready to fight for it, but before this time, all we need to do is just keep quiet and keep hope in your mind, In the long days, there is one thing we must do all the time, that is looking for every possible opportunities to make ourselves become much stronger than before. Do some meaningful things to keep hope in our mind, when the proper moment comes, We must make every effort to resist until it is defeated, as Andy says: “Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies!”

  When Andy comes the prison the first day, He doesn’t resist, just keeps quiet! When the guards are worried about taxes, he volunteers to help them, makes fellow prisoners have the opportunity to enjoy beer. Later, he is appointed to be a librarian, He tries his best to raise books and money there, builds a good library for his fellow prisoners’ learning and entertainment. One day, a young man comes to the prison, breaks Andy’s life in prison, the young man knows the real murder who kills Andy’s wife and her lover, that is to say Andy is guiltless, but when Andy want to prove his innocence, the warden refuses his request and kills the young witness in a illegal way. Andy becomes depressed. The highlight of the film is when Andy gets out of the jai: in a thunderstorm night, Andy gets through the tunnel he had dug before, he puts forth his strength to pound sewer pipeline by stone when the thunder comes, as if the God applauds him. And then he gets into the sewer and escapes from the jai, when he reaches the end of the sewer he extends his arms toward the sky in the heavy rain, he is welcoming his freedom and his new life. At that moment, I see the faith win the darkness, hope is the best thing in the world and struggling with injustice is the best way to get freedom.

  If life deceives you, don't be dismal, keep hope in your mind!

  高中英语作文观后感 5

  This term, I have taken an elective course on western culture and enjoy movies and airwaves, and watched many films, such as “Gua Sha”, “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”, “A Christmas Carol”,” Legally Blonde”, “The Proposal”,“Friends”,“Gone with the Wind”. But what impresses me most is the film “Gua Sha”, which English name is “The Treatment”.

  Gua Sha is a movie about the difference between Chinese and American culture. The story happens in a Chinese family who lives in American. It mainly related the hero Xu Datong, who is a Chinese, had struggled for 8 years, tried hard to assimilate into American culture, and he as a video games designer in St. Louis had a great success and got his boss's approval and friendship. He and his wife, Jian Ning, son, Dennis, led a happy life in America. He also brought his father from china to live here together.

  One day, Dennis was stomachache, the grandpa used the Chinese traditional therapy to help him to scrapping, named Gua Sha, which leaves bright red marks on the skin. And then, once Dennis had an accident and went to the hospital, the doctor saw that the scar on his back, he doubts if the children was abused at home, so he called the American children protection center, so it causes a lawsuit of child abuse. Thereby, this happy family happened a series of unfortunate.

  At the hearing, whatever Xu Datong explained to the judge and the plaintiff about Gua Sha, the Americans always misunderstood. The opposing lawyer distorted the Chinese classics” Xi You Ji”, and his boss point out he had hit his son on the victory meeting, these all made Datong angry very much, scolding on the spot. In the court, Datong loses his mind so that finally he loses custody of his son. Because of the cultural difference, the father faces misunderstanding in the eyes of American. Thus, it made Datong break up families, and later he resigned, lost his friend and job.

  Later his father found the truth, went to explain that was him to Gua Sha for Dennis, not Datong, to Datong’s first counsel for the defense, John, along, and decided to leave America. At the airport, the old man want to saw his grandson, so Datong went to the welfare- house secretly to bring Dennis to the airport to see his grandpa off. On their way back, the police found Datong took Dennis, Datong and Dennis played jokes with the followed up police cars……

  John went to Chinese personally to experience the Chinese traditional treatment--“Gua Sha”, and hurried back to America to tell the accuser and the judge about his experience in it, and ask them to annul Datong’s result of sentence.

  In the film’s last, Datong for the sake of seeing his son on Christmas Eve, he climbed up the pipe to the ninth floor which his son lives in Santa Claus dress. At last, John sent thejudiciaries rescind durance in time. And Datong climbed into the house, stayed with his families togeth

  er again. The end is perfect. “Gua Sha” is known by the American law. The family gets together at last. But the cultural difference between countries leaves us thought-provoking. In US, this is a story that repeats itself many times in the area where many oriental immigrants’ lives and all of these are due to simple misunderstanding between cultures.

  The film “Gua Sha” is based on a Chinese traditional treatment which is not well-known by most foreigners. Indeed, Gua Sha is a treatment in traditional oriental medicine, In Asia it is usually done with a coin, Chinese soup spoon, slice of water buffalo horn, or even a slice of ginger. It need repeatedly scrape some acupoint in the patient's skin to treat the patient’s illness. It’s very useful treatment for patient.

  Gua Sha is a movie about the differences between Chinese Culture and Western Culture. In American law, parents shouldn’t leave child alone and can’t ill-treat their own children. If they break this law, parent may be taken to the police station, or what’s worse, their children will be separated from them. However, the family in the film gets in this trouble. These laws are good for children’s growing-up, but the rules don’t work in China. In China, parents have duties to look after their kids, including beat them the moment children don’t obey their words. In American, it’s illegal, children are protected by laws.

  What’s more, the Americans don’t understand the Chinese traditional culture, often misinterpret, and even ignore it, so it results in many unfair for Chinese.

  The film has deep impression to me. I’m not only proud of the extensive and profound Chinese culture, but also moved for the Chinese original ethical concept. In the movie, it embodied that Datong was so filial to his father everywhere, for example, for father get a green card, he admitted that was him to Gua Sha for his son, asked his wife not to tell the thing about Dennis’s law case to the old man to avoid his worried…… And the heart between Datong and Jian Ning was very deep, though they quarreled many times for Dennis’s case. The husband’s wohlwollen to his wife, he chose to separate to let his wife to stay with Dennis, and the wife’s care for the family, do the housework after work, look after the old and the young in the family……The most impressing scene to me is the ending. Datong wants to see his son to climb a pipe to the ninth floor, despite his danger. Datong, the grandpa and Jian Ning, their love to Dennis, was dee*** moved to everyone. The film reflects the kind to each other and loves each other in a traditional Chinese family, giving expression to the great of Chinese spirit.




  高中英语作文:家乡的变化 1

  I have had a dream, in the dream I dreamed that the qingshui river became very terrible.

  I went to qingshui river with my father and mother. I was just walking towards the river when I heard a loud crying. I followed the sound of the past, it was a piece of grass. I squatted down and asked, "grass, why are you crying here?" The grass said, "this is a vast prairie, but people are going to build a big house here. My sisters have been pulled out, and I am the only one who has not been pulled out." "Said the grass, and began to cry again.

  I stood up, turned and heard: "help me." I walked past, originally is qingshui river to cry. "Why are you crying?" I asked curiously. "Please help me," he said. I saw an aunt throw a pack of garbage into the water. Plastic bags fly apart in the air, wrapped in peel, the leftover soup is scattered into the river. I went over and said, "aunt, it's wrong of you to do so." The aunt said angrily: "you care for me? Little thing. You see, everybody is not like this?" I looked across the river and some of the people on the bank had coal dust, some threw waste paper. Some factories are discharging black and black waste water, along the river, into the distance. Then I saw a yellow and yellow thing floating on the river.

  God, that's terrible!

  Wake up and think of the old water river. In the summer some people play in the river, and some fish swim freely in the water. On the bank of the river, the willows fly, and the bees sing.

  From now on, we will save water, protect the environment and protect our homeland. My slogan is "protect the environment from me."

  高中英语作文:家乡的变化 2

  The change of the home

  This Saturday, I went to the countryside, I was amazed to see that the country has changed a lot.

  Before the country ah, road surface are made of stone, uneven, very easy to wrestling, house is also very humble, even buy a little thing to run several miles to run into a small shop, people also have no communication equipment, let alone a computer, and there are a lot of chickens and ducks around the goose in pavement shit, don't mention how smelly, even on the river floating many trash, sending out waves of bad smell, children are not willing to to play near the river.

  But now is different, the country is full of cement ground, the poultry are kept in a certain range, honesty; Even the houses are painted layers, new paint on the glazed tile roofs, shine on the roof, every family put the iron gate; And every household has a mobile phone, computer, TV, tablet PC and so on high-tech products, and have a motorcycle, operation convenient many, every day to eat the big fish big meat, but abundance; Even the river is clean, free of geese in the river swimming; Many children also happy to play on the bridge, riding a scooter, holding a mobile phone to say how happy; Left their villages and the store is nearly a lot, adult children are much more convenient, you see, the children play with the toys from the store to buy many happy! People get rich in the country, people in the country no longer poor, this is what a good thing!

  Sit on the car home, filled me with joy, full of happy. The way home, home building and home of the people in the afterglow of sunset gradually away from me, and I don't give up to say back: "hometown, you really beautiful! I'll be back!"

  高中英语作文:家乡的变化 3

  In the past ten years,great changes have taken place in our hometown.Take my family for example.My parents contacted others mainly by sending them letters in the past,but now we call long distancd at home.And once my parents listened to radio for news and other

  information,but now we watch the news and other programs on TV.Another big change is in the housing conditions.When they got married about ten years ago,my parents lived in a samll room crowded with furniture,but now we have moved intwo a big new three-room apartment.

  In short,changes in our hometown in the past ten years have brought us comfort and convenience.

  高中英语作文:家乡的变化 4

  At night, the moon slowly rising in the sky, I stood at the window for a long time looking at the bright moon, could not help but think of li bai "the quiet night think" in the poem: "bright moonlight before bed, doubt is frost on the ground. Look at the bright moon, bowed their heads and remembering home." I miss my hometown, tianjin.

  Home, there is a blue sea. When I was a child, my grandfather often led me to the seaside to pick up rocks, pick up shells and look at ships. The sea there will be a good big very big shipyard, shipyard in al hadd a new ship from, flowing into the country, local product shipped to all over the world.

  Home, there is a river of clear flow, and the meandering rivers fall from the sky to the earth. Fishermen are fishing in the river, and fish hawks jump into the river to catch fish. The summer is sultry, and many people jump into the river to bathe.

  In my hometown, there is a high derrick, and the famous oil field was born there. I often listen to my uncles about the history of big port fields. In the early days of my life, my uncle, who was in the blue sky, stepped on the moor and made a mouthful of snow. Looking at the present day, the oil is flowing in all directions, supporting the construction of the motherland and the people of the world.

  How beautiful the home is! She was like a dazzling red flower, open to the land of her country.

  高中英语作文:家乡的变化 5

  HuangMei is my hometown. It is in the East in HuBei.It is East on the city named AnQing of AnHui.And it is south to the city named JiuJiang of JiangXi. It is a great city in my heart.It has a long history for about 1800 years in China .Example .The temple named SiZu and WuZu were in HuangMei for a long years-old.Today,Every year many visitor e different part to there.

  As a daughter from Huangmei.I leaved it away for about seven years. But I miss it everyday .Even in a lot of my dream in the night .I belive HuangMei will be richer and richer .The new year 2009 will going .Tonight I hope everything will be well in my new 26 years-old.All my friends will be well.I must work hard in the new year.I will be ain growth as my hometown .



  高中英语优秀作文 1

  The period of high school stage is the preparation for college, all the students work hard in the purpose of the better future. In this stage, they hold the same target, fighting for the College Entrance Exam, especially in the third year, the sprint is very important. There are some suggestions for a better sprint. First, students should take a regular work schedule, it is very important to sleep in time, so that students can wake up early in the morning and then work with efficiency.

  Second is to keep the balanced diet. Students should pay attention to what they eat, the nutrition should be enough, so they can keep a better mind, thinking in a quick way. The last year of high school life must be hard and tedious, the one who keeps hold on will gain what they want. If they do as the mentioned suggestions, they can work better.

  高中英语优秀作文 2

  As everyone knows,English is very important today.It has been used everywhere in the world.It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. If we can speak English well,we will have more chance to succeed.Because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn English has increased at a high speed.

  But for myself,I learn English not only because of its importance and its usefulness,but also because of my love for it.When I learn English, I can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.When I read English novels,I can feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the translation.When I speak English, I can feel the confident from my words.When I write English,I can see the beauty which is not the same as our Chinese...

  I love English,it gives me a colorful dream.I hope I can travel around the world one day. With my good English, I can make friends with many people from different contries.I can see many places of GREat interests.I dream that I can go to London,because it is the birth place of English.

  I also want to use my good English to introduce our GREat places to the English spoken people,I hope that they can love our country like us.

  I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well.

  If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English everyday , it will love me too.

  I am sure that I will realize my dream one day!

  Thank you!

  高中英语优秀作文 3

  There are many people who think that wealth is better than health. I used to think so until one day I read a story about Howard Hughes. He was an American billionaire who got everything he wanted. However, in the last twenty years of his life,his health began to deteriorate and he was miserable. He had the best doctors and nurses. However, he could still find no relief. I realized that health is worth all the money in the world.

  If you have millions of dollars but your health is poor, you will not be able to do what you want to do. So I would like to say don't hurt yourself and try to make money.Instead, take care of your body and be happy at what you do. Health is more important.

  高中英语优秀作文 4

  The period of high school stage is the preparation for college, all thestudents work hard in the purpose of the better future. In this stage, they holdthe same target, fighting for the College Entrance Exam, especially in the thirdyear, the sprint is very important. There are some suggestions for a bettersprint. First, students should take a regular work schedule, it is veryimportant to sleep in time, so that students can wake up early in the morningand then work with efficiency.

  Second is to keep the balanced diet. Studentsshould pay attention to what they eat, the nutrition should be enough, so theycan keep a better mind, thinking in a quick way. The last year of high schoollife must be hard and tedious, the one who keeps hold on will gain what theywant. If they do as the mentioned suggestions, they can work better.

  高中英语优秀作文 5

  In the current society, with the rapid development of the Internet, shopping on the internet has been a fashion especially among the youngsters.


  Online shopping has made our daily life become more convenient and feel comfortable . In the first place, shopping on the Internet can save much time so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their academic study. In the second place, the Internet has provided kinds of goods to consumers, and we can save much money through online shopping.


  However, every coin has two sides, online shopping also has shortcomings. We maybe buy some fake products online because of lacking of the face to face communication with sellers. What's more, the delivery will increase the risk of items' damage.


  Weighing up these two arguments, I prefer the former, because shopping on the internet has become more and more important to us in our daily life. We should follow the footsteps of the times.




  期末总结高中英语 1















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  期末总结高中英语 4



  我一直严格要求自己 不断学* 为人师表,对教育教学有了更深层次的理解和认识,本学期我把收获转化到具体行动上,用专家高尚的师德指导自己的教学工作,每天早读之前早早进班指导学生有效利用早读时间,提高学*效率。利用晚自*和夜自*时间和学困生交流,了解他们思想和学*中的问题,及时给出中肯建议,帮助他们摆脱不良情绪的影响,全身心的投入到学*中去。





  期末总结高中英语 5







  Mother's day is a holiday for all mothers. In this holiday, my mother is very happy, but mother is going to work. I thought, what gift should I give my mother?

  My mother is an angel of white. She is very busy at work, but I have to take time to take care of me and help me with my studies. I've always wanted to send a gift to my mom. It's mother's day and dad is at work, so I'll give them a surprise.

  I thought to my left and came up with a good idea to make a card for my mother. The idea must be, I'll get to it. I took out my pen, my card, my marker. I drew a smiley face on the left side of the card, a heart on the right, and a color on the right. I wrote a sentence below the heart: mom, I love you! On the top of the picture: happy mother's day! Finally finished!

  Just at this moment, mom and dad came back from work, I hurriedly to the mother, mother smiled happily, gave me a sweet kiss, my father saw also smiled.

  When I am making mistakes, my parents will never be angry with me. I am so thankful to them for they are so tolerant with me.

  I learn many things from my parents, they show me how to be a tolerant person. They will not blame me for the small mistake that I make, instead, they will educate me in the gentle way. Unlike some parents who are strict to their kids, they will be very angry and said the hurting words, making the children feel sad. Being tolerant to other people’s mistakes is the best way to solve the problem. People will appreciate the kind act and make things goes on the easy way.

  Every year a lot of people are killed or injured in road accidents. How can we make the roads safer? Remember the following traffic rules.

  When you ride a bike, keep to the right side of the road. Don't cross the road or turn left at a red traffic light. Give a hand signal if you want to turn or stop.

  Before crossing the road, stop and look both ways, right and left. If the road is clear, it is safe to cross. The correct way to cross is to walk quickly, but not to run. If you run across the road, you may fall down.

  If you see small children or old people waiting to cross the road, it is a kind deed to help them to cross in safety. We should teach small children not to play or ride on the roads.

  Always obey these rules, you'll find it much safer to walk or ride on the road.

  Cactuses are used to living in desert. The whole body of a cactus is green. The stalk is oval and there are thorns all over its body. Actually the thorns in their bodies are their leaves. The leaves are like this only because they can stop the water in their bodies from evaporating into the hot and dry air. The cactuses have long roots and they take their roots deep into the earth so that they can get the water from deeper,soil.

  Their flowers are always small and white.Although they are ignored in the desert, they never give up coming ont and alwaysdecorate the desert silently.

  We are always educated that human and animals are friends, and we should get along well with each other harmoniously. Nowadays, most young people like to keep pets, and they treat these lovely animals as their families. The relationship between men and animals are strong. Take the movie Hachi for example. Most people have seen this touching movie would be impressed by the dog’s loyalty to his master. They just can’t help tearing. This director is good at describing the animals. His new work will be soon brought to the screen and surely people will be touched again. In some places, people have the tradition to eat cats and dogs. It is so cruel. Protecting animals is everybody’s duty. If someday they disappear, then the biological system will be broken and there is a great crisis for human being to survive.

  Should We Believe in Specialists?

  Specialists’ suggestions seem to be everywhere nowadays. They frequently appear in advertisements, TV shows, and the news discussion and so on. However, some people hold the opinion that the specialists’ suggestions are not as authoritative as before. We should not trust them anymore. However, in my opinion, I think we can believe in specialists as long as they are honest, and the products they recommend to us are proved to be good.

  First of all, there are more than a few fake specialists in China. These fake specialists pretend to be professional in the public. Some of the immoral advertisers use money to hire the fake specialists to be their products spokesmen. Then the consumer will fall for the beautiful lies the so called specialists tell them. The truth is that the real specialists are forbidden to take up these kinds of ads; they should stay in their labs and do experiments. Second, the real specialists are quite intelligent and they are able to solve many problems. They can teach us lots of knowledge that we ever learn from the textbooks. For instance, they may teach us how to stay in good health through eating particular food, or the effective way to reduce stress. The most important thing is the words they say are proved to be true. In this case, we can believe in the specialists.

  I think the rational people can tell the different between fake and real specialists. If you see the specialist on the TV to sell medicine in an extremely high price, don’t trust them. If they offer you practical advices, then you will know they are real.

  Spring festival is a Chinese traditional holiday, but many people do not know the real meaning of this celebration. More and more people prefer to celebrate spring festival by watching the spring festival gala and ma-ki-ng lots of fireworks rather than get along with their relatives. I think the true meaning of this festival is that families get together to talk about each other. So, I suggest people spend more time with their family rather than pay too much attention to the TV or fireworks, because that is the spirit of the spring festival.

  I love my family, because I have a happy family.

  My father is an English teacher. His name is Jacky.

  He is thirty-eight. He likes playing basketball. What’s my mother job? Is she a teacher?

  Yes, you’re right! My mother is very kind and nice, she is thirty-seven. My mother is always laborious work. I love my parents!

  On Saturday and Sunday, I often go to the library and play the piano, My father go to play basketball.

  Sometimes, we watch TV and listen to music at home.

  I love my family. Because I’m very happy to live with my parents together!

Dear Dick,

  One of my best friends Wei Dong has just won a scholarship to study for one year in the United States. He’ll be leaving soon, and, believe it or not, he will be in the same school with you. I have told him a lot about you and he will go to see you right after his arrival. Since he is new there, I hope you could do whatever you can to help him begin a new life.

  Wei Dong is a handsome tall boy of 18. He is a diligent student as well as a good guy to get along with. Besides his study, he has a wide range of interests, such as country music and basketball. I hope you can learn from each other and become good friends.

  Best wishes.

  Last night, after eating the dinner, I felt so bored, so I opened my computer and found some amusement. Then I saw the show The Voice of America. As the show of choosing singers became so popular today, so I was so curious and tried to figure out why this show was so popular. On the first stage, the famous super stars as the mentors would turn their backs to the singers, they would turned once they wanted singers. So there only the beautiful voice that could attract the mentors’ attention, the outlook was ignored. When all the mentors got the full members, they would coach the members and helped them to competer for the champion. I think it is a good show, it gives people a fair chance to improve their talent. The singers will not refused by their homely outlook.



  Last Thursday and Friday, our school held the 40th sports meeting.It is one of the biggest activities each year in my school. All the students badly expect to it.All games in the sports meeting werevery exciting and running was the most intense.

  Class 4 Grade 3 did the best in the sports.They got the highest scores.My class won the third but it was the best in the six classes of my grade.Liang Wen and Qiu Lu are my classmates. They both won first in the running competition and high jump competition.

  There were other classmates got scores in other games.Although they didn't won the first, they tried their best.Friendship first, competition second.Winning was not our only purpose.The most important was that we were happy in this activity.

  November 9th was our 16 school sports meeting in the West Primary school! This is our last grade school sports meeting in grade six! Each of US reported on what he was good at. Of course! I am no exception, I also reported that I am best at the 60 meter dash and the 200 meter dash!

  The opening of the school sports meeting is close to the beginning! Under the announcement of the headmaster, the 16 school sports meeting of our western primary school was finally opened! The announcer's wonderful voice spread through everyone's ears, and then the women's 60 meter heats. I ran out of excellent results in the 60 meter preliminary race and was lucky to be in the finals! Ha-ha! The six of us (1) and three girls class are super awesome, have entered the finals!

  Uh! It's the women's preliminaries in the 200 meters! It's time for me to play again! I ran with a grade five, and I wasn't nervous at first because I had an advantage over my height. But began to run after, I feel myself comfortable. I was exhausted when I ran through the third and was defeated by my only opponent. I was discouraged at once, but the boys and girls in my class cheered me up! I got up at once! By the time I got to the finish line, I had turned her back! Yeah! I won! I got fourth in the senior class, 200 meters in the women. I ran out of excellent grades. I ran 200 meters in the usual 19 meters, and I ran for more than 43 seconds. But in this competition, I only used 40 seconds. I was amazed by the result. The school sports meeting made me realize how to meet the rainbow without the wind and rain.

  But in the 60 metres final when I was discouraged, because I steal a step at the starting time, I canceled my grades, I suddenly burst into tears, I hate myself, why would react when, why should I steal a step! I really good ruthless myself, this 60 meters thing, I use my physical strength to spell it back, why I will put this good place to throw away?! I cried for an hour, but still did not stop the tears! Seeing all the classmates to comfort me, both male and female students brought me a trace of comfort. My heart felt so warm at once.

  The school games made me understand: we need encouragement, comfort and applause in our growth!

  This is a poignant, touching, comforting and unforgettable school sports meeting!

  During the school sports meeting. The mood of the students and the teachers also got excited.

  On the night before the school games, the students began to do all kinds of small flags to cheer the class. Today, the teacher in charge of the mood is particularly good, smiling face, we do flag material is also provided by him. I, as a first time to participate in the long-distance race athletes, even a little silly, in the school sports meeting has not held three days before the beginning of tension. Hey, I was a strong child, very high demand for their corresponding pressure will increase. At ten twenty on Friday morning, I was ready for the match. It was a bit cold and the sun's brother was still sleeping. And then, to be honest, my nervous system has become a little tired, standing waiting for the game for a long time, the motor nerve also gradually find tired. Under the influence of many factors, starting immediately after acceleration, making some functions of the body to play down, cause arrhythmia. The game went on at 1/4, with dizziness, stomach pain, headache, and weakness in the limbs, and the symptoms intertwined with each other. In such circumstances, is a good friend of Cai Ling gave me the courage to persevere, I thank her very much; but at the same time, but not a trace of guilt, she encouraged me, in the process of running with one foot accidentally stepped on a puddle, originally dry wet shoes, originally clean the socks are yellow water stains, originally warm feet are cold water infected.

  In two days of competition, joy and sorrow, there are many award-winning athletes, many lost the battle, only injured in the movement of the people in the minority, Liu Wenjie, Chen Jinman, Xue Yuxin, Luo Shaoao, et al. Our class is. I think there are two common causes of injury: one is careless, and the other is hitting, pushing, or obstructing a fall by another player. For athletes, the injury is really unfortunate, and this also makes every corner of the stadium left students or excited, or lonely figure.

  The school sports meeting has ended with the best wishes of the leaders. I am happy and proud of the students who have been ranked in our class; feel sorry for the injured athletes; encourage the students who have not received the prize. Let thousands of them not discouraged, after all, the first is not always the first, there will be. We can not always stay in this position now, time will not stop gear rotation, however, only if we constantly strive toward their goals and constantly improve themselves, we may progress, is likely to beat his rival, get the ranking obtained deserved glory!

  Today is the annual school sports meet, and my little friends and I are looking forward to what interesting sports will be held at the school sports meet. The sports meeting started! Everyone hurried down the playground, and the headmaster said something about safety. After that, we went to the event. I was in the tug of war class five. All the players in the tug of war came to the game in high spirits. The cheering squad of our class shouted, "class two come on, class two will win.".

  "Finally, our compe***s are in class one, grade five.". We are pulling with all our strength. But, their strength is too big, come, we have pulled back, we also lost, this competition, I, we believe that next time will certainly succeed. Next we will play the game, have won prizes, there are a lot of prizes such as: pencil, pen, eraser, pen, book... "... and then I went to move the table tennis, take this racket is placed above the table tennis ball, table tennis in the walking process can not fall down the lost. I was in line for a long time and finally came to me. I was holding my racket and then I was passing the ball with a quick pace.

  Finally, my ball didn't drop. I got a pencil. A pencil is cheap but I got it myself, so I was happy when I got it. After that, I also participated in the transport of basketball, badminton, and got the book and brush. It is getting late, the school sports meeting is coming to a close. I am very happy today. I am eager for the school sports meet every day, so that each of us will be happy!

  The race began, the students participating in the game are returned to their own in the competition, some in encouraging, some other students for students in the pep talk, some cheered in the game very busy.

  The exciting games

  "To hold a sports meeting tomorrow, please be prepared for." Chinese teacher said to leave the classroom immediately lively up, some said they run faster, some say that they can jump very far, the topic, then king "funny" XinLiang said: "I will take part in the race, because I run very fast, 'a' whoosh 'run a circle, the leaves on the trees must all fall out." This sentence with the whole class laughed.

  In order to participate in the games students came to school early, the classmates some ravishing, some spirit, some nervous... The teacher came into the classroom announced the list of students participating in the game, and lead, we went to the playground, she let the students practise, and prepared to match, the students some practicing the high jump, some run, some softball practice, and practice site of long jump...... On the playground at this time was excited and nervous.

  The race began, the students participating in the game are returned to their own in the competition, some in encouraging, some other students for students in the pep talk, some cheered in the game very busy.

  Look, here is a race, the students ran like to run each rabbit, there is a softball game, the students a than a throw far, is the game jump one by one in the distance seem to jump the body as light as yan, very fierce... Alas, I have also not easy, the cheerleaders when cried voice hoarse.

  Finally wait for the relay race this afternoon, we line up to enter the field of the whole class, the teacher handed the baton to the first class, listen to a starting gun, the classmates like arrows shot out of the starting line, students can transfer to a you come to me to the baton, it was my turn, my heart beat faster like the deer, I reached to hold sticks, quickly run up, little by little I run over in front of the classmate, fast and good, I reached long long of, will stick fast to the other side of the students, "finally success! I didn't give us a class." I was so happy!

  Games ended, back to the classroom, the teacher with smiles on their faces told us: "the relay race of our class won the first prize!" "Great!" The students cheered.



  My hometown is the hometown of green tea. Every spring, I would go to the mountains with my mother to pick tea and earn some money to supplement the family. It will be very proud and happy of me.

  One holiday morning, my mother and I prepared dry food for the mountain, we started early, because at noon when the sun was hot, we could not do it, had to hide in the shade.

  The aroma of green tea makes people refreshing, the mountain is very quiet, only hear the sound of birds catching insects in the jungle, the rest is our tea pickers constantly picking tea.

  Tea picking seems simple, but it is actually hard work. Because of the humidity in the morning, the tea trees were covered with crystal dew. After taking them off, my pants were wet and my shoes were covered with mud. At first I picked up fast, said the child is fast, but still beat my mother, slowly lost confidence. Careful mother saw me a little slack, picked their own tea distributed to my tea box, hoping to arouse my interest. This is not a little self-delusion. It's funny to think about myself. I really thought of it as my own work.

  My mother's encouragement worked, and my interest in picking tea was discovered again. I was like a hungry Wolf, frantically picking, drilling in the tea field. I came out like a cat from the kitchen, grey in the face and with my hair ripped off by a branch. But back then I didn't care about image. I'd do anything to find a good place to pick tea and make a lot of money. What's more interesting is that as soon as my mother found the place where Chawang was, she hinted that I would go. I'd secretly transfer to her so no one would find out. My mother and I cooperate very well, really feel like the mountain is king.

  The sun was shining at noon and the temperature was soaring. My mom told me to sit down and rest. I still insist on picking tea, because do not want to lag behind. I want to make more money for my family, it will be my greatest honor. I don't take breaks, my mom doesn't take breaks, and we keep competing against each other. Bean sweat from time to time from the forehead to the mouth, salty. I don't know who said that putting tea in my mouth can quench my thirst, so when I am thirsty, I will choose the biggest and richest tea to put in my mouth and sip it slowly. It is very effective.

  When the tea is fragrant, I am most proud and happy. Tea carries the sweat of my mother and I, and sends out the fragrance of our spirit of never giving up and perseverance.

  During the May Day holiday, I came to my grandmother's house, and it was a good time to pick tea.

  And my mother rode a bike for half an hour and finally got to my grandmother's house. The door was closed and my grandfather and grandmother went to the mountain to pick tea. As soon as we put down the package, we took the bamboo basket for tea picking, put on rain boots, wear sleeves and went to my grandmother's tea garden to pick tea. Not long ago just under the rain, the ladder of red soil becomes very soft, carelessly feet will fall into the soil, my grandmother told me: if you can not stand steady to pull nearby tea trees, don't look at them small, root can be deep, my grandmother explained some things I began to pick tea

  Since my grandmother used to take me to the tea garden when I was a child, I already knew how to pick tea. I start in the middle

  Pick up, a hand pulling a branch, a hand as long as kept pulling, not too long I can not stick to it, feel so boring. Watching my grandparents pick a bag full of tea, I really don't know how they can endure boredom? After a while, I went to the side to rest, spread the bag on the ground and sat down directly. I looked up at the sky, surrounded by trees on three sides. In my side grow a lot of bamboo, light wind blowing leaves will fall down, like ancient beauty eyebrows, play, thin. The long and thin leaves are turning over and dancing, and from time to time, there will be the song of the birds, tactful and beautiful. Sometimes the woodpecker of the forest doctor could be heard. Calm down, feel the wind sing, feel the water turn, everything is so quiet and comfortable, this is the gift of nature to us. I should also cheer up, rest for a while, I continue to pick tea, feel the fragrance of tea, isn't it also the gift of nature? Why should I treat it like a liability?

  At three or four o 'clock in the afternoon, I followed my mother to the village shop to sell tea. Don't look at a big bag of tea, in fact, only 50 yuan or so, ah, labor is really not easy, but if there is the company of the wind, it is another matter.

  Tea picking has endless fun for me, and the meeting of tea leaves is pure fragrance, and that meeting season, I call it the tea picking season.

  When I saw you for the first time, it was in a glass of water, when you flew on the glass, I watched silently, in my young mind surfaced many questions, "What is this?" I do not know who answered "tea", I stood up, happily called "tea, tea..." .

  It's funny when I think about it when I'm older. See you again, is on the mountain, looking at you quietly, as a child wrapped in the quilt peacefully asleep, waiting for people to pick you away, see again in the tea.

  You are the fish, the cup is your world, shake you will be frightened to move around; You are a dancer, the cup is your stage, swaying your graceful.

  You are selfless, is simple, is unknown, like La Traviata dedication to others. When people drink from you, they may not think of your dedication, just smack their lips, shake their heads and say, "This is a good tea."

  Only once did I fall into my old habit of staring at the tea. A gust of wind blowing gently, the calm water up a little ripple, tea rotating, after a few minutes to restore the original appearance, the only difference is that some tea floating on the water, some but piled up in the water, a tight hit a, unwilling to roll a few times. "Why didn't some of the tea sink? So what's going on here? Is it a matter of importance? What makes you so up and down?" I want to. But I do not know, imperceptibly tea also cold, become cold...... I took it quickly and drank it quickly, lest I should chill it again and make it cold.

  You - tea, bring the pure land for others, purify the hearts of others, make people relaxed and happy. You, insignificant, but release all of their own, give all of their own without reservation, after ups and downs, but more wonderful. I admire your silent selfless, appreciate your no selfish spirit, but also for your archduke sentiment moved.

  Last night, mother said: "go to bed early tonight, tomorrow we go to the countryside to pick tea." After listening to I think: what is good to pick tea, it is better to play. At this time my father said: "you will pick tea tomorrow by catty calculation, 25 yuan per catty." Ha-ha. Money. I'll do it right away.

  After breakfast this morning, we went to Grandpa's house and walked to the fields. In a short while, looking at the tea tree although not much, but closer to look, tea leaves on the dense, tender, big and small, you next to me, I next to you particularly lovely. I hurriedly asked: "Grandpa, how to pick the tea" Grandpa said: "pinch ah." I see. Let's get to work.

  At first, I took the basket, found a small tea tree, picked up. I have been picking big tea, while running to pick this side, while running to pick over there. Wasted a lot of precious time, I ran toward the tea in the east of the mother, wow! I a praise, because I just pick a little, my mother picked half a bucket. I looked at my sister, sister picked quickly. Seeing them all pick faster than me, I was very unhappy. At this time, the mother said loudly: "Hao Ran, you have to calm down, don't run around." I thought: yes, I want to calm down, but also to speed up. I picked it up again, pinched the leaves quickly and put them in the basket by the handful. Suddenly, the basket of "little guy" has increased. I feel so happy. Suddenly have an idea, can you take some in the mother bucket that my tea will be more. So I came to my mother's side, saw my mother grinning and picking tea. I squatted down, pretending to pick tea, the other hand grabbed a handful of tea ready to put into my basket, suddenly some tea from the mother's hands fell into the bucket, gave me a fright, the result is not stolen, I hurriedly slipped away. Thought of just stealing tea scene, heart beat faster, now the face is hot, really should not, how can I do this kind of thing to want to pick more tea, you have to rely on their own one piece of pinch!

  It doesn't have the sweetness of juice, the coolness of cola, or the richness of coffee. It just has a clear color, a warm taste, and a light aroma of tea. It is tea. All the time. I didn't understand why the ugly tea was so popular until that activity class, I solved this "century-old mystery".

  Class, the teacher first announced the content of this activity class - tea taste life. I listened, Zhang2 monk is puzzled. I thought: how can there be life in tea? Is there a living person in the tea? Can not "life" or "ginseng"?

  The teacher unhurriedly put the kleenex on the table, and then put a small cluster of West Lake Longjing on the kleenex. We took out the "magnifying glass" - big eyes, carefully observed for a while. I found the tea thin and long, or dark color, not beautiful at all, but a closer smell, but a faint fragrance.

  Began to make tea, the teacher will pour boiling water into the pot, I saw tea like a fish, jumping in the water. After a while, the "fish" seemed to begin the winter, one by one did not move. The next step is tea tasting. I cupped the cup in my hands and took a sip... "Ah! How bitter it is!" 'I shouted angrily. But after a while, as I licked my lips, I felt a faint sweetness. It was bitter before sweet.

  Remember that night, I encountered a terrible block when writing homework - Olympic math! I couldn't think of anything else. I was about to give up when I thought of morning tea. I immediately felt so excited that I could write the answer. Finally, I came up with the answer. The next day, the teacher found that the whole class only I wrote the answer, greatly praised me for a long time. At once my heart was a hundred times sweeter than if I had eaten honey.

  Taste a cup of tea, feel bitter and tasteless at the beginning, savor savor to realize filar silk sweet, endless aftertaste. Life is like tea, at the beginning to pay a lot of effort, will taste a lot of hard work, but after hard work will have sweet returns.
