
首页 / 英语作文 / | 2022-09-28 00:00:00 英语作文,大学


  Someone once said that morality is not really the doctrine of how to make ourselves happy but of how we are to be worthy of happiness.Morality is a discussion point in society,and there are some examples about morality.

  Respecting the old and caring for the young is a general knowledge.But,we often hear the news about many young people don't respect the old,some parents abuse their children,some businessman indeed chase for the possible profit at the cost of being lack of ethics and so on.Why there are so many examples about morality?Is the tempt of interest or lowest permissible level of virtue?

  To my way of thinking,in order to make a country strong, moral education is be of prime importance.We should be aware of the importance of moral building.


  When you visit London, one of the first things you will see is Big Ben, the famous clock which can be heard all over the world on the B.B.C.If the Houses of Parliament had not been burned down in 1834, the great clock would never have been erected.Big Ben takes its name from Sir Benjamin Hall who was responsible for the making of the clock when the new Houses of Parliament were being built.It is not only of immense size, but is extremely accurate as well.Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day.On the B.B.C.you can hear the clock when it is actually striking because microphones are connected to the clock tower.Big Ben has rarely gone wrong.Once, however, it failed to give the correct time.

  A painter who had been working on the tower hung a pot of paint on one of the hands and slowed it down!


  Dear doctors and nurses,

  We went to school as usual in this spring, but SARS broke out in Beijing suddenly。 We were so frightened that we only stayed at home。 At this time of danger, you went to the front to fight against SARS without thinking about your own safety and health。 Thanks to your efforts we have kept safe。 Its hard for us to express our thanks to you with any words。 We will work much harder to show our thanks。

  We will fight against SARS together with you。 We believe we will win the war。

  Love from,

  Li Tao





  爱你们的 李涛



  Recently, the problem of has aroused peoples concern.


  Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.


  Nowadays, has become a problem we have to face.


  It is commonly believed that / It is a common belief that


  Many people insist that


  With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that


  A lot of people seem to think that



  Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that


  Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that

  考虑所有这些因素, 我们可能会得出合理的结论


  As we all know,the environmemt around us is getting worse and worse .In some places,we can't see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills. Some people even have no clean water to drink. So I think we must do something to protect the environment. But what can we do?How to protect our environmemt ?For example,we can go to school on foot or by bike . we can use shopping baskets not plastic bags when we go shopping,and we can use both sides of the paper when we write .In a word,if everyone pays more attention to our environment ,there will be less pollution and our life will be better。“There is only one earth”,I hope everyone will protect our environment well。




  Time: 3:00 p.m. on December 10, 20xx

  Place: multifunctional meeting room of the company


  1. Wang Ming, general manager

  2. Li Fei, sales manager

  3. Liu Li, production manager

  4. Zhang Hua, purchase manager

  5. Sun Yu, minutes keeper


  1. The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed and signed.

  2. The general manager heard the working report from the department managers.

  3. The general manager announced the dates of the company's holidays: 5th to 16th July.

  4. No further business. The meeting ended at 4:00 p.m.


  本文要求填制一份会议记录。会议记录一般包括会议时间、地点、出*人、缺*人、会议议程等等。就本题目而言,中文表达均已给出,考生只要将其合理地表达成英文即可。注意时间和地点的表达方式,另外还有个别单词或词组的翻译.如“听取汇报”为hear the report from…。





  At 4 pm on March 4th, Monday, 20xx, in front of the Student Canteen, more than 900 teachers and students participated in the activity with the theme “Fight against wasting but encourage to eat up everything on your plate” organized by the Students’ Union. First, we saw pictures on the boards which had recorded the terrible phenomena of wasting in the campus. After that, we watched video clips, from which we have learned that every year about 10 million people are dying of food shortage. Therefore, if we reduce food waste by 5% every day, we can save 4 million lives. And then everybody signed up to show our determination so as to cultivate our good habit, save food and refuse waste.





  The most popular teacher in Neworiental, Ma Zihui, will attend the party. 2.以单个修饰语作为句子的开头。


  Young and ambitious,JieYu works hard to teach Englsih.

  Secretly, the girl entered the room.

  With a book in her hands, Fang Meng talked to a foreigner.

  Exhausted, the students reached the top of the mountain.



  In front of me stood a beautiful girl.

  To pass the exam, the students worked hard.

  Confused about the problem, he went to ask for his teacher.

  Your homework finished, you may go home.


  If I am free, I will attend your lecture.

  Whenever one goes, whatever one does, one needs money.


  With the growing popularity of in China, the quality of our lives has been considerably changed.

  With the growth of , many problems such as are beginng to surface










  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on

  the topic Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? The First sentence has already been written for you. You should write at least 120 words, and you should base your composition on the outline below:

  1. 很多人认为有必要举行英语口语考试,理由是......

  2. 也有人持不同意见,......

  3. 我的看法和打算

  (二) 解决问题型

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a short essay entitled Reduce Waste on Campus. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:


  At 4 pm on March 4th, Monday, 20xx, in front of the Student Canteen, more than 900 teachers and students participated in the activity with the theme “Fight against wasting but encourage to eat up everything on your plate” organized by the Students’ Union. First, we saw pictures on the boards which had recorded the terrible phenomena of wasting in the campus. After that, we watched video clips, from which we have learned that every year about 10 million people are dying of food shortage. Therefore, if we reduce food waste by 5% every day, we can save 4 million lives. And then everybody signed up to show our determination so as to cultivate our good habit, save food and refuse waste.




  1、It is high time that we put an end to the (trend). 该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了。

  "It is high time" 打头,为该句增色。注:that 后跟虚拟语气,后跟动词的一般过去式,表示“是某人做……的时候了”或者“是某人不做……的时候了”

  2、It is time to take the advice of ... and to put special emphasis on the improvement of ... 该是采纳……的建议,并对……的进展给予非常重视的'时候了。

  去掉一个"high",画风完全不一样,不用过去式,只需用"to do"来替代。

  3、There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of ... 毫无疑问,对……问题应予以足够的重视。

  "there is no doubt that"+被动还是蛮经典的组合。

  4、Obviously,.... If we want to do something... , it is essential that... 显然,如果我们想做某事,我们需要……

  这句有些老生常谈,稍微不“常”的就是"essential" 替代了"important"。

  5、Only in this way can we... 只有这样,我们才能...


  6、It must be realized that... 我们必须意识到...

  把人人都会的"I realized"升格为被动语态,省略了主语,监考老师绝对会眼前一亮的!


  Recently, the phenomenon of students pursue famous brands has become the focus of the public concern.They always do anything in order to buy what they want. What has caused this problem?It is no easy/simple task to offer the reason for this phenomenon which involves more than one complicated factor.

  There are two aspects reason as follows. On the one hand,with the development of the economy/society/people’s living standard, we can afford the articles of luxury. On the other hand,the mind of rivalry is the most important reason.The topic of the famous brands is the main idea among the students, they think a famous brand is a symbol of sophistication and taste.

  To change this situation, I suggest that college school students should cultivate positive values and look at things in a proper way.Although brand is the best way to show their status,we shouldn’t pursuit brand blindly.students ought to pay much attention to their studies.







  My plan for College life


  Im extremely excited now ,In face of new envirenment of study and life ,I must make a good plan for it .


  Study comes first so I should make new goal and improve my study method.Hard will I study in the college as I do now.It is also important to learn how to live by myself . I will join in various activities and try my best to manage the relationship with other classmates.


  No matter what I will meet in the future,happiness or sorrow,keep an optimistic attitud towards life and I believe that my college life will be colorfull as planned.


  The earth scale change of climate has brought a new kind of natural disaster and the developed and complicated city system is holding a latent risk of expanding the damage artificially. Also people has been spoiling the health since the immense quantity of chemicals have been produced and already used in pursuit of convenience and various toxic substances have been produced unintentionally and accumulated in environment. Therefore, We need some countermeasures from the viewpoint to prevent the city environment form disaster and to manage environmental risks.





  Our Personnel Manager Mr. Steward will be in Shanghai on business for five days. Please reserve a plane ticket from Beijing to Shanghai on April 20 for Mr. Steward and then send it to his office, and call to hook a single room in Holiday Hotel, with bath, from April 20 to April 24 inclusive. Thank you very much.



  Volunteers Needed

  As it is necessary for college students to take an active part in social activities,the Student Union decides to organize a social practice during the summer holiday and is now recruiting volunteers.

  We will show the plan and the arrangement to all the students who want to join us.Our plan is to depart next weekend,when the summer vacation officially begins.And,

  our purpose is to sup* our service to the Olympic Games.The first destination is Nanjing,the world famous city for its beauty and mild temperature.We’Il take the train and stay there for

  l day,and then we’ll head for Shanghai.During the 3-day stay there,we will help the coaches there,SO that the game can go smoothly.In Beijing we will undertake a lot of work,and we

  will stay there for about a week.All together,our trip will last about two weeks.

  Those interested please contact as either through email(XXX@126.tom)or phone call(12345678).

  Ladies and Gentlemen,

  Good morning! I am Oscar, the spokesman of the Students‘ Union.On behalf of the Students‘ Union, the main organizer of today‘s sports meeting, I welcome you all to the beautiful stadium.After two months‘ preparation, our annual sports meeting is held on schedule.

  Thanks to the support and help from our school leaders and teachers.Though they have many school responsibilities, they have taken time off to take part in our sports activities.Let‘s give them a big hand.Through sports, we can not only develop our physical prowess, but also promote social and emotional skills, and even intellectual skills, which will matter in our future lives substantially.So hope everybody here cherish this opportunity and enjoy it.

  At last, best wishes for the success of the sports meeting and best wishes for the good results of our athletes.It is my pleasure to announce the open of the sports meeting.Thank you and good luck!


  Time: 3:00 p.m. on December 10, 20xx

  Place: multifunctional meeting room of the company


  1. Wang Ming, general manager

  2. Li Fei, sales manager

  3. Liu Li, production manager

  4. Zhang Hua, purchase manager

  5. Sun Yu, minutes keeper


  1. The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed and signed.

  2. The general manager heard the working report from the department managers.

  3. The general manager announced the dates of the company's holidays: 5th to 16th July.

  4. No further business. The meeting ended at 4:00 p.m.


  本文要求填制一份会议记录。会议记录一般包括会议时间、地点、出*人、缺*人、会议议程等等。就本题目而言,中文表达均已给出,考生只要将其合理地表达成英文即可。注意时间和地点的表达方式,另外还有个别单词或词组的.翻译.如“听取汇报”为hear the report from…。


  Our Personnel Manager Mr. Steward will be in Shanghai on business for five days. Please reserve a plane ticket from Beijing to Shanghai on April 20 for Mr. Steward and then send it to his office, and call to hook a single room in Holiday Hotel, with bath, from April 20 to April 24 inclusive. Thank you very much.



  Everyone wants to know their future, but nobody knows it. I hope my future will like that. I think I will be an excellent lawyer in the future. I help many people who is in difficulty. I will help the people are in need, no matter they are rich or poor. Then I think I will have a good reputation among the society. In order to have a good body, I will do some exercise every week. My family will be proud of me and always stand behind me. I will work hard to reach my future. Ok, this is the future in my dream. What’ yours?




  在这三年来,您不仅教懂了我们不少知识,还教育我们人生的道理。在老师您的指导下,我们的作文也有很大的提高,我们很感谢你。在老师的教导下我们的成绩脱颖而出,一天比一天好。 记得开始写作文的时候,很多同学都愁眉苦脸,您告诉我们,其实写作很简单!只要用心记录生活!您总是用相机记录下要写作的内容,从胜利电视塔到元宵灯会展,从学校合唱比赛到班级的厨艺大赛。写作课上,那一张张清晰的图片,展现了一个个的细节,记录了一个个精彩的瞬间。在您的引导下,我们轻松地回顾着生活中的记忆,是您让写作课变得轻松和快乐。






  老师,大家都说您培养着祖国的栋梁,我却要说,您就是祖国的栋梁! 正是您,支撑起我们一代人的脊梁!!!










  危险重重 用歌声打发孤单




  行为疯狂但他坚韧不拔 ,我们应该像他学*,





















——英语日记作文600字 (菁华6篇)

  I heard that Lijiang was a very beautiful city when I was young. I travelled there in a holidy with my parents.I went there by plane. I saw there were many moutains when I got out the plane. The air was fresh.We went to the Lijiang Gucheng the fist day, and we bought some interesting things and had a good meal in the Lijiang Gucheng. On the second day ,we went to the Yulong snowy moutain, it was beautiful, and it was my first time I had seen the snow. I played with the snow happily. My father told me that Yulong snow moutain was a famous place in China, many people came here every year. I was happy throughout this trip, because it was even better to beijing!


On the benefits of writing English diary

  Keeping a diary in English does a great deal of good to my English study. Keeping a diary can help you review all the English knowledge you have learned. For example, you must know the correct spelling of each word needed in the diary; you must use the phrases correctly and choose the suitable sentence patterns, meanwhile, it is also necessary to use you knowledge of grammar in a correct way.


  Keeping a diary can help you not only to console your knowledge of English, but to form the habit of thinking in English. Practice makes perfect. By and by, your English writing will be greatly improved.


  I haven’t write diaries for a period of time. I am now writing this just want to remember one thing. My study has fallen behind a lot this term. I can keep my score in the top ten in the whole school ranking before. But this term I fall behind. I nearly draw back to fifty. I know the reason is because I am too arrogant. I think I can be the best without studying hard. So I usually not pay too much attention on my study. When I find myself lag behind, I comfort myself it is accident. I have learnt a serious lesson this time. So, I want to write it down to warn myself.


On the benefits of writing English diary

  Keeping a diary in English does a great deal of good to my English study. Keeping a diary can help you review all the English knowledge you have learned. For example, you must know the correct spelling of each word needed in the diary; you must use the phrases correctly and choose the suitable sentence patterns, meanwhile, it is also necessary to use you knowledge of grammar in a correct way.


  Keeping a diary can help you not only to console your knowledge of English, but to form the habit of thinking in English. Practice makes perfect. By and by, your English writing will be greatly improved.


May Day 五一

  April 28th Saturday Fine

  It was Saturday, just before May Day. My classmates and I went to the park nearby, we didn't go there for amusement but took part in voluntary labor.

  We got there at 9:00. We were pided into three groups and then began working. The students in Group One planted trees and watered flowers. The task for Group Two was collecting the litter left about by tourists and cleaning the benches. The group I was in got to the Children's Play ground and wiped all the equipment clean. We worked very hard. At 11:00, when all the work was finished up, all my classmates met again. Although everyone was in a sweat, yet we felt happy because we had done good job.

  4 月28 日(星期六)晴天



  Keeping a diary in English does a great deal of good to my English study. Keeping a diary can help you review all the English knowledge you have learned. For example,you must know the correct spelling of each word needed in the diary;you must use the phrases correctly and choose the suitable sentence patterns,meanwhile,it is also necessary to use you knowledge of grammar in a correct way.用英语写日记对我们的英语学*很有好处。写日记可以帮助你复*你学过的英语知识。比如,你必须知道日记里用到的每个单词的.正确拼写;你必须正确使用词组以及选择合适的句型,同时,正确使用你的语法知识也很必要。Keeping a diary can help you not only to console your knowledge of English,but to form the habit of thinking in English. Practice makes perfect. By and by,your English writing will be greatly improved.写日记不仅可以帮助你巩固你的英语知识,还可以养成用英语思考的*惯。熟能生巧。渐渐地,你的英语写作会得到很大提高。


——英语自我介绍作文600字 (菁华6篇)

  to introduce myself(介绍我自己) hello,every one!(大家好)my name is **** . (我叫****) im a 15 years old boy. (我是一个15岁的男孩)(具体情况自己改) i live in the beautiful city of rizhao.(我住在美丽的rizhao城)(你可以把rizhao

  改成自己家乡的城市的名称的拼音)im an active ,lovely and clever boy.(我是一个活跃的可爱的聪明的男孩) in the school , my favourite subject is maths . (在学校,我最喜欢数学) perhaps someone thinks its difficult to study well .(也许有些人认为这很难学)

  but i like it.(但我喜欢他)i belive that if you try your best, everything can be done well.(我相信每件


  i also like sports very much.(我也很喜欢运动) such as,running,volleyball and so on. (像跑步、排球等等)im kind-hearted.(我很热心)i hope we can be good friends!(我希望我们能成为好朋友) ok.this is me .a sunny boy.(好了,这就是我,一个阳光男孩) 首先要看你写信的性质。是官方而正式的书信?还是朋友间的通信? 无论是哪一种,基本的`英文书信格式应包括四大部分:日期,称呼,正文,和落款


  My name is Winnie.Im a 15 years old girl. I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao.

  Im an active,lovely and clever girl.In the school,my favourite subject is maths.Perhaps someone thinks its difficult to study well.But I like it.I belive that if you try your best,everything can be done well.

  I also like sports very much.Such as,running,volleyball and so on.

  Im kind-hearted. If you need help,please come to me .

  I hope we can be good friends!

  OK.This is me .A sunny girl.









  Hello everyone, My name is ANGELA. I am 13 years old this year, the sixth grade, I immediately have to face the beginning of a small rise. I am a lovely girl, have big eyes, small nose and rosy lips. I was ... the first primary school, I like English, but I also like reading, swimming, singing and skating. That is why I am.


  My name is XXX,I'm xx years old,I like drawing and playing football.My mather is silm and pretty,My father is tall and strong. I also have a pet dog called dodo.I'm a curious boy and I'm interest in everthing.


  My name is . I am from . There are people in my family. My father works in a com*r company. He is a com*r engineer. My mother works in a international trade company. She is also a busy woman. I have a older sister and a younger brother. My sister is a junior in National Taiwan University. She majors in English. My brother is an elementary school student. He is 8 years old.

  Because of my father, I love surfing the Internet very much. I play the on-line game for about 2 hours every day. I wish I could be a com*r program designer in the future. And that is why I am ap*ing for the electronics program in your school.









  My name is Li Yijia. I was born on August 28, 1978, in Guangzhou. In 1999 I graduated from English Department of Beijing Normal University. First, I taughe in a middle school for two years, then I worked as a salesman in the Forgein Language Bookstore for two years.

  I am not only good at Chinese but good English. I am greatly interested in English. In 1996 I won the second place in the English competitions in Beijing. I have continued learning English in my spare time. Now I am glad that I can talk with foreigners freely.

  I am sure I am fit for the work and determined to do my job well.?

  My name is Lin Hongxin, 8 years old this year, in Guangdong city of Shenzhen province Baoan District Jinhua experimental school three (4) class reading. I was not tall, I was not short, I was a little fat, and I had a pair of bright eyes, especially God.

  I am good at English and Chinese, and I also like to read storybooks, especially good stories, which I will see.

  My advantage is to finish my homework at school and finish very well.

  My shortcoming is that the exam is so sloppy that I do not check it. In "sloppy" with my days, I suffer, because of it, I lost a lot of one hundred chances, absent-minded, also created a lot of jokes. Take the final exam for English. It could have been 100 in English, but I was careless, and I wrote the centre into center.

  I'm trying to correct these problems now. Will you make friends with me?
